The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2016


    Why d'you do this to me!

    It's a trap! Ignore all flowers!

  • Like you said before, i'm still gunna watch it haha! I grew up with Ash anyway, that dude is like a brother. Even if I aged and he hasnt... XD

    enter image description here

    I've been enjoying Pokemon alot though, it's a nice thing to watch while i'm play games as it's easy watching :)

    never watched the dawn and may stuff. Good. May's brother is unbearable and Dawn hurts my soul by just existing. They're just

  • edited August 2016


  • enter image description here

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod

    • As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wanna post on and leave we get the best of the forum as we please
    • As Mod have visit all the threads even terrible ones you never go on as a user listening to people moan, reporting on bugs all day etc instead just coming here for fun. All they hear all day is problems never ending
    • You will no longer be allowed to say what you want and have to be conscious of every post you make. I never seen mod call telltale game bad or say anything negative about telltale game the mod tag can restrict your opinions to.
    • I also think other people may be jealous so never listen to ur opinion and also because ur a mod treat you differently not just fellow user anymore
    • Anyone you ban you instantly become a hate figure of all their friends around here and they moan about you all day. Ban no one the forum becomes porn, racist and shitpost haven so ur seen as useless as a mod. Can’t win
    • Close a thread ur against free speech SJW not close a thread ur seen as allowing attacks on users, racism and other negative things making flagging users leave, feel bullied and give forum bad name so lose more incoming users and potential customers of telltale games
    • Ask users to remember the rules post you’re seen as ruining fun don’t ask, it always goes to far leading to closures of threads and bans when they actually tried save the thread or users by making that warning post
    • Responding to all flags so see all the shitposting and disgusting posts this forum has to offer everyday all that negative stuff.
    • Not paid so basically doing service with no thanks just hate for multi million dollar company who won’t even give you a crumb of a cookie to help fix their site all day.
    • When have you ever heard thanks mod for banning that user. Thanks for removing that thread, thanks for removing that post. NEVER get hate whether you do or don’t
    • I see 99% of decisions by Mods get hate here the last 1% is merely indifference
    • Respond and listening to users complaints explaining same points over and over again day after day never listening
    • Have visit forum a lot or you get ur mod privileges taken away

    I could think of so many more

    I don’t think users respect how hard a mod job is I do not envy them. They put up with the worst the forum has to offer so us users can only see the best when we visit for nothing to make this place better for everyone all day. I respect their work a lot I think being user more fun they sacrifice so much of what actually makes this place fun to be around with no pay or thanks

  • Yeah I definitely wouldn't dream of being a mod. Mods can't take sides and have to always stay neutral, I couldn't do that at all. There are just some people that don't deserve any respect. Visiting the forum a lot isn't really an issue, most people come here every day anyway. I also see users thanking mods from time to time, even making appreciation threads.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • I couldn't be a mod simply because I couldn't be trusted to actually do my job. Someone could probably spam the site with porn, and I wouldn't ban them nor would I delete any of the pictures. I'd ask for links and then probably kink shame him while I "give it a go."

    That, and I'd edit people's comments to say really stupid shit.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • Great, now you just made all the mods resign!

    OK, actually, here's an analogy you might appreciate. Why does anyone want to officiate sports? Fans of the winning team are going to give all the credit to the winners, and fans of the losing team are all going to blame you. Some sports are dangerous enough that you can get seriously injured, without getting paid as much as those players with more padding than you have.

    All the referees/umpires/officials/whatever do it because they really love the sport, and they want to do what they can to make sure it's done right.

    Or maybe they're just power-mad. I haven't actually interviewed any to confirm this assertion.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • I haven't bought Batman, but I do know there was a patch released to address some problems. If you haven't downloaded it in the last day or so, try getting it again, and see if that fixes it.

    I am so god damn upset right now. My computer can run nearly every fucking game I own on their highest graphics settings at a complete 60 FP

  • Tommy is the best movie ever and perfectly sums up that time

    Some movies were better. I went back to a lot of films from the 70s that are regarded as masterpieces and found myself constantly wondering

  • My guess is some have alt accounts but that would still suck because all the work they put into their rep was put to waste.

    I wouldn't want to be one

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • Ask for a refund, dummy.

    Great, so I payed for a broken game. Wouldn't be the first time I guess, but still, I was really fucking excited for this. Whatever, I'm just gonna go play something else and forget about it.

  • So i can help make this place better. I mean, do you know how many times i've seen people being rude and disrespectful and all i could do was flag their comment and wait a whole day for a mod to remove it? A lot of times, so if i was a mod, i could just flag their comments, clean the threads, make then better. You know what i'm saying?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    Several of those points can be true to an extent, but honestly, I just kind of like helping anyways. In my eyes, it's fun to contribute towards something you like and to have the chance to make it even better. Like, prior to becoming a mod in December 2013, I was mainly a lurker who lightly followed the forum for news. I forget how many posts I had, but I'd probably wager around 150-300 or so (go look at my post count now). However, Laura saw some helpful posts I had made in the Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead sections and offered me the position. I was pretty taken back by the offer, and didn't respond for a week because I was nervous about the position. Heck, I almost considered declining the offer because I didn't think it would be a good fit; I was only a lurker for the most part, and I didn't feel like I'd be good at stuff like conflict resolution or being an extremely active member because I was pretty shy in some areas. (Imagine how different things would've been here.) At the time, I had figured my only strong suit was just being able to summarize stuff for newer users about Telltale. A week later, Vain sent me a PM following up and asking me again about the offer, so I decided I would give this whole mod thing a shot anyways, and I guess you can say the rest is history.

    Really, I just had decided to assert myself and put myself out there. I forced myself to start talking to more people, and had to apply myself in lots of new areas like conflict resolution as well as improving on other areas like people skills (which sounds weird for a message board, but it's true when it comes to being a mod). But ultimately, I was fueled a lot by the fact that I had previously done something right to get Telltale to recognize me enough to reach out to me and take a gamble anyways - I guess you could say I wanted to pay it forward for them putting faith in me. I was nervous about it, too, for certain, but I had pushed through that nervousness by channeling some of that excitement. In several ways, you could say it was a bit of an underdog story - not just because I was the new guy, but also because I worked to improve my situation as I said earlier.

    ...well, that, and when I joined, the mod tools were a work in progress and we didn't have lots of luxuries like IP Bans, preventing Spam posts, thread merging, a proper flag log, etc, until Summer of 2014. So, yeah, I really had to brush up on people skills to compensate for that. :p

    Nowadays, with a lot of the new mods we've picked since - Ozzy, InGen, Deltino, Dojo, etc - we've picked people who were fairly active in the community, but I mostly stood out because I was good at summarizing info about Telltale at the time. No complaints there, but even so, I wanted to push myself to be better in other areas too and to be a more active person on the forums.

    If some of the members from around Season 2 of Walking Dead remember that big post I made here when people were giving Jennifer trouble over merging another thread with this one, you can reread it for more perspective:

    In regards to some of the points - yeah, we do have to be careful in some areas like criticism of Telltale or being neutral in arguments that users have with each other, but it isn't as big of a deal as you might think. For a while, during certain low points of Season 2, I did kinda find myself being resentful in some ways, but it's not always a thankless job as I had sometimes felt early on.

    This post is getting much longer than I intended, and kinda navel gazey too, but you can basically summarize it like this; I don't really view it as "having" to come to the forums or "having" to do stuff like give a heads up about bugs to the web team - I come here and do that stuff because I want to. It's nice to know that I'm making a difference and helping people out, on top of using the opportunity as a chance to improve myself in certain areas on a personal level. I went from being a lurker who was hesitant to assert myself in certain areas to someone more notable, and the fact that I had people from Telltale (and the mod team) see something in me enough to give me that chance is something that really means a lot on a personal level and I don't take that for granted.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never understood users obsession with being Mod * As user we come and go say whatever we want, post what we like, go on threads we wa

  • Great, now you just made all the mods resign!

    Putting in my resignation as I speak. You did this, MarkD!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Great, now you just made all the mods resign! OK, actually, here's an analogy you might appreciate. Why does anyone want to officiate sp

  • You became a mod on December 5th? Or the 4th?

    Several of those points can be true to an extent, but honestly, I just kind of like helping anyways. In my eyes, it's fun to contribute towa

  • I don't remember, but that timeframe sounds about right. It was like a little while before Season 2 premiered.

    You became a mod on December 5th? Or the 4th?

  • Did a quick dig and I found what day you became a mod.

    enter image description here

    That was posted December 4th, you can see the date to the right highlighted in blue. 'I became a mod yesterday." So you became a mod December 3rd. I was hoping it was the 5th because then you would have become a mod the same day I joined.

    I swear I'm not a stalker haha. That was very easy to find.

    I don't remember, but that timeframe sounds about right. It was like a little while before Season 2 premiered.

  • Where I live, it's 7pm, and it's supposed to be sunny, but it's actually really dark and really, really, REALLY windy... I'm scared.

  • There's a thunderstorm going on where I live. It settled down a bit not long ago.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Where I live, it's 7pm, and it's supposed to be sunny, but it's actually really dark and really, really, REALLY windy... I'm scared.

  • Well f***...

    There's a thunderstorm going on where I live. It settled down a bit not long ago.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2016

    In theater for Suicide Squad, hopefully it's fun.

    EDIT: 12 minutes of bland screen, something is going down with the people here, there's some staff....yikes.

  • You said that like 10 times now. We get it.

    This is officially Telltale's version of Arkham Knight.

  • edited August 2016

    It started to rain and I forgot my phone outside... All is lost.
    And now it's thundering...
    Edit: Thunderstorm, a freaking thunderstorm. Thanks @CrazedRabbit for the warning.

  • Yeah, I suppose that's what I'll do then.

    papai46 posted: »

    Ask for a refund, dummy.

  • I just downloaded it last night, and it was still unplayable.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I haven't bought Batman, but I do know there was a patch released to address some problems. If you haven't downloaded it in the last day or so, try getting it again, and see if that fixes it.

  • Okay thanks.

    You said that like 10 times now. We get it.

  • It sounds broken from what I've read. I mean, something has to be wrong if someone can run far more demanding and better looking games, with more advanced rendering tech, yet this runs like shit.

    I am so god damn upset right now. My computer can run nearly every fucking game I own on their highest graphics settings at a complete 60 FP

  • I just finished watching John Carpenter's The Thing. That ending, though...

  • edited August 2016

    I hate to be defending it, but while the framerate was shit for the PC version of Arkham Knight, on many, many PCs, at the very least it was still doing a lot of very impressive graphical/rendering effects (a lot of which made it into the more solid performing PS4 and XBO versions) unlike this game.

    This is officially Telltale's version of Arkham Knight.

  • That movie's great! If you like the movie then you'll probably like the video game as well.

    It's a sequel to the movie and takes place 20 years after it. I remember playing it with my cousin a while back. It was pretty good.

    I just finished watching John Carpenter's The Thing. That ending, though...

  • I'll check it out when I get a chance. But this movie is officially one of my top 5 horror movies, along with Alien, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs and the original Scream.

    That movie's great! If you like the movie then you'll probably like the video game as well. It's a sequel to the movie and takes place 20 years after it. I remember playing it with my cousin a while back. It was pretty good.

  • I wish it was windy where I am, it was like 107 degrees yesterday I had to be out in that heat in a hot fucking car driving to my therapy appointment.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Where I live, it's 7pm, and it's supposed to be sunny, but it's actually really dark and really, really, REALLY windy... I'm scared.

  • This is slightly off topic, but did you know there's a sequel to The Shining? It's called Dr. Sleep. Anyway, enjoy my two cents.

    I'll check it out when I get a chance. But this movie is officially one of my top 5 horror movies, along with Alien, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs and the original Scream.

  • Oh, man... I have read The Shinning and Dr. Sleep so many times. The shinning book is so much better than the movie. You'll either love Dr. Sleep or hate it.

    kmatie posted: »

    This is slightly off topic, but did you know there's a sequel to The Shining? It's called Dr. Sleep. Anyway, enjoy my two cents.

  • So, I almost died today, that's exciting.

    I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. I was driving to work earlier, I was coming across an intersection that has caused many problems in the past for drivers. Everyone I have spoken to, even local police officers, say that this intersection needs a stop sign, but it has always been only a yield sign instead. From where I was coming from, I had the right of way, I had my directional on indicating where I was going, and as I start making the turn, the person who was supposed to yield starts going. I see it, but by then, it's already too late, as soon as I saw this person start going, I knew impact was inevitable. So...we hit. It wasn't just like a little fender-bender, this was an accident, both of our air bags deployed, both cars are beyond repair and are certainly going to be totaled. The driver who cut me off, an elderly woman, needed to be taken to the hospital, only after they had to use the Jaws of Life to get her car door open. Thankfully, I was able to walk away with little to no injuries, but all things considered, it's a miracle that I was able to.

  • edited August 2016

    I'm glad you're okay, Jack.

    And I hope that old lady will be okay too.

    So, I almost died today, that's exciting. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. I was driving to work earlier, I was coming across a

  • edited August 2016

    That's crazy. Go rip out the yield signs, so it becomes an automatic 4-way stop. Should. Who cares if it's illegal.

    So, I almost died today, that's exciting. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. I was driving to work earlier, I was coming across a

  • Thank you, and I hope she is too.

    I'm glad you're okay, Jack. And I hope that old lady will be okay too.

  • Hopefully, after this, enough outcry will be made that the town is forced to put in some stop signs. However, I don't have hopes. This is not the first time, but as long as its only a yield, it certainly won't be the last. Over the years, I can't tell you how many times I've driven or walked past this intersection and saw an accident, and yet, nothing has changed.

    Johro posted: »

    That's crazy. Go rip out the yield signs, so it becomes an automatic 4-way stop. Should. Who cares if it's illegal.

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