The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So @AllThatRemains started making video game playthroughs on YouTube a while back and she's looking to expand her audience. She's a little shy on posting some vids herself because she's not sure if people will like them. So I suggested that she post some on here for more people to see and she told me that it was okay for me to do so. So far she's uploaded games like Until Dawn, Life is Strange, and she's currently on the process of completing Beyond: Two Souls (she'll try to upload more chapters of that game later today). She also takes suggestions for games you might want to see and she'll also upload Telltalegames The Walking Dead S3 whenever that comes out. Here's her YouTube account if anyone is interested

    Here are some of her game vids as well.

    Here's her Resident Evil 7 demo playthrough. The link is private but you can see it here

    You can also check out more of her vids on her channel and if you like them just like, share and subscribe and she'll upload more in the future. Thanks!

  • edited July 2016

    When are we as people going to stop killing each other? A man was shot and killed by two police officers. The man was at a convenience store asking for the clerk's permission to sell CDs at the store. The clerk allowed him to do so, but then two police officers approached him. One thing led to another and the police attacked him. They found a gun in his pocket and threw the gun in the police car. After that they shot him I believe six times. There were witnesses outside including the clerk. The family of the man was interviewed and his eldest son broke down in tears because of the death of his father. I later found out that the man was a felon. I think he shouldn't have had the gun because he is a felon and felons are not allowed to carry weapons. However, the police should not have shot and killed him. They should have simply sent him to jail because of him carrying the weapon. It just saddens my heart that there is so much killings in the world. We've had enough with the wars and ISIS. I dream one day the world will be at peace but it will never happen.

    Edit: Oops, there were some grammar mistakes. Sorry about that.

  • Yeah, you're right. And recently I've honestly been feeling a lot better and breaking past barriers that I kind of put up myself. Still not feeling completely happy or stable by any means, but I think better is a good word.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    It's completely normal. Don't worry. You're in that state (of regret and confusion, a real mess I believe) but don't let that state become y

  • Great job, I am glad. Even if you never feel completely (because that requires all of your strenght to achieve) happy, it doesn't mean it is all useless. You will get to experience almost every emotion so enjoy the good times and fight through the bad times. :)

    Yeah, you're right. And recently I've honestly been feeling a lot better and breaking past barriers that I kind of put up myself. Still not feeling completely happy or stable by any means, but I think better is a good word.

  • I couldn't work out why none of the shops were open the I realised its eid, I swear this is the only day of the year my local shops are closed and it feels like the end of the world or something

  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • Damn skippy. Welcome back man, good to have you in the land of the living again.

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    enter image description here

    Anyway welcome back!

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • Glad for your return. Welcome back.

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • Pokemon GO has been released. Looks like I have an excuse to go outside now :p

  • Similarly to Playing Dead, Telltale is making a "BATMAN Unmasked" Talk Show for their Batman series. The first episode is shooting this Friday, and they are inviting people to come watch it.

  • Hm. I don't know what I like about it, but I like her style. It's just her experiencing the game on her own, giving her impressions... Good for you @AllThatRemains!

    So @AllThatRemains started making video game playthroughs on YouTube a while back and she's looking to expand her audience. She's a little s

  • enter image description here

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • Hey guys, I need some help.

    I'm gonna watch the Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman cartoons from the 1990s. Which seasons of those shows should I watch?

  • I'm not sure where you got your facts from. From what I understand the man was waving a gun around outside the store and that the police found the gun after the shooting. Let's just wait until all the facts come in before we make judgments.

    When are we as people going to stop killing each other? A man was shot and killed by two police officers. The man was at a convenience store

  • I got the facts from the news. Some news channels probably tell different stories so yes let's wait. Also did you hear the news about a man from Minnesota shot and killed by a policeman? I saw the video of the aftermath and all I have to say is wow. That was one of the most gruesome thing I've seen in my life.

    I'm not sure where you got your facts from. From what I understand the man was waving a gun around outside the store and that the police found the gun after the shooting. Let's just wait until all the facts come in before we make judgments.

  • edited July 2016

    X-Men 1-3 Avoid 5. Seriously. The animation drastically changed for the worse and they were scraping the bottom of the comic barrel by that point. Season 5 is terrible.

    Spider-Man was decent through it's whole run. The only real buyer beware on this one is the final season. The individual one-off stories stop and that season is basically 3 long stories to end it off. Spider-Man was the only series of the three that got a true finale(X-Men did get an ending, but the show was meant to continue on from it).

    Batman is my favourite of the three. The show actually won a Primetime Emmy award. I would stick to the initial run of the series(Two Seasons, 85 Episodes). Whether you watch in production order or aired order, it doesn't really matter. You'll get episodes with or without Robin and very few arching stories that span more than 2 episodes. Watch Mask of the Phantasm too. As I mentioned above, if you start getting tired of it, you can just stop. The series has no ending what so ever. The last episode is just another episode. The show had so many great quotes.

    BATMAN: Man or woman, a sick mind is capable of anything.

    IVY: A very enlightened statement, Batman. We'll carve it on your headstone.

    (I guess there's also that whole "I am vengeance" thing that everyone knows which came from that show)

    Hey guys, I need some help. I'm gonna watch the Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman cartoons from the 1990s. Which seasons of those shows should I watch?

  • There's bound to be an official investigation, so we'll have to wait for that. What's even worse is that people were encouraging more riots right after the story got circulated.

    I got the facts from the news. Some news channels probably tell different stories so yes let's wait. Also did you hear the news about a man

  • I might be a PS2 owner by the end of next week :)

  • edited July 2016

    Which story is causing the riots? The first or second one I typed about? Anyways, I don't understand the riots. To me it causes a lot of confusion and more people get hurt and killed during them. I understand that they are angry; however, riots won't make anything better. Rather it makes things worse.

    Edit: punctuation error

    There's bound to be an official investigation, so we'll have to wait for that. What's even worse is that people were encouraging more riots right after the story got circulated.

  • Awesome. Is it the version with the network adapter and LAN line? Sometimes you just have to treat yourself.

    I might be a PS2 owner by the end of next week

  • Welcome back!

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • Not really sure. I'm bidding on a Slim model on Ebay, but it doesn't answer your question. On another note though, it's region-free :D

    Johro posted: »

    Awesome. Is it the version with the network adapter and LAN line? Sometimes you just have to treat yourself.

  • I find it amusing that Ubisoft can't even launch a survey without game breaking bugs.

  • Well this is horrifying.


  • I hate sneezing fits.

    1 Sneeze and it's like a nose volcano, continuos sneezing, just counted 20 in a row. Fuck

  • her voice makes me want to crawl in a hole and never leave. my god wtf

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well this is horrifying. Poppy

  • The first story is what people are encouraging riots over. As if burning down stores and looting businesses is going to make things better.

    Which story is causing the riots? The first or second one I typed about? Anyways, I don't understand the riots. To me it causes a lot of con

  • Doing a GTA V video and I need music that would go well with a police chase (preferably from the GTA V score). Anyone got any suggestions?

  • feel good inc. by gorillaz i love that song in police chase

    Doing a GTA V video and I need music that would go well with a police chase (preferably from the GTA V score). Anyone got any suggestions?

  • edited July 2016

    well things are looking up finally ive got a girlfriend who is that girl i mentioned a while ago its my birthday today sadly ive got to work a 5 hour shift but shes there and the manager i hate isnt here so thats good and i got left 4 dead goty on xbox 360 finally a game where i can go psycho on zombies its the only 360 game ive got so far and i bought dishonoured definitive edition on ps4 it fixes a lot of problems and framerate issues i had on ps3

  • timesplitters is a good game on ps2 i think it was on xbox too im not too sure

    Not really sure. I'm bidding on a Slim model on Ebay, but it doesn't answer your question. On another note though, it's region-free

  • evrything about ubisoft is glitchy ive been getting wierd animation errors and npcs t-posing and floating away on the division then again it could be the crap internet

    Johro posted: »

    I find it amusing that Ubisoft can't even launch a survey without game breaking bugs.

  • Another member with the handle of an episode title?

    Deal me in, @AllThatRemains!

    So @AllThatRemains started making video game playthroughs on YouTube a while back and she's looking to expand her audience. She's a little s

  • Already finished the video :D It's turned out pretty good!

    feel good inc. by gorillaz i love that song in police chase

  • enter image description here

    Holy shit, I'm so sexy.

  • The Batman films that were based on TAS were great. Mask of the Phantasm (I even have the graphic novel of it) and Sub Zero were two of my favourites (vaguely remember both now but the feelings are there still). The series in general was great and I loved it's continuation Batman Beyond.

    Johro posted: »

    X-Men 1-3 Avoid 5. Seriously. The animation drastically changed for the worse and they were scraping the bottom of the comic barrel by th

  • enter image description here

    I might be a PS2 owner by the end of next week

  • I know the feeling. My sneezes are like a grenade bursting everywhere. Hurts my body cuz it gives me a good shake each time. I hate sneezing! -.-

    I hate sneezing fits. 1 Sneeze and it's like a nose volcano, continuos sneezing, just counted 20 in a row. Fuck

  • edited July 2016

    I was finally able to get good rest this time. I had to move my pillows to the opposite side to feel the fan on my face and stay cool. I guess it was just so hot this week that I hard time sleeping. Tis the reason why I hate summer. But I slept well this time so F U summer! :D

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