Batman Episode Two :Anyone Slightly Disappointed? (Spoilers)

Specifically in the final choice. I was really hoping for a more difficult choice to make: like choosing between Harvey and Oz. Not long before you have to make this choice, there's a bar fight where Selena proves herself more than capable of handling herself in difficult situations. Prior to that, she's been toe to toe with Batman and came away ( albeit without what she came for ) far better than anyone he's dealt with before. So you're left with a choice to help her, or save a civilian ( Harvey ).

Is this a more difficult choice to make for men? Yes, she's slighter in build, and because he's bulked up Harvey might appear to be able to handle himself, but working out is no substitute for combat training. ( For a more humorous comparison, she choose the thug life, and he's a pencil pushing attorney. )

I guess I just thought it'd be more interesting if there was a choice between Harvey and Oz, because then we could explore the depths that Bruce is really willing to go to with his vigilante side. I sympathize with Oz hearing his story, and his path is so very similar to this Bruce Wayne. I can't complain too much, I am enjoying TellTale's adaptation.


  • My only real issue with the choice is that Batman could have easily saved both.

    I mean if you save Catwoman he throws 3 Batarangs at once and they all hit, then he slowly helps her up. You telling me Batman cant throw another Batarang and help Harvey too?

  • I liked the choice, and had Batman save Selena.

    For me it boiled down to Selena being Batman's partner during that mission, a mission she didn't have to volunteer for. She could have said it wasnt her problem and skipped town. Maybe it's because I'm former military, but I saw it as Batman having a greater responsibility in that moment to his partner, who had just been shot. Leave no man (or woman) behind, and all that.

    Plus Harvey had already been warned by Bruce that he was in danger and shouldn't go through with the debate. Bruce already tried to save him, and Harvey ignored the warning.

  • The first episode was an absolute trainwreck, imho. The second episode isn't too bad in comparison; I didn't get that same rush that I normally do whenever I play a Telltale game, but the overall story is fairly gripping, the graphics don't look as jarring, and the cinematography was pretty cool in a lot of scenes. I also liked a lot of the choices; they were challenging, and I didn't feel like they were COMPLETELY without consequence.

    So yeah. I wasn't disappointed, but my expectations were MAJORLY low when I hit play.

  • edited September 2016

    Its a much harder fight when you think about the future of Gotham over a frisky love interest. Harvey becoming two face isn't just a simple cosmetic change, its traumatic, and emotionally devastating, its not something that will ever go away. I bet he would feel deep hatred for Batman saving a thief (from his perspective) over a guy doing his best for the people around him. With Selina its a simple case of trust and if the current relationship between Batman and Catwoman could ever suffice after such a risky endeavor. there's no happy ending and although Selina seems unphased from the experience in the next time preview I'm feeling confident that it will end up leading to problems in episode 3 and the rest of the season.

  • I mean if you save Catwoman he throws 3 Batarangs at once and they all hit

    You know, speaking of that, can we talk about how he literally threw one of those batarangs straight into a merc's eye?

    Like, Batman just fucking blinded someone

    Poogers555 posted: »

    My only real issue with the choice is that Batman could have easily saved both. I mean if you save Catwoman he throws 3 Batarangs at once

  • Shit, if it wasn't Batman who threw it, I would of thought he was killed.

    Deltino posted: »

    I mean if you save Catwoman he throws 3 Batarangs at once and they all hit You know, speaking of that, can we talk about how he literally threw one of those batarangs straight into a merc's eye? Like, Batman just fucking blinded someone

  • I would of thought blockbuster was dead too tbh. That shit looked fatal

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Shit, if it wasn't Batman who threw it, I would of thought he was killed.

  • At first I helped Catwoman, then the game crashed a second time, and when I got back to making that choice, I helped Harvey instead. BTW I think 'help' would've been a better word than 'save'.

  • Psh, Im sure he juuuuuuust fine.

    Deltino posted: »

    I mean if you save Catwoman he throws 3 Batarangs at once and they all hit You know, speaking of that, can we talk about how he literally threw one of those batarangs straight into a merc's eye? Like, Batman just fucking blinded someone

  • I feel like if anything, they should have had Batman throw a bataran at whoever he didnt help but but it was too late, instead of the "Oh jeez I better run after I slowly help this person who doesnt need help!"

  • edited September 2016

    Im hoping that even though Harvey is scarred, that Telltale will let us still be able from preventing him from becoming Two Face. Maybe even reveal to him that you're Batman so his anger should only go towards Bruce.

    Its a much harder fight when you think about the future of Gotham over a frisky love interest. Harvey becoming two face isn't just a simple

  • Its trying to make it seem worst, as in one will die if you dont help.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    At first I helped Catwoman, then the game crashed a second time, and when I got back to making that choice, I helped Harvey instead. BTW I think 'help' would've been a better word than 'save'.

  • edited September 2016

    The thing is yeah Selena gets shot but I think she survives and I dont think she'll necessarily hold a grudge on you like Harvey would, but not saving Harvey turns him into 2 face so there's really no incentive to save Selena as the consequences aren't as heavy.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2016

    Telltale's Batman will literally break every bone in your body and poke out your eyes, but by god he'll make sure your heart doesn't stop beating in the process

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Psh, Im sure he juuuuuuust fine.

  • I dont kill, I just remove your basic senses and will to live.

    Im not a murderer you know.

    Deltino posted: »

    Telltale's Batman will literally break every bone in your body and poke out your eyes, but by god he'll make sure your heart doesn't stop beating in the process

  • Well the next time seems like she does live, and she was only shot in the shoulder.

    However, I can see Selena not wanting to help you as Batman anymore because you didnt help her after she helped you when she didnt have to.

    The thing is yeah Selena gets shot but I think she survives and I dont think she'll necessarily hold a grudge on you like Harvey would, but

  • edited September 2016

    I was shocked so little people helped Harley(Harvey, wrong DC character god dammit) in the end, like that's the homie right there. Selina should have been able to take those goons down on her own (I understand she was injured but come on...)

  • I agree, Harvey was the obvious choice.

  • edited September 2016

    I was a little disappointed with the fighting scenes, the QTEs were too slow. The fight with catwoman at the beginning of episode one is still the high point for me. The QTEs flowed with the movement of combat and were quick to pop up. As for the Selina and Harvey choice, I went with Selina. She was my partner, plus I wanted another villain to tangle with; I love two face.

  • Not at all, it was a really difficult choice for me. I ended up saving my bro Harvey but felt really bad about not saving Selina. She took a risk and backed me up and I wasn't there for her.

  • edited September 2016

    The way the Selina and Harvey situation was to me was reminiscent of the choice between Dough and Carley. Harvey stood no chance and it wasn't fair to put him against Selina. Selina is your partner and love interest. Harvey is your friend but after what he said and had no problem doing imo made the choice between Selina and him even more one sided or just one sided. The direction this series seems to be going in leaves you with two options. Either you're team Harvey and save Gotham politically and as Bruce Wayne. Or you're team Selina and save Gotham by going to war and eliminating anyone and everyone who gets in your way as Batman. By going the Batman route or Bruce Wayne route and doing things by the book I believe you can have the support of Gordon and Harvey or the support of Gordon and Selina.

  • He has to become Two Face at some point.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I was shocked so little people helped Harley(Harvey, wrong DC character god dammit) in the end, like that's the homie right there. Selina should have been able to take those goons down on her own (I understand she was injured but come on...)

  • That's what I meant. She gets shot but she survives and she's one of those people who knows how it is sometimes. I think she'd understand why Bruce would save Harvey.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well the next time seems like she does live, and she was only shot in the shoulder. However, I can see Selena not wanting to help you as Batman anymore because you didnt help her after she helped you when she didnt have to.

  • edited September 2016

    Disappointed? Hell no. This was amazing although the final choice wasn't as hard as I expected it to be

  • That makes sense.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its trying to make it seem worst, as in one will die if you dont help.

  • Dough and Carley


    Why do I find this typo so hilarious

    The way the Selina and Harvey situation was to me was reminiscent of the choice between Dough and Carley. Harvey stood no chance and it wasn

  • I actually thought it was one of Telltale's better episodes, aside from the short length. Both the action and character development were great this time around.

  • Or remove the scene of Batman helping them up. So when you save Selina, you throw the batarangs, they hit their targets, then it immediately cuts to Harvey getting burned.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel like if anything, they should have had Batman throw a bataran at whoever he didnt help but but it was too late, instead of the "Oh jeez I better run after I slowly help this person who doesnt need help!"

  • Yup, I can see maybe helping Harvey get up, but I mean Selina is perfectly capable of getting herself up.

    Deltino posted: »

    Or remove the scene of Batman helping them up. So when you save Selina, you throw the batarangs, they hit their targets, then it immediately cuts to Harvey getting burned.

  • Well if you look around after you stop the thugs and or Peguin apparently he left just fine.

    zeke10 posted: »

    I would of thought blockbuster was dead too tbh. That shit looked fatal

  • Well Harvey was apparently specifically designed to be able to fight Bruce hand to hand as Two-Face, being a foe that could both outsmart and physically overpower Batman. So I'm guessing Penguin either caught him off guard or it just happened too quick but Harvey CAN fight.

  • I will admit to being a man did influence my choice in helping decide who I chose to help at the end. But looking at the situation, Selina was in the worse situation in my eyes, since she was hurt and about to be looking at 3 armed guys in a second, while Harvey is a drugged up tank against 1 person. Of course something is going to go bad regardless, it's a telltale game after all, might as well get him on his way to Two Face.

    As for my disappointments? Other than the incredibly short length, I thought it was pretty ok. Really hope the rest of the episodes get longer, not a fan of paying more for actual less stuff.

  • I really liked the part in the beginning when I forgave Alfred for keeping the secrets about Martha and Thomas, that was a bit emotional.

  • I chose to save Harvey. He is the White Knight of Gotham, he is a person who is genuinely interested in cleaning Gotham from corruption and crime as we could see when Oswald drugged him. Besides, I always found the character of Harvey somewhat tragic. It's a shame that someone who could have done so much good ended up that way. This time I had the option of prevent him from becoming Two-Face and do some real good for Gotham.

    That said, I felt bad for leaving Selina on her own, since she came to help Gordon and Bruce willingly without expecting something in return, but I don't regret my decision.

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