The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Forever yawning

  • The gang of old isn't even the gang of old anymore. Time does funny things. There's a reason I decided to give this place another go.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If the "gang" ever wants to come back here, they're welcome to. Of course, Telltale and the forum software are not what they once were, whi

  • edited August 2016

    So... cloning a partitioned disk on a dual boot system is a hassle. No amount of research can prepare you for potential issues.

    Did it all fine. No issues along the way. Then it wouldn't boot. At least it recognised the dual boot setup.
    Even booting from the DVD wasn't working. Setting the disk and partition to active(through command prompt/disk boot, a common issue) didn't solve it. It wasn't even listed in the boot list of my BIOS or in drive list of my BIOS.

    The stupid little issue was that because I only moved the one drive and left my second drive(dual boot!) alone, the BIOS read only that disk, it's partition and my DVD drive as drives. It ignored the one that moved. I have no idea why it doesn't reread, but it didn't. So what do you do? Move the cable to port 1 so it has to read it(it was 4). It still wasn't in the boot list, but when I went into the advanced settings where you can fine tune the boot options per drive, it was in there(it wasn't before switching the cable ports) and I just changed boot option 1 to the new drive. It appeared in the boot list after that.

    Just thought I'd share. It's not fun when expensive shit doesn't work.

  • Let us yawn young or let us yawn forever;
    We don't have the yawn but we never yawn never

    Forever yawning

  • Church, the resurrected cat from Pet Sematary. He didn't deserve to die either.

    Well uh, that had no context.

  • enter image description here

    For fuck sake I went to school today all prepared and ready to learn but it turns out Year 11s aren't supposed to start until tomorrow.

  • TheFurryOne posted: »

    For fuck sake I went to school today all prepared and ready to learn but it turns out Year 11s aren't supposed to start until tomorrow.

  • I yawned so hard once my jaw locked shut once.

    It was painful.

    Forever yawning

  • Mine hasnt locked but I had a problem for a month or 2 with my jaw clicking and stuff. I feel your pain

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I yawned so hard once my jaw locked shut once. It was painful.

  • Oh, alright. I get it, there was just no context behind the comment.

    Johro posted: »

    Church, the resurrected cat from Pet Sematary. He didn't deserve to die either.

  • I'm thinking about ceasing effort on my artwork, Nothing I make looks good or satisfies me, everything just turns out awful and I don't think I can do better than the point I'm at. I've tried drawing with other programs and traditional and neither work for me, my art stays the same as it does in MS Paint. So I think I'll just stop working on it and do a sketch or two every few months to stay active.

  • A person who is 3rd yr in high school


    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • How long is it?

    Yeah, but this is for the first semester.

  • Rip funny nice guy ; ;

    R.I.P Gene Wilder, the master of memes!

  • Clean yourself b4 you rekt yourself. B)

    BeyondEnder posted: » Clorox is the best one, right?

  • Aaaaand that's how no (good) conversation will ever actually happen. Seriously, we're on internet with cringey usernames and cringey avatars, you can say whatever you want.

    Low self-esteem, I suppose?

    I don't know about everyone else, but I just don't believe I can add anything to conversations.

  • Can you draw decently with just a paper and a pencil?

    Though, you'll 100% never improve by drawing less. :p

    I'm thinking about ceasing effort on my artwork, Nothing I make looks good or satisfies me, everything just turns out awful and I don't thin

  • Can you draw decently with just a paper and a pencil?

    I used to be able to. I can't anymore because I took too long away from it.

    Though, you'll 100% never improve by drawing less.

    Yeah, but as much as I fucking love drawing, it's absolute fucking torture to draw something and keep telling myself how much I hate myself and what I do as I draw. So I think I'm done.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Can you draw decently with just a paper and a pencil? Though, you'll 100% never improve by drawing less.

  • You just did...

    I don't know about everyone else, but I just don't believe I can add anything to conversations.

  • edited August 2016

    Eh, just tell yourself it's stylized. It works for 90% of the art community.

    I was good at drawing for a kid, but I just didn't get better. Now I'm a below average adult.
    As for software, of course I used Paint as a teenager as it was the only accessible option. There's nothing wrong with using Paint. I used to be really good with Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro a while back. These days I just use an old version of Paint Shop Pro and the only features I use are feathering and blurring. Otherwise, I'm basically just using Paint again.

    Just do what makes you happy. If it's not worth it, then don't bother aggravating and beating yourself up over it. If you really do love it, then maybe try to find a way to get that expression out in style that doesn't bother you so much.

    Oh and yeah, you're better than I am with drawing on a computer.

    Can you draw decently with just a paper and a pencil? I used to be able to. I can't anymore because I took too long away from it.

  • Started rewatching Friends again. Man I love this show :)

  • I posted a short horror story I wrote last year in the Creative Work thread if anyone is interested :P

    I would really appreciate it if people shared their thoughts on it and provided some criticism.

    Link to thread

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I got my code for the Battlefield 1 Beta today and it's rally fun so far, i recorded a couple of videos of my first 2 games if anyone is interested in seeing them and the Beta should be open to everyone tomorrow.

  • I love drawing too, so that is why I replied. :p

    As Johro said, just do whatever makes you happy to do. Now, we are not all Vincent Van Gogh, because we have unique skills and thoughts and feelings. Just make your own style and do something productive. :)

    Of course, I am not going to make you (or anyone in general) do anything. I am just sharing my own perspective.

    Can you draw decently with just a paper and a pencil? I used to be able to. I can't anymore because I took too long away from it.

  • Today I realized I love DailyMotion.

  • Dark Souls?

    Not really, I just know that people all pretty much know what I'm talking about at this point so it's self explanatory what I'm playing.

  • cringey usernames and cringey avatars,

    Triggering intensifies

    You dare to dishonor my name? You shall be punished! O)____(O

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Aaaaand that's how no (good) conversation will ever actually happen. Seriously, we're on internet with cringey usernames and cringey avatars, you can say whatever you want. Low self-esteem, I suppose?

  • Hm, something temporary to my avatar. Spice things up a bit.

    Now.... to meditate.

    enter image description here

  • This reminds me so much about World at War for some reason.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got my code for the Battlefield 1 Beta today and it's rally fun so far, i recorded a couple of videos of my first 2 games if anyone is interested in seeing them and the Beta should be open to everyone tomorrow.

  • If you don't mind the advice... I think it's better to play what you enjoy rather than what you hate. You are the runner of your own channel, certainly subscribers may ask for a game. But take them as suggestions, not as demands. Subscribers need to respect the channel runner that they can't play whatever they wish. Take a look at Cartoonz for example, he plays whatever he wants what he enjoys. Certainly he may do as subscribers ask, but not all the time. Neither should you. Sometimes subscribers gotta take no for an answer. Also personally for me, I find a commentated video more enjoyable when the youtuber themselves are expressing joy out of playing it. And I feel many other youtuber followers feel the same way, just some can get kind of pushy in wanting things their way. Play and record the games you'll enjoy, and let your subsribers know you can't do everything they ask you to.

    11 hours... 11 fucking hours of recording, and I beat the fucking first game based on pure fucking luck. I hate this game, I hate this series, I hate this video idea, but shit if it doesn't feel good to win.

  • My best friend is the biggest show off I have ever seen.

  • What platform(s) is/are the beta playable on?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got my code for the Battlefield 1 Beta today and it's rally fun so far, i recorded a couple of videos of my first 2 games if anyone is interested in seeing them and the Beta should be open to everyone tomorrow.

  • 90 Minutes.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    How long is it?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's available on PC Xbox One and PS4, i got 1 day early access due to being a Battlefield insider but it will be available to everyone tomorrow.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    What platform(s) is/are the beta playable on?

  • Awesome, im currently downloading on xbox

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got my code for the Battlefield 1 Beta today and it's rally fun so far, i recorded a couple of videos of my first 2 games if anyone is interested in seeing them and the Beta should be open to everyone tomorrow.

  • Ok thanks for telling me.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's available on PC Xbox One and PS4, i got 1 day early access due to being a Battlefield insider but it will be available to everyone tomorrow.

  • Well you're not really going to magically get better just by drawing. Watch some drawing tutorials from professionals to improve.

    I'm thinking about ceasing effort on my artwork, Nothing I make looks good or satisfies me, everything just turns out awful and I don't thin

  • Did you see any french in game?

    It's said they were part in the war, but I'm not sure, it was certainly minor.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got my code for the Battlefield 1 Beta today and it's rally fun so far, i recorded a couple of videos of my first 2 games if anyone is interested in seeing them and the Beta should be open to everyone tomorrow.

  • Good boys wouldn't punish me over a minor thing. ;)

    cringey usernames and cringey avatars, Triggering intensifies You dare to dishonor my name? You shall be punished! O)____(O

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