Marrying **** statistics (only 1/4th)?


So of all the statistics from TellTale games the one I'm most surprised at would be that 75.8% of players didn't agree to marry Morgryn as Mira. Where is this coming from? Don't get me wrong; it's a lose-lose situation but marrying him so you can take revenge on the Whitehills is much better than dying right? So why'd so few people choose it? Did they not know it'd mean death (even though Morgryn pointed it out)? Were they not willing to sacrifice Tom (even though throughout he mentions "any trouble you're in is trouble for me" and puts you first)? Were they not expecting to actually die (although Ethan should prove nobody's safe)?

I mean, Morgryn's 10 pounds of sh*t in a 5 pound sack but can still be useful. He plans to go to war with the Whitehills and either outcome of that can be be advantageous. If he wins then the Whitehills are gone and Mira just and to commit a little mariticide and she takes over (hey, worked for Cersei). And if the Whitehills are winning then try to pull the rug out from under Morgryn and sell him out to the Whitehills to save your own ass. Granted; these are ideal situations but still better than dying. As Tyrion says;

enter image description here



  • I didn't want him to have any claim on Ironrath, and I didn't want Mira to be a sex slave.

  • Fair point although without anyone making a claim (which no Forester except Mira + Morgryn are in any condition to do) the Whitehills will take it unchallenged.

    As for the second part... yeah, I got nothing.

    I didn't want him to have any claim on Ironrath, and I didn't want Mira to be a sex slave.

  • It was an awful idea because it would actually give Morgryn a legal claim upon Ironrath, thus compounding the Forresters troubles so much more. Mira's death was a noble sacrifice and it kept her home out of the paws of an upjumped merchant whose only talent is lying.

  • I personally think it'd be more favorable to the Forresters to have Morgryn there which meant that at least one Forrester will be at Ironrath and who knows what damage Mira can do from the inside.

    The other option is to have the Whitehills there and I personally think it'd be more easy to get back the keep from Morgryn than from Ludd/Thorren.

    It was an awful idea because it would actually give Morgryn a legal claim upon Ironrath, thus compounding the Forresters troubles so much mo

  • Oh yeah, and I wanted to save Tom.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Fair point although without anyone making a claim (which no Forester except Mira + Morgryn are in any condition to do) the Whitehills will take it unchallenged. As for the second part... yeah, I got nothing.

  • I am glad that I am on the minority on this case mate. I have seen people put out a lot of reasons as for why they chose to sacrifice Mira, with none being really worth it. I mean even Theon had a change and is actually back in the game now. So my Mira stays on the board, thank you very much. Morgryn wants her to fuck him? She is going to fuck him real hard then.

  • Beat me to it, but yeah I second this. With Morgryn you can have Mira as an inside man (or woman. Whatever). Although that could be flipped and Mira rendered a hostage, but I think she can handle herself.

    I personally think it'd be more favorable to the Forresters to have Morgryn there which meant that at least one Forrester will be at Ironrat

  • To be totally honest, I dont think I really believed I/Mira was going to die until it happened. I took a gamble, lol. But I think I would still make the same choice because I didnt want to sacrifice Tom, coal boy or not, and the thought of being Morgryn's battered wife was too awful.

  • Better she died free than to live as a soulless slave deprived of freedom while being raped by a power-hungry lunatic (sounds familiar...). That life is not worth it.

  • Spoiler

    Tell that to Sansa who is right now at her family keep after crushing her abuser's army with allies that she got on her own.

    Better she died free than to live as a soulless slave deprived of freedom while being raped by a power-hungry lunatic (sounds familiar...). That life is not worth it.

  • Call him Shireen cause he just got burned.

  • Ohhhh snaaap!

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Call him Shireen cause he just got burned.

  • Sansa had a lot of help, starting with Theon helping her escape. Would Mira expect the same?

  • edited July 2016

    Maybe from her brothers. Maybe she can escape or help from the inside by herself. What I'm trying to say is that there can be a happy ending for Mira's story, a happy ending that cannot be achieved if she's dead. Sansa was merely an example of someone who was in the same circumstances and managed to triumph. Imagine what would've happen if she had just given up. Jon may have not felt encouraged to march against the Boltons in the first place and even if he had, he would've lost because Sansa wouldn't be there to get the Knights of the Vale and without a Stark as King In The North the White Walkers would probably take over the world. This was all prevented because Sansa didn't give up. Now, I know that Mira's life may not have such a big impact (or any impact at all if they decide to erase her from the story completely), but death only guarantees a 100% chance of failure while keeping her alive opens way more possibilities. No one knows if she will be with Morgryn forever so I wouldn't be adressing it as a lifetime sentence.

    EDIT: and to be clear, I can totally understand the reasoning behind choosing to not marry Morgryn and I'm not by any means calling it the 'wrong choice'.

    KCohere posted: »

    Sansa had a lot of help, starting with Theon helping her escape. Would Mira expect the same?

  • I chose death mostly because I hate giving bad guys satisfaction. It's why I didn't watch Carver die, it's why I didn't kill Randall, it's why I refused to marry Morgryn. In each case they wanted me to give in to something, Carver and Randall wanted Clementine and Michonne to give in to their darker, murderous sides, and Morgryn wanted Mira to give in to desperation for his benefit. And I hate it when people that don't deserve to get what they want actually get what they want. The choice to defy them usually aligns with my own beliefs anyways, and it's not a problem for me.

    Also for Mira this was also about honor. In my game, I killed the Lannister guard. If Tom killed the Lannister guard, I might have been more willing to sacrifice him, but he didn't. Seeing him get put to death for a crime he didn't commit - and worse a crime he was only involved in because he was saving my life even if he was ordered to - I thought would have been wrong and dishonorable. I like to parallel that to her father, Lord Gregor, who the Maester said would have sacrificed himself for anyone of his house, high or low. Tom might not have been part of the Forrester house, but he showed her enough loyalty to her that she would be willing to make that sacrifice for him.

  • That's a lot of "if's" and "maybes". If Morgryn doesn't completely make Mira a prisoner like he already said that he would, then maybe Mira can be an insider or kill him. Yeah.... that smells a lot like wishful thinking if you ask me.

    Plus we don't need Mira to take down either Ludd or Morgryn... they will do that on their own. Both men want Ironrath and are using each other. They will turn on each other eventually.

    So yeah, giving Morgryn a legal, legitimate claim on our house is pure folly. Literally dumber than offering Ramsay our ironwood in episode 1.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Beat me to it, but yeah I second this. With Morgryn you can have Mira as an inside man (or woman. Whatever). Although that could be flipped and Mira rendered a hostage, but I think she can handle herself.

  • I chose death mostly because I hate giving bad guys satisfaction. It's why I didn't watch Carver die, it's why I didn't kill Randall, it's why I refused to marry Morgryn.

    That's an interesting angle but whereas Carver and Randall didn't cost anything shooting down Morgryn costs you your life and that's way too rich for my blood.

    As for Tom, throughout the game he puts your safety over his own risking his life to break into Tyrion's office even if you tell him not to, talking about how any trouble you get into is trouble for him, and how he gave himself up to the guards so you could escape. Well, try to escape anyways. Yeah, it's a dick move to make the choice for him but he put you first throughout the entire game, would he not do the same again?

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I chose death mostly because I hate giving bad guys satisfaction. It's why I didn't watch Carver die, it's why I didn't kill Randall, it's w

  • Well Beshka, Ryon, Gared, Asher/Rodrick, Duncan/Royland, Talia, and the Snow twins are still all out and about so someone catching on trying to help is likely. Wether they'll actually be able to... well, wait and see.

    KCohere posted: »

    Sansa had a lot of help, starting with Theon helping her escape. Would Mira expect the same?

  • That's not really the way I wanted to see it. If Tom was in that room and said "yes you should sacrifice me and save your own skin," I might be more inclined to do it because that decision of injustice doesn't rest solely on my shoulders. But as it was presented, I was subjecting Tom unwillfully to an injustice. Just because he had made decisions to risk his life for me, doesn't mean I should make that very definitive decision of death for him. Even if you do, he's struggling and pleading not to die. It was unfair Mira had more knowledge and more chances to save herself than Tom had in that situation, and I couldn't do that to him. It was better for me to see Mira accept death with her head held high than watch her terrified friend (he was a friend to me in my game) be put to death on her deal.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    I chose death mostly because I hate giving bad guys satisfaction. It's why I didn't watch Carver die, it's why I didn't kill Randall, it's w

  • Since the brother didn't die it will still go to them and not mina

  • Only if they come forth to claim it, which unless they have the manpower to protect themselves showing their face (such as trying to claim Ironrath) most anywhere around the north will result in Whitehill, Bolton or Morgryn's soldiers crack down on them, they'll stay in hiding and since they were last seen riding off on a horse with about 8 stab wounds everyone is going to presume them dead.

    stitchfan08 posted: »

    Since the brother didn't die it will still go to them and not mina

  • giving Morgryn a legal, legitimate claim on our house is pure folly.

    How so? You said it yourself, they may destroy eachother. If Morgryn doesn't have the claim who will opose the Whitehills then?

    And yes it is based in 'ifs' and 'maybes'. Perhaps Mira wont get out of it, but I'd rather not give up and I don't see how that's 'folly' of me.

    That's a lot of "if's" and "maybes". If Morgryn doesn't completely make Mira a prisoner like he already said that he would, then maybe Mira

  • Truth be told, I still had hope I'd actually be able to escape dying when refusing the marriage. Now that I know it's not possible though, I would not change my decision. Tom is my friend, it's as simple as that. I'm attached to him, I owe him, I want to protect him. I can't let him die.

  • Because if Morgryn has a claim on Ironrath, then all of his family does too. Like it literally fucks with the family tree and line of succession. In your game Morgryn effectively bullied himself into being part of a noble lineage.

    giving Morgryn a legal, legitimate claim on our house is pure folly. How so? You said it yourself, they may destroy eachother. If Mo

  • enter image description here

    Because if Morgryn has a claim on Ironrath, then all of his family does too. Like it literally fucks with the family tree and line of succession. In your game Morgryn effectively bullied himself into being part of a noble lineage.

  • edited July 2016

    Wrong. In noble marriage, the blood is prioritised, regardless of the gender. The only way Morgryn can have a claim without Mira is through an heir (and that claim would only be temporary). Without one, the claim goes for Malcolm. (Read this:

    Anyways, we all know that Rodrik/Asher, Ryon and Talia are still in the game so it's pretty pointless to act as if they aren't in order to strenghten your argument.

    Because if Morgryn has a claim on Ironrath, then all of his family does too. Like it literally fucks with the family tree and line of succession. In your game Morgryn effectively bullied himself into being part of a noble lineage.

  • Yes okay you got me on one point and that is the fact that blood is prioritized. HOWEVER that does not take away from the fact that Ironrath is much more vulnerable to other claimants.... especially considering the eldest and most capable is on the verge of death and the other two are children. Without Mira's betrothal, Morgryn is still just some greedy merchant. With her betrothal, however, he has the potential to open up Forrester land to all sorts of unknown entities as well as petition a king if he truly wanted Ironrath once and for all.

    Wrong. In noble marriage, the blood is prioritised, regardless of the gender. The only way Morgryn can have a claim without Mira is through

  • And the Snow Twins, don't forget the Snow Twins!

    Wrong. In noble marriage, the blood is prioritised, regardless of the gender. The only way Morgryn can have a claim without Mira is through

  • As a woman, i wholly agree with this statement. Cheers aManWhoLovesTelltale!

    Better she died free than to live as a soulless slave deprived of freedom while being raped by a power-hungry lunatic (sounds familiar...). That life is not worth it.

  • edited July 2016

    Yeah, same. I picked death because I cared about Tom's life and didn't want him to die. Why be Morgryn's slave for life/give him the satisfaction of winning while also getting Tom killed in the process just because I wanted to live? Fuck Morgryn and fuck his intentions.

  • I wouldn't mind making Josera the Lord of Ironrath with Gared as his sentinel, but that would probably mean that Asher and Ryon and maybe the girls would have to die first.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    And the Snow Twins, don't forget the Snow Twins!

  • edited July 2016

    he has the potential to open up Forrester land to all sorts of unknown entities

    I hadn't thought of that, you do have a point, but if the land is taken by the Whitehills they may destroy the forests (since they are known as shitty harvesters) which would mean the loss of land as well.

    as well as petition a king if he truly wanted Ironrath once and for all.

    Hummm that seems unlikely, tbh. He would have to petition the Wardens of The North in this case, and I think the Boltons would always favour the Whitehill claim.

    Both options have their pros and cons.

    Yes okay you got me on one point and that is the fact that blood is prioritized. HOWEVER that does not take away from the fact that Ironrath

  • Spoiler

    What I find funny is that marrying Mira to Morgryn is like Sansa marrying Littlefinger after he reveals his plans (Iron Throne) in the show. Morgryn is crazy ambitious and if Mira gives in to him, he WILL kill whatever Forrester's remain even after the alliance with him and Ludd falls apart. (Good if you only like Mira, bad for everyone else who is Forrester)

    There was a good reason why Sansa didn't accept Littlefingers deal for the Iron Throne, just as Mira shouldn't accept Morgryn's offer. Both characters would be not be the one's holding power and just be used to claim ultimate control over their houses and lands. Not to mention that Morgryn is a not a compete fail when it comes down to plotting, it would take at least a decade and a heir before Morgyn would ever let Mira do anything.

  • They only see the short term.

    Never the long term.

    Long term viewers would always choose to marry Mira to Morgryn and Asher to Gwyn.

    Only short sighters wouldn't.

  • Tom is a child who will never accomplish anything of note.

    Mira betrays herself, her family and their future by choosing the easy and selfish death route.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    That's not really the way I wanted to see it. If Tom was in that room and said "yes you should sacrifice me and save your own skin," I might

  • edited July 2016


    Sardorim posted: »

    They only see the short term. Never the long term. Long term viewers would always choose to marry Mira to Morgryn and Asher to Gwyn. Only short sighters wouldn't.

  • ...

    Sardorim posted: »

    Tom is a child who will never accomplish anything of note. Mira betrays herself, her family and their future by choosing the easy and selfish death route.

  • edited July 2016

    Dude what.

    I don't know how you read any of what I said and got any of that from it. Death is very selfLESS of her to do and a hard decision, because she's putting Tom's life ahead of hers. Doesn't matter that Tom is a coal boy. That's a very heartless way to regard him.

    As for the future of her house, it's not clear if it is good for the house or not. If she is the surviving heir, then Morgryn of all people will be lord, which is bad but at least the bloodline survives. On the other hand, if any of her brothers survive then she is endangering them since Morgren would want them dead to claim his title.

    Sardorim posted: »

    Tom is a child who will never accomplish anything of note. Mira betrays herself, her family and their future by choosing the easy and selfish death route.

  • He's obviously a noob to Game of Thrones in general.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Dude what. I don't know how you read any of what I said and got any of that from it. Death is very selfLESS of her to do and a hard decis

  • I would say the oposite about @Sardorim. You don't win the 'Game of Thrones' by putting Coal Boys' lives ahead of yours. You also don't win it if you're overly emotional and care too much about your honor and pride. We all saw what happened to the selfless honorable people.

    He's obviously a noob to Game of Thrones in general.

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