Proof that Soren was secretly an Old Builder in episode 3. THREAD



  • Hmmm, possibly.


  • I seen a thread saying that Milo and Soren seem related, maybe that's got something to do with how Soren's book got up there?

    Yep, it makes total sense, looks like Harper was currently in the middle of reading one of Soren's books since it was on the table.

  • edited August 2016

    Ooo distant relative perhaps? You can tell they both sound alike, maybe they're brothers? Was Soren's book the ONLY thing he could remember him by? I just realized how Milo lost it and ended up in Isa's books. Milo said when he lost his petition to build a garden, he was sent to the Founder's dungeon, did they confiscated his belongings INCLUDING Soren's book? Holy. Moley. That possibly explains how its in her bookshelf.

    Super1710 posted: »

    I seen a thread saying that Milo and Soren seem related, maybe that's got something to do with how Soren's book got up there?

  • its kinda obvious by now

  • Long lost brothers.

    Super1710 posted: »

    I seen a thread saying that Milo and Soren seem related, maybe that's got something to do with how Soren's book got up there?

  • Seems a little far fetched to me but hey, you never know!

    Ooo distant relative perhaps? You can tell they both sound alike, maybe they're brothers? Was Soren's book the ONLY thing he could remember

  • Well they don't have have the same color of hair.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Seems a little far fetched to me but hey, you never know!

  • Its all we got, also the theory I made on him being the leader of them, I think I was wrong. There is someone else who's pulling the strings and we'll get our answers about the Old Builders in the finale.

    NorthStars posted: »

    its kinda obvious by now

  • We need somewhere to discuss it, and I'd say that most of these theories wouldn't have seen the light of day had it not been for this thread.

    NorthStars posted: »

    its kinda obvious by now

  • I presume the hypothetical leader of the old builders is going to be a villain.

    Its all we got, also the theory I made on him being the leader of them, I think I was wrong. There is someone else who's pulling the strings and we'll get our answers about the Old Builders in the finale.

  • I wanna hear the theory though. Haha :)

    Its all we got, also the theory I made on him being the leader of them, I think I was wrong. There is someone else who's pulling the strings and we'll get our answers about the Old Builders in the finale.

  • Theories are so much fun guys, we're the MCSM theorists. Haha :D I want to join in!

    Super1710 posted: »

    We need somewhere to discuss it, and I'd say that most of these theories wouldn't have seen the light of day had it not been for this thread.

  • Yep he probably wanted Soren and the other builders out of his way and wants all the power.

    Super1710 posted: »

    I presume the hypothetical leader of the old builders is going to be a villain.

  • "If anyone knew how to put in the secretest of secret doors, it's him."
    Quote from Petra in Episode3

    The stairway was hidden behind a secret door/Portal

  • edited August 2016

    And the Redstone Heart was the key to open it. Lol I forgot Petra said that which is another hint.

    "If anyone knew how to put in the secretest of secret doors, it's him." Quote from Petra in Episode3 The stairway was hidden behind a secret door/Portal

  • I think your already in, you gave good theories on this thread. :)

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Theories are so much fun guys, we're the MCSM theorists. Haha I want to join in!

  • Awww thanks friend!!!! :D :3 y'all are great!

    I think your already in, you gave good theories on this thread.

  • Your welcome, fellow theorist.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Awww thanks friend!!!! y'all are great!

  • I love it when Petra said, "Good job Jesse, now go in for the kill, Metaphorically." XD

    Super1710 posted: »

    I love the way he says that line.

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