The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2016

    Sorry, I wasn't 100% sure if it is or not. I was just reading what people posted here:

    This is what someone said and I think it seems accurate:

    "Is it illegal? yes.

    Are you likely to get in trouble over it? Depends on how vigerously the trademark holder wants to persue it. Start selling Disney stuff at a convention, and they will probably have someone from Disney, walking the floor and telling you that you need to pull that or they will take legal action (at least this happens at larger conventions)

    Are you likely to get sued? No, you are most likely to get a cease and desist letter.

    But you ARE open to lawsuits. And that is for what they say their damages are, not what you made. So if you are (taking this from your avatar) drawing originals of Spiderman and selling them for $15 and Marvel is selling original artwork of Spiderman for $50, and you have sold 100, they will be suing you for $5,000 because that is what they could have made if they had sold people the original art, instead of you. Plus their legal fees.

    And that is the simplified version of it. It gets more complex than this, with things like fair-use, and satire. But that is the basics."

    But I don't know too much when it comes to legal stuff so... yeah. Sorry if I came across as mean.

    It's illegal to sell fanart? Then half the people on the internet are getting arrested.

  • No it's fine, you didn't come across as mean.

    Everyone makes fanart though. If you go a couple pages back you can see someone just posted some yesterday. There is an actual thread for fanart and some sell it, too. Unless I say "this is my character, I made it" then I'm fine. I was clear when I said who it is (Rick Grimes). It's a dumb "law" honestly. And its nearly impossible to enforce.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Sorry, I wasn't 100% sure if it is or not. I was just reading what people posted here:

  • So good, you have to post it twice...

    USA National Anthem + Youtube's auto-generated subtitles.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  • Are you ready for Diepmon, the epic crossover between and Pokemon?

  • Coming soon! (As in about 5 hours!)

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Are you ready for Diepmon, the epic crossover between and Pokemon?

  • Fuck bogus intellectual property laws. Sell em' anyway! :)

    It's illegal to sell fanart? Then half the people on the internet are getting arrested.

  • This'll probably go on as the most awkward 9/11 anniversary since Muslims are celebrating Eid on the same day and all.

  • I feel like you post most of your comments without thinking about what you just wrote.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck bogus intellectual property laws. Sell em' anyway!

  • Eid isn't today it's tomorrow.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    This'll probably go on as the most awkward 9/11 anniversary since Muslims are celebrating Eid on the same day and all.

  • Doesn't change anything, they still will be celebrating.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Eid isn't today it's tomorrow.

  • Popeye pls go.

    papai46 posted: »

    I feel like you post most of your comments without thinking about what you just wrote.

  • edited September 2016

    There were 5 flying cockroaches in my room.


    I killed them all a few minutes ago.

    EDIT: there was a 6th one, what the fuck

  • I just found an old picture of me and my best friend..

    enter image description here

    And then I was like wtf, why do we look like Max and Chloe

    enter image description here

  • Not really sure how to do shading or what to use. It's alright but I don't wanna fuck it up.

    enter image description here

  • Double post or splinter in your fingernail?

    bunnylace posted: »

    lol I had that happen to me in 5th grade.

  • So did you have your friends permission to post this?

    xfuriouss posted: »

    I just found an old picture of me and my best friend.. And then I was like wtf, why do we look like Max and Chloe

  • She doesn't even know this forum exists. She wouldn't mind though.

    So did you have your friends permission to post this?

  • If you don't have any animals, do a mixture of sugar and bicarbonate of soda (?) and put in the ground, in a small dish. It kinda worked well for me.

    Also let the sun go in your room as much as possible.

    There were 5 flying cockroaches in my room. RIP. I killed them all a few minutes ago. EDIT: there was a 6th one, what the fuck

  • I honestly didn't know what this was until I saw a reply to this saying 9/11.

  • I need a new Pepe. Any recommendations?

  • A rare one.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I need a new Pepe. Any recommendations?

  • For all your commie scum needs:

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I need a new Pepe. Any recommendations?

  • Well this was a very nice thing for Nintendo to do:

    A few months ago, my brother Matthew died suddenly due to something called SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.) I wrote a letter to Nintendo regarding our bond over Zelda and about how much Breath of the Wild meant to me.

    Thanks to Zelda Informer, Nintendo received my letter. They were kind enough to send me an EXTREMELY generous care package.


    But there was one part that got me. The Wolf Link amiibo. When they revealed that the game data from Twilight Princess would be used in Breath of the Wild as a companion, I broke down. Right there. At my desk.

    It was so unreal. My brother and I could still play the new game. Together.

    His amiibos have given me something that nothing else could. They captured a piece of his spirit. They allow our most precious childhood memories to live on. I never have to give up my brother. He will still be with me, right where he always loved to be. I felt revitalized after E3. It was the first time I had felt anything resembling happiness since he died.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I've been playing Overwatch and i've been play Season 2 competitive play and i've been losing every match. Does that mean i'm going to get a bad rank or is that ok?

  • That's really sweet of them :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well this was a very nice thing for Nintendo to do:

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    I will cherish it always, tovarish.

    papai46 posted: »

    For all your commie scum needs:

  • edited September 2016

    That's so sad, I'm very sorry for your loss.
    Its very nice of Nintendo to send you this.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well this was a very nice thing for Nintendo to do:

  • The world will never be the same. It's a real shame, all because of that awful day. I have some very personal connections to 9/11, and that will never go away. Neither will the pain of those affected that day. God bless everyone who died and lived through that horrible day.

  • It wasn't him it was another guy.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's so sad, I'm very sorry for your loss. Its very nice of Nintendo to send you this.

  • Oooh, Okay... Sorry.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It wasn't him it was another guy.

  • edited September 2016

    I wonder when 9/11 will stop being remembered. Think of ALL the tragedies which have occurred in all of human history... and all we "remember" in North America are 9/11 and the end of The Great War.

    We are terrible humans.

  • after 10 you get ranked, I got gold and I lost 6 games out of the 10

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    I've been playing Overwatch and i've been play Season 2 competitive play and i've been losing every match. Does that mean i'm going to get a bad rank or is that ok?

  • Hey, sorry for being stupid but... How do I get to the Forum Games section of the forums? Thank you.

  • Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, sorry for being stupid but... How do I get to the Forum Games section of the forums? Thank you.

  • It happened at night, but I'll keep that in mind.

    Euron posted: »

    If you don't have any animals, do a mixture of sugar and bicarbonate of soda (?) and put in the ground, in a small dish. It kinda worked well for me. Also let the sun go in your room as much as possible.

  • Ugh, mondays -_-

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