As Nealia sat down to the table with her wine, both of the identical twin sisters turned to look at her. One of the twins wore her… more pitch black hair open, and she looked at Nealia with a small smirk, whilst the other one – her hair was tied to a bun – was frowning. Both of them had mismatched eyes – the one with open hair had left green eye and blue right eye, and the other one had it reversed. Both of them were wearing light leather armors.
“Well, hello there.” The girl with the open hair said with a playful tone. “Hi, is it alright if I sit here?” Nealia asked, and the open haired twin nodded.
“You are Nealia Sand, right?” She asked cheerfully, and Nealia nodded. “I am, and you?” She eyed at both of the young women as she asked this. “My name is Lien Yu, and this here is my sister Ying Yu.” The cheerful one answered.
“Is there a reason you came to our table?” Ying, the one with the tied hair, asked sternly. Her sister nudg… [view original content]
Isabella will continue eavesdropping. We'll see in her next part how much exactly will she find out, and whether she get caught on this or not.
Also, this Nealia part was the last before a bit of a break in her storyline. Other characters have some catching up to do, and her story will continue when the Rose Company is a bit closer to where their mission is.
Anyway, the next part is under work, but I've been a bit sick today (nothing terrible, just a bit of a flu) so the pace of writing it has suffered a bit. It's a Naemon PoV, and I'll most likely post it within couple next days. Aaand, here's the recap for Naemon: We've only had one part so far for Naemon, and that was when he returned from his hunting trip to notice that something was going on at Blackmont - an army was being raised. He met the kingsguard Ser Thomos the Thunder, who informed him that Benedict had a mission waiting for him so he should stay in Blackmont for now. However, his sister's handmaiden Tanya came to fetch him to Gwendis' chambers. After a brief chat about the situation, Gwendis told Naemon to ride to Starfall, to plead the help of the Daynes, and Naemon agreed to it.
Oh, and I was supposed to put these in the earlier comment, but oh well. They are Dianna, warrior in the service of Princess Nymeria, and Princess Isabella Fowler, the only daughter of King Garrison Fowler.
I also made an album of the portraits I've done so far. I'll add the link to the opening post as well.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secret, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It wasn’t anything Naemon wouldn’t have done before on his hunting trips, and Ser Myle surely was even more used to it, but it was still a bit annoying.
They slept that night under a large oak, and woke up on the morning to the burning hot sunrise. “I don’t remember it ever being this hot.” Naemon growled tiredly as he chewed corned beef for breakfast, washing it down with water. “Oh, this is nothing compared to the hottest days of last summer.” Ser Myle replied with a casual tone. “I also happened to spend those days on the fucking desert, fever fuckin’ up my head – I was seeing water and tits wherever I looked.” Naemon laughed at this, but Myle just shrugged. “It’s true!” He yelled with a smirk, proceeding to saddle their horses.
And so they continued their travel to the Kingdom of Torrentine, and the lands of High Hermitage. Here the road took them away from the Torrentine, as there were more and more rapids and waterfalls on the river. The road was good enough for two knights to go by, but Naemon imagined it would be a pain for an army to march. That night they found a large cave close to a waterfall, and decided to sleep there.
The constant sound of the running water kept Naemon awake. Ser Myle had been sleeping for hours, while Naemon still leant against the stony wall of the cave, thinking. He thought about what exactly would he say to King Vorian, how would he convince him to help them. Then he thought about his own father, and how would he take this all. Sometimes Naemon hoped that Benedict would just die already. Not because he wanted the crown, but because he wanted all the crazy sorcerer sycophants out of Blackmont. Once he would take the throne, he would play the role of a king the best he could, but he would let Gwendis do the ruling. She was made for it, I wasn’t.
With these thoughts spiraling in his head Naemon finally fell asleep. And sooner than he hoped, it was morning again. “Get up, Your Highness!” Ser Myle said with a gleeful smirk on his face. “We got a long way to go!” He continued, and Naemon got up, groaning and rubbing his eyes. “Yes, yes.” He muttered tiredly.
That day they rode past the High Hermitage. It wasn’t a particularly beautiful castle, but Naemon had always thought that it looked very strong – almost impregnable. Its grey walls were thick, and it stood on a steep cliff, looking over the rushing Torrentine.
“Couldn’t we just go there to deliver your message?” Ser Myle asked. “I mean, they are Daynes too, right?” Naemon let out a sigh for this. “They are Daynes, yes, just not the right Daynes.” He answered with tired tone, and they continued their ride. For that night they found a small inn to sleep in, where they got ale, bread and chicken soup to fill their bellies. Early in the morning they continued their travel, well rested.
The road took them to a patchy forest, where birds were singing, and not a single cloud was on the sky. Naemon and Myle had refilled their flasks at the inn, and the traveling felt easy – perhaps even too easy. And that was when they saw a group of five armed men riding towards them. Four of the men were wearing a hauberk and half helm, and carrying a spear. The man leading them was armed with a bastard sword and wore a full plated armor, but no helmet at all. They all wore purple tabards with a sigil of two silver swords clashing, and four white stars around them. Naemon knew he had seen the sigil before, but he couldn’t quite remember who it belonged to.
Naemon and Myle dismounted their horses, as did the leader of these soldiers. “Hello.” Naemon said, trying to sound relaxed, and the knight gave him a glare. “Who are you, and what are you doing on these lands?”
“Just two hedge knights passing by.” Myle replied with a smile. “And who might you be?” The man took a couple steps closer. He towered both Naemon and Myle, and he had quite a presence. His jawline was sharp, his black hair unkempt, and his dark eyes were deep set. “I am Ser Orwen Wythmail, commander in the service of House Upton.” The tone on the voice of this man was authoritative, and he clearly despised the sight of two hedge knights.
“Oh, Uptons.” Naemon said with a touch of amusement in his words, forgetting for a moment that this man didn’t know his true status. “I thought we were on Dayne lands.”
“Five miles north and you would be, or fifteen miles south.” Ser Orwen replied dryly. “Now, I must wonder, what are two hedge knights doing here? If you are looking for a tourney, there isn’t one. If you are looking for a war, you are heading to the wrong direction.” Naemon let out a small laugh for this.
“You are correct, good Ser, but there is something we must inform King Vorian about.” Naemon spoke calmly, though he was starting to feel a bit frustrated of the situation. “Is that right?” Ser Orwen asked sharply, narrowing his eyes. “Well I can assure you, House Upton’s loyalty to King Vorian is above the rest, so whatever message you have, you can give it to us.”
“Oy, and what if you are just some bandits dressed as soldiers?” Ser Myle asked. Ser Orwen turned his eyes to Myle, clearly offended by the suggestion. “I believe you are in no position to make accusations like that, hedge knight.” Orwen spoke those last words with loathing and disrespect.
“My friend is making a good point though.” Naemon said, a touch of nervousness in his words. “What are soldiers of House Upton doing here, on the road? Are you on your way to somewhere?” Naemon asked, and a smug grin appeared on the face of Ser Orwen.
“We are patrolling.” He simply answered. “No man crosses the lands of House Upton without us allowing it.” Naemon raised his eyebrows for this. “Since when has Lord Upton started to do this?” Naemon asked, slightly baffled. “Since we got a new Lord Upton, one who has a military mind.” Orwen replied with a grin.
“Ser!” One of the soldiers shouted suddenly. Orwen turned around, and one of the soldiers made a gesture for him to come back to them. “Ser, Daman is saying he might recognize the other one of these men.” Orwen eyed Naemon and Myle briefly and then walked to his men. Naemon gulped subtly, glancing at Myle, who was keeping a calm expression on.
For a while Ser Orwen listened to one of his men, and then he turned to look at Naemon. The look on the knight’s face was something between terrified and surprised. Naemon knew he would have to make his decision now – either he would try to escape, or sort this out with talking.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
It's a risky choice. However, ultimately I think Naemon doesn't have the best chances to escape five men. In fact, escaping would mean that he'd make himself suspicious. Even if they find out his real identity, as long as he behaves well I doubt they will see him as a threat. He is Vorian Dayne's nephew after all and the king is fond of him, so loyal Dayne bannermen shouldn't mind his presence, especially since their kingdoms are at peace. Of course, there is always the chance that this House Upton is not as loyal to House Dayne as they claim to be, but I feel it is still better for Naemon to talk it out with them than to test his luck by trying to escape.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
I believe this makes the most sense. They would not dare to kill the heir to a kingdom and risk war. Plus, it may be the only way to get safe passage past this point.
[Stay] I will agree with the others on this one. I don't think they would cause anymore trouble with Naemon once they realize who he is and that he is King Vorian's nephew. From the looks of it they may have already figured it out so I would say Naemon's best bet is to stay and talk it out.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
Oh, thanks for reminding! And yeah, there are in fact seven of those septons/septas So, as you probably guess, the characters are very much connected to each other.
Hey, Wildling, I noticed you didn't delete Ying Yu and Lien Yu from the waiting to be introduced yet. Barely noticable, but better to fix it. :P
Also, you got quite a few septons and septas there, holy cow.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
Naemon will stay where he is, and sort out the situation with talking. We'll see later how that goes.
The next part is under work, and it will be a Dianna PoV, taking us back to the eastern coast. A short recap: Last time we saw Dianna, she was on her mission of escorting Adian Dalt (nephew of Lord Daris Dalt) to Lemonwood, and helping the Dalts with a problems they have been having with bandits on their lands. With her were captains Javor and Sanyra, thirty Martell/Rhoynar soldiers, and twenty Dalt soldiers. The convoy made its way towards the river Greenblood. However when they arrived to the river, they noticed that the bridge had been destroyed. The Dalt general said this to be work of the bandits, and so they needed to ride to west, towards a ford where they can cross the river. The convoy made their camp on a cliff close to the Greenblood. There Dianna had a brief conversation with Javor, who told her that if she really thought there is something suspicious about this, she should confront Adian about it - and that's what you voted her to do.
Also, here's another character portrait, this time the leader of the Rose Company, Tryden Flowers:
Voting is closed!
Naemon will stay where he is, and sort out the situation with talking. We'll see later how that goes.
The next part … moreis under work, and it will be a Dianna PoV, taking us back to the eastern coast. A short recap: Last time we saw Dianna, she was on her mission of escorting Adian Dalt (nephew of Lord Daris Dalt) to Lemonwood, and helping the Dalts with a problems they have been having with bandits on their lands. With her were captains Javor and Sanyra, thirty Martell/Rhoynar soldiers, and twenty Dalt soldiers. The convoy made its way towards the river Greenblood. However when they arrived to the river, they noticed that the bridge had been destroyed. The Dalt general said this to be work of the bandits, and so they needed to ride to west, towards a ford where they can cross the river. The convoy made their camp on a cliff close to the Greenblood. There Dianna had a brief conversation with Javor, who told her that if she… [view original content]
Hey guys! So ever since CM3434 came up with the magnificent idea to start up a H&L on Nymeria's War it just got me captivated and inspired further more to this already amazing story! So after a little while of thinking, discussing with the legends themselves, I decided to write one up for one of my characters: Ser Myke of the Marches. It's nothing to big, and I don't believe it reveals anything, however I thought it would be pretty neat to show So without further ado, here's Ser Myke
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to take on his lap and tell her the mad tales of his time in Essos. The bards, the jesters, the difference of the land. She would always be so captivated, so interested. She was wild, yet timid. Courageous but held back. Myke sent her a warm smile, to which she always had replicated back. He had no children of his own blood, but in his eyes this girl was his daughter.
“Thousands of years ago, your family thrived in strength and power. Legendary names like Bethany and Gareth Caron, names that live on through the ages.” Myke stated, his eyes stared through her, looking into nothing. “Yet now, this house is little but another vassal for another king.” Myke lowered his eyes, resting his hand on the table in front of him.
Her soft and gentle hand reached out for his, caressing his tough skin and bringing him the hope he had always needed from her. His eyes met hers, and for once, Myke felt happiness in his life. It was the happiness one could obtain from cradling their newborn in their arms, watching their eldest son pick up the reins for their first time.
Her eyes stared into his, those green gems pleading for him to continue this final story. Myke smiled, and nodded. “Yet no matter the power of this great house, no matter the struggles you will endure or the pains you will be forced to suffer. Always remember the sweet song that chirps for us to continue fighting, as there is no song so sweet but that of family.”
Myke could see the tears of joy welling up in her eyes, the sudden fiery happiness that rushed through her. She leapt into his arms, knocking him and his wooden stool over, landing on his sore back. The pain surged through him, yet it mattered not. Her love healed all the pain that he had endured, and there was truly no song so sweet.
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He… more looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to ta… [view original content]
A bit shorter than my usual works, but the idea comes across I suppose :P Thank you very much though, it means a lot I may end up writing one for Missy as well at some stage, depending on the feedback I get here (these H&L's interest me a lot, and are an awesome way to get the readers more involved which I love!)
A bit shorter than my usual works, but the idea comes across I suppose :P Thank you very much though, it means a lot I may end up writing o… morene for Missy as well at some stage, depending on the feedback I get here (these H&L's interest me a lot, and are an awesome way to get the readers more involved which I love!)
Great writing indeed I'm even a bit jealous that my own style isn't quite as eloquent
Anyway, these History and Lore -parts were a fantastic idea. If any of you have ideas (preferably for characters you have submitted yourself), I encourage you to contact me with pm and we can talk about the idea. This is just another fantastic way of making this story interactive!
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He… more looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to ta… [view original content]
Wow, I never quite imagined I'd hear this praise coming from the one who inspired me to start writing fan fictions here! Well thank you, but allow me to assure you that your writing is truly amazing, and I'm always looking at ways to improve mine by reading through yours and Liquid's :P By the way, I've been taking the time to catch up over this past day, I'm currently up to Dianna's first part, and will no doubt be caught up by the end of today
Great writing indeed I'm even a bit jealous that my own style isn't quite as eloquent
Anyway, these History and Lore -parts were a fant… moreastic idea. If any of you have ideas (preferably for characters you have submitted yourself), I encourage you to contact me with pm and we can talk about the idea. This is just another fantastic way of making this story interactive!
It's a great thing that you got inspired to write because your writing has improved very quickly! I wish that guy who came to post shit on Invasion all those months ago would see your writing now, because I seriously doubt he'd even dare to open his mouth anymore. And that's what I told him back then, only way to get better at writing is to write.
And I'm happy to hear you are almost caught up! The next part will probably be ready tomorrow.
Wow, I never quite imagined I'd hear this praise coming from the one who inspired me to start writing fan fictions here! Well thank you, but… more allow me to assure you that your writing is truly amazing, and I'm always looking at ways to improve mine by reading through yours and Liquid's :P By the way, I've been taking the time to catch up over this past day, I'm currently up to Dianna's first part, and will no doubt be caught up by the end of today
Your compliments mean a lot to me, and are greatly appreciated. Rhaeygar, you mean? Yeah, I think of him often if I may admit. It was one of the eye openers for me, and another inspiration to work harder on my writing, which is starting to come out well now :P Though I think you're wrong on one thing, Rhaeygar was just a complete asshole. So I've been told he made attempts on WBW and FoT as well, so I think some f*ckers just don't learn XD
Already on the most recent part of Missy, and boy oh boy is it good! I'm worried for Gwendis however... Curious, is the doc fully updated? The most recent part on there is Naelia, and I think the recent one on the forum was Naemon? So I'm not sure how many parts have not been updated, but if you could look into that, it would be great. If not, I'll just search the forums and find them
It's a great thing that you got inspired to write because your writing has improved very quickly! I wish that guy who came to post shit on I… morenvasion all those months ago would see your writing now, because I seriously doubt he'd even dare to open his mouth anymore. And that's what I told him back then, only way to get better at writing is to write.
And I'm happy to hear you are almost caught up! The next part will probably be ready tomorrow.
Wow, this was amazing! It gave me even more appreciation for Myke and I wholeheartedly enjoyed this read. I also loved how it shed some more light on his relationship to House Caron and to Kortney in particular. With them being so close, I can only imagine what a toll this current search for her must take on him. And I also see two familiar names mentioned there
I feel like I really gotta try my hands at one of these Histories&Lore parts myself now...
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He… more looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to ta… [view original content]
Haha, I knew you'd enjoy those two :P It definitely does foreshadow a little in the Invasion, but nothing too drastic XD At any rate, it's encouraging to read that you enjoyed the short bit of scripture
I think with all this positive feedback that I'll write one for Missy, especially after reading her most recent part. That has given me so much inspiration! I'd love to see a Gwendis H&L, Naemon would be another awesome one too!
Wow, this was amazing! It gave me even more appreciation for Myke and I wholeheartedly enjoyed this read. I also loved how it shed some more… more light on his relationship to House Caron and to Kortney in particular. With them being so close, I can only imagine what a toll this current search for her must take on him. And I also see two familiar names mentioned there
I feel like I really gotta try my hands at one of these Histories&Lore parts myself now...
Well yeah, I guess his problem was more with just the idea that someone was making a fanfiction of this franchise. And it's true that GRRM has spoken against fanfictions, but if you actually look what he has said it's just that he wants people to make their own characters instead of using his, and that's what we are doing.
And yeah, the doc isn't up to date atm, since the Naemon part is missing I try to remember adding the parts always after closing the vote, but usually it takes a day or two before I remember XD
Your compliments mean a lot to me, and are greatly appreciated. Rhaeygar, you mean? Yeah, I think of him often if I may admit. It was one of… more the eye openers for me, and another inspiration to work harder on my writing, which is starting to come out well now :P Though I think you're wrong on one thing, Rhaeygar was just a complete asshole. So I've been told he made attempts on WBW and FoT as well, so I think some f*ckers just don't learn XD
Already on the most recent part of Missy, and boy oh boy is it good! I'm worried for Gwendis however... Curious, is the doc fully updated? The most recent part on there is Naelia, and I think the recent one on the forum was Naemon? So I'm not sure how many parts have not been updated, but if you could look into that, it would be great. If not, I'll just search the forums and find them
Wow, this was amazing! It gave me even more appreciation for Myke and I wholeheartedly enjoyed this read. I also loved how it shed some more… more light on his relationship to House Caron and to Kortney in particular. With them being so close, I can only imagine what a toll this current search for her must take on him. And I also see two familiar names mentioned there
I feel like I really gotta try my hands at one of these Histories&Lore parts myself now...
Wow, this was amazing! It gave me even more appreciation for Myke and I wholeheartedly enjoyed this read. I also loved how it shed some more… more light on his relationship to House Caron and to Kortney in particular. With them being so close, I can only imagine what a toll this current search for her must take on him. And I also see two familiar names mentioned there
I feel like I really gotta try my hands at one of these Histories&Lore parts myself now...
Wow this is excellent!!:D I am glad that I helped come up with this idea and that my little attempt at writing has led to such a fun idea for everyone to get involved in. Great job Stigz!:) and I am excited to see more of these if they pop up!
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He… more looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to ta… [view original content]
Well firstly, thank you so much for informing me about the great idea! It is indeed something that makes this story more interactive, and from the feedback it would appear a lot more people are wanting to get on board with this, which coming from a writer's perspective is the best thing an interactive author would like to hear. Look forward to seeing more of these popping up soon
Wow this is excellent!!:D I am glad that I helped come up with this idea and that my little attempt at writing has led to such a fun idea for everyone to get involved in. Great job Stigz!:) and I am excited to see more of these if they pop up!
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secr… moreet, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It was… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what was that supposed to mean.
“Yes, the bastard’s bastard, Efran Sand.” Adian kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke. “I’ve never heard of this man. Is he someone we should be afraid of?” Dianna spoke with cynical words, wondering what was so scary about this bastard’s bastard.
“He is the son of Jaxar Sand who tried to overthrow my uncle from the lordship of Lemonwood almost twenty years ago.” Adian had calmed down a bit now, but his tone was still deadly serious. “Efran Sand is the one who has been terrorizing our lands. He has all kind of warriors around him, not just mere bandits, but knights, pirates, foreign hired killers.” For a moment Dianna stayed silent, studying the face of this young noble boy.
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier? Why didn’t you tell about this to Nymeria?” Dianna spoke quietly, trying to look Adian to the eyes, but he avoided the eye contact. “Those were my uncle’s commands. He refuses to acknowledge the threat of Efran, shrugging him off as a minor annoyance, a petty bandit leader.” Dianna sighed at this turning his eyes to west, where the sun had almost set.
“Well let’s hope we can resolve the situation.” Dianna said calmly. “But I have to send someone to inform Nymeria about this.” Dianna’s words were strict, and Adian nodded with a slightly defeated expression.
On the morning Captain Sanyra started her ride back to Sandship with a couple of soldiers, while the rest of the convoy continued their journey towards Lemonwood. At midday they arrived to the ford where they could cross the Greenblood. Crossing the river took a couple of hours with every man and woman crossing it one by one. After that was done they decided to keep riding for another couple of hours.
The sun was still quite high when they arrived to a small village on the shore of Greenblood. Boats were lined up on the beach and the small shacks were not far from them. Otherwise everything looked fine on the village, but on one of the walls was painted two red crosses. With blood?
With Captain Javor, and Adian Dalt, Dianna went to meet the villagers. They were welcomed by an old and balding man who invited them to his shack.
“And who might you be?” The old man asked calmly as they sat down. “I am Adian Dalt.” Adian replied with timid tone. “Nephew of Daris Dalt, the Lord of Lemonwood.” The old man gave a small nod to this. “And I’m Captain Javor, this here is Captain Dianna – we serve House Martell.” Javor spoke smoothly.
“It has truly been an odd week.” The old man said with powerless words. “Your men aren’t the first soldiers to visit the village, you see. The other ones visited two days ago, and they talked about another Lord entirely.”
“Efran Sand’s men?” Dianna asked seriously, and the man nodded. “Though they didn’t call him Sand.” The man had a grim tone on his voice. “They claimed him the one true Lord of Lemonwood, and demanded us to pay taxes for him.”
“And what did you do?” Javor asked, glancing at Dianna with a concerned expression on his face. “Two men refused to pay – they were butchered. After that we paid them, and they left. Two young men from the village joined them, in hopes of earning riches no doubt.” The old man shook his head as he spoke, and Javor let out a sigh. “We are sorry for what happened.” He said, but the man just let out a dry chuckle. “No need, it wasn’t of your doing.” With these words the meeting ended, and Dianna, Javor and Adian returned to their camp.
“So, this is why we asked for help.” Adian said with a sigh, sitting next to Dianna, Javor and the Dalt general. “It has been like this for a while, the Bandit Lord’s men claiming villages as their own and taking taxes from them, killing patrolling soldiers, taking prisoners.” The look on Adian’s face was desperate.
“And does your father have a plan how to deal with this exactly?” Dianna asked with slightly frustrated tone, and Adian shook his head. “It’s a hard task, they hide and strike in the night. We can’t face them in the field, that’s not how they operate.”
“Probably learned that lesson from Jaxar’s rebellion.” The Dalt general grunted, and Javor nodded subtly. “I guess we will just have to root them out the hard way.” Dianna said quietly. “Find out where they are hiding and strike, kill their leaders, cut the head of the snake.”
“That’s what we have been trying to do – it’s not so easy.” Adian’s words were weak and skeptic. Dianna shook her head and stood up, looking around. There were still couple hours left before the sundown, but dark clouds could be seen in the east.
“So, should we continue, or will we stay the night here?” Dianna asked, now looking at the village. Adian shrugged shyly, so Dianna turned to the general and Javor. “I think we should continue riding towards Lemonwood, the faster we are there the better.” The general spoke with confident tone, but Javor looked less sure.
“Maybe we should rest here.” He said with a touch of uncertainty. “It looks like it’ll rain soon, and we can’t be sure whether we find a good place to make our camp before sundown. Besides, if we walk into a trap of these bandits weary of travelling… that’s not going to end well.” Javor turned his eyes to Dianna. “But I guess it’s your decision.” He added quickly.
I think Javor brought up a good point. If they are tired, they are far more likely to run into a trap. Arriving at Lemonwood a few hours earlier is not worth the risk. Surely this one day won't make that much of a difference. Aside from that, the village sounds like a perfectly defendable place, a generally good spot to rest.
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the… more general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what… [view original content]
Well, it looks like war then....
Great part!
Voting is closed!
Isabella will continue eavesdropping. We'll see in her next part how much exactly will she find out, and whether she get caught on this or not.
Also, this Nealia part was the last before a bit of a break in her storyline. Other characters have some catching up to do, and her story will continue when the Rose Company is a bit closer to where their mission is.
Anyway, the next part is under work, but I've been a bit sick today (nothing terrible, just a bit of a flu) so the pace of writing it has suffered a bit. It's a Naemon PoV, and I'll most likely post it within couple next days. Aaand, here's the recap for Naemon: We've only had one part so far for Naemon, and that was when he returned from his hunting trip to notice that something was going on at Blackmont - an army was being raised. He met the kingsguard Ser Thomos the Thunder, who informed him that Benedict had a mission waiting for him so he should stay in Blackmont for now. However, his sister's handmaiden Tanya came to fetch him to Gwendis' chambers. After a brief chat about the situation, Gwendis told Naemon to ride to Starfall, to plead the help of the Daynes, and Naemon agreed to it.
Oh, and I was supposed to put these in the earlier comment, but oh well. They are Dianna, warrior in the service of Princess Nymeria, and Princess Isabella Fowler, the only daughter of King Garrison Fowler.
I also made an album of the portraits I've done so far. I'll add the link to the opening post as well.
At the first sundown after leaving Blackmont they had arrived to the southern border of the kingdom. Naemon was travelling in secret, and he had taken his friend Ser Myle with him. He was a former hedge knight in the service of House Blackmont, and about five years older than Naemon. Myle was a sturdy man with blue eyes, curly red hair and bushy beard, and he was the kind of pal to approach life with carefree attitude.
Earlier that day they had met with the army of House Blackadder, and Naemon hoped no one had recognized him. He obviously wasn’t on the move with his Vulture armor, or anything that showed the colors or sigil of his house, but there was always the risk that someone had seen him at some tourney and remembered his face.
As much as Naemon would’ve loved to ride to Castle Blackadder and be given the stately welcoming of the crown prince, he knew he would have to spend this night outside – like a hedge knight. It wasn’t anything Naemon wouldn’t have done before on his hunting trips, and Ser Myle surely was even more used to it, but it was still a bit annoying.
They slept that night under a large oak, and woke up on the morning to the burning hot sunrise. “I don’t remember it ever being this hot.” Naemon growled tiredly as he chewed corned beef for breakfast, washing it down with water. “Oh, this is nothing compared to the hottest days of last summer.” Ser Myle replied with a casual tone. “I also happened to spend those days on the fucking desert, fever fuckin’ up my head – I was seeing water and tits wherever I looked.” Naemon laughed at this, but Myle just shrugged. “It’s true!” He yelled with a smirk, proceeding to saddle their horses.
And so they continued their travel to the Kingdom of Torrentine, and the lands of High Hermitage. Here the road took them away from the Torrentine, as there were more and more rapids and waterfalls on the river. The road was good enough for two knights to go by, but Naemon imagined it would be a pain for an army to march. That night they found a large cave close to a waterfall, and decided to sleep there.
The constant sound of the running water kept Naemon awake. Ser Myle had been sleeping for hours, while Naemon still leant against the stony wall of the cave, thinking. He thought about what exactly would he say to King Vorian, how would he convince him to help them. Then he thought about his own father, and how would he take this all. Sometimes Naemon hoped that Benedict would just die already. Not because he wanted the crown, but because he wanted all the crazy sorcerer sycophants out of Blackmont. Once he would take the throne, he would play the role of a king the best he could, but he would let Gwendis do the ruling. She was made for it, I wasn’t.
With these thoughts spiraling in his head Naemon finally fell asleep. And sooner than he hoped, it was morning again. “Get up, Your Highness!” Ser Myle said with a gleeful smirk on his face. “We got a long way to go!” He continued, and Naemon got up, groaning and rubbing his eyes. “Yes, yes.” He muttered tiredly.
That day they rode past the High Hermitage. It wasn’t a particularly beautiful castle, but Naemon had always thought that it looked very strong – almost impregnable. Its grey walls were thick, and it stood on a steep cliff, looking over the rushing Torrentine.
“Couldn’t we just go there to deliver your message?” Ser Myle asked. “I mean, they are Daynes too, right?” Naemon let out a sigh for this. “They are Daynes, yes, just not the right Daynes.” He answered with tired tone, and they continued their ride. For that night they found a small inn to sleep in, where they got ale, bread and chicken soup to fill their bellies. Early in the morning they continued their travel, well rested.
The road took them to a patchy forest, where birds were singing, and not a single cloud was on the sky. Naemon and Myle had refilled their flasks at the inn, and the traveling felt easy – perhaps even too easy. And that was when they saw a group of five armed men riding towards them. Four of the men were wearing a hauberk and half helm, and carrying a spear. The man leading them was armed with a bastard sword and wore a full plated armor, but no helmet at all. They all wore purple tabards with a sigil of two silver swords clashing, and four white stars around them. Naemon knew he had seen the sigil before, but he couldn’t quite remember who it belonged to.
Naemon and Myle dismounted their horses, as did the leader of these soldiers. “Hello.” Naemon said, trying to sound relaxed, and the knight gave him a glare. “Who are you, and what are you doing on these lands?”
“Just two hedge knights passing by.” Myle replied with a smile. “And who might you be?” The man took a couple steps closer. He towered both Naemon and Myle, and he had quite a presence. His jawline was sharp, his black hair unkempt, and his dark eyes were deep set. “I am Ser Orwen Wythmail, commander in the service of House Upton.” The tone on the voice of this man was authoritative, and he clearly despised the sight of two hedge knights.
“Oh, Uptons.” Naemon said with a touch of amusement in his words, forgetting for a moment that this man didn’t know his true status. “I thought we were on Dayne lands.”
“Five miles north and you would be, or fifteen miles south.” Ser Orwen replied dryly. “Now, I must wonder, what are two hedge knights doing here? If you are looking for a tourney, there isn’t one. If you are looking for a war, you are heading to the wrong direction.” Naemon let out a small laugh for this.
“You are correct, good Ser, but there is something we must inform King Vorian about.” Naemon spoke calmly, though he was starting to feel a bit frustrated of the situation. “Is that right?” Ser Orwen asked sharply, narrowing his eyes. “Well I can assure you, House Upton’s loyalty to King Vorian is above the rest, so whatever message you have, you can give it to us.”
“Oy, and what if you are just some bandits dressed as soldiers?” Ser Myle asked. Ser Orwen turned his eyes to Myle, clearly offended by the suggestion. “I believe you are in no position to make accusations like that, hedge knight.” Orwen spoke those last words with loathing and disrespect.
“My friend is making a good point though.” Naemon said, a touch of nervousness in his words. “What are soldiers of House Upton doing here, on the road? Are you on your way to somewhere?” Naemon asked, and a smug grin appeared on the face of Ser Orwen.
“We are patrolling.” He simply answered. “No man crosses the lands of House Upton without us allowing it.” Naemon raised his eyebrows for this. “Since when has Lord Upton started to do this?” Naemon asked, slightly baffled. “Since we got a new Lord Upton, one who has a military mind.” Orwen replied with a grin.
“Ser!” One of the soldiers shouted suddenly. Orwen turned around, and one of the soldiers made a gesture for him to come back to them. “Ser, Daman is saying he might recognize the other one of these men.” Orwen eyed Naemon and Myle briefly and then walked to his men. Naemon gulped subtly, glancing at Myle, who was keeping a calm expression on.
For a while Ser Orwen listened to one of his men, and then he turned to look at Naemon. The look on the knight’s face was something between terrified and surprised. Naemon knew he would have to make his decision now – either he would try to escape, or sort this out with talking.
[Escape] [Stay]
I guess they will be sorry for welcoming Naemon this way after realizing who is he.
It's a risky choice. However, ultimately I think Naemon doesn't have the best chances to escape five men. In fact, escaping would mean that he'd make himself suspicious. Even if they find out his real identity, as long as he behaves well I doubt they will see him as a threat. He is Vorian Dayne's nephew after all and the king is fond of him, so loyal Dayne bannermen shouldn't mind his presence, especially since their kingdoms are at peace. Of course, there is always the chance that this House Upton is not as loyal to House Dayne as they claim to be, but I feel it is still better for Naemon to talk it out with them than to test his luck by trying to escape.
I believe this makes the most sense. They would not dare to kill the heir to a kingdom and risk war. Plus, it may be the only way to get safe passage past this point.
[Stay] I will agree with the others on this one. I don't think they would cause anymore trouble with Naemon once they realize who he is and that he is King Vorian's nephew. From the looks of it they may have already figured it out so I would say Naemon's best bet is to stay and talk it out.
[Escape] I would rather escape then stay if was in Naemons shoes, staying is a bigger risk to me than escaping.
Both are risky, but this one is less.
Hey, Wildling, I noticed you didn't delete Ying Yu and Lien Yu from the waiting to be introduced yet. Barely noticable, but better to fix it. :P
Also, you got quite a few septons and septas there, holy cow.
Oh, thanks for reminding! And yeah, there are in fact seven of those septons/septas
So, as you probably guess, the characters are very much connected to each other.
[Stay] yeah, I'm going to have to go with Liquid on this one. Great part!
Voting is closed!
Naemon will stay where he is, and sort out the situation with talking. We'll see later how that goes.
The next part is under work, and it will be a Dianna PoV, taking us back to the eastern coast. A short recap: Last time we saw Dianna, she was on her mission of escorting Adian Dalt (nephew of Lord Daris Dalt) to Lemonwood, and helping the Dalts with a problems they have been having with bandits on their lands. With her were captains Javor and Sanyra, thirty Martell/Rhoynar soldiers, and twenty Dalt soldiers. The convoy made its way towards the river Greenblood. However when they arrived to the river, they noticed that the bridge had been destroyed. The Dalt general said this to be work of the bandits, and so they needed to ride to west, towards a ford where they can cross the river. The convoy made their camp on a cliff close to the Greenblood. There Dianna had a brief conversation with Javor, who told her that if she really thought there is something suspicious about this, she should confront Adian about it - and that's what you voted her to do.
Also, here's another character portrait, this time the leader of the Rose Company, Tryden Flowers:
Was this shot of him taken during his speech? ^^ I really like your drawings.
Hey guys! So ever since CM3434 came up with the magnificent idea to start up a H&L on Nymeria's War it just got me captivated and inspired further more to this already amazing story! So after a little while of thinking, discussing with the legends themselves, I decided to write one up for one of my characters: Ser Myke of the Marches. It's nothing to big, and I don't believe it reveals anything, however I thought it would be pretty neat to show
So without further ado, here's Ser Myke 
Nymeria’s War: Histories & Lore – Ser Myke of the Marches – Family
Myke adjusted his seating, his back sore from sparring all day. He looked her in the eyes, those attracting green eyes, which stared at him with wonder and curiosity. They were a beautiful sight, the only sight to be seen by the one candle that was planted in between him. The room was dim, the horrors of the night were upon them.
“I may not be a Caron, but it’s you who I fight for.” He began, his voice croaky and weak. He hovered his strong obsolete hand over the candle flame in front of him, staring at its odd beauty.
“Long ago I came across your family, returning home and travelling south to the Marches. Aye, I repelled an attack on this barren land, and aye I saved your father. He anointed me, gave me land, though it never much mattered to me.” Myke remarked, staring at his old hands.
He lifted his eyes, looking at the beautiful young girl that he used to take on his lap and tell her the mad tales of his time in Essos. The bards, the jesters, the difference of the land. She would always be so captivated, so interested. She was wild, yet timid. Courageous but held back. Myke sent her a warm smile, to which she always had replicated back. He had no children of his own blood, but in his eyes this girl was his daughter.
“Thousands of years ago, your family thrived in strength and power. Legendary names like Bethany and Gareth Caron, names that live on through the ages.” Myke stated, his eyes stared through her, looking into nothing. “Yet now, this house is little but another vassal for another king.” Myke lowered his eyes, resting his hand on the table in front of him.
Her soft and gentle hand reached out for his, caressing his tough skin and bringing him the hope he had always needed from her. His eyes met hers, and for once, Myke felt happiness in his life. It was the happiness one could obtain from cradling their newborn in their arms, watching their eldest son pick up the reins for their first time.
Her eyes stared into his, those green gems pleading for him to continue this final story. Myke smiled, and nodded. “Yet no matter the power of this great house, no matter the struggles you will endure or the pains you will be forced to suffer. Always remember the sweet song that chirps for us to continue fighting, as there is no song so sweet but that of family.”
Myke could see the tears of joy welling up in her eyes, the sudden fiery happiness that rushed through her. She leapt into his arms, knocking him and his wooden stool over, landing on his sore back. The pain surged through him, yet it mattered not. Her love healed all the pain that he had endured, and there was truly no song so sweet.
That was written very well
A bit shorter than my usual works, but the idea comes across I suppose :P Thank you very much though, it means a lot
I may end up writing one for Missy as well at some stage, depending on the feedback I get here
(these H&L's interest me a lot, and are an awesome way to get the readers more involved which I love!)
Hmm. That seems fantastic. This could truly be an interactive fanfic if some of us would write these.
Maybe I will as well.
Great writing indeed
I'm even a bit jealous that my own style isn't quite as eloquent 
Anyway, these History and Lore -parts were a fantastic idea. If any of you have ideas (preferably for characters you have submitted yourself), I encourage you to contact me with pm and we can talk about the idea. This is just another fantastic way of making this story interactive!
Wow, I never quite imagined I'd hear this praise coming from the one who inspired me to start writing fan fictions here! Well thank you, but allow me to assure you that your writing is truly amazing, and I'm always looking at ways to improve mine by reading through yours and Liquid's :P By the way, I've been taking the time to catch up over this past day, I'm currently up to Dianna's first part, and will no doubt be caught up by the end of today
It's a great thing that you got inspired to write because your writing has improved very quickly! I wish that guy who came to post shit on Invasion all those months ago would see your writing now, because I seriously doubt he'd even dare to open his mouth anymore. And that's what I told him back then, only way to get better at writing is to write.
And I'm happy to hear you are almost caught up!
The next part will probably be ready tomorrow.
Your compliments mean a lot to me, and are greatly appreciated. Rhaeygar, you mean? Yeah, I think of him often if I may admit. It was one of the eye openers for me, and another inspiration to work harder on my writing, which is starting to come out well now :P Though I think you're wrong on one thing, Rhaeygar was just a complete asshole. So I've been told he made attempts on WBW and FoT as well, so I think some f*ckers just don't learn XD
Already on the most recent part of Missy, and boy oh boy is it good! I'm worried for Gwendis however... Curious, is the doc fully updated? The most recent part on there is Naelia, and I think the recent one on the forum was Naemon? So I'm not sure how many parts have not been updated, but if you could look into that, it would be great. If not, I'll just search the forums and find them
Wow, this was amazing! It gave me even more appreciation for Myke and I wholeheartedly enjoyed this read. I also loved how it shed some more light on his relationship to House Caron and to Kortney in particular. With them being so close, I can only imagine what a toll this current search for her must take on him. And I also see two familiar names mentioned there
I feel like I really gotta try my hands at one of these Histories&Lore parts myself now...
Haha, I knew you'd enjoy those two :P It definitely does foreshadow a little in the Invasion, but nothing too drastic XD At any rate, it's encouraging to read that you enjoyed the short bit of scripture
I think with all this positive feedback that I'll write one for Missy, especially after reading her most recent part. That has given me so much inspiration! I'd love to see a Gwendis H&L, Naemon would be another awesome one too!
Well yeah, I guess his problem was more with just the idea that someone was making a fanfiction of this franchise. And it's true that GRRM has spoken against fanfictions, but if you actually look what he has said it's just that he wants people to make their own characters instead of using his, and that's what we are doing.
And yeah, the doc isn't up to date atm, since the Naemon part is missing
I try to remember adding the parts always after closing the vote, but usually it takes a day or two before I remember XD
That would definitely be awesome
Having you join in would be the greatest thing.
Wow this is excellent!!:D I am glad that I helped come up with this idea and that my little attempt at writing has led to such a fun idea for everyone to get involved in. Great job Stigz!:) and I am excited to see more of these if they pop up!
Well firstly, thank you so much for informing me about the great idea! It is indeed something that makes this story more interactive, and from the feedback it would appear a lot more people are wanting to get on board with this, which coming from a writer's perspective is the best thing an interactive author would like to hear. Look forward to seeing more of these popping up soon
@LiquidChicagoTed this is going to prove hazardous for you, isn't it my friend? XD
Dianna eyed from the distance as the young noble boy Adian Dalt spoke with his general, while the sun had almost set. Finally, the general walked away from Adian, and Dianna took her chance. She walked straight towards the boy, with determination in her steps.
“My Lord.” She started with strict tone. Adian turned to look at her, clearly surprised and a bit frightened. “What do you want?” He asked with nervous voice, and Dianna narrowed her eyes. “The truth.” She said calmly, but firmly. Now Adian glanced around himself, as if he wished someone would save him from this situation. Dianna grabbed the boy’s shoulder, and she could see how he gulped.
“Tell me.” She hissed. “What the hell is going on? Why are you and your men so afraid of these bandits?”
“It’s the Bandit Lord!” Adian replied now with a weak voice, turning his head down in shame and letting out a sigh. “Bandit lord?” Dianna raised her eyebrow, she had no idea what was that supposed to mean.
“Yes, the bastard’s bastard, Efran Sand.” Adian kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke. “I’ve never heard of this man. Is he someone we should be afraid of?” Dianna spoke with cynical words, wondering what was so scary about this bastard’s bastard.
“He is the son of Jaxar Sand who tried to overthrow my uncle from the lordship of Lemonwood almost twenty years ago.” Adian had calmed down a bit now, but his tone was still deadly serious. “Efran Sand is the one who has been terrorizing our lands. He has all kind of warriors around him, not just mere bandits, but knights, pirates, foreign hired killers.” For a moment Dianna stayed silent, studying the face of this young noble boy.
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier? Why didn’t you tell about this to Nymeria?” Dianna spoke quietly, trying to look Adian to the eyes, but he avoided the eye contact. “Those were my uncle’s commands. He refuses to acknowledge the threat of Efran, shrugging him off as a minor annoyance, a petty bandit leader.” Dianna sighed at this turning his eyes to west, where the sun had almost set.
“Well let’s hope we can resolve the situation.” Dianna said calmly. “But I have to send someone to inform Nymeria about this.” Dianna’s words were strict, and Adian nodded with a slightly defeated expression.
On the morning Captain Sanyra started her ride back to Sandship with a couple of soldiers, while the rest of the convoy continued their journey towards Lemonwood. At midday they arrived to the ford where they could cross the Greenblood. Crossing the river took a couple of hours with every man and woman crossing it one by one. After that was done they decided to keep riding for another couple of hours.
The sun was still quite high when they arrived to a small village on the shore of Greenblood. Boats were lined up on the beach and the small shacks were not far from them. Otherwise everything looked fine on the village, but on one of the walls was painted two red crosses. With blood?
With Captain Javor, and Adian Dalt, Dianna went to meet the villagers. They were welcomed by an old and balding man who invited them to his shack.
“And who might you be?” The old man asked calmly as they sat down. “I am Adian Dalt.” Adian replied with timid tone. “Nephew of Daris Dalt, the Lord of Lemonwood.” The old man gave a small nod to this. “And I’m Captain Javor, this here is Captain Dianna – we serve House Martell.” Javor spoke smoothly.
“It has truly been an odd week.” The old man said with powerless words. “Your men aren’t the first soldiers to visit the village, you see. The other ones visited two days ago, and they talked about another Lord entirely.”
“Efran Sand’s men?” Dianna asked seriously, and the man nodded. “Though they didn’t call him Sand.” The man had a grim tone on his voice. “They claimed him the one true Lord of Lemonwood, and demanded us to pay taxes for him.”
“And what did you do?” Javor asked, glancing at Dianna with a concerned expression on his face. “Two men refused to pay – they were butchered. After that we paid them, and they left. Two young men from the village joined them, in hopes of earning riches no doubt.” The old man shook his head as he spoke, and Javor let out a sigh. “We are sorry for what happened.” He said, but the man just let out a dry chuckle. “No need, it wasn’t of your doing.” With these words the meeting ended, and Dianna, Javor and Adian returned to their camp.
“So, this is why we asked for help.” Adian said with a sigh, sitting next to Dianna, Javor and the Dalt general. “It has been like this for a while, the Bandit Lord’s men claiming villages as their own and taking taxes from them, killing patrolling soldiers, taking prisoners.” The look on Adian’s face was desperate.
“And does your father have a plan how to deal with this exactly?” Dianna asked with slightly frustrated tone, and Adian shook his head. “It’s a hard task, they hide and strike in the night. We can’t face them in the field, that’s not how they operate.”
“Probably learned that lesson from Jaxar’s rebellion.” The Dalt general grunted, and Javor nodded subtly. “I guess we will just have to root them out the hard way.” Dianna said quietly. “Find out where they are hiding and strike, kill their leaders, cut the head of the snake.”
“That’s what we have been trying to do – it’s not so easy.” Adian’s words were weak and skeptic. Dianna shook her head and stood up, looking around. There were still couple hours left before the sundown, but dark clouds could be seen in the east.
“So, should we continue, or will we stay the night here?” Dianna asked, now looking at the village. Adian shrugged shyly, so Dianna turned to the general and Javor. “I think we should continue riding towards Lemonwood, the faster we are there the better.” The general spoke with confident tone, but Javor looked less sure.
“Maybe we should rest here.” He said with a touch of uncertainty. “It looks like it’ll rain soon, and we can’t be sure whether we find a good place to make our camp before sundown. Besides, if we walk into a trap of these bandits weary of travelling… that’s not going to end well.” Javor turned his eyes to Dianna. “But I guess it’s your decision.” He added quickly.
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I think Javor brought up a good point. If they are tired, they are far more likely to run into a trap. Arriving at Lemonwood a few hours earlier is not worth the risk. Surely this one day won't make that much of a difference. Aside from that, the village sounds like a perfectly defendable place, a generally good spot to rest.
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[Rest here] I have to agree with what Liquid said. The risk isn't worth the potential gain.
Great part!
[Rest here] I will have to agree with the others, it is probably best to play it safe here.