Hey! Glad you liked him York is going to play an interesting role in the story to come, and I kind of needed a character to show the events… more of Robar and his army, since both Wyllam and Jarden had been giving Robar no screentime as of late Yes, you have understood correctly York is the uncle of Robar Royce, brother to the short reigning Edd Royce, and son of Yorwyck VI Royce
Haha, yeah it was a mistake on my part. Apologies. You can understand just how much better 'armed in steel' flows, unlike 'armed in bronze.' However, it was a simple oversight and I have fixed it up, apologies for the inconvenience
I admit you kinda freaked me out, as you know I was very careful with how to set up my forces and in what armor, I didn't even set up any troops using iron yet.
Haha, yeah it was a mistake on my part. Apologies. You can understand just how much better 'armed in steel' flows, unlike 'armed in bronze.' However, it was a simple oversight and I have fixed it up, apologies for the inconvenience
Hey! So I've written up the next part, which goes to Jaycen Caron, but I figure I should give you a bit of a reminder on him first.
Jaycen Caron, the Lord of Nightsong and father to Alara Caron, was recently confronted by a rider with disturbing news. His king, and previous friend, Qarlton Durrandon, is beginning a large conquest and has called his banners. By law, Jaycen is forced to lend his assistance, though with great cost. His only living son, Gareth, wished to accompany Jaycen into war, and was to have his sister and mother be taken to Blackhaven. In return, their cousins in House Dondarrion would hold their home until they returned. Jaycen was left with the decision to agree with this offer, to leave Gareth at home or to send Gareth to Blackhaven with his family. You chose for Jaycen to send him to Blackhaven, and that is where this next part begins.
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jaycen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind the shield of tears. He broke away from Jaycen’s grip, entering the hall.
Jaycen sighed, turning back to Keat Musgood. The man gave a weak smile, ascending to his saddle on horseback. They would take their small army to Blackhaven, siding with the troops of Lord Edric until riding for Storm’s End.
Thoughts of Lord Edric took Jaycen back years, which he was undecided on whether it was relieving or painful. Much had happened over the years, much pain and suffering. No doubt he would find more there, dealing with the father of his cheating wife. Don’t. That’s in the past. He would to continue to tell himself, though it was never enough.
Jaycen reached for the reins of Gareth’s destrier, pulling himself up onto the saddle. He turned his gaze to his weeping daughter, still sitting in the sand alone. He yearned to be by her side, though duty called his name, and he would reply.
The black basalt walls stood tall and known in the sandy Red Mountains. The keep resided in a small green meadow, surrounded by the overlooking peaks of the mountains, a dry moat surrounded the castle.
The Caron army rode through the marches, the dry barren land was good for riding, though Jaycen feared the worst. He always feared the worst, especially so far from home with potential Dornish skirmishers nearby. However, he was not daft, he knew know skirmishers would attempt an attack on such a force. Though he feared for his home, for the family he would leave behind despite them being in safety.
The black towers of Blackhaven rose higher and higher, until after a long day’s ride they had finally arrived. The black-painted acacian drawbridge was descended, leaving only a wooden portcullis in Jaycen’s path. On the other side of the barrier stood armed soldiers, clearly confused and worried with the army that had marched on their castle. Jaycen turned his eye to his wife, who had rode beside him the entire trip.
“You think your father will let us in?” Jaycen asked, his voice monotone. Their formation had broken apart, their ground forces settling down and unloading their packs. Meghan shrugged, walking her steed towards the main gates.
“He has to, or he’ll suffer the consequences of treason.” She muttered, passing him without a gaze. Jaycen sighed, turning his eye to Keat Musgood, who stared at the black walls of the castle. Once Lady Meghan was out of earshot, he spoke.
“She seems like a strong and determined woman, my lord. Will you bring her with you to battle?” His brown hair blew in the soft winds that passed through the mountains. His question appeared genuine, which Jaycen.
“No.” He said quietly, watching as his wife stopped on the drawbridge, speaking with the men on the other side of the gate. “She, along with the rest of my family, will stay here. They’ll be safe here.” Jaycen noticed the boy’s eyebrow raise, a touch of concern in his dead black eyes.
“Is that so?” He said, almost challenging him. Jaycen straightened himself on the saddle, to tower over the boy.
“Do you challenge my judgement?” Jaycen asked coldly, though the heats of the Marches seldom passed the formid in Jaycen’s tone. Keat shrugged, turning his gaze back to the castle.
“No, my lord. Only your wisdom on the matter. You took your heir from his home, and are locking him away with those who would easily sell him if any threats would come their way. As with your wife and daughter.” Jaycen shot a glare at the boy, who barely seemed to be affected by it.
“They’re family, Lord Edric wouldn’t sell his grandchildren. Nor his own daughter.” Jaycen said reassuringly, more or less for himself than anyone else. Keat weakly smiled.
“Gareth arranged that Blackhaven men garrison a Caron castle. That Gendel Dondarrion, the only son of the Thunderlord be commander of this garrison. What happens if the Dornishmen learn that the formidable Caron’s no longer hold the Marches?” Jaycen remained silent, he knew the answer well, however Keat continued. “They grow bold, they start crossing the Marches to raid and skirmish. The Fowler’s, the Manwoody’s, the Yronwood’s. They will come, and they will seize Nightsong. Do you really think Lord Edric will cherish your family’s safety over his only male heir? Do you really think his grandson will be his top priority then?” Jaycen remained silent, gripping the reins of his steed tightly. He turned his eye to Keat, who stared back at him intently.
“You speak a lot for your age.” Jaycen muttered, and the boy lowered his head as if he were ashamed, though Jaycen could see the amusement in his eyes.
“Apologies, my lord. If you would excuse me, I will seek myself some land to set camp on.” Jaycen nodded gently, allowing the boy to excuse himself. Alone, he now weighed up the consequences of his actions in his head.
War had never brought happiness or safety to the realm, yet pointless war was worse than any other as far as Jaycen was concerned. Qarlton would leave the Stormlands defenseless, for the Andal’s, Dornish and Reachmen to take. The Marcher lords could repel the Dornish, perhaps even the Reach. Though the Andal’s was beyond their grasp, which now Jaycen only hoped they would keep the Dornish preoccupied.
His priorities were to keep his family safe, his son most of all. He had lost one already, and Jaycen was to fault for his eldest’s death. Ryman held their family together, he would have grown to be a better lord than Jaycen ever was. Though now Jaycen was left with Gareth, a young man forced into a line of duty he never wanted, something they would both have to live with.
Jaycen through around the thoughts in his head. Perhaps Musgood was right, perhaps due to Jaycen’s selfishness the Stormlands would crumble more than they needed to. Gareth needed to be at Nightsong, but he lacked the years of experience that Jaycen had invested into training Ryman. What risks would he endure by sending Gareth back to his rightful home? Yet, what risks would the realm suffer if he did not?
The clunking noise of the wooden portcullis being lifted pulled Jaycen from his trance. He watched as his wife entered alone, and as a rider came out to meet him. The young man was far older than when Jaycen had last seen him, yet he was still young in his eye.
Gendel rode gallantly on the back of his black courser, wearing his dark armour. His short bronze sword was sheathed to his waist. He had short light brown hair, with honey coloured eyes. Even in his mid forties, he was still a roguely dashing man, who looked ten years less his age. A warm smile was spread over his lips.
“Brother!” He yelled, trotting towards Jaycen until he came to a halt. Jaycen forced himself a smile, despite not being overly jovial.
“Gendel.” Jaycen said hesitantly, with a weak smile. It did not matter, it was enough to convince him. The smile on his brother-in-law was soon replaced with a look of curiosity.
“We received your rider just a day ago. I was to ride to Nightsong with a garrison of men to help secure it until your return.” Gendel turned his gaze back towards the men atop the walls, bows in hands. “Well, we did not expect an army to be outside our walls the next day.” Jaycen gave an understandable nod, letting out a long sigh.
“It would be best if I only had to explain this once, it’s not the shortest of tales. Is your father awake?” Jaycen asked with a touch of concern. Gendel’s expression appeared grim for a moment, though he nodded all the same.
“Yes, I’ll take you to him. Forgive his lack of courtesies, the sickness has taken the man he once was.” Jaycen frowned, he feared the worst for the old man. He hoped only that his family would still be safe behind his in-law’s walls.
The dark hallways were dimly lit, with the main source of light coming from the tinted barred windows the in the Great Hall. There sat the old Lord Edric ‘the Thunderlord’ Dondarrion, in his seat. Beside him were his eldest son, Gendel, his youngest daughter: Gladys, and his squire: Ben Tarth.
Jaycen stood opposite them, alone and in the dark. Silence lingered in the black halls, a sort of fitting eternity for such dark rooms. It was only after several minutes that the whispers in Lord Edric’s ears were finally translated into words from his tongue.
“So, my son. What brings you…” He stumbled on his words, as if all memory of what he was saying had been lost. His squire stepped in for him, embarrassed with red cheeks. “Why do you come here, my lord?”
Jaycen eyed the boy for a moment, before turning his gaze to Gladys. She stared at him in a way which made him feel uncomfortable where he stood. Her amber eyes were much like her sister’s, piercing and glaring like that of cats. Her light brown hair was cut short, and her face was hardened with something else other than scars. She was beautiful like her sister, but formidable unlike any other in her family. Jaycen turned his eye back to the feeble Lord Edric, who stared at him weakly.
“I presume you’ve heard that King Qarlton is waging war?” Jaycen began, and Ben nodded.
“A Connington rider informed us. We have been collecting arms and men, with enough to ride to his aid by dawn. Yet, that does not explain why you are here, and not heading there instead.” Ben stared at Jaycen with his sapphire blue eyes, mischief riddled in them. Jaycen turned his eye to Ben, smirking.
“Don’t you have a better place to be at, boy?”
“Is that so?”
“My lord…”
Gendel rose from his seat, his expression bored and clearly irritable. He turned his honey eyes to Ben, who stared back at him fearfully. Gendel forced himself a smile, lowering his head.
“That will be all for today, Ben.” Jaycen could spot the anger flickering up in the young boy’s eyes. He stood his ground.
“But I have to-” He was cut off by a quick menacing glare, which Jaycen was surprised to see from Gendel’s sweet eyes.
“That.” Gendel started, spelling out his words. “Will be all.” The two held locking eyes for a moment, before Ben finally backed down and left the hall.
Silence flooded the hall for a moment, until the late Lord Edric broke into a weak laughter. It continued until he lacked the air to breath, and then began gasping for air. Gladys rushed to him, trying to assist him, while Gendel simply descended the stairs from his seat and approached Jaycen.
“As arranged, I will secure Nightsong for you until your return. Gareth, Bethany and my sister will be accepted into our hospitality.” The coughing slowly died down, but there was still struggle in the old man’s chest. Gendel sighed and continued. “Gladys will lead our forces to battle, alongside yours.” Jaycen turned his attention from Lord Edric to Gendel.
“Who will defend Blackhaven? I cannot simply allow you to leave your home unprotected, just to protect someone else’s.” Gendel smiled, placing a hand on Jaycen’s shoulder.
“It’s our duty to help family.” Gendel turned to his father, then back to Jaycen. “Don’t worry. He may appear weak, but there’s still some fight left in him. Blackhaven will be safe under his watch, and Nightsong will be safe under mine. That being said, there will be no doubts the Dornish will hear of the Caron’s ‘abandoning’ their post. It could cause problems down the road for us. Are you sure you want Gareth here?” Jaycen sighed, perhaps they were right.
Gareth was the only living heir Jaycen had, and where he did not trust in him to fulfil duties that Ryman could have, he still could not restrict him from the inevitability. In a day to come, I will die. Then Gareth will inherit Nightsong. The thought of it was strange to him, not because he feared the outcome of his legacy, though simply because it was never an outcome he had considered.
If the Dornish learned of House Caron’s disappearance, it would lead to another war in the south, which was something the Stormlands did not need. However, would Gareth be ready to repel such a force if he was there? The questions gave Jaycen a headache. This was his final chance to make a decision, be it right or wrong.
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] [Keep Gareth at Blackhaven]
Once again we can make a choice for where Gareth is going to end up at. This time however, I'm going to change my earlier decision. Keat made some surprisingly good thoughts about what could happen if the dornishmen would lay siege to a Caron-less Nightsong. At the same time, I hate taking Gareth away from Bethany and Meghan. If the worst happens, he's the only one whom I trust with protecting them to his dying breath. The last I want is for them to get into danger. Unfortunately, perhaps keeping Gareth at Blackhaven is precisely what brings them into danger in the first place, because if the Dornishmen attack the marches, that will certainly be putting the Carons in danger no matter where they are. And at the end of the day, Gareth is only one man. If anyone at Blackhaven, particularly that shady Ben Tarth, plans to capture the remaining Caron family to achieve whatever bastard goal he pursues, then Gareth can't do much against that aside from dying heroically. This in turn would take the last male heir away from House Caron, which mustn't happen. So, I hate to choose this, but I'm afraid it is simply better.
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
Gareth, protect the family, learn duty and honor at Blackhaven, be the ruler Nightsong needs, be the sword and shield House Caron needs. That drunkard may also teach some sword lessons to you when sober.
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] This choice has had me at a loss! I have been contemplating on which route to go and I still had not came to a proper conclusion but I suppose I am going to go with sending Gareth back to Nightsong. A male Caron should probably be at Nightsong especially if something were to happen there. Great Part!
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] This choice has had me at a loss! I have been contemplating on which route to go and I still had not cam… moree to a proper conclusion but I suppose I am going to go with sending Gareth back to Nightsong. A male Caron should probably be at Nightsong especially if something were to happen there. Great Part!
Yea it could be a dangerous choice either way really, I mainly chose it since I imagine it would be more motivation for Caron men to see their lord or in this case the heir there with them in case something went down. At the same time though, I was not sure what to choose and since I did not have an true opinion of my own on it, I just went with what Liquid chose since he created the character.
Yea it could be a dangerous choice either way really, I mainly chose it since I imagine it would be more motivation for Caron men to see the… moreir lord or in this case the heir there with them in case something went down. At the same time though, I was not sure what to choose and since I did not have an true opinion of my own on it, I just went with what Liquid chose since he created the character.
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
Alright, well this part has been up a few days, and the votes have slowly rolled in. I think this is about all we're gonna get, so I'll close it up now so that I can release the next part in the next couple of days (likely the weekend). So the vote is closed! Jaycen will choose to send Gareth back to the Nightsong.
Either or, this choice was likely a difficult one, and not one to be made lightly. Where this is likely the best choice for the realm, it may not be so for House Caron. Slowly but surely, the Caron's are splitting, with Jaycen heading to Storm's End and now Gareth back to Nightsong. Whether or not this is a bad thing is yet to be determined, but hey, the Stark's had a lot of problems splitting up
Anyway, so I'll be getting around to writing the next part in the next couple of days, plainly because I have a lot on before then. However, it is another new PoV, but I will say it is a character we have already met which I've fitted with a PoV status. At any rate, I won't say anymore about it as I imagine it will be a little bit of a surprise for the reader who submitted the character
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jayc… moreen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind t… [view original content]
Alright, well this part has been up a few days, and the votes have slowly rolled in. I think this is about all we're gonna get, so I'll clos… moree it up now so that I can release the next part in the next couple of days (likely the weekend). So the vote is closed! Jaycen will choose to send Gareth back to the Nightsong.
Either or, this choice was likely a difficult one, and not one to be made lightly. Where this is likely the best choice for the realm, it may not be so for House Caron. Slowly but surely, the Caron's are splitting, with Jaycen heading to Storm's End and now Gareth back to Nightsong. Whether or not this is a bad thing is yet to be determined, but hey, the Stark's had a lot of problems splitting up
Anyway, so I'll be getting around to writing the next part in the next couple of days, plainly because I have a lot on before then. However, it is another new PoV, but I will say it is a character we have already met which I've fitt… [view original content]
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than it already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked to the bench that hung from the wall, a wooden basin with a shallow puddle of still water inside it.
Bethany cupped her hands in the warm water, splashing her face to remove the oils and sweat that had come from the day’s ride. She yearned for a bath, but was restricted to only this until her ‘assigned’ handmaidens would come to bathe her. Bethany dreaded the thought of someone having to do her washing, she was her own woman. Yet she knew better than to give offence to hospitality.
Refreshed, she looked into the mirror that hung on the wall in front of her. The woman she stared at somewhat surprised her, despite it being the face she had seen everyday. Her mother had always reminded Bethany that her beauty came from her, and even Bethany found her looks astounding at times.
Her hair was a reddish brown, falling in long locks, yet not so dissimilar to her mother’s. It was her eyes that identified her as a Caron, however. Those beautiful green eyes stared back at her striking beauty, and her sweaty riding leathers.
She stripped out of them, finding herself something more comfortable. She settled with a magenta dress, with black shoulders and linings. Satisfied, she placed her leathers into her wooden wardrobe. She turned her eyes to her packed bags and wooden crates, all her dresses and accessories, even wooden dolls she had not used in years. Her father had handmaidens pack her most needed items for her, and it offended her that they would pack dolls.
She was brightened to see that the long wooden case that contained her bow had not been forgotten. She walked over to it, picking it up and placing it on her bed. Releasing the clasps, the wooden lid rolled back on its hinges, displaying the the rosewood bow. The black silken bow string lay coiled next to it, and a quiver of acacian wooden shafts arrows with bronze tips and fletched pheasant feathers.
Bethany smiled picking up the rosewood longbow in her hands, the dark red wood was unique to other bows, which was something she liked the most of it. It was imported from the east, in the distant lands of Essos, just for her. As she grabbed for the quiver, there was a sudden knock on the door.
Bethany placed the bow back in the case and slammed the lid shut, turning around in a haste to find the door swinging open. When she was the man standing in the doorway, she exhaled a deep breath, relaxing for a moment.
“Can I come in, sis?” He asked, standing patiently at the doorway. His words were softly spoken, though Bethany could feel the frustration in his tone. She nodded.
Gareth entered her room, closing the door behind him. Meanwhile, Bethany lowered the case that contained her bow to the floor, pushing it under her bed. She may have been in a castle ran by her loving family, but the people had changed much since her grandfather had started growing older. She turned her eyes back to Gareth, who now sat on her bed.
“You alright?” Bethany quietly asked, joining him. The two sat in silence before he answered, he spoke quietly with a touch of irritability.
“No.” He admitted to her, though she had gathered as much from her first glance at him. “Father doesn’t even trust me to watch over our home.” He buried his head in his hands, and Bethany placed her gentle hand on his back.
“You wanted to go to war.” She said silently, almost as if she was reminding herself. He lifted his head, turning his eyes to hers.
“We sit here and do nothing, when war rises in the north.” He started, his tone sparking up. “It’s not that I wanted to go to war, sis. I want to be of use to our house. If that war came south to us… I don’t want our family being hurt.” He said quietly, defending his claim. Bethany pulled back her hand.
“Our family is already hurt. Briala, Ryman, Alara. They’re gone. To lose you and father as well, our house would be ruined.” Bethany noticed a frown on Gareth’s face.
“He wouldn’t even keep me at Nightsong. He doesn’t trust me.” Gareth pulled himself from his hands, shaking his head in disbelief. “Now we’re confined to this castle until he returns, to be protected by an old man. A Dondarrion will rule over Nightsong, while we’re trapped here.” Bethany turned her eyes to him, placing her hand on his.
“They’re our family, Gareth. They’ll help us.” Gareth gently shook his head, placing his other hand on top of hers.
“We can manage things ourselves.” He said quietly, yet with defiance. He stood up and walked to the door, pulling the handle.
“Where are you going?” Bethany asked, somewhat worried. Gareth shrugged his shoulders, pulling the door open.
“Out.” With that, he exited her room, leaving her alone again. The door thudded against the black wall, and once again she was locked away in her cell.
Bethany sighed, clasping her hands. She sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about her siblings, about her family. She worried for Gareth, and despite her not holding much for her father she still loved him, and feared for him too.
She thought about the siblings she had lost, Briala being the first. Bethany was only an infant when Briala passed, though her passing shattered their family, and growing up in the darkness was shady to say the least. Yet there was one light which everyone looked to, one light which kept everyone together when the night was the darkest. That light was Ryman.
Ryman was the eldest child of their family, and the best man Bethany had ever known. He was kind, brave, courageous and loving. He held the family together, and when his time came it tore their already unstable family apart. It had already been difficult when Alara had left, though Ryman’s death shattered them all, changed them all.
Gareth was the first to step up, it was his duty to as the last living heir to his father. He had always been good with the smallfolk, and accomplishing his father’s blessing was all he ever wanted. Yet their father was so withdrawn after Ryman’s death.
A knock on the door pulled Bethany from her trance, she turned to the closed door. Has Gareth come back already? She wondered, standing herself up. She walked over to the door, pulling on the handle and opening it.
Opposing her was a girl with long dark brown hair, and honey coloured eyes. Her skin was tanned, and her lips luscious. Her eyes flickered up to Bethany’s, a gentle smile widened on her beautiful face. Bethany took a moment to recognise the girl that stood before her.
“Maddelyn?” Bethany asked curiously, and the girl nodded. Her lips formed and grin, and without another word the two embraced. It was a surprise to Bethany to feel the lumps of her Maddelyn’s breasts against her own, the last time she had seen her she was only a young girl.
The bastard daughter of Gendel Dondarrion broke away from Bethany with a warm smile, she flickered between Bethany’s eyes. For what felt like a long moment, the two just stood there looking at each other, until Maddelyn finally spoke.
“Grandfather sent me, he’s asking for you.” She said warmly, clasping her hands. Bethany nodded and smiled, it had been years since she had spoken to Edric, she wondered how badly the years had affected him.
“Is he well?” Bethany asked gently, and the response she received sent a shiver down her spine. Maddelyn frowned sadly, before raising her eyes to Bethany’s hair.
“Would you like to bathe before you see him, or just go as you are? I’d happily help you if you wish, it would be nice to talk.” Bethany could hear the eager excitement in Maddelyn’s tone, it was clear to her she was excited to have another girl close to her age around again.
Bethany ran her hands through her oily hair, she agreed it needed a wash. The discussion with Maddelyn would be a nice change too, though she wondered how she would feel about her cousin bathing her. The girl that had been so young when she last saw her. Bethany sighed, knowing that if there was one thing she knew she had to do, it was to accept change.
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric] [Go see Lord Edric]
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
Bethany! Now that is a twist I have not expected in the slightest and I think that's the first time I received a surprise PoV. It's not only that I haven't expected another Caron PoV, but also that I haven't expected it to be Bethany, even though she's arguably my second-favourite Caron and favourite trueborn. It's save to say that I'm very okay with it. To be precise, I'm loving the hell out of it and I'm pretty damn excited for her storyline
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
And a damn good storyline it shall be, one of the key prompting reasons why I have added yet another chapter to the Invasion Though I am glad to see you're on board with this idea, as I certainly saw a lot of potential for her over Meghan and Gareth.
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric]
Bethany! Now that is a twist I have not expected in the slightest and I think that's the first time I re… moreceived a surprise PoV. It's not only that I haven't expected another Caron PoV, but also that I haven't expected it to be Bethany, even though she's arguably my second-favourite Caron and favourite trueborn. It's save to say that I'm very okay with it. To be precise, I'm loving the hell out of it and I'm pretty damn excited for her storyline
Sorry for my absence those last 2-3 weeks,
I went in vacation with my parents in morroco.
I came back 5 days ago
Hey buddy, glad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
I see i have some catching upto do ...
There shouldn't be all that much, I'm afraid my writing has been at a snail-trail pace at recent, with my studies picking up. Having to work on multiple assignments all with one due date has really been hammering it out of me, but I'm still managing to find at least enough time to write 1-2 parts every weekend, so that's worth something
Sorry for not warning about my absence .
No worries at all! As I said, I've been pretty busy myself, and I think a few others here have been taking a break or been busy as well so no worries! Glad to have you back!
Hey @Stigz_52 ,
Sorry for my absence those last 2-3 weeks,
I went in vacation with my parents in morroco .
I came back 5 days ago ,
I see i have some catching upto do ...
Sorry for not warning about my absence .
And a damn good storyline it shall be, one of the key prompting reasons why I have added yet another chapter to the Invasion Though I am gl… moread to see you're on board with this idea, as I certainly saw a lot of potential for her over Meghan and Gareth.
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
Hey buddy, glad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
Thanks pal . My vacations were good but too bad i got sick :
We first went in Tanger .
Well the beach in Tanger is awfully nice , especially in the night , you can havee a great view of the moon and the stars
But i still prefer the ones from france , there's far less people ....Then
we went into a lot of restaurants , but the best one and the one i can the most recall was a fish restaurant ,
and i got to taste lobsters for the first time , which the taste is not that different from shrimps .
The tea there is also very good , i noticed a lot of people like to drink it
We then went in Fes , but i unfortunately got sick from drinking in the bathroom sink . Which is something i don't advise you to do in that country . My stomach tore me apart for days .
But apart from the sickness , overhall it was good , people in there are very welcoming , sometimes even too much . i don't know how , but people seem to spot miles away that i'm not a local .even though i dressed as the locals .
Having to work on multiple assignments all with one due date has really been hammering it out of me, but I'm still managing to find at least enough time to write 1-2 parts every weekend, so that's worth something
It's always good ! I hope your studies are going well .I know it can be very overwhelming sometimes . Personnaly , i'm hitting back secondary school in 2 weeks , but i didn't know some already went back into it . still don't hurt yourself too much, we want you in one piece .
No worries at all! As I said, I've been pretty busy myself, and I think a few others here have been taking a break or been busy as well so no worries! Glad to have you back!
Sorry for my absence those last 2-3 weeks,
I went in vacation with my parents in morroco.
I came back 5 days ago
Hey buddy, g… morelad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
I see i have some catching upto do ...
There shouldn't be all that much, I'm afraid my writing has been at a snail-trail pace at recent, with my studies picking up. Having to work on multiple assignments all with one due date has really been hammering it out of me, but I'm still managing to find at least enough time to write 1-2 parts every weekend, so that's worth something
Sorry for not warning about my absence .
No worries at all! As I said, I've been pretty busy myself, and I think a few others here have been taking a break or been busy as well so no worries! Glad to have you back!
We then went in Fes , but i unfortunately got sick from drinking in the bathroom sink . Which is something i don't advise you to do in that country . My stomach tore me apart for days .
never do that anywhere, get used to only drink bottled water
Hey buddy, glad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
… more
Thanks pal . My vacations were good but too bad i got sick :
We first went in Tanger .
Well the beach in Tanger is awfully nice , especially in the night , you can havee a great view of the moon and the stars
But i still prefer the ones from france , there's far less people ....Then
we went into a lot of restaurants , but the best one and the one i can the most recall was a fish restaurant ,
and i got to taste lobsters for the first time , which the taste is not that different from shrimps .
The tea there is also very good , i noticed a lot of people like to drink it
We then went in Fes , but i unfortunately got sick from drinking in the bathroom sink . Which is something i don't advise you to do in that country . My stomach tore me apart for days .
But apart from the sickness , ove… [view original content]
I guess you're right, but it is best if you travel often to just get used to bottled water, so you don't accidentally drink tap water where you shouldn't, like Morocco, Spain or China.
Water quality in Hungary depends on which city, or district you try to drink tap water in, the result can greatly vary. Hungary does have a lot of good natural mineral water sources though, as such more and more people buy it bottled and avoid the risks of tap water. Of course quality isn't ensured even if it is bottled, but a few companies which attempted to sell less than good quality already had losses and one even went bankrupt, so even because of business perspective the bottled water here is of high standard. Hungarian thermal springs and baths are also renown
Yeah, I know I've travelled a bit (mostly on Europe), and I always have to remind myself not to drink tap water when I leave Finland... It feels weird to buy water in a bottle though
I guess you're right, but it is best if you travel often to just get used to bottled water, so you don't accidentally drink tap water where … moreyou shouldn't, like Morocco, Spain or China.
Water quality in Hungary depends on which city, or district you try to drink tap water in, the result can greatly vary. Hungary does have a lot of good natural mineral water sources though, as such more and more people buy it bottled and avoid the risks of tap water. Of course quality isn't ensured even if it is bottled, but a few companies which attempted to sell less than good quality already had losses and one even went bankrupt, so even because of business perspective the bottled water here is of high standard. Hungarian thermal springs and baths are also renown
Yeah, I know I've travelled a bit (mostly on Europe), and I always have to remind myself not to drink tap water when I leave Finland... It feels weird to buy water in a bottle though
Hey! That sounds like a grand trip, I'm really glad you've enjoyed yourself. Lobster is pretty great, can you agree? It's a shame about the sickness though, I have to agree that drinking water from taps in 'lesser economically developed countries' is a big no on the lists. I've traveled a lot of south east Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia) and you just always have to drink bottled water. And yes, locals always seem to be able to sniff out travelers
It's always good ! I hope your studies are going well .I know it can be very overwhelming sometimes . Personnaly , i'm hitting back secondary school in 2 weeks , but i didn't know some already went back into it . still don't hurt yourself too much, we want you in one piece .
Bah, determine your definition of well I'm slowly plowing through it all, but I know what I'd much rather be doing. At any rate, I hope school treats you well when you return. As it's not summer in my country, we have a lot shorter holiday during this time of the year, around 2-3 weeks
Hey buddy, glad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
… more
Thanks pal . My vacations were good but too bad i got sick :
We first went in Tanger .
Well the beach in Tanger is awfully nice , especially in the night , you can havee a great view of the moon and the stars
But i still prefer the ones from france , there's far less people ....Then
we went into a lot of restaurants , but the best one and the one i can the most recall was a fish restaurant ,
and i got to taste lobsters for the first time , which the taste is not that different from shrimps .
The tea there is also very good , i noticed a lot of people like to drink it
We then went in Fes , but i unfortunately got sick from drinking in the bathroom sink . Which is something i don't advise you to do in that country . My stomach tore me apart for days .
But apart from the sickness , ove… [view original content]
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than … moreit already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked… [view original content]
Same in Poland, depending on a region there is different quality of water... another thing is water installation status the water is coming through - if new or old. Anyway, I always boiled tap water before drinking when I had no bottle water, however since this weekend I am happy owner of Brita water filter and I am finally free from drowning in empty plastic bottles everywhere.
But about drinking such tap water directly, Sweden is doing that too as I remember when I went there - I guess Nordics in general are having this habit :-)
I guess you're right, but it is best if you travel often to just get used to bottled water, so you don't accidentally drink tap water where … moreyou shouldn't, like Morocco, Spain or China.
Water quality in Hungary depends on which city, or district you try to drink tap water in, the result can greatly vary. Hungary does have a lot of good natural mineral water sources though, as such more and more people buy it bottled and avoid the risks of tap water. Of course quality isn't ensured even if it is bottled, but a few companies which attempted to sell less than good quality already had losses and one even went bankrupt, so even because of business perspective the bottled water here is of high standard. Hungarian thermal springs and baths are also renown
Same in Poland, depending on a region there is different quality of water... another thing is water installation status the water is coming … morethrough - if new or old. Anyway, I always boiled tap water before drinking when I had no bottle water, however since this weekend I am happy owner of Brita water filter and I am finally free from drowning in empty plastic bottles everywhere.
But about drinking such tap water directly, Sweden is doing that too as I remember when I went there - I guess Nordics in general are having this habit :-)
I think I just found the ambassador to Wyatt
I don't think so. We'll speak further on this in PM
Haha, yeah it was a mistake on my part. Apologies. You can understand just how much better 'armed in steel' flows, unlike 'armed in bronze.' However, it was a simple oversight and I have fixed it up, apologies for the inconvenience
How could you, Stigz, how could you!
Ah gee, incoming steel hate! Abort, abort!
Hey! So I've written up the next part, which goes to Jaycen Caron, but I figure I should give you a bit of a reminder on him first.
Jaycen Caron, the Lord of Nightsong and father to Alara Caron, was recently confronted by a rider with disturbing news. His king, and previous friend, Qarlton Durrandon, is beginning a large conquest and has called his banners. By law, Jaycen is forced to lend his assistance, though with great cost. His only living son, Gareth, wished to accompany Jaycen into war, and was to have his sister and mother be taken to Blackhaven. In return, their cousins in House Dondarrion would hold their home until they returned. Jaycen was left with the decision to agree with this offer, to leave Gareth at home or to send Gareth to Blackhaven with his family. You chose for Jaycen to send him to Blackhaven, and that is where this next part begins.
He stared into the green eyes of his son, which pleaded for his permission. Begging him to accept. Through the pleading eyes, Jaycen saw something he recognised, something he admired. Strength, determination. The boy that stood before him was almost a mirror image of Jaycen’s younger self, which was the exact reason why he could not let him go.
“No.” Jaycen muttered quietly, staring into his son’s eyes. “You’ll accompany us as far as Blackhaven, there you will stay with our family until my return.” Jaycen watched the red build up in Gareth’s cheeks, his eyes watering.
“I will not.” He said quietly, trying to hold his mood together. He stood alone, staring at the ground beneath his father.
“You will.” Jaycen reassured, placing his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “Lord Edric will host you, and you will represent our house in Blackhaven. After all, he has offered his assistance to us.” Gareth looked up at Jaycen will anger behind the shield of tears. He broke away from Jaycen’s grip, entering the hall.
Jaycen sighed, turning back to Keat Musgood. The man gave a weak smile, ascending to his saddle on horseback. They would take their small army to Blackhaven, siding with the troops of Lord Edric until riding for Storm’s End.
Thoughts of Lord Edric took Jaycen back years, which he was undecided on whether it was relieving or painful. Much had happened over the years, much pain and suffering. No doubt he would find more there, dealing with the father of his cheating wife. Don’t. That’s in the past. He would to continue to tell himself, though it was never enough.
Jaycen reached for the reins of Gareth’s destrier, pulling himself up onto the saddle. He turned his gaze to his weeping daughter, still sitting in the sand alone. He yearned to be by her side, though duty called his name, and he would reply.
The black basalt walls stood tall and known in the sandy Red Mountains. The keep resided in a small green meadow, surrounded by the overlooking peaks of the mountains, a dry moat surrounded the castle.
The Caron army rode through the marches, the dry barren land was good for riding, though Jaycen feared the worst. He always feared the worst, especially so far from home with potential Dornish skirmishers nearby. However, he was not daft, he knew know skirmishers would attempt an attack on such a force. Though he feared for his home, for the family he would leave behind despite them being in safety.
The black towers of Blackhaven rose higher and higher, until after a long day’s ride they had finally arrived. The black-painted acacian drawbridge was descended, leaving only a wooden portcullis in Jaycen’s path. On the other side of the barrier stood armed soldiers, clearly confused and worried with the army that had marched on their castle. Jaycen turned his eye to his wife, who had rode beside him the entire trip.
“You think your father will let us in?” Jaycen asked, his voice monotone. Their formation had broken apart, their ground forces settling down and unloading their packs. Meghan shrugged, walking her steed towards the main gates.
“He has to, or he’ll suffer the consequences of treason.” She muttered, passing him without a gaze. Jaycen sighed, turning his eye to Keat Musgood, who stared at the black walls of the castle. Once Lady Meghan was out of earshot, he spoke.
“She seems like a strong and determined woman, my lord. Will you bring her with you to battle?” His brown hair blew in the soft winds that passed through the mountains. His question appeared genuine, which Jaycen.
“No.” He said quietly, watching as his wife stopped on the drawbridge, speaking with the men on the other side of the gate. “She, along with the rest of my family, will stay here. They’ll be safe here.” Jaycen noticed the boy’s eyebrow raise, a touch of concern in his dead black eyes.
“Is that so?” He said, almost challenging him. Jaycen straightened himself on the saddle, to tower over the boy.
“Do you challenge my judgement?” Jaycen asked coldly, though the heats of the Marches seldom passed the formid in Jaycen’s tone. Keat shrugged, turning his gaze back to the castle.
“No, my lord. Only your wisdom on the matter. You took your heir from his home, and are locking him away with those who would easily sell him if any threats would come their way. As with your wife and daughter.” Jaycen shot a glare at the boy, who barely seemed to be affected by it.
“They’re family, Lord Edric wouldn’t sell his grandchildren. Nor his own daughter.” Jaycen said reassuringly, more or less for himself than anyone else. Keat weakly smiled.
“Gareth arranged that Blackhaven men garrison a Caron castle. That Gendel Dondarrion, the only son of the Thunderlord be commander of this garrison. What happens if the Dornishmen learn that the formidable Caron’s no longer hold the Marches?” Jaycen remained silent, he knew the answer well, however Keat continued. “They grow bold, they start crossing the Marches to raid and skirmish. The Fowler’s, the Manwoody’s, the Yronwood’s. They will come, and they will seize Nightsong. Do you really think Lord Edric will cherish your family’s safety over his only male heir? Do you really think his grandson will be his top priority then?” Jaycen remained silent, gripping the reins of his steed tightly. He turned his eye to Keat, who stared back at him intently.
“You speak a lot for your age.” Jaycen muttered, and the boy lowered his head as if he were ashamed, though Jaycen could see the amusement in his eyes.
“Apologies, my lord. If you would excuse me, I will seek myself some land to set camp on.” Jaycen nodded gently, allowing the boy to excuse himself. Alone, he now weighed up the consequences of his actions in his head.
War had never brought happiness or safety to the realm, yet pointless war was worse than any other as far as Jaycen was concerned. Qarlton would leave the Stormlands defenseless, for the Andal’s, Dornish and Reachmen to take. The Marcher lords could repel the Dornish, perhaps even the Reach. Though the Andal’s was beyond their grasp, which now Jaycen only hoped they would keep the Dornish preoccupied.
His priorities were to keep his family safe, his son most of all. He had lost one already, and Jaycen was to fault for his eldest’s death. Ryman held their family together, he would have grown to be a better lord than Jaycen ever was. Though now Jaycen was left with Gareth, a young man forced into a line of duty he never wanted, something they would both have to live with.
Jaycen through around the thoughts in his head. Perhaps Musgood was right, perhaps due to Jaycen’s selfishness the Stormlands would crumble more than they needed to. Gareth needed to be at Nightsong, but he lacked the years of experience that Jaycen had invested into training Ryman. What risks would he endure by sending Gareth back to his rightful home? Yet, what risks would the realm suffer if he did not?
The clunking noise of the wooden portcullis being lifted pulled Jaycen from his trance. He watched as his wife entered alone, and as a rider came out to meet him. The young man was far older than when Jaycen had last seen him, yet he was still young in his eye.
Gendel rode gallantly on the back of his black courser, wearing his dark armour. His short bronze sword was sheathed to his waist. He had short light brown hair, with honey coloured eyes. Even in his mid forties, he was still a roguely dashing man, who looked ten years less his age. A warm smile was spread over his lips.
“Brother!” He yelled, trotting towards Jaycen until he came to a halt. Jaycen forced himself a smile, despite not being overly jovial.
“Gendel.” Jaycen said hesitantly, with a weak smile. It did not matter, it was enough to convince him. The smile on his brother-in-law was soon replaced with a look of curiosity.
“We received your rider just a day ago. I was to ride to Nightsong with a garrison of men to help secure it until your return.” Gendel turned his gaze back towards the men atop the walls, bows in hands. “Well, we did not expect an army to be outside our walls the next day.” Jaycen gave an understandable nod, letting out a long sigh.
“It would be best if I only had to explain this once, it’s not the shortest of tales. Is your father awake?” Jaycen asked with a touch of concern. Gendel’s expression appeared grim for a moment, though he nodded all the same.
“Yes, I’ll take you to him. Forgive his lack of courtesies, the sickness has taken the man he once was.” Jaycen frowned, he feared the worst for the old man. He hoped only that his family would still be safe behind his in-law’s walls.
The dark hallways were dimly lit, with the main source of light coming from the tinted barred windows the in the Great Hall. There sat the old Lord Edric ‘the Thunderlord’ Dondarrion, in his seat. Beside him were his eldest son, Gendel, his youngest daughter: Gladys, and his squire: Ben Tarth.
Jaycen stood opposite them, alone and in the dark. Silence lingered in the black halls, a sort of fitting eternity for such dark rooms. It was only after several minutes that the whispers in Lord Edric’s ears were finally translated into words from his tongue.
“So, my son. What brings you…” He stumbled on his words, as if all memory of what he was saying had been lost. His squire stepped in for him, embarrassed with red cheeks. “Why do you come here, my lord?”
Jaycen eyed the boy for a moment, before turning his gaze to Gladys. She stared at him in a way which made him feel uncomfortable where he stood. Her amber eyes were much like her sister’s, piercing and glaring like that of cats. Her light brown hair was cut short, and her face was hardened with something else other than scars. She was beautiful like her sister, but formidable unlike any other in her family. Jaycen turned his eye back to the feeble Lord Edric, who stared at him weakly.
“I presume you’ve heard that King Qarlton is waging war?” Jaycen began, and Ben nodded.
“A Connington rider informed us. We have been collecting arms and men, with enough to ride to his aid by dawn. Yet, that does not explain why you are here, and not heading there instead.” Ben stared at Jaycen with his sapphire blue eyes, mischief riddled in them. Jaycen turned his eye to Ben, smirking.
“Don’t you have a better place to be at, boy?”
“Is that so?”
“My lord…”
Gendel rose from his seat, his expression bored and clearly irritable. He turned his honey eyes to Ben, who stared back at him fearfully. Gendel forced himself a smile, lowering his head.
“That will be all for today, Ben.” Jaycen could spot the anger flickering up in the young boy’s eyes. He stood his ground.
“But I have to-” He was cut off by a quick menacing glare, which Jaycen was surprised to see from Gendel’s sweet eyes.
“That.” Gendel started, spelling out his words. “Will be all.” The two held locking eyes for a moment, before Ben finally backed down and left the hall.
Silence flooded the hall for a moment, until the late Lord Edric broke into a weak laughter. It continued until he lacked the air to breath, and then began gasping for air. Gladys rushed to him, trying to assist him, while Gendel simply descended the stairs from his seat and approached Jaycen.
“As arranged, I will secure Nightsong for you until your return. Gareth, Bethany and my sister will be accepted into our hospitality.” The coughing slowly died down, but there was still struggle in the old man’s chest. Gendel sighed and continued. “Gladys will lead our forces to battle, alongside yours.” Jaycen turned his attention from Lord Edric to Gendel.
“Who will defend Blackhaven? I cannot simply allow you to leave your home unprotected, just to protect someone else’s.” Gendel smiled, placing a hand on Jaycen’s shoulder.
“It’s our duty to help family.” Gendel turned to his father, then back to Jaycen. “Don’t worry. He may appear weak, but there’s still some fight left in him. Blackhaven will be safe under his watch, and Nightsong will be safe under mine. That being said, there will be no doubts the Dornish will hear of the Caron’s ‘abandoning’ their post. It could cause problems down the road for us. Are you sure you want Gareth here?” Jaycen sighed, perhaps they were right.
Gareth was the only living heir Jaycen had, and where he did not trust in him to fulfil duties that Ryman could have, he still could not restrict him from the inevitability. In a day to come, I will die. Then Gareth will inherit Nightsong. The thought of it was strange to him, not because he feared the outcome of his legacy, though simply because it was never an outcome he had considered.
If the Dornish learned of House Caron’s disappearance, it would lead to another war in the south, which was something the Stormlands did not need. However, would Gareth be ready to repel such a force if he was there? The questions gave Jaycen a headache. This was his final chance to make a decision, be it right or wrong.
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] [Keep Gareth at Blackhaven]
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong]
Once again we can make a choice for where Gareth is going to end up at. This time however, I'm going to change my earlier decision. Keat made some surprisingly good thoughts about what could happen if the dornishmen would lay siege to a Caron-less Nightsong. At the same time, I hate taking Gareth away from Bethany and Meghan. If the worst happens, he's the only one whom I trust with protecting them to his dying breath. The last I want is for them to get into danger. Unfortunately, perhaps keeping Gareth at Blackhaven is precisely what brings them into danger in the first place, because if the Dornishmen attack the marches, that will certainly be putting the Carons in danger no matter where they are. And at the end of the day, Gareth is only one man. If anyone at Blackhaven, particularly that shady Ben Tarth, plans to capture the remaining Caron family to achieve whatever bastard goal he pursues, then Gareth can't do much against that aside from dying heroically. This in turn would take the last male heir away from House Caron, which mustn't happen. So, I hate to choose this, but I'm afraid it is simply better.
[Keep Gareth at Blackhaven]
Gareth, protect the family, learn duty and honor at Blackhaven, be the ruler Nightsong needs, be the sword and shield House Caron needs. That drunkard may also teach some sword lessons to you when sober.
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] This choice has had me at a loss! I have been contemplating on which route to go and I still had not came to a proper conclusion but I suppose I am going to go with sending Gareth back to Nightsong. A male Caron should probably be at Nightsong especially if something were to happen there. Great Part!
I believe the lone guy at Nightsong would be in greater danger close to borders than at Blackhaven with many relatives and allies.
Yea it could be a dangerous choice either way really, I mainly chose it since I imagine it would be more motivation for Caron men to see their lord or in this case the heir there with them in case something went down. At the same time though, I was not sure what to choose and since I did not have an true opinion of my own on it, I just went with what Liquid chose since he created the character.
Ironic though that he himself hesitates and wavers on this though.
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong] Great part
[Send Gareth back to the Nightsong]
If the heir and dynasty dies out it won't be my fault
Alright, well this part has been up a few days, and the votes have slowly rolled in. I think this is about all we're gonna get, so I'll close it up now so that I can release the next part in the next couple of days (likely the weekend). So the vote is closed! Jaycen will choose to send Gareth back to the Nightsong.
Either or, this choice was likely a difficult one, and not one to be made lightly. Where this is likely the best choice for the realm, it may not be so for House Caron. Slowly but surely, the Caron's are splitting, with Jaycen heading to Storm's End and now Gareth back to Nightsong. Whether or not this is a bad thing is yet to be determined, but hey, the Stark's had a lot of problems splitting up
Anyway, so I'll be getting around to writing the next part in the next couple of days, plainly because I have a lot on before then. However, it is another new PoV, but I will say it is a character we have already met which I've fitted with a PoV status. At any rate, I won't say anymore about it as I imagine it will be a little bit of a surprise for the reader who submitted the character
The new part is submitted!
The basalt black walls were a depressing sight in their own light, however the dim candle light made everything feel darker than it already was. Bethany felt like she was confined in a cell, rather than in the room she would be accommodated in.
She sat on the soft queen-sized bed, which had silken sheets and stuffed goose feather pillows. The candle flame oozed wax, which quickly dried on the bronze holder. Bethany leaned close to the flame and blew it out, immediately being surrounded by darkness.
She stood up, feeling her way around her new room. It was cold and damp, dark and formidable. She finally found the acacia wooden window shutters, to which she freed the clasps and pushed open. The clear warm air breezed into the suffocating dark cell she was in, freeing her of the darkness.
She found and opened the other shutters in the room, until she was satisfied with the amount of light that they had granted her. She walked to the bench that hung from the wall, a wooden basin with a shallow puddle of still water inside it.
Bethany cupped her hands in the warm water, splashing her face to remove the oils and sweat that had come from the day’s ride. She yearned for a bath, but was restricted to only this until her ‘assigned’ handmaidens would come to bathe her. Bethany dreaded the thought of someone having to do her washing, she was her own woman. Yet she knew better than to give offence to hospitality.
Refreshed, she looked into the mirror that hung on the wall in front of her. The woman she stared at somewhat surprised her, despite it being the face she had seen everyday. Her mother had always reminded Bethany that her beauty came from her, and even Bethany found her looks astounding at times.
Her hair was a reddish brown, falling in long locks, yet not so dissimilar to her mother’s. It was her eyes that identified her as a Caron, however. Those beautiful green eyes stared back at her striking beauty, and her sweaty riding leathers.
She stripped out of them, finding herself something more comfortable. She settled with a magenta dress, with black shoulders and linings. Satisfied, she placed her leathers into her wooden wardrobe. She turned her eyes to her packed bags and wooden crates, all her dresses and accessories, even wooden dolls she had not used in years. Her father had handmaidens pack her most needed items for her, and it offended her that they would pack dolls.
She was brightened to see that the long wooden case that contained her bow had not been forgotten. She walked over to it, picking it up and placing it on her bed. Releasing the clasps, the wooden lid rolled back on its hinges, displaying the the rosewood bow. The black silken bow string lay coiled next to it, and a quiver of acacian wooden shafts arrows with bronze tips and fletched pheasant feathers.
Bethany smiled picking up the rosewood longbow in her hands, the dark red wood was unique to other bows, which was something she liked the most of it. It was imported from the east, in the distant lands of Essos, just for her. As she grabbed for the quiver, there was a sudden knock on the door.
Bethany placed the bow back in the case and slammed the lid shut, turning around in a haste to find the door swinging open. When she was the man standing in the doorway, she exhaled a deep breath, relaxing for a moment.
“Can I come in, sis?” He asked, standing patiently at the doorway. His words were softly spoken, though Bethany could feel the frustration in his tone. She nodded.
Gareth entered her room, closing the door behind him. Meanwhile, Bethany lowered the case that contained her bow to the floor, pushing it under her bed. She may have been in a castle ran by her loving family, but the people had changed much since her grandfather had started growing older. She turned her eyes back to Gareth, who now sat on her bed.
“You alright?” Bethany quietly asked, joining him. The two sat in silence before he answered, he spoke quietly with a touch of irritability.
“No.” He admitted to her, though she had gathered as much from her first glance at him. “Father doesn’t even trust me to watch over our home.” He buried his head in his hands, and Bethany placed her gentle hand on his back.
“You wanted to go to war.” She said silently, almost as if she was reminding herself. He lifted his head, turning his eyes to hers.
“We sit here and do nothing, when war rises in the north.” He started, his tone sparking up. “It’s not that I wanted to go to war, sis. I want to be of use to our house. If that war came south to us… I don’t want our family being hurt.” He said quietly, defending his claim. Bethany pulled back her hand.
“Our family is already hurt. Briala, Ryman, Alara. They’re gone. To lose you and father as well, our house would be ruined.” Bethany noticed a frown on Gareth’s face.
“He wouldn’t even keep me at Nightsong. He doesn’t trust me.” Gareth pulled himself from his hands, shaking his head in disbelief. “Now we’re confined to this castle until he returns, to be protected by an old man. A Dondarrion will rule over Nightsong, while we’re trapped here.” Bethany turned her eyes to him, placing her hand on his.
“They’re our family, Gareth. They’ll help us.” Gareth gently shook his head, placing his other hand on top of hers.
“We can manage things ourselves.” He said quietly, yet with defiance. He stood up and walked to the door, pulling the handle.
“Where are you going?” Bethany asked, somewhat worried. Gareth shrugged his shoulders, pulling the door open.
“Out.” With that, he exited her room, leaving her alone again. The door thudded against the black wall, and once again she was locked away in her cell.
Bethany sighed, clasping her hands. She sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about her siblings, about her family. She worried for Gareth, and despite her not holding much for her father she still loved him, and feared for him too.
She thought about the siblings she had lost, Briala being the first. Bethany was only an infant when Briala passed, though her passing shattered their family, and growing up in the darkness was shady to say the least. Yet there was one light which everyone looked to, one light which kept everyone together when the night was the darkest. That light was Ryman.
Ryman was the eldest child of their family, and the best man Bethany had ever known. He was kind, brave, courageous and loving. He held the family together, and when his time came it tore their already unstable family apart. It had already been difficult when Alara had left, though Ryman’s death shattered them all, changed them all.
Gareth was the first to step up, it was his duty to as the last living heir to his father. He had always been good with the smallfolk, and accomplishing his father’s blessing was all he ever wanted. Yet their father was so withdrawn after Ryman’s death.
A knock on the door pulled Bethany from her trance, she turned to the closed door. Has Gareth come back already? She wondered, standing herself up. She walked over to the door, pulling on the handle and opening it.
Opposing her was a girl with long dark brown hair, and honey coloured eyes. Her skin was tanned, and her lips luscious. Her eyes flickered up to Bethany’s, a gentle smile widened on her beautiful face. Bethany took a moment to recognise the girl that stood before her.
“Maddelyn?” Bethany asked curiously, and the girl nodded. Her lips formed and grin, and without another word the two embraced. It was a surprise to Bethany to feel the lumps of her Maddelyn’s breasts against her own, the last time she had seen her she was only a young girl.
The bastard daughter of Gendel Dondarrion broke away from Bethany with a warm smile, she flickered between Bethany’s eyes. For what felt like a long moment, the two just stood there looking at each other, until Maddelyn finally spoke.
“Grandfather sent me, he’s asking for you.” She said warmly, clasping her hands. Bethany nodded and smiled, it had been years since she had spoken to Edric, she wondered how badly the years had affected him.
“Is he well?” Bethany asked gently, and the response she received sent a shiver down her spine. Maddelyn frowned sadly, before raising her eyes to Bethany’s hair.
“Would you like to bathe before you see him, or just go as you are? I’d happily help you if you wish, it would be nice to talk.” Bethany could hear the eager excitement in Maddelyn’s tone, it was clear to her she was excited to have another girl close to her age around again.
Bethany ran her hands through her oily hair, she agreed it needed a wash. The discussion with Maddelyn would be a nice change too, though she wondered how she would feel about her cousin bathing her. The girl that had been so young when she last saw her. Bethany sighed, knowing that if there was one thing she knew she had to do, it was to accept change.
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric] [Go see Lord Edric]
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric]
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric]
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric]
Bethany! Now that is a twist I have not expected in the slightest and I think that's the first time I received a surprise PoV. It's not only that I haven't expected another Caron PoV, but also that I haven't expected it to be Bethany, even though she's arguably my second-favourite Caron and favourite trueborn. It's save to say that I'm very okay with it. To be precise, I'm loving the hell out of it and I'm pretty damn excited for her storyline
And a damn good storyline it shall be, one of the key prompting reasons why I have added yet another chapter to the Invasion
Though I am glad to see you're on board with this idea, as I certainly saw a lot of potential for her over Meghan and Gareth.
Hey @Stigz_52 ,
Sorry for my absence those last 2-3 weeks,
I went in vacation with my parents in morroco .
I came back 5 days ago ,
I see i have some catching upto do ...
Sorry for not warning about my absence .
Hey buddy, glad to see your return on the forums! Sounds like you've had a pretty interesting holiday, I'd love to hear more about it!
There shouldn't be all that much, I'm afraid my writing has been at a snail-trail pace at recent, with my studies picking up. Having to work on multiple assignments all with one due date has really been hammering it out of me, but I'm still managing to find at least enough time to write 1-2 parts every weekend, so that's worth something
No worries at all! As I said, I've been pretty busy myself, and I think a few others here have been taking a break or been busy as well so no worries! Glad to have you back!
how old is beth?
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric] fanservice time
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric
I don't think maddelyn just wants to talk but alrgiht , let's give it a try . ,:)
Thanks pal . My vacations were good but too bad i got sick :
We first went in Tanger .
Well the beach in Tanger is awfully nice , especially in the night , you can havee a great view of the moon and the stars
But i still prefer the ones from france , there's far less people ....Then
we went into a lot of restaurants , but the best one and the one i can the most recall was a fish restaurant ,
and i got to taste lobsters for the first time , which the taste is not that different from shrimps .
The tea there is also very good , i noticed a lot of people like to drink it
We then went in Fes , but i unfortunately got sick from drinking in the bathroom sink . Which is something i don't advise you to do in that country . My stomach tore me apart for days .
But apart from the sickness , overhall it was good , people in there are very welcoming , sometimes even too much . i don't know how , but people seem to spot miles away that i'm not a local .even though i dressed as the locals .
It's always good ! I hope your studies are going well .I know it can be very overwhelming sometimes . Personnaly , i'm hitting back secondary school in 2 weeks , but i didn't know some already went back into it . still don't hurt yourself too much, we want you in one piece .
Thank you ! It's glad to be back !
never do that anywhere, get used to only drink bottled water
You can do it here in Finland
The cleanest tap water in the world, as we like to boast.
I guess you're right, but it is best if you travel often to just get used to bottled water, so you don't accidentally drink tap water where you shouldn't, like Morocco, Spain or China.
Water quality in Hungary depends on which city, or district you try to drink tap water in, the result can greatly vary. Hungary does have a lot of good natural mineral water sources though, as such more and more people buy it bottled and avoid the risks of tap water. Of course quality isn't ensured even if it is bottled, but a few companies which attempted to sell less than good quality already had losses and one even went bankrupt, so even because of business perspective the bottled water here is of high standard. Hungarian thermal springs and baths are also renown
Yeah, I know
I've travelled a bit (mostly on Europe), and I always have to remind myself not to drink tap water when I leave Finland... It feels weird to buy water in a bottle though 
Nah, it isn't, we pay for water quality with or without it being bottled anyway.
What is absurd is to buy bottled air as in China though.
25, and Gareth is 30
Hey! That sounds like a grand trip, I'm really glad you've enjoyed yourself. Lobster is pretty great, can you agree?
It's a shame about the sickness though, I have to agree that drinking water from taps in 'lesser economically developed countries' is a big no on the lists. I've traveled a lot of south east Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia) and you just always have to drink bottled water. And yes, locals always seem to be able to sniff out travelers 
Bah, determine your definition of well
I'm slowly plowing through it all, but I know what I'd much rather be doing. At any rate, I hope school treats you well when you return. As it's not summer in my country, we have a lot shorter holiday during this time of the year, around 2-3 weeks 
Finally cought up with all of this!
[Bathe before seeing Lord Edric]
Same in Poland, depending on a region there is different quality of water... another thing is water installation status the water is coming through - if new or old. Anyway, I always boiled tap water before drinking when I had no bottle water, however since this weekend I am happy owner of Brita water filter and I am finally free from drowning in empty plastic bottles everywhere.
But about drinking such tap water directly, Sweden is doing that too as I remember when I went there - I guess Nordics in general are having this habit :-)
Welcome back! I had feared you'd lost interest, but I'm glad to see your return
and cleaner water