Episode 7 choices

What did u guys do and why


  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    I made up with Petra because my Jesse isn't a prick.

    I was uncooperative with PAMA because I was trying to use the processing method prematurely, but Telltale didn't like that.

    I unchipped Lukas because...I like Lukas? (I'm not too sure why)

    I chose Potion of swiftness because I wanted a cool, and fast paced action sequence

    And I didn't mean to not defend, Harper.

  • Made nice
    Wasn't cooperative and not "useful"
    Unchipped Lukas
    Used potion of Swiftness
    Defended Harper

  • made nice

    not useful

    went super fast

    defended harper

  • Did you unchip Petra or Lukas?

    stitchfan08 posted: »

    made nice not useful went super fast defended harper

  • Made nice with Petra. Because I tried to be rational.
    Told PAMA the truth. Because I thought it won't chip Petra if I don't.
    Unchipped Petra. Spent more time with her than the others lately. And I felt that PAMA crossed the line when it chipped her.
    Potion of Swiftness. Gotta go fast.
    Defended Harper. Why not? PAMA went rogue on its own.

  • 1: I made nice with Petra
    2: Convinved PAMA
    3: I unchipped Petra (not just because I ship Jetra)
    4: Used a Potion of Invisibility
    5: Couldn't convince the townspeople that Harper was innocent.

    1. Made nice to Petra. I could understand her frustration.
    2. Not trusting or cooperating with PAMA.
    3. I unchipped Petra. While I was partly motivated because I felt closest to her, I also thought that since she was the better fighter, at least PAMA wouldn't be as threatening.
    4. Used Potion of Swiftness, I love being fast.
    5. I defended Harper.
    1. I made nice. My Jesse isn't a prick
    2. I always try to be nice and friendly for the first time even if it's the bad guy. Might come useful later, but that wasn't the case
    3. I unchipped Petra because she is a good fighter, even though PAMA learned her skills already
    4. I used Potion of Swiftness because placing TNT and Redstone had to be done fast
    5. I defended Harper. PAMA made decisions on its own without the need of Harper
  • Nice to petra,
    Un chipped Lukas
    Potion of Leaping (that was an awesome choice and sequence)
    Stood up for Harper

    1. Made nice with Petra
    2. cooperated with PAMA
      3.unchipped Petra
      4.used potion of invisibility
    3. Defended Harper
  • I'm looking at my choices and realized most of my choices are different from other people.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    * Made nice with Petra * cooperated with PAMA 3.unchipped Petra 4.used potion of invisibility * Defended Harper

    1. Made Nice with Petra (Btw, it's really weird that everyone here was nice, but in the choice screen only 10% was nice)
    2. Cooperated with PAMA
    3. Unchipped Lukas
    4. Used potion of Leaping (I wish i could use the speed one, but i used it on EP5)
    5. Defended Harper
  • edited July 2016

    -I made nice with Petra. I didn't wanna argue with her and I can't blame her for being frustrated. It wouldn't do any good if things were tense between us later on.
    -I told PAMA the truth. I thought about lying at first, but then I decided against it.
    -I chose to unchip Petra first. When it came down to it, she was who I wanted by my side against PAMA more. I did feel bad for Lukas being chipped that long.
    -I used the potion of swiftness. Though I would've preferred the invisibility potion, but I already used it back in the previous episode.
    -I defended Harper. She may have created PAMA, but it went rogue on its own and she did help with shutting it down.

  • Petra

    Did you unchip Petra or Lukas?

  • My ps4 version won't let me see my choices it said I'm offline but I'm not

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I'm looking at my choices and realized most of my choices are different from other people.

    • Made nice with Petra
    • Uncooperative
    • Unchipped Lukas (because he is my fav character, don't believe me? Look at my profile picture)
    • Invisibility Potion (because I thought I could hit zombies)
    • Did not defend harper because I wanted her to come. Dun judge
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    enter image description here

  • How to stood up to Harper?
    I accidentally missclicked to ...

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My Choices

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2016

    Idk why my image doesnt work so theres a link.


  • edited July 2016

    My episode 7 Choices

    I argued with Petra because, even if she doesn't like it, I am the leader of this outfit, and I refuse to apologize for pointing that out. She was frustrated, but taking it out on us as if we're being a nuisance didn't sit well with me. Maybe that makes ME the petty one, especially since I didn't help with the zombie. But still.

    I was uncooperative, since I refused to speak to him until he began to get forceful with us. I must say, PAMA is pretty damn creepy.

    I unchipped Lukas because I thought he'd be the minority choice. Clearly I was wrong. :V If I had known I'd be carrying him on my back instead of Petra, I'd have unchipped Petra. Ah well.

    I chose invisibility because it seemed like the smarter option.

    Lastly, I defended Harper because I deal in mercy and forgiveness, and I wanted the townspeople to see that too. She made a mistake, a really terrible mistake, but that doesn't mean she can't atone for that.
    (Hah, re-reading my explanations, this is a bit hypocritical considering I decided to keep arguing with Petra instead of acknowledging her frustration. :V Welp.)

  • I am actually surprised that there is such a huge procentage that argued against Petra.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I argued with Petra because, even if she doesn't like it, I am the leader of this outfit, and I refuse to apologize for pointing that out. S

  • Wait, I didn't have the choice to use a potion of invisibility, only swiftness and leaping. I guess it depends on which we chose in episode 5? That's kinda cool.

  • I don't think it's accurate, going by this thread. The figure will probably change soon

    I am actually surprised that there is such a huge procentage that argued against Petra.

  • Does arguing with Petra have any impacts?

    I am actually surprised that there is such a huge procentage that argued against Petra.

  • No, she runs through the portal without you but you find her at the zombie so yeah doesn't matter

    matteso586 posted: »

    Does arguing with Petra have any impacts?

  • I argued with Petra. I told her I was the leader. (I made up with her later.)

    I was uncooperative with PAMA. I didn't think it would be wise to tell PAMA about the portal.

    I unchipped Lukas. I like the guy, plus he's pretty smart and pretty dang tough. Actually, I realized I have a ongoing theme with leaving Petra behind.

    I chose the potion of leaping. Hell raining from the sky, gotta love it. I only have swiftness left.

    I didn't defend Harper, mainly because I was pondering what choice to choose and when I was gonna click on she'd help, I ran out of time. Whoops.

  • edited July 2016

    I haven't done a second playthrough yet, so probably another impact would be having a "Are We Cool" option where you can tell Petra you're sorry or not, during the hub town area.

    No, she runs through the portal without you but you find her at the zombie so yeah doesn't matter

    1. Made nice with Petra

    She is my bae

    1. Told Pama the truth

    Just wanted to say I don't belong to its world

    1. Unchipped Petra

    She is stronger than Lukas and I had to make sure that she should know that I do care for her. I can't believe I'm in minority

    1. Chose potion of invisibility

    I regret choosing potion of speed in episode 5 though

    1. I defended Harper

    If she didn't help I probably wouldn't have

  • You know, I'm beginning to think that a majority wanted to see a fallout. That's why the 90% argued with Petra.

  • Yeah, and fallout 2, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, fallout 4. Is there gonna be a fallout 5?

  • Also surprised most people saved Lukas first.

    I am actually surprised that there is such a huge procentage that argued against Petra.

  • Not that kind of fallout!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, and fallout 2, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, fallout 4. Is there gonna be a fallout 5?

  • But I've watched Infernokun, GameoverENT and SwingPoynt and they all saved Petra

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Also surprised most people saved Lukas first.

  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    Finally got around to play the episode. Quite curious to see how much the stats have changed, heh.

  • The stats have changed.

    It seems that more people have made nice with Petra and more have chosen to unchip Petra.

    I am actually surprised that there is such a huge procentage that argued against Petra.

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