The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2016

    enter image description here

  • Thank you! :)

    Crips posted: »

    Dayuuuuum His hair is gorgeous

  • edited August 2016

    ^ Yes.

    More people need to watch this show, it's amazing. Stranger Things

    Here's the trailer for it, people will understand this gif more once they've watched the show lol.

    The opening also gives me a TWAU vibe

  • Looks amazing so far.

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even do

  • So I've decided to start a Youtube series with one video each year that looks back on the media, events, and technology of ten years ago. I've almost finished the 2006 video and I'll begin working on the 2007 video when 2017 gets close. Does anyone want to throw any suggestions for either video?

  • If it makes you feel any better, I think you'd be an excellent moderator.

    papai46 posted: »

    Just wanted to say that next time you guys go looking for mods i want ya'll to remember that i'm here when most of the other mods aren't, an

  • #Voteforpapai46

    papai46 posted: »

    Just wanted to say that next time you guys go looking for mods i want ya'll to remember that i'm here when most of the other mods aren't, an

  • Just recorded a simple 20 minute video. The file is 5.7 GB.

    enter image description here

  • ZackScottGames announced in his Telltale Batman LP that he and his wife will finally continue Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands, so that's something to look forward to.

  • Nah III wasnt the worst, Black Flag was a good one.

    My list

    1. Assassins Creed 2
    2. Assassins Creed
    3. Assassins Creed Brotherhood
    4. Assassins Creed Black Flag
    5. Assassins Creed Revelations
    6. Assassins Creed III
    7. Assassins Creed Unity

    This is where you gave up? I gave up at III honestly.

  • Eh, I really fucking hated III honestly. I never got a chance to play Black Flag though considering I gave up before it was released. I've heard good things about it, are they true?

    Nah III wasnt the worst, Black Flag was a good one. My list * Assassins Creed 2 * Assassins Creed * Assassins Creed Brotherhood * Assassins Creed Black Flag * Assassins Creed Revelations * Assassins Creed III * Assassins Creed Unity

  • It's amazing how low some people can even when they're meant to be there for you.

  • edited August 2016

    Was very different due to the boat combat, but I loved that. Combat was great, quick and flowing. Edward (the main character) (Connors grandad) (but that never comes up) was great, hilarious, there were some great side characters, Edward wasnt even an assassins for most of it, I'd suggest watching a playthrough. He was a drunk, womanizing pirate warrior.

    Joins the Brotherhood believing it'll bring him wealth and fortune, (thats all he's after) things goes differently

    Eh, I really fucking hated III honestly. I never got a chance to play Black Flag though considering I gave up before it was released. I've heard good things about it, are they true?

  • edited August 2016

    You've got my vote.

    papai46 posted: »

    Just wanted to say that next time you guys go looking for mods i want ya'll to remember that i'm here when most of the other mods aren't, an

  • I remember I had a playthrough where I was a psychotic murderer who chopped people into pieces and carried around their body parts as souvenirs. Ah, good times.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Decided to do a Fallout 3 playthrough as a psychopathic cannibal. This shall be fun.

  • Gorgeous and realistic af.

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even do

  • edited August 2016

    Hahahahahaahha sorry it was funny

    but #Papai4Mod #NoSoonButNow #TaylorExposed

    papai46 posted: »

    Just wanted to say that next time you guys go looking for mods i want ya'll to remember that i'm here when most of the other mods aren't, an

  • This is heartbreaking. I hope he gets the money he needs and deserves.

    It's amazing how low some people can even when they're meant to be there for you.

  • Can't wait!

    enter image description here

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even do

  • I love battlefield, wtf did I spawn into?

  • Going to a Trump rally this afternoon. Should be interesting.

    I'll report back with results.

  • Thank you. :D

    Looks amazing so far.

  • Thanks, that's my goal. ;)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Gorgeous and realistic af.

  • That's so cool!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Can't wait!

  • i played battlefield 4 on ps4 last because i was bored spawned in and instantly squashed by a tank i quit on that server after that happened

    I love battlefield, wtf did I spawn into?

  • You do realistic faces better than I ever have. Can't wait to see it completed.

    Man, this rick drawing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it was going to be. The hair alone is taking me hours and I'm not even do

  • Well, since I am unable to join a public lobby properly in GTA Online, I decided to get back into my Killer Kate series I left on the side for sometime. The first book is done I just haven't polished and published all of the chapters yet. Right now I'm trying to create the second story through the use of creator mode in the game. I made capture modes that have scenarios in them, kinda like the traditional GTA missions (seriously, I want Mission Creator, Rockstar >.>). If anyone would like, I will make trailers of the ones I made and release them into the game for people to try.

    Oh, and I finally got the final part to my COD Modern Warfare collection! And now I'm nearly broke. xD

  • enter image description here

    It seems like lately when I do go on here the forum goes dead and when I go off, it's lively. :(

    Is it just bad timing on my part?

  • Bad timing.

    It seems like lately when I do go on here the forum goes dead and when I go off, it's lively. Is it just bad timing on my part?

  • If I'm being sarcastic in one of my comments, can I say "/s" at the end?

  • Sure, haha.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    If I'm being sarcastic in one of my comments, can I say "/s" at the end?

  • Ok, thanks :)

    Crips posted: »

    Sure, haha.

  • Finally, I've been waiting.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    ZackScottGames announced in his Telltale Batman LP that he and his wife will finally continue Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands, so that's something to look forward to.

  • Good god...the Advanced AR Training in Arkham City takes fucking forever.

  • This fucking game. The performance just gets worse with every "patch". The devs not commenting on it makes it even worse.

    enter image description here

  • Downloading Tables from the Borderlands!

    Is there anything I should know before starting to play?

  • Is there anything I should know before starting to play?

    You made a great choice. Also scan everything whenever you're walking around, some hilarious tidbits.

    Downloading Tables from the Borderlands! Is there anything I should know before starting to play?

  • Remember Step Three.

    Downloading Tables from the Borderlands! Is there anything I should know before starting to play?

  • Nice, do chairs come as extra DLC with that?

    Downloading Tables from the Borderlands! Is there anything I should know before starting to play?

  • You made a great choice.

    Oh, stop it you!

    Also scan everything whenever you're walking around, some hilarious tidbits.

    I'll be sure to do so, then. Wouldn't want to miss missable details!

    Is there a version of your super amazing famous thread in the TftB sub-forum? I figure it might be a good idea for me to check out the first couple of pages when I finish the episode.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Is there anything I should know before starting to play? You made a great choice. Also scan everything whenever you're walking around, some hilarious tidbits.

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