Adventure Pass villains

Remember how before episode 6 came out there were those invitations from The Host in Twitter and Facebook. And there were no other tweets/posts on that account and it seemed to be taken over by The Host. And now the same thing is happening with PAMA. My guess is that they might do the same with episode 8's villain. It kinda makes sense. Any other thoughts?


  • Soren will take usss

  • Yeah, there is a popular theory that Soren will play some role in the next episodes because of the easter eggs in ep. 5 and 6. But Soren being the episode 8 villain seems......alright I guess? We know nothing for sure, so everything is possible.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Soren will take usss

  • I think Soren will return because of the books in Episodes 5 and 6.

  • Yea Soren will return in episode 8 Maybe and i have a theory that herobrine will be in episode 7 because do you know how you fight herobrine to get his stuff you might fight him in episode 8 because i think it is a fighting club

  • The herobrine theory seemed stupid before but now that we've got all these different worlds, i think it might be true. Nice theory.

  • I just realized, for all of these "Machine gone mad" clichés, how hard is it REALLY to defeat a machine? I mean, shoot a wire or make their battery run out and they are dead. In Pama's case, KNOCK OUT SOME CIRCUITS! It's Minecraft, the circuits are precise and essential to running the robot. Knock out a piece of redstone and they're gone. I mean, is it really that hard? How has no one that before? Just because a machine has consciousness doesn't mean the machine isn't a MACHINE. It still can break and be hacked and be disabled. Just knock out a circuit! I mean, why did Chell in portal never just, shoot a wire that Glados had? Do people never think of this?

  • They might somehow get an explanation for this. Like, a barrier blocking them or something?

    I just realized, for all of these "Machine gone mad" clichés, how hard is it REALLY to defeat a machine? I mean, shoot a wire or make their

  • edited July 2016

    I think soren is dead now.... Till a few days before I taught of him in episode 7 but my hope is zero or 00

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Soren will take usss

  • Or he is a sort of Sans, judging us for our actions.

    I'm good cuz:

    I took Aiden with me
    I saved Dan and Lizzie
    I accused no one
    I gave Cassie Winslow

    I think soren is dead now.... Till a few days before I taught of him in episode 7 but my hope is zero or 00

  • .....but also killed a lot of monsters, which makes you a serial killer.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Or he is a sort of Sans, judging us for our actions. I'm good cuz: I took Aiden with me I saved Dan and Lizzie I accused no one I gave Cassie Winslow I'LL WRECK THE HECK OUT OF PAMA

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