The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I went there last year. The beaches there are nice.

    Cornwall. I mean nothing special but the family doesn't tend to have that many holidays. First week of work in 4 years and first holiday since 2008

  • lol

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I see Nomura is still salty as fuck for being kicked off of FF XV.

  • Bad remix of music though

  • Changing your profile bio is also a valid option, and much easier too! ;)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    We cared, we just couldn't do anything about it. I would encourage anyone active who thinks of taking a break from the Telltale Forums t

  • Glitch in the matrix confirmed.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    What a coincidence. I slept through the alarm clock somehow and missed my first class (of the day, not the semester).

  • Ah come the fuck on ONE YEAR NO AC PLEASE

  • edited September 2016

    ugh um Final Fantasy 15 ugh um

  • It's been a bit.

    enter image description here

  • I'm sick of these enterprises putting their money first and the safety of the people last.

    Here it's the question of the nitrate salt in ham. It's a cancerous product.
    A proposition of law wanted to -among others things- clarify the amount of nitrate salt in the product. The enterprises asked some members of the Parliament to oppose against the law. They even told them what to say. Around 1/4 of the Parliament sent the answer of the enterprises, most of them using the same words. Corrupted bastards.

    And what for nitrate salt is used? It is used now to change the color of the ham in pink. Because an ordinary slice of ham is actually greyish.
    The scientists are half corrupted aswell; the purpose is to put some "fake" theories against the common theory so the basic human (us) will not know who to believe and will keep buying their shitty products.

    What's funny? People would buy it anyway if they didn't use nitrate salt.

    And it's only about a fucking color.. Who knows what's up with the bigger matters.

  • enter image description here

    I got this incredibly sexy poster the other day. The Boomeraang Squad is all grown up. :'(

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    I warned you about them states bro. Capitalists can only do what they do because of them.

    Euron posted: »

    I'm sick of these enterprises putting their money first and the safety of the people last. Here it's the question of the nitrate salt in

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    For those interested, Telltale updated their series page to include some more of their older games after the new Site Update. It previously only listed newer games from Season 1 of Walking Dead onward, and at another time, was later updated to include Back to the Future and Jurassic Park beforehand. Now, it has even more older games listed as well.

  • I remember this. Good times.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I got this incredibly sexy poster the other day. The Boomeraang Squad is all grown up.

  • edited September 2016

    Sometimes I don't know why the fuck I do the things I do. Mistake after mistake I never seem to learn. I'm trying to deal in a working situation to improve myself, but all I ever feel is anxiety. In the office, I feel anxious being around people who are extremely enthusiastic, which I can't seem to match. On the field, I feel anxious on every door I knock, every person I speak to, every moment I'm walking by myself (in my head trying to calm myself down), every moment I have to respond to people (remembering what to say when people say this). At home, I feel anxious when talking to my mother & what she's going to say. I'm always anxious thinking about how far I am to ridding myself of my debt & how much of a penny pincher I am. I am anxious about hearing my boss and my trainer tell me I'm not enthusiastic enough and I won't make as much if I don't (I know). The only time I am not anxious is when I sleep (i.e. Not conscious). It really sucks...

    Idk...... Maybe no one cares or understands. Maybe someone does. What I do is write. I can't not be in my head crafting a poem or short story but it's the exact mentality I am trying to break somewhat to improve as a person.

    Sorry for venting, I am just very frustrated and I can't seem to take control of my own fucking life.

  • I'm safely back home and watching Cinemasins to take my mind off of the shitty trip. What's up?

  • I'm about to go off onto a possibly-shitty trip myself in which I might not have internet access and be completely cut off from my friends at school, and in which it might rain all the time (I'm going around the eastern side of Victoria, and the whole state is expecting heavy rainfall in the next week).

    I'm safely back home and watching Cinemasins to take my mind off of the shitty trip. What's up?

  • enter image description here

    But where are Appa and Suki? Also, North and South Part 1 comes out today, looking forward to reading it.

    Kenny726 posted: »

    I got this incredibly sexy poster the other day. The Boomeraang Squad is all grown up.

  • And that's why I tell you one need a strong state :p

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I warned you about them states bro. Capitalists can only do what they do because of them.

  • Still no Sam & Max tho.

    For those interested, Telltale updated their series page to include some more of their older games after the new Site Update. It previously

  • Where does it say every person has to love football? I hate football, and if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.

  • Nowhere?...

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Where does it say every person has to love football? I hate football, and if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.

  • Hey, welcome back! Nothing much though, a lot of random stuff here and there.

    Walking Dead S3 is coming out in November though! :3

    It's been a bit.

  • The state is pretty strong ATM, non?

    Euron posted: »

    And that's why I tell you one need a strong state

  • Perhaps some professional help could fix the issue perhaps friends/family.

    Part of improving yourself is determination and the courage to do so. Sometimes you just gotta dive into things to get hang of situations. If you sit there, your world will remain still. The only way to defeat anxiety is to create courage for yourself.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Sometimes I don't know why the fuck I do the things I do. Mistake after mistake I never seem to learn. I'm trying to deal in a working sit

  • Sick in the head with my allergies acting up. Season changing sickness is the worse.

    I'm safely back home and watching Cinemasins to take my mind off of the shitty trip. What's up?

  • Make a gravatar account. Upload a pineapple and then select 'Gravatar' under the options for your profile pic.

  • That's pretty shit man, sorry that's the situation you're going through right now. Really hope you get better. With the change to fall my allergies have been fucking me over too, and considering I've been in 4 different states with 4 different altitudes for the past week, it's a lot worse than usual. Allergies suck my dude.

    Sick in the head with my allergies acting up. Season changing sickness is the worse.

  • I'm... I'm not... what? I'm assuming you're going off the deep end and being pissy because a cunt online told you that everyone has to like football. If that's correct, you don't, that person is a cunt, don't freak out over a troll.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Where does it say every person has to love football? I hate football, and if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.

  • Thanks, and sorry for your shitty situations too.

    But holy shit that's a lot of states to travel through. ._.

    That's pretty shit man, sorry that's the situation you're going through right now. Really hope you get better. With the change to fall my al

  • Yeah, it was not very fun.

    Thanks, and sorry for your shitty situations too. But holy shit that's a lot of states to travel through. ._.

  • Way not enough. Lower it would make these enterprises even more free to sell shits.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The state is pretty strong ATM, non?

  • hahaahhahaaha!

    no one has ever said that tho

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Where does it say every person has to love football? I hate football, and if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.

  • I bought Sonic 06 and played it, the mach speed sessions are probably the most painful and excruciating parts of the fucking game. The regular stages and hubworlds are fine and pretty funny at times with how ridiculous they are, and the skateboarding stages are... they at the very least are sort of playable. But those mach speed segments man... holy shit...

  • Welcome. Now do it.

  • The load times and the mach speed sections are by far the worst things from Sonic 06. The camera, you barely have any control over Sonic, and you can't even control him in mid-air.

    I bought Sonic 06 and played it, the mach speed sessions are probably the most painful and excruciating parts of the fucking game. The regul

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