The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I got my final high school yearbook today

    One of my friends submitted a photo of us meeting Melissa Hutchison at a Walker Stalker con and it actually made it into the yearbook!

    And now I feel all sappy and shit because I finally made it into the yearbook for being ME. It was a good final victory... :)

  • Haha, copying my memes, hilarious and original!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I identify as an empty Coke bottle. "Guy" isn't my gender or a thing that means anything to me. The pronouns are : Zee, zis, zes. That was offensive, bless you.

  • [make Foxy porn]

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    [stalk fox-chicken-wolf-ass robots] [swing in your low class chair] [exit the game wtf]

  • edited August 2016

    Okay at best, if you play with randoms, amazing if you play with friends.

    Does anyone have Dead By Daylight? If so, how is it?

  • David Ayer yelled "Fuck Marvel" so what? you have a problem with that? is not a big deal, its his opinion

    David Ayer yelled "Fuck Marvel" at the Suicide Squad premiere. First of all, that's pretty fucking uncivil and douchey. Second of all... Sounds like somebody's gettin' a little too big for his britches.

  • I'm a huge DC fan as well as a Marvel fan. But screaming "Fuck Marvel" when talking up your new DC movie literally minutes before the movie comes out and can be judged is not only arrogant and stupid, but it's also highly uncivil and uncalled for, and it would be if anyone from Marvel did it too. So yes, I do have a fucking problem with somebody being an asshole for a completely unjustified reason. It's absolutely not an opinion. If I said "Fuck you", that wouldn't be opinion or fact, that'd be me being a fucking asshole.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    David Ayer yelled "Fuck Marvel" so what? you have a problem with that? is not a big deal, its his opinion

  • Found what might be the most weird and fucking hilarious texture glitch ever while recording a video of The Walking Dead: Season Two. I'll probably post some pictures in a bit.

  • who cares? just ignore it, theres nothing to be done, maybe he was joking, he is not the first to do it, take me for example, i hate clementine! thats my opinion, i hate her character, her existence, everything about her! but that doesnt make an asshole......

    I'm a huge DC fan as well as a Marvel fan. But screaming "Fuck Marvel" when talking up your new DC movie literally minutes before the movie

  • Why would it make someone a asshole? Its not like marvel is some shy and retiring person its a huge multi million dollar corporation that shoves its self in your face if someone shouted "fuck you macdonalds" while talking about burger king would that make them a asshole? No it wouldn't.

    I'm a huge DC fan as well as a Marvel fan. But screaming "Fuck Marvel" when talking up your new DC movie literally minutes before the movie

  • Yeah, but you said "I hate this" that is an opinion, blatantly and cockily saying "fuck you!" is not opinion, that's you being a cunt.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    who cares? just ignore it, theres nothing to be done, maybe he was joking, he is not the first to do it, take me for example, i hate clement

  • edited August 2016

    There's a difference. You're talking as if saying "Fuck (Blank)" in general is a douchey thing to do, which is not what I said. If you say "fuck you" for no valid reason at all, you're an asshole. Marvel has never once called DC out, and they've never said "Fuck you" to them. So what gives somebody from DC the right to do the same after they didn't do anything?

    Why would it make someone a asshole? Its not like marvel is some shy and retiring person its a huge multi million dollar corporation that sh

  • Promoting a rival product is a reason and disliking a shambling corporate menace is a reason, I dont favour either but no individual was offended (other than you I guess) the words weren't directed at a person but a faceless thing so why care.

    There's a difference. You're talking as if saying "Fuck (Blank)" in general is a douchey thing to do, which is not what I said. If you say "

  • Yeah, I guess that's a reason. But still, blatantly saying "fuck you" is incredibly harsh. But I suppose you're right, it is a faceless thing. Just felt it was a bit of an arrogant thing to say. It's like if Sega released the trailer for Sonic Mania and said "Fuck Nintendo!" when 70% of the sonic games have been unbearable, unplayable messes.

    Promoting a rival product is a reason and disliking a shambling corporate menace is a reason, I dont favour either but no individual was offended (other than you I guess) the words weren't directed at a person but a faceless thing so why care.

  • edited August 2016

    BvS: DOJ was not very good, I actually likes Man of Steel. Civil War and Winter Soldier were great

    but reviews dont mean shit, i've enjoyed alot of movies that other people gave poor reviews too

    David Ayer yelled "Fuck Marvel" at the Suicide Squad premiere. First of all, that's pretty fucking uncivil and douchey. Second of all... Sounds like somebody's gettin' a little too big for his britches.

  • IHE made some excellent points in that video.

    BvS: DOJ was not very good, I actually likes Man of Steel. Civil War and Winter Soldier were great but reviews dont mean shit, i've enjoyed alot of movies that other people gave poor reviews too

  • he's usually always on point haha!

    IHE made some excellent points in that video.

  • Yeah, I love his second channel as well. JAR Media just has such amazing chemistry together and every video always gets a couple laughs out of me. IHE in general is awesome though, just waiting for him to get started on that I Hate Mars Bars video. I know he hates those requests but I think it'd be so funny to see him actually make a video on that.

    he's usually always on point haha!

  • I saw you edited your comment to add something additional to it, and I agree on the whole thing about movies you enjoy getting shit reviews. I fucking loved the first Silent Hill movie, but was sad to see it was critically panned.

    BvS: DOJ was not very good, I actually likes Man of Steel. Civil War and Winter Soldier were great but reviews dont mean shit, i've enjoyed alot of movies that other people gave poor reviews too

  • So I said I found some glitches earlier, here they be.

    enter image description here

    So near the end of the first episode, there were some really weird texture glitches on Nick's neck. It never happened beforehand, and after this it never happened on any other single game model except for Nick. It was a small issue and I thought I'd ignore it. 2 minutes later, I start noticing this shit.

    enter image description here

    As you can see, his eye textures were replaced with his skin texture, and the weird black texture bug was getting more noticable, and it was growing onto him like a spilled liquid on one spot of a shirt soaks into the rest of it. And then this shit happened.

    enter image description here

    So at this point, Clem threw her arms into the air and kept them like that for a full minute, and Nick turned into the Observer with a trucker hat. I don't know why, but somehow seeing this fucking horribly bugged texture and Clem just like that made me laugh really hard. And the bug never went away, Nick's skin stayed like that throughout the rest of the episode. What the fuck.

  • I never expected you to reply so quick so I was still editing XD

    I saw you edited your comment to add something additional to it, and I agree on the whole thing about movies you enjoy getting shit reviews. I fucking loved the first Silent Hill movie, but was sad to see it was critically panned.

  • I bet Biff was hitting on his mom in the past.

    So I said I found some glitches earlier, here they be. So near the end of the first episode, there were some really weird texture gli

  • edited August 2016

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    So I said I found some glitches earlier, here they be. So near the end of the first episode, there were some really weird texture gli


    MichaelBP posted: »

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

  • Fuckin' Biff...

    Johro posted: »

    I bet Biff was hitting on his mom in the past.

  • Sorry, just hard to forget about the disaster that was launch Unity. At least we got some funny pics out of it.


  • Funny isn't the word I'd use for the disgusting creation that was Assassin's Creed: Unity. I'd say catastrophic.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Sorry, just hard to forget about the disaster that was launch Unity. At least we got some funny pics out of it.

  • Fun fact : Not only did I copy it, I pasted it.

    papai46 posted: »

    Haha, copying my memes, hilarious and original!

  • edited August 2016

    Aaaaah God not again YOU BRING BACK THE NIGHTMARES

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

  • edited August 2016

    Everytime you bring up Assassin's Creed Unity
    enter image description here

    Jesus cries thank God he gave me a place in heaven after my two hour rant on that piece of shit

    Sorry Jesus I know you hated the game to please forgive humanity it wasn't our fault for buying the game we didn't knew either how bad it was

    Funny isn't the word I'd use for the disgusting creation that was Assassin's Creed: Unity. I'd say catastrophic.

  • Golden yes!

    Max, no.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

  • I am banned from the FNaF subreddit... again :D

  • hey.... david ayer already apologized for his comment, he said it was a joke, like i said... he is not the only one who does that, robert downey jr once insulted dc, he said "fuck DC" and nobody cares, some of the actors from the mcu talked shit about DC for years! and nobody gives a fuck! Marvel disses DC nobody bats an eye! DC disses Marvel everyone loses their mind!

    Yeah, but you said "I hate this" that is an opinion, blatantly and cockily saying "fuck you!" is not opinion, that's you being a cunt.

  • this game is why I gave up on assassins creed

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

  • it's cool

    I don't know why but I really like Kesha's song "TiK ToK". Sometimes I find myself singing the lyrics. It's weird for me, because that's not exactly my genre of choice. But regardless, I do.

  • So you think it's okay?

    papai46 posted: »

    Okay at best, if you play with randoms, amazing if you play with friends.

  • The :D face says "I'm happy outside." but the avatar says "I'm sad inside."

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I am banned from the FNaF subreddit... again

  • this happend on the division beta as well and a few times on ac syndicate

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So that's where Ubisoft got the idea for

  • edited August 2016

    i found out that emily kinney (who was beth green in amc walking dead) has actually sung some songs other than the ones in twd and now i get themstuck in my head oh and i downloaded yakuza 5 on my ps3 (probably the only game i will play on ps3 as i usually play ps4)

  • So.. my birthday is today!

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