Recently actually. I found out the girl that I've liked for a while now is dating someone else and that really bummed me out as you can imagine. This isn't my first experience with this, but every time it happens I always feel less and less confident that I can find a girl. But I only mope about it for a day or two and I move on with my life.
I may have a really messed up sense of humor, but if someone gets hurt it is automatically not funny to me. Yeah, they were being stupid. I cringed.
I don't really know what to ask. Favorite Telltale game?
I've read a handful of Creepypastas in the past! I find that when they're good, they're really good. Like modern Twilight Zone episodes! The Sandman, 1999, and Smiling Man are a few that come to mind immediately.
Yes, I don't remember them off the top of my head, but definitely. I'm kinda a paranoic person.
Do you read creepypastas or stories on /r/nosleep?
No. At least I haven't yet. Kinda kills it when you know they are fake..
When was the last time you felt lonely and why exactly?
Recently actually. I found out the girl that I've liked for a while now is dating someone else and that really bummed me out as you can imagine. This isn't my first experience with this, but every time it happens I always feel less and less confident that I can find a girl. But I only mope about it for a day or two and I move on with my life.
What's a better job to work? Retail or food?
Food, probably.
Which game do you think deserves to exist? Half Life 3 or Portal 3?
Half-Life 3
If a symbiote bonded with you, like in Spider-Man, would you try to take it off or bond with it and have it take over you?
It would depend what it does, how it helps me and how I help it. But I'd probably take it off. I won't want it to get too... attached.
What was the first movie, game or book you cried over? you choose
The first Land Before Time movie.
Which Green Goblin was better? Norman Osborn or Harry Osborn?
Norman Osborn, obviously
Which do you think is the best gamingsins channel? GCN, Dartigan or GamingSins?
Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin was always my favorite Spider-Man villain.
GamingSins is meeeeh, Dartigan is awesome and so is GCN but I'll go with Dartigan.
Favourite Nostalgia Critic review (if you watch him)?
Either the Bridge to Terabithia or Monster Squad review.
Favourite GTA protagonist?
Niko Bellic
Who's a better Green Goblin: Norman Osborn or Harry Osborn?
I'm not sure really. I like both
Favourite GTA city?
San Andreas would be my favorite:
Old Metallica Vs New Metallica which one is better?
Favourite youtuber?
I think you already posted that question.
Neither, stop asking that!
Favorite Batman villain other than the Joker?
The Penguin
Favorite TWD episode?
I know, I just can't think of any other good questions.
Probably s3e16
@DaveTheArakin or @DillonDex?

How does this make you feel
I may have a really messed up sense of humor, but if someone gets hurt it is automatically not funny to me. Yeah, they were being stupid. I cringed.
I don't really know what to ask. Favorite Telltale game?
(Did I do this right?)
Edit: Oops. Sorry for clicking reply.
Is anyone else running out of questions?
So hey, what did ya have for dinner today?
Chicken and ricearoni.
Is this thread getting old?
Internet friends or real life friends?
Oh, I'm sorry for asking a question because I couldn't think of a different one. Shame on me.
A friend is always a friend. It really depends on the friend.
What did you choose in the end of the Mass Effect series? Destroy, Control, Synthesis or Nothing?
What would you say is one of the worst endings of all time? (Whether it be movies, TV shows, or video games.)
Sacrifice Arcadia Bay in Life is Strange.
Should this thread die?
No, keep it going,
PS3 vs XBox One
Does this thread bore you?
I like PlayStation so ps3
Do you like kpop?if you do what's your favorite band.
We answered it at the same time!
I wonder what this means
I think he responded to the fact you both answered the question I posted at the same time.
I'll answer both of your questions:
Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed?
Assassins Creed;
Does anyone like, read, or visit Creepy-Pasta? and what are your thoughts on the stories they put out?
I've read a handful of Creepypastas in the past! I find that when they're good, they're really good. Like modern Twilight Zone episodes! The Sandman, 1999, and Smiling Man are a few that come to mind immediately.
What are your top 3 songs by The Beatles?