Minor update on Telltale Marvel game via Reddit - "In active production, More news soon(ish)"

Somebody on Reddit was asking about the Marvel game, and Kevin Bruner (Telltale's CEO) left a minor hint on the game, saying it was in "active progress" now.
Marvel is alive and kicking, and in active production. Much more news is coming soon(ish).
I wonder if this means that the game will release in the earlier half of 2017 as opposed to the later half? What do you guys think?
EDIT: Before anyone gets hyped at "soon(ish)", I should probably clarify that he very likely meant that as a generic point of time into the future, and that he does not mean the literal version of "soon." I personally expect we might get news later into the fall, like perhaps at the Game Awards (similarly to how Batman was announced at last year's Game Awards).
I would imagine Game Awards too for official announcement. Just seems like the chance they would do it.
I think the Spring of 2017 is the earliest possible time, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Summer or Fall of 2017.
Good to know though. I wonder what they are going to do for the game. I'd be interested if was similar to Batman.
December 1st, which lands on a Thursday.
Do you think its a Spider-man game?
There is already another Spiderman game coming out soon, so I'd doubt so. I could see it being a different IP.
I'm curious if they are going to tie it into something popular in the MCU or if they are going for something more closely tied to the comics.
I mean, Batman did release in a year that has had two big budget blockbuster films featuring Batman, so I don't think that's as a limitation.
I wonder if it'll be involved in the MCU, or if they are going to make another original story surrounding a popular character like Batman.
I wish it would be.
I would also like to see how Telltale would do their version of TNGSD.
I know it's not gonna be but man I really wish this would be a Runaways game. That IP kinda crashed and burned thanks to the creator changes and I really want it to make a great return.
EDIT: As soon as I posted this I saw that Hulu has ordered a Runaways TV series... Well there goes my dreams.
I thought I included it in my post, but I did not as I must have been typing quick - I was referring to another Spiderman game coming out on PS4, not a movie. As you said, I don't think movies would be a limitation. If anything, I think a movie/Netflix show/etc would help its chances, whatever the Marvel game may be.
However, I don't see Marvel releasing two different major Spiderman games from different companies in such a short period of time apart.
There hasn't been a good X-Men game in a while. Fingers crossed...
From what I've heard across various online news articles, there seems to be some inner-company politics going on at Marvel where they want to tone down on using the X-Men so much since Marvel Studios does not have the rights to make X-Men movies. Instead, they want to focus more on promoting the heroes that they directly own movie rights too. So, I would not count on an X-Men game.
Speaking of X-Men, what was your opinion on the movies?
Knowing Telltale, does anybody?
You never know, there could be some new and/or forgetful people reading.

Well shit.
Good ones: X-Men, X2, First Class, Days of Future Past, Deadpool (Technically a spinoff of those movies)
Meh ones: Both Wolverine movies
Bad ones: The Last Stand
Haven't seen Apocalypse yet. I know critical reception wasn't the best, but I think a good chunk of audiences really enjoyed it. I'll judge when I see it.
That's pretty much me as well. Except Origins: Wolverine was bad.
First of all.. yay.

Secondly, I do believe it will come early 2017. Always have believed it.
I'm not so sure about early 2017, but I could see it being much earlier than typical Telltale premieres. Like, we got Batman in August which is fairly early. I could see a Summer or Spring premiere for whatever Marvel title we get.
I am quite excited for what Telltale can do with Marvel. While I am enjoying Batman so far, Marvel's heroes tends to be more down to earth and relatable.
As was mentioned earlier, the reason we won't get an X-Men game is due to politics within Marvel and regarding Fox.
Back in 2014 when X-Men: Days of Future Past was released it was the first movie which managed to rival the success of the Avengers films Marvel Studios had made. Ike Perlmutter, who is Marvel Entertainment's immensely elusive CEO and overseer since he took the reigns following the comic company's bankruptcy (which led to them selling the rights to numerous characters, hence why they lack the ability to do X-Men and FF films) saw this and was apparently outraged, which led to him issuing an edict that as of Dec 2014 there would be no promotion of FF and X-Men characters outside of the comics by Marvel, and also demanded that the Fantastic Four comic must be cancelled by the release of the FF film in 2015 so there would be no promotion for the movie. So any game made since that time cannot use FF and X-Men characters. A game started before then however may include them.
Anyway, the long gestating rumour about Marvel's Telltale Game is that it's either...
a. A Daredevil Game.
b. A Moon Knight Game
c. A game based on the Marvel Noir universe, which takes characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Luke Cage and others and imagines them in a gritty 1930's based era.
I doubt that we'd get Daredevil because it might take away some focus from the Netflix series. However... Moon Knight would be AMAZING as a telltale game but I don't know if I'd want it based of the crazy version from a few years back, or the new whole alternate timelines insane asylum one.
Marvel Noir sounds pretty damn good too, didn't even know it was a thing.
I don't think the existence of a movie/Netflix series would prevent a game - if anything, I could easily see them trying to tie in whichever Marvel game they end up doing to something that is currently popular with either the comics or the MCU Movies/Netflix shows.
I could see it working with Comics and Movies but with a TV show with weekly episodes or a Netflix one where it's all released at once I couldn't see it working without one medium taking away from the other.
Like if they made a Daredevil game that is based around the Netflix show, the story of the game would probably be relevant to the story of the TV show, in that case I anyone who likes the game but not the TV show (Or vice-versa) would be missing out on part of the story. (That seems more like what the Super-show is gonna be.)
But I don't know, I'm probably wrong, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I think it will probably be like Batman, where they do their own original take on a story but their choice of franchise is tied into something currently popular (and or important) in the comics or in MCU's Movies/Netflix shows is what I meant. I don't see them integrating into the actual MCU storyline.
Yeah, that does make more sense. I'm just hoping it's based around a lesser known character rather than someone who already has a pretty popular form of media outside of the comics.
I think if TT did a Daredevil Game it wouldn't inherently be based on the Netflix show, in fact a comic based game would allow for a greater range of appearances from Karen and Nelson to Spider-Man and She Hulk. Plus like Batman they can incorporate the dual life aspect... imagine acting as defence and gathering evidence as Matt in the day, and then battling the Hand and Kingpin's forces as DD by night. Awesome stuff.
I would love a Marvel Noir game though. Not only would it allow for a pretty unique style for the episodes but also allow for multiple playable characters. Spider-Man Noir of course, but maybe also takes on other established heroes in a Noir setting.
I already wanted a Daredevil game... but when you bring up ideas like that, that's really making me want it that much more.
Exactly! I haven't quite caught up with Season 2 of DD yet so the Punisher's trial I haven't seen yet, but one thing Season 1 in particular lacked outside one episode is Matt in the courtroom. I would love a game centred around one major court case which Matt, Foggy and Karen are trying to figure out as the primary suspect defence, maybe a familiar figure in the Marvel Universe. All whilst DD is dealing with increasing crime in Hell's Kitchen, maybe a gang war brewing between Kingpin and other notorious gang villains like Silvermane, Purple Man, Hammerhead, Mr Negative or the Hand. So many options with Daredevil as a Telltale game.
When I first read your post, I was thinking of Daredevil finding potential connections/evidence that he could later look into under his regular identity as Matt, on top of just fighting crime as Daredevil otherwise.
And also there's tons of great comic runs of DD to be inspired by, whether it's the classic Frank Millar material, the grit and darkness of Brian Michael Bendis's era, or the lighter hearted but no less awesome Mark Waid years.
Oh yeah exactly, like with Batman it would make sense that the two sides of Matt connect, with Foggy basically in the Alfred role of knowing his identity (and Elektra probably ending up in the Catwoman role). I'd also love them to include She Hulk, since Jennifer is a lawyer too and could mix things up nicely in a story.
Right. I'm just expecting late May as the earliest.
If they do make a daredevil game I kinda hope we get like a Defenders one where it's all the heroes in Hell's Kitchen working together. Most of the characters fit in to roles that would work for the game too.
Daredevil: Defends whoever is blamed for their actions in court.
Jessica Jones: Detective role who helps to find evidence for court sections.
Luke Cage and Iron Fist: Do the fighting.