Petra, Lukas, Ivor who is favorite ??



  • Lukas is my favorite

  • ... U be doing alot of thread spam.... (Petra) ;)

  • Yea

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    ... U be doing alot of thread spam.... (Petra)

  • Lukas because

    Petra can be a jerk and is extremely selfish

    Ivor can't forgive him for Ellie :(

  • Lukas. Simple.

  • Petra because I ship Jetra

  • Same!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra because I ship Jetra

  • Ivor is really really funny.

    Plus voiced by Paul Reubens, which adds a few points.

  • Lukas, but Ivor's been growing on me. In episode 5 I found him too loud and obnoxious, but the past 2 episodes he's been more sarcastic and cynical which I appreciate more.

  • I'm way better than that 'Petra' and 'Blond guy'! Me, Ivor, is the best of all!

  • Well as 3 characters have different varieties
    Ivor: funny
    Lukas: he now starting to be a writer
    Petra: serious and sometimes angry

  • extremely selfish

    How is Petra selfish when she cares a lot for her friends?

    fancies posted: »

    Lukas because Petra can be a jerk and is extremely selfish Ivor can't forgive him for Ellie

  • She ran away. She bossed Jesse around in episode 1. She doesn't want to warn others about her sickness. I'm not sure why I dislike her so much, she's just annoying I guess. I'd even say worse than Ivor.

    AronDracula posted: »

    extremely selfish How is Petra selfish when she cares a lot for her friends?

  • Lukas is definitely the most awkward one, that fire scene in episode 7 though

  • She bossed Jesse around in episode 1

    I don't remember her doing that

    She doesn't want to warn others about her sickness

    You forgot that Gabriel didn't want to do that as well? Also, so what?

    I'd even say worse than Ivor.

    How can she be worse than Ivor when he is the one who created the witherstorm which got Ellie and Reuben killed? You even said "can't forgive him for Ellie".

    She ran away

    If you apologize her, she will be very nice to you.

    fancies posted: »

    She ran away. She bossed Jesse around in episode 1. She doesn't want to warn others about her sickness. I'm not sure why I dislike her so much, she's just annoying I guess. I'd even say worse than Ivor.

  • I love all of em

    Ok, i love Jetra
    Lukas is just freakin adorable
    Ivor is my fav though, he's soo funny and makes me laugh.

  • I really like Lukas but he's not treated as being as important so it makes it hard to like him as much. Plus I ship Jetra.

  • Surely Petra

  • "Adventure!"


  • Definitely Ivor. he's been growing on me since Episode 5.

  • Same here

    Lukas, but Ivor's been growing on me. In episode 5 I found him too loud and obnoxious, but the past 2 episodes he's been more sarcastic and cynical which I appreciate more.

  • That scene when the group is portal hopping, and Lukas says " Burr... Ice lakes." I thought too soon dude... >:(

  • Petra, I'd save her over EVERYONE.

  • I love this group better than Axel and Olivia.

    While I don't have a favorite, I can say that Ivor has grown on me, to the point that I consider him an equal to Petra and Lukas.

  • none, Jesse is by fact le best :)

  • God they're all so awesome in their own ways but they all have some shortcomings.

    Petra is my Jesse's main love interest. While she is brave and cunning she also showed her ugly side in episode 7. I really did not like her attitude even when I saved her first over Lukas.

    Lukas is amazing as well. Just as loyal as Petra, if not more so. He has really solidified himself as a right hand man to Jesse. However, he can get really pessimistic and useless as shown in episode 3. I do think he has gotten over a lot of that, and I appreciate how he can make a serious situation seem goofy as hell.

    Ivor is also incredible. He is voiced by Peewee and he is a constant source of laughter during the game. However I can't forget that he started the Witherstorm in the first place, although I don't really hold it against him.

    They are all incredible characters but I'd probably rank them as Petra>Ivor>Lukas

  • petra and ivor! :) .. Lukas is just..there? idk he did not had that big of an impression on me. i'd rather have axel with me. :/

  • makmak600makmak600 Banned
    edited August 2016

    Petra the beeeeeeeeeeessssssst ever the others gone down the hill
    but ANY way i am the dumber person play that game ever

  • I guess I like Lukas the best.

  • I like Ivor the most. Guess it's just my preference.

  • Axel, ftw!

    That was a joke. :P Each character has their own thing that makes them great! Ivor's sassy nature and his lines are great and clever, to compensate the grumpy face he showed in the 1-4 ep and the fact that, you know, almost destroyed the world? Petra will always be your "warrior-merchant", ready to back her friends when things go south. As for Lukas, he became more chill after the wither and a moral compass.

    Short story short: My fav is Lukas (determinant; Ivor can replace him, depending on ep 8, yo!). Why? He acts like a moral compass, as I mentioned earlier. :P

  • 1) Lukas definitely. He's the most loyal. In episode 3 however, he was kind of a... pessimist. I mean if that (meaning a huge black cloud stripping the world and killing people) were to happen irl, you'd probably be a little stressed out too.

    2) Ivor. Undoubtedly the funniest one in the whole series (The only one who even comes close to that is Axel). Pretty cool guy.

    3) Petra. I've said more about her in other places, but to sum it all up: I'm not a huge fan of her personality. It doesn't have much depth.

  • Ivor is my first favorite character, Petra's my third and Lukas is my forth.

  • Same homie

    I like Ivor the most. Guess it's just my preference.

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