Why is waiting so painful...

I know I'm probably asking for too much here, and to be honest I'm just trying to spark discussion more than anything, but seriously, Telltale.

As someone who has been gaming for about 23 years, your games are literally the ONLY games that exist today, that still bring me the same joy and nostalgia I felt during childhood. That said, I know you guys are constantly putting out new game series and episodes, and I'm sure the workload is huge, but couldn't Telltale become an even larger company, capable of putting out MORE games at a faster pace? I noticed the norm seems to be we have two games going at once, and maybe a mini-game on the side.

Why not push that number to 4-5? Certainly, expansion could be made without hurting the company or the quality of the games, right? Or wrong? Waiting for episodes, with nothing to play in between, is probably one of the most painstaking experiences of gaming to date. I LOVE the games you put out, every last one of them. I even loved this game, Minecraft, which is why I put this thread here because, well, it's what got me re-hooked on Telltale Games after a hiatus due to being busy IRL. And I am not even someone who plays or enjoys the actual Minecraft game.

Minecraft: Story Mode reminded me why your games are literally the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've ever had. The fact that I have nothing to play until Batman Ep2 and MCSM Ep 8 comes out is depressing though.

Can you guys imagine how glorious it would be? 5-6 different Telltale Games series going at once? Never having to take 2-4 month breaks in between playing their games because there's always a new game to fill that time gap? I know I would personally LOVE for that to happen. Besides, it'd be MORE money for Telltale in the longrun, I think.

Anyway, just some thoughts, and me venting about how hard it is to have to wait for the next game to come out. Please, feel free to comment whatever you like, or share your sorrows... just remember: If you're planning on typing something like "Find something better to do with your time" or "Telltale doesn't NEED to CATER TO UR DEZIRES" or "GIVE THEM A BREAK THEYRE WURKIN' RLY HARD,"

... then you probably missed the entire point of this thread and you're frankly wasting your finger strength. I'm simply here to discuss, as that's what discussion forums are for, and would like to know if others would enjoy a more consistent flow of TTG's instead of long gaps in between episodes.


  • edited August 2016

    I get your venting, but with Telltale's current employment 4-5 games at a time would be mental. 1-3 games going at once is incredible as it is, and waiting a month for 2 episodes from 2 different series is incredible compared too last year or the year before that. Telltale are getting bigger, but they aren't that big just yet. Maybe in a few years time they can increase the amount of series they can produce at once, but as of right now. I think the current workload is very impressive considering how much actually goes into these games scripts and such.

    Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing before it gets old. I don't want that to happen with my love for Telltale. Just adding in my personal opinion right here at the bottom.

  • edited August 2016

    Totally agree with what you said about having "too much" of something. However, I totally took that into consideration before making this thread. Thought REALLY hard about it... and then was like, "Mm. Na." There is absolutely no such thing as too much Telltale! Unless of course you end up like that one kid who's thighs exploded in an internet cafe...

    On a more serious note, thanks for your reply, I agree, what I want is a pretty huge request. What they're doing IS quite impressive. I just hope they keep that number to "3" cause right now we basically just have Batman and MCSM, which is about to end!

    I get your venting, but with Telltale's current employment 4-5 games at a time would be mental. 1-3 games going at once is incredible as it

  • I agree telltale has only 100 something people I think and they still make amazing games I think if they make more than 2-3 games at once it will end up like mcsm ep 2 (it wasn't that bad but pretty short in my opinion) and telltale is already advancing the first batman episode felt long to me in a good way and it seems telltale is already trying to fill in the time gap with somewhat longer episodes all we have to do is wait and see.

    I get your venting, but with Telltale's current employment 4-5 games at a time would be mental. 1-3 games going at once is incredible as it

  • edited September 2016

    Hopefully telltale's staff will expand over time. Then they can make more games. I don't know much about telltale staff, but they likely are finding more people all the time. Anyways, sometimes when I find it hard waiting I think to myself: If you want a sequel to a movie, wait 2+ years. If you want a second, third, ect. TellTale episode (which each one is the length of a movie and almost as good quality as a movie) you usually wait for far shorter times. But yes, waiting months for an episode is hard no matter how you look at it.

  • edited September 2016

    I wonder how fast episodes would come out if they had all of the teams working on the same thing.

  • True Very True

    Hopefully telltale's staff will expand over time. Then they can make more games. I don't know much about telltale staff, but they likely are

  • I'm sure that in the future, once Minecraft: Story Mode is over, TellTale will expand their team & decrease the wait for new episodes to release. I'm sure TellTale are working for hours and hours concentrating on Story Mode, since there is a huge demand.

  • and waiting a month for 2 episodes from 2 different series is incredible compared too last year or the year before that.

    The long waits are deliberate as Telltale prioritizes revising episodes live. Michonne and Episodes 1-4 of Minecraft show that they could do monthly releases with their modern format if they wanted to, but instead, they choose to prioritize live revision and have gone back to longer waiting periods for Episodes 5-8 of Minecraft and Batman. I'd personally rather have monthly episodes, but that's just my two cents.

    I get your venting, but with Telltale's current employment 4-5 games at a time would be mental. 1-3 games going at once is incredible as it

  • Well, with much simpler models and animation Minecraft Story Mode probably consumes the least amount of time and resources (For the animators anyway, it's still just as difficult for the writers and planning out all of the scenes would be as hard as it usually is).

    I'm sure that in the future, once Minecraft: Story Mode is over, TellTale will expand their team & decrease the wait for new episodes to

  • All I really wanted to say is. MORE TELLTALE PLS. PLS MORE.

  • Much slower.

    Super1710 posted: »

    I wonder how fast episodes would come out if they had all of the teams working on the same thing.

  • Having a very large amount of writers could slow it did, but everyone else would move faster.

    Much slower.

  • edited September 2016

    Be patient. Patience is the key to success! :)

    Ryanoo posted: »

    All I really wanted to say is. MORE TELLTALE PLS. PLS MORE.

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