The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2016

    The game is based on the TV series 'Game of Thrones'. The novels are called 'A Song of Ice and Fire'.

    I'm confused, tho. Which characters did you think lacked characterisation?

    GoT Season 4+ spoilers ahead (on alliances)

    You start the game as House Forrester, a house of The North. The warden of The North is Robb Stark from House Stark. The wardens of the North are basically the rulers of the Northen Houses, which makes House Forrester and all the other Northen houses answer to them.
    House Stark (and therefore every House in the North) is at war with the crown (for various reasons) and has sought help to House Frey. The game begins in House Frey's seat. The Twins. Some crazy shit goes down. House Stark has been betrayed and overthrown. The new Wardens are the Boltons.
    House Whitehill and House Forrester both hate eachother. Since House Forrester was sworn to House Stark and was helping them with their battle with the crown, they lost almost all their men at The Twins. House Whitehill, sworn to House Bolton, have their army intact, the support of the new Wardens and 5 times as many men as House Forrester. (A bit of backstory on both of the Houses) Both the Whitehills and the Forresters have had Ironwood forests (a precious type of wood that both the Wardens and the crown seek). For unspecified reasons, House Whitehill was forced to harvest what was left of their forests to survive, while House Forrester Ironwood business thrived. It's established by Lord Whitehill (Ludd) that House Forrester had always been greedy when it came to Ironwood ('if you hadn't been so fucking greedy with the Ironwood...') this generated even more animosity between the houses. The Whitehills wanted the Forrester Ironwood. (Back to the present) Since the Whitehills now have the upper hand and the Wardens on their side, they managed to get half of your Ironwood forest (and you saw how).
    Some concepts:
    Ramsey Snow isn't the lead of House Bolton. He was just there as a representative of his father Roose Bolton, who is the Warden of the North and Lead of House Bolton. He is also a bastard (meaning that his father wasn't married to his mother when he was made). He is a dangerous fella (as you might have noticed, lol) that likes to torture and mutilate people.
    House Bolton's ancestors used to flay their enemies alive. Ramsey takes that a bit too seriously and flays more than just the enemies.
    Most of the Houses previously afiliated to House Stark are now instinct or very weakened.

    About Mira's storyline. Mira is in King's Landing. King's Landing is the seat of whomever the king is. In this case the King is Joffrey from House Baratheon. Mira is Margaery Tyrell's handmaiden who is betrothed to the King. Cersei Lannister is the King's mother. She has a strong dislike from Northen houses. Tyrion Lanister is Cersei's brother. He is the Master of Coin (basically, he is the one managing the kingdom's economy).

    About Gared's storyline. Gared was a squire to Lord Forrester (Gregor). After going home and finding his father dead he is attacked by Bolton and Whitehill men. He kills one (or two depending on your choices) man. He comes back to Ironrath (House Forrester's seat). Since Gared killed a Bolton man it's certain that the Boltons will ask for Gared's head as retribution. His uncle, Duncan, decides that it's best to send him to the Wall because any man that joins the Night's Watch is freed from any previous crimes. That might sound like a really good deal but if a man joins the Night's watch he can't go back with his vow and has to serve for the rest of his life (otherwise he is hunted, and killed). Men of the Night's Watch aren't allowed to have children or wife as well.

    I tried my best explaining the basics... I'll be happy to answer any other questions about the game's lore that you might have.

    Tags: @MetallicaRules; @Dont_Look_Back; @Crips. I already knew about the big event that you mentioned, so that's no problem. I am, howeve

  • edited August 2016

    Am I the only one that dosen't regret brutalizing Falcone in Telltale's Batman?

  • BvS is beyond the point of ruined. It can't be fixed.

    As for Man of Steel, I really liked it. I thought it was great. But Snyder fucked up big time in a ton of places.

    Geoff Johns is in charge now, so BvS should be better now. But I think Snyder did a good job with MoS.

  • edited August 2016

    They don't work for some reason.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Spoiler that shit.

  • EverymanHYBRID and TribeTwelve are both terrifying and fucking stellar series. Truly masterpieces in horror. Although I have to say I prefer TT miles over EMH.

  • I heard some people say the ultimate edition of BvS was pretty good.

    But yeah, MoS was good.

    BvS is beyond the point of ruined. It can't be fixed. As for Man of Steel, I really liked it. I thought it was great. But Snyder fucked up big time in a ton of places.

  • I gave the web team a heads up. Meanwhile, I just used a generic spoiler flag on your post

    They don't work for some reason.

  • The people who say the Ultimate Edition was good are the same people who said the movie itself was good.

    I heard some people say the ultimate edition of BvS was pretty good. But yeah, MoS was good.

  • edited August 2016

    There are 2 people who have said that Ultimate was good, and theatrical was shit. At least from @DaveTheArakin's DCEU thread.

    @bloop and @Tolispro

    The people who say the Ultimate Edition was good are the same people who said the movie itself was good.

  • edited August 2016

    Are those ARGs?

    EverymanHYBRID and TribeTwelve are both terrifying and fucking stellar series. Truly masterpieces in horror. Although I have to say I prefer TT miles over EMH.

  • I just watched The Dark Knight and I'm just.. speechless! I loved everything about this movie, but the best thing about it was The Joker, only now I know why people love Heath Ledger's edition of The Joker to this day!

  • Yup.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Are those ARGs?

  • They're kinda overhyped tbh, i've seen better args.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Are those ARGs?

  • Glad ya like it!

    Are you gonna see Rises or any other Batman films?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just watched The Dark Knight and I'm just.. speechless! I loved everything about this movie, but the best thing about it was The Joker, only now I know why people love Heath Ledger's edition of The Joker to this day!

  • edited August 2016

    Has anyone heard from @AshleyC1 in a while?

    Haven't heard from her since the update.

  • Yeah, it's a great movie, definitely my favorite comic book movie and, overall, one of my favorite movies. It's one of those movies that I can watch over and over again and never get tired of. Heath Ledger delivers an absolute brilliant performance, he's definitely a close second (behind Hamill) when it comes to the best interpretations of The Joker.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just watched The Dark Knight and I'm just.. speechless! I loved everything about this movie, but the best thing about it was The Joker, only now I know why people love Heath Ledger's edition of The Joker to this day!

  • Yeah, I'm gonna see The Dark Knight Rises next, probably on Friday's night.

    Glad ya like it! Are you gonna see Rises or any other Batman films?

  • Got it! Thank you so much for this summary, @IronWoodLover!

    I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for the Houses of The North, shouldn't she dislike Frey, Whitehill and Bolton just as much as she does with Forrester? Blink twice if this is adressed in the future—your past, my future. Also, what is her stance on the betrayal of House Forrester? And how the hell do people catch up on what is happening on the other end of the Kingdom?

    Also, I got the impression that just men are sent to The Wall when they commit a crime. Is there a sexist double standard where women are freed from their charges, or are punished at her own House?

    One more thing—can you name the rest of the sectors other than The North?

    You are amazing!

    Which characters did you think lacked characterisation?

    Ethan and Gared are pretty bland in my eyes, and Mira isn't the character with the most substance up to "Iron From Ice," either.

    The game is based on the TV series 'Game of Thrones'. The novels are called 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. I'm confused, tho. Which characters

  • edited August 2016

    enter image description here

    There's also Essos, a different continent.

    Got it! Thank you so much for this summary, @IronWoodLover! I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for th

  • Thanks a lot!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    There's also Essos, a different continent.




    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • Maybe after I clear the blood from my face after I faceplanted the floor trying to get away from it.


  • Yeah, in reality, if you didn't like the movie, well, now it's 30 minutes longer. If you did like the movie, now it's 30 minutes longer.

    I myself haven't seen it, but going off the original movie, it probably does somethings better but you know, now it's a 3 hour movie.

    The people who say the Ultimate Edition was good are the same people who said the movie itself was good.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2016

    Here's a more modern map:

    enter image description here

    Note that the Targaryen symbol in the Crownlands is now House Baratheon of King's Landing.

    Got it! Thank you so much for this summary, @IronWoodLover! I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for th

  • I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for the Houses of The North, shouldn't she dislike Frey, Whitehill and Bolton just as much as she does with Forrester? Blink twice if this is adressed in the future—your past, my future. Also, what is her stance on the betrayal of House Forrester? And how the hell do people catch up on what is happening on the other end of the Kingdom?

    House Frey is actually a Riverlands house, not a Northern house. But together, those three doing what they did to let the Lannisters beat the Starks is very helpful, so Cersei appreciates that.

    I'm not sure which betrayal of House Forrester you're talking about, but if it's the one with the Starks, well, I guess she doesn't care because they were traitors and got what they deserved in her eyes.

    To get news, there's messenger ravens. If you hear "send a raven", it's that, their form of mail.

    Also, I got the impression that just men are sent to The Wall when they commit a crime. Is there a sexist double standard where women are freed from their charges, or are punished at her own House?

    Not all men are sent to the Wall. Some are jailed, lose limbs, etc for various crimes. Women, well, it kind of is sexist, I guess. Kind of the same reason the vast majority aren't warriors. I don't know about non-Faith of the Seven, but members of that religion can become a septa (basically a nun) to get out of trouble. Their punishments, well, don't really know much.

    One more thing—can you name the rest of the sectors other than The North?

    There are two things that should be noted on @TheFurryOne's map - The Crownlands, which includes the northern Stormlands, that peninsula and the land between isn't shown separate (because this a historical map, before it became a separate region - King's Landing is here), as is the Riverlands, which is most of the mainland Iron Islands possessions.

    Got it! Thank you so much for this summary, @IronWoodLover! I have a question, though. Since Cersei Lannister has a strong dislike for th

  • Dude, Heart of Ice is a goddamn masterpiece.

  • Have you seen DarkHarvest00 and MLAndersen0? DH is currently on hiatus but MLA is completely finished. They both take place in the same universe as TT and EMH.

    EverymanHYBRID and TribeTwelve are both terrifying and fucking stellar series. Truly masterpieces in horror. Although I have to say I prefer TT miles over EMH.

  • papai46 posted: »

    They're kinda overhyped tbh, i've seen better args.

  • Grab a knife and stab yourself in the neck. It's the only way.

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • Yeah, so have I. But there's not a lot of denying that these two are pretty sick themselves.

    papai46 posted: »

    They're kinda overhyped tbh, i've seen better args.

  • edited August 2016

    I just started MLA actually, I decided to check it out after Mike died in EMH. (At least to my understanding HABIT kills him, this series is all over the damn place) Let's hope Noah doesn't suffer the same fate if HABIT decides to go back on helping him, because Noah is such an awesome characters. Few characters have looked a horror monster dead in the eyes, fired a gun on them, said fuck you and laughed. Noah is one crazy sonuvabitch.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Have you seen DarkHarvest00 and MLAndersen0? DH is currently on hiatus but MLA is completely finished. They both take place in the same universe as TT and EMH.

  • Welp, only one thing to do. You gotta die man

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • They were both sad, Penny was an innocent soul, just wanted to make friends and to fight... do the things she loved

    Volume 3 end - r.i.p Monty..... ah another heart breaking moment thats Rwby connected... :(

    For some reason I was sadder when Penny died. Like, yeah, I cried when Pyrrha died of course, but Penny dying hit me way harder. I was an av

  • Casually checks his feed.

    Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

    enter image description here

  • Damn dude, those comments. Those likes....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L


    One fell down from my door and I freak out and ended up throwing my controller at it aha

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • 2active4you :^)

    Damn dude, those comments. Those likes....

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