Future DLC Episode Ideas

Do you have an idea for a TTGoT DLC? Will it involve new characters or will it provide a backstory for currently existing ones? How will it affect Season 2? Share it here!

Provide a name for your DLC and a general plot sypnosis.


  • edited June 2016

    I think it would be cool if we got a DLC for when Asher was exiled from Ironrath. It could tell the story of how he met Beskha and how their relationship formed. Maybe call it 'Into Exile'?

  • Wishful thinking but I'd like to play as a young Gregor Forrester and learn what it was like in Ironrath during his time, his friendship with Duncan, and some clue as to the mother of his twin bastards.

  • Will there be one? I know there's a "downloading dlc" in main game, but I thought they were already planning S2.

    I would like either some Gregor Forrester stuff, or some actions which settles Season 2. Since we don't know what will be included in it, I can't say what I expect precisely.

  • I'm not a fan of 'flashback content', unless it adds something to the upcoming story. There's not much point playing as Exiled Asher or Gregor if we know there story already. For me, if it's DLC or season 2, I'd like to see a POV of a Whitehill, maybe one of the brothers, or a just solider, or even a wilding would be great. The one major problem I had with this game compared to the show and book, is that it really only showed one POV, The Forresters, the good people.

  • Good idea! I'd love to see the chain of events leading up to Asher's exile, see his and Gwyn's affair! That could be great narrative foregrounding for season 2 if you go with asher

    prink34320 posted: »

    I think it would be cool if we got a DLC for when Asher was exiled from Ironrath. It could tell the story of how he met Beskha and how their relationship formed. Maybe call it 'Into Exile'?

  • edited July 2016

    I would love to see Malcolm doing this "task" Daenerys gave him. It would be awesome to see Tyrion again but in the other side of the world, and maybe we could see Varys for the first time. It would make a perfect fit, since Malcolm's story isn't that much important for Forrresters, but it could be very interesting to see.

  • They could even have one for Mira, Gared and Rodrik, maybe Ethan.

    Mira's could be about how she became Lady Margaery's handmaiden and when she first arrived to King's Landing.

    Gared's could be about how he became the Squire for Lord Gregor.

    Rodrik's could be about his relationship with Elaena and how his father prepared him to be Lord of House Forrester.

    Ethan's could be about his relationship with all his family members even - it could be the more light-toned DLC story I guess :p

    HDD42 posted: »

    Good idea! I'd love to see the chain of events leading up to Asher's exile, see his and Gwyn's affair! That could be great narrative foregrounding for season 2 if you go with asher

  • To be fair, the first book of ASOIAF had only Ned, Arya, Cat, Jon, Sansa, Daenerys and Tyrion. All of those characters are considered "the good guys" in the novels. Even Season One of the show we didn't really know much about everyone other then the Starks until Season Two.

    So I think that the only thing really missing from the game was a "good whitehill pov", like Torrhen Whitehill or something that could mirror Tyrion in a way. Maybe he's an honorable whitehill. But in Season Two and beyond there does need to be some POV characters who are either bad or with the bad guys.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I'm not a fan of 'flashback content', unless it adds something to the upcoming story. There's not much point playing as Exiled Asher or Greg

  • Yeah that's I meant, POVs from not just Forrester, I think Torrhen Whitehill would be a great choice.

    Wigams posted: »

    To be fair, the first book of ASOIAF had only Ned, Arya, Cat, Jon, Sansa, Daenerys and Tyrion. All of those characters are considered "the

  • Being a Whitehill would also be something, if you ask me. Ludd has four sons, remember? Karl, Ebbert and Thorin.. Plus, that fucker Gryff.

  • Karl's dead.

    MsDanceALot posted: »

    Being a Whitehill would also be something, if you ask me. Ludd has four sons, remember? Karl, Ebbert and Thorin.. Plus, that fucker Gryff.

  • I have a few ideas. :p

    1. Malcolm & Croft doing that 'task' for Daenerys. The two of them are pure opposites so it'd be an interesting relationship.
    2. The destruction of House Branfield. It'd be great to see how it went down from Malcolms perspective. From certain dialogue we know that he led men in some sort of battle.
    3. Asher and Beskha's adventures. They've travelled loads of places so there's a lot of potential there.
  • I know, but he died of greyscale being a teen, I guess.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Karl's dead.

  • Why not something with Lord Gregoers Bastards?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I have a few ideas. * Malcolm & Croft doing that 'task' for Daenerys. The two of them are pure opposites so it'd be an interesting

  • Depends on what they've done. At the moment all I know is that they've just been defending the grove, waiting for Gregor to show up.

    Why not something with Lord Gregoers Bastards?

  • yeah well i meant something like before they were sent and how thye learned with there father or adopted parrent i guess sounds stupid now that i think about it

  • edited August 2016

    I'd like to see a DLC of House Branfield during Robert's Rebellion, to see what it was like while it was getting wiped out.

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