Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • gotta eat him too

    Mawula posted: »

    Fiona still wanna peel him

  • oh yes

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    gotta eat him too

  • hey sorry i am never here :( i miss you guys but i have so much work to mark and my first years are really stupid

  • :(


    hey sorry i am never here i miss you guys but i have so much work to mark and my first years are really stupid

  • there's always season 2 :^)

    oh yes

  • whose bright idea was it to make the forum like this??


  • edited August 2016

    It's like they keep downgrading the site every year now. Last year's update was bad, but not this bad. Next year they'll probably add stuff like ads everywhere and break several other features.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    whose bright idea was it to make the forum like this??

  • Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

    enter image description here


  • edited August 2016

    I don't want to be mean or anything but...

    ...well, yeah, I do want to be mean actually, this layout fucking sucks.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's like they keep downgrading the site every year now. Last year's update was bad, but not this bad. Next year they'll probably add stuff like ads everywhere and break several other features.

  • i know, i left for a few weeks or so and came back to this and it really sucks, i miss the good old days with the yellow coloured background.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    whose bright idea was it to make the forum like this??

  • Must've been designed by some intern who had no idea what to do, so he/she made the site look bland as hell, broke feautures on day 1, and added emojis.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't want to be mean or anything but... ...well, yeah, I do want to be mean actually, this layout fucking sucks.

  • yikes imagine ads, they're fine if it's like one at the bottom of the page but ads everywhere are really off-putting for a website.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's like they keep downgrading the site every year now. Last year's update was bad, but not this bad. Next year they'll probably add stuff like ads everywhere and break several other features.

  • Maybe that's why the layout has so much empty white space. All in preparation of next year's "big update". Can't wait to have 12 different ads pop up while I'm trying to post a single message.

    yikes imagine ads, they're fine if it's like one at the bottom of the page but ads everywhere are really off-putting for a website.

  • I have to wonder whose silly idea was it to replace the old more colourful layout with white, white and more white, with a little bit of grey.

    i know, i left for a few weeks or so and came back to this and it really sucks, i miss the good old days with the yellow coloured background.

  • edited August 2016

    Person A: hey we need to change the site layout, got any ideas?

    Person B: how about this shits all over the site

    Person A: perfect!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    whose bright idea was it to make the forum like this??

  • omfg

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    gotta eat him too

  • this looks like a placeholder, that's how shitty it is

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Must've been designed by some intern who had no idea what to do, so he/she made the site look bland as hell, broke feautures on day 1, and added emojis.

  • @ whoever did this

    time to clean it up

    Person A: hey we need to change the site layout, got any ideas? Person B: how about this shits all over the site Person A: perfect!

  • Yeah, this look like some early beta version of a site.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    this looks like a placeholder, that's how shitty it is

  • any word on them changing it? this looks too bad

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, this look like some early beta version of a site.

  • Sadly, not as far as I know. They updated the site last year in July, right? I think they updated it around the same time too, this year, so we might be stuck with this layout for a year. No idea why they broke something that didn't need fixing (well the last version wasn't perfect, but it was better than this)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    any word on them changing it? this looks too bad

  • maybe if I cry enough this layout will get wet and need changing

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Sadly, not as far as I know. They updated the site last year in July, right? I think they updated it around the same time too, this year, so

  • Perhaps the combined tears of all members would be enough to soak this layout so they'll have to change it! Though, we shouldn't cry too hard, or else we might start crying hyper realistic bloody tears.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    maybe if I cry enough this layout will get wet and need changing

  • if it gets them to change this, anything goes

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Perhaps the combined tears of all members would be enough to soak this layout so they'll have to change it! Though, we shouldn't cry too hard, or else we might start crying hyper realistic bloody tears.

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah, and besides if we do start crying blood, maybe they'll cjamge it faster
    After all, they don't want their fans crying blood... Or do they?
    I mean, this looks like a bootleg version of the old site.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    if it gets them to change this, anything goes

  • they feed off our tears, of course they want that

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, and besides if we do start crying blood, maybe they'll cjamge it faster After all, they don't want their fans crying blood... Or do they? I mean, this looks like a bootleg version of the old site.

  • edited August 2016

    Oh, that gives me an idea. What if we give them an ultimatum? If they don't change the layout, we won't feed them with our tears, and so they will starve.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    they feed off our tears, of course they want that

  • enter image description here

    you've been visited by the blurry sandler

    reply with "fiona is god" to motivate rhys to free himself from the basement

  • edited August 2016

    How bout we just give him this image......

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you've been visited by the blurry sandler reply with "fiona is god" to motivate rhys to free himself from the basement

  • it's already hot enough in the basement, he doesn't need to be like

    enter image description here

    How bout we just give him this image......

  • Today is the first day of school for me. This year I have to prepare for the exams. Whyyyyyy???

    Only you guys and this glorious shipping can save me.

  • I feel you :(

    Today is the first day of school for me. This year I have to prepare for the exams. Whyyyyyy??? Only you guys and this glorious shipping can save me.

  • Put the Adam Sandler meme back, wolfie boy

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you've been visited by the blurry sandler reply with "fiona is god" to motivate rhys to free himself from the basement

  • enter image description here
    I'll give you Rhyiona!

  • you can take my juvia but you can't take my memes...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Put the Adam Sandler meme back, wolfie boy

  • you know with TWDG S3 around the corner they will always get our tears

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Oh, that gives me an idea. What if we give them an ultimatum? If they don't change the layout, we won't feed them with our tears, and so they will starve.

  • But what will cause the tears? The game having tons of emotional scenes? Or the game being in a poorer state than Batman at launch?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you know with TWDG S3 around the corner they will always get our tears

  • well, hopefully the first option

    MichaelBP posted: »

    But what will cause the tears? The game having tons of emotional scenes? Or the game being in a poorer state than Batman at launch?

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