The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2016

    Happy Birthday!
    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Happy Birthday!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!


    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Decided to do a Fallout 3 playthrough as a psychopathic cannibal. This shall be fun.

  • Happy birthday

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • First of all, I already mentioned I'd be just as pissed as Marvel if they were to do it to DC, but thanks for paying attention. Second, this conversation is long over and I'm passed the point of giving any fucks. Third, I wasn't aware some actors talked shit on DC, if I had known they had I would have called them out on it in my original post. Forth, you do realize that this was posted before he apologized for his shitty behavior, right?

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    hey.... david ayer already apologized for his comment, he said it was a joke, like i said... he is not the only one who does that, robert do

  • This is where you gave up? I gave up at III honestly.

    this game is why I gave up on assassins creed

  • How do you get banned from a community as cancerous as the FNaF community? You'd have to have been really fucking toxic, and considering you're for the most part considerate and level headed on these forums, I don't think that was why you were banned.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I am banned from the FNaF subreddit... again

  • Happy birthday man!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • You can do that?! That sounds amazing! I've literally only ever played a nice run were I was polite.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Decided to do a Fallout 3 playthrough as a psychopathic cannibal. This shall be fun.

  • Probably gonna see Suicide Squad in Prime when it's out, Kinda hyped but don't wanna get my hopes up.

  • Do people still take RT seriously? lol. Also RDJ said "fuck dc" but everyone has probably forgotten about that. Plus Ayer later apologized about the incident.

    David Ayer yelled "Fuck Marvel" at the Suicide Squad premiere. First of all, that's pretty fucking uncivil and douchey. Second of all... Sounds like somebody's gettin' a little too big for his britches.

  • Weren't you super into that?

    How do you get banned from a community as cancerous as the FNaF community? You'd have to have been really fucking toxic, and considering you

  • Joyous day of birth!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • At one point probably, my brain is so fucked that i can hardly remember where i live at this point.

    Weren't you super into that?

  • I already covered that above you know.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Do people still take RT seriously? lol. Also RDJ said "fuck dc" but everyone has probably forgotten about that. Plus Ayer later apologized about the incident.




    BECOME EGYPT'S PRESIDENT VICE (I had to make it rhyme)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • That sounds healthy, keep up the good life style.

    At one point probably, my brain is so fucked that i can hardly remember where i live at this point.

  • edited August 2016


    In all seriousness, I probably was part of that atrocious fanbase at some point, I don't know, and I don't quite care anymore. I've got too many fucking issues in my life to sort out without trying to figure out whether I was cancerous or not.

    That sounds healthy, keep up the good life style.

  • Early reviews aren't looking so good. Just checked Rotten Tomatoes, only 34% of reviewers gave it a positive rating so far. It's only based on 54 reviews so far, but it doesn't look as if it will get much better.

    You know what's best, I'll get to hear more complaining from DC fans about how all the reviewers were bought out by Marvel, everyone who hates it is a Marvel fanboy, and how DC is better in every single possible way. Oh what fun.

    Probably gonna see Suicide Squad in Prime when it's out, Kinda hyped but don't wanna get my hopes up.

  • I try.

    Fair point enough too. Not worth caring about something as insignificant as that.

    Hilarious. In all seriousness, I probably was part of that atrocious fanbase at some point, I don't know, and I don't quite care anymore.

  • Early reviews aren't looking so good. Just checked Rotten Tomatoes, only 34% of reviewers gave it a positive rating so far.

    Which is weird when reviewers on IMDb give it a 9/10. I guess the film made people feel very conflicted.

    You know what's best, I'll get to hear more complaining from DC fans about how all the reviewers were bought out by Marvel, everyone who hates it is a Marvel fanboy, and how DC is better in every single possible way. Oh what fun.

    God I fucking hate DC fans sometimes. I love DC, but at least I can admit when their fucking movies are shit. Although I suppose they're not as bad as the Star Wars fanbase. I swear I catch I different kind of disease whenever I go into a comment section on something Star Wars related.

    Early reviews aren't looking so good. Just checked Rotten Tomatoes, only 34% of reviewers gave it a positive rating so far. It's only based

  • I don't know, Star Wars fans can be bad, but I've been finding that DC fans have been a hell of a lot worse lately.

    Early reviews aren't looking so good. Just checked Rotten Tomatoes, only 34% of reviewers gave it a positive rating so far. Which is

  • Actual quote from a Star Wars fan.

    "The Force Awakens is such a fucking bad movie! Nothing about it is good, the action is shit, the CGI looks dumb compared to the prequels and the acting soooo bad! Finn is only comic relief, but that makes sense since he's an ape. Why'd the even let him into the movie? The prequels were so much better and well written than this mess, and this movie has ruined Star Wars for me FOREVER! Fuck you, JJ Abrams! Anybody who likes your movie should fucking kill themselves with a rusty knife! And if any trolls who pretend to like this movie reply to me, I'm ignoring you because I've got better things to do with my time than deal with whiny bitches who cant understand the word opinion!"

    jesus I think I caught some kind of disease just writing that.

    I don't know, Star Wars fans can be bad, but I've been finding that DC fans have been a hell of a lot worse lately.

  • happy birthday bro!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Hey guys! @Dojo32161 and @Deltino are the newest members of the volunteer mod team!

  • I was "trolling" :/

    How do you get banned from a community as cancerous as the FNaF community? You'd have to have been really fucking toxic, and considering you

  • I just realized how many channels SkyDoesMinecraft has: SkyDoesMinecraft, SkyVSGaming, SkyDoesThings,SkyDoesStreaming,OfficeAntics, CouchPotatoes and PokeStop (yes, PokeStop). I think he only wants those Play Buttons, man.

  • Happy Birthday!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • That's weird. You're a bit in-your-face sometimes, but I've never seen you trolling. God the banning systems are weird on some forums. Don't worry about it, Reddit is a shitty website anyway.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I was "trolling"

  • Very good choice! @Dojo32161 @Deltino Congratulations!!!

    Hey guys! @Dojo32161 and @Deltino are the newest members of the volunteer mod team!

  • Happy birthday!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Habby Bday

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So.. my birthday is today!

  • Has anyone seen harmanquest yet?

    Its a dungeons and dragons game thats been performed live then animated, its by the creator of rick and morty.

  • edited August 2016

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even done with it.

    enter image description here

    I also just changed my major. It used to be business and marketing but I thought since I enjoy art I should pick another major. It would be cool if I worked for TTG one day.

  • Dayuuuuum

    His hair is gorgeous

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even do

  • Just wanted to say that next time you guys go looking for mods i want ya'll to remember that i'm here when most of the other mods aren't, and you may look at my ban history and ignore this but, and this is a huge but i act like that because i have no responsability with this forum but if i were to be made a mod i would act more responsibly because i would have a to be an example, so next time you guys make a list of candidates i would like to be considered.

  • edited August 2016

    You're a bit in-your-face sometimes


    That's weird. You're a bit in-your-face sometimes, but I've never seen you trolling. God the banning systems are weird on some forums. Don't worry about it, Reddit is a shitty website anyway.

  • I'm watching the end of @MetallicaRules Batman Arkham Origins LP.

    After playing TTG's Batman, I need something to laugh at.

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