The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'll reply for him instead.


    Pray for notifications. Guessing that you'll reply in 2 days.

  • I just found these in a map in GMod. I wonder what they mean...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Do it! Do it!

    Johro posted: »

    Ban Kenny til the 30th. Watch everyone whom doesn't read this thread lose their shit.

  • edited July 2016

    I'm only here to post this

  • And it happens again. The mods close a discussion I was just about to post a detailed comment on...Just typical.

  • Not trying to throw shade at the Telltale staff but...

    Wtf are they doing?!

    AronDracula posted: »

    I miss the old site. #StillNoNotifications

  • I see "open" "building" and then I lose it. I don't know Kanji though. I never finished that Learn Japanese game.

    I just found these in a map in GMod. I wonder what they mean...

  • edited July 2016

    "The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has said it sees no reason to delay or move the Games because of the mosquito-borne disease."

    Just stumbled upon some old news and made me think what kind of idiots they helm.

    Rio Olympics might pass as most disastrous Olympics in the history of Olympics.

    And you basically invite terrorists there too, wouldn't be surprised.

  • edited July 2016

    Time for more horror movies! I'm gonna watch:

    • Nightmare on Elm Street 1-3
    • Halloween 1 and 2

    EDIT: Are there any good ones about zombies?

  • Just finished watching Season 6 of Lego Ninjago and man, it was worth the wait!

  • Huh, cool little fact there. So this whole "no notification for replies" thing is going to be fixed, right?

    We could always ban other mods since this new version of the forums came out in late 2013. Mod stuff is the same on our end; there are a few

  • The original Night/Dawn/Day of the Dead trilogy. That's about it for me. You'll probably find bigger zombie fans than I here though.

    Time for more horror movies! I'm gonna watch: * Nightmare on Elm Street 1-3 * Halloween 1 and 2 EDIT: Are there any good ones about zombies?

  • edited September 2021


  • The N word is not allowed because it's racist

    Chilled posted: »


  • Yeah. It's not a joke. Remember, slavery was a thing. We can't use that word anymore. I'm sure if you try hard, you can find another word that fits the point you were trying to get across.

    Chilled posted: »


  • Just a word bro, like any other offensive word. I'm kinda having a joke though, yeah it can be offensive but I find it funny how it's selectively banned when any other word isn't. What a g up.

    The N word is not allowed because it's racist

  • edited July 2016


    Johro posted: »

    Yeah. It's not a joke. Remember, slavery was a thing. We can't use that word anymore. I'm sure if you try hard, you can find another word that fits the point you were trying to get across.

  • You find being a racist funny?

    Chilled posted: »

    Just a word bro, like any other offensive word. I'm kinda having a joke though, yeah it can be offensive but I find it funny how it's selectively banned when any other word isn't. What a g up.

  • Settle mate. I don't see where I'm being racist, it is simply a word.
    However, a lot of racist jokes are quite funny, you can choose to be offended or shrug it off.
    I would never be actively racist, no idea why you accuse me of that. I'm one of the most anti-racist people you'll ever meet, however, I can also have a laugh at its expense. That is what humour is, making light of serious or otherwise offensive situations.
    So yes, racism can be funny, however, I am not being racist in he slightest, or don't intend to be.
    This 'Harambe' thing is a quote off a meme, I was hoping someone would notice it, but alas, 'twas banned.

    You find being a racist funny?

  • edited July 2016

    I don't see where I'm being racist. It is simply a word.

    If you're seriously saying that, you don't know what the 'N' word means.

    However, a lot of racist jokes are funny.

    No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever.

    Chilled posted: »

    Settle mate. I don't see where I'm being racist, it is simply a word. However, a lot of racist jokes are quite funny, you can choose to be

  • ok mate

    I don't see where I'm being racist. It is simply a word. If you're seriously saying that, you don't know what the 'N' word means. However, a lot of racist jokes are funny. No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever.

  • I would include Land of the Dead in this list. Watch Diary if you're still up for it, avoid Survival like it's the actual zombie plague.

    Also while not technically a zombie film, 28 Days Later is good.

    Johro posted: »

    The original Night/Dawn/Day of the Dead trilogy. That's about it for me. You'll probably find bigger zombie fans than I here though.

  • CuteClem.

    Except this time, there's two of them.

    Chilled posted: »


  • edited July 2016

    You're not being a racist everytime you say the N word, it depends on the context you use it in. Please explain how he was racist using the word in the original post he tried posting?

    People have different sense of humors. Racist jokes can be funny to a lot of people, I've seen a lot of racist jokes aimed at black people and the black people found them funny, don't be a white knight.

    I don't see where I'm being racist. It is simply a word. If you're seriously saying that, you don't know what the 'N' word means. However, a lot of racist jokes are funny. No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever.

  • How's that bad? CuteClem is god.

    CuteClem. Except this time, there's two of them.

  • CuteClem was annoying as fuck.

    How's that bad? CuteClem is god.

  • Say that to her face, I dare you.

    Realize that she's a human too, a human with broken grammar and a creepy love for clem. People might not get what she says but she has good intentions.

    CuteClem was annoying as fuck.

  • edited July 2016

    I can't! Because she's gone!

    And honestly, I could give two shits about grammar. But the creepy Clem love was what got to my head. I get it if she loves a certain character more than all the others, but she doesn't need to spam it 24/7.

    Say that to her face, I dare you. Realize that she's a human too, a human with broken grammar and a creepy love for clem. People might not get what she says but she has good intentions.

  • On one hand I'm thinking "oh no", on another I'm thinking of all the banter that will return to 'The Walking Dead' side of the forums, pros outweigh the cons. Welcome back CuteClem.

    CuteClem. Except this time, there's two of them.

  • edited July 2016

    I've noticed a lot more recently that when I finish some sort of task I say: "Alright" to myself.

    I think I'm turning into Matthew McConaughey, guys.

  • I hated Diary the most, but I also hate found-footage films. Romero failed incredibly at it too. There are edits(which gets a half-ass explanation), sometimes the cameraman doesn't react to the scenes at all, there's a musical score, people talking to someone else-yet facing the camera like a normal movie. It was Romero trying to do something new and hip at the time and he just wasn't good at it.

    On a side note, the 1991 remake of Night Of The Living Dead by Savini was pretty good too.

    I would include Land of the Dead in this list. Watch Diary if you're still up for it, avoid Survival like it's the actual zombie plague. Also while not technically a zombie film, 28 Days Later is good.

  • However, a lot of racist jokes are funny.

    No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever.

    These are pretty funny. XD

    Why can't Mexicans play uno? They take all the green cards. What is a Mexicans favorite sport? Cross country!

    (Before anyone gets triggered, I'm Hispanic.)

    I don't see where I'm being racist. It is simply a word. If you're seriously saying that, you don't know what the 'N' word means. However, a lot of racist jokes are funny. No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever.

  • I wonder how long a racist joke thread would last...

    However, a lot of racist jokes are funny. No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever. These are pretty funny. XD Wh

  • How do you get 10 Cubans in a garbage can? Tell them it floats.

    I'm Cuban and I'm not even triggered by this.

    However, a lot of racist jokes are funny. No. They're not. Not now, not back then, not ever. These are pretty funny. XD Wh

  • Hey, can a mod ban me?

    I hate this new layout, and I feel like no one likes me anyway.

  • edited July 2016

    Don't be so hard on yourself dude, it's most likely because you wrote a comment directed at a user on here, we both know who.
    I think that's fair enough...but no one said they didn't like you. We're all randoms from all across the world here, disliking a user on an Internet forum is a tad immature of them imo.

    Hey, can a mod ban me? I hate this new layout, and I feel like no one likes me anyway.

  • edited July 2016

    I don't mean just that one comment. I meant in general...

    And yeah, I know no one told me personally they didn't like me, but I just feel like no one does. It seems like all I do is annoy people with my all caps and shitty arguments.

    Chilled posted: »

    Don't be so hard on yourself dude, it's most likely because you wrote a comment directed at a user on here, we both know who. I think that'

  • With these mods? Not long... :(

    Chilled posted: »

    I wonder how long a racist joke thread would last...

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