The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thanks. She was old and feeble, but having to do it because of the storm made it really sudden and sad.

    jesus fucking christ im sorry

  • Thanks, it definitely is.

    I'm sorry to hear that, having to have your pet put down is a hard thing to do.

  • Mod support coming to Skyrim and Fallout 4 on PS4 along with 4K and other graphical improvements for the PS4 Pro

    We’re excited to announce that mod support is coming to PlayStation 4 for both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. Additionally, we’ll also be supporting the new PlayStation 4 Pro with both titles.

    Skyrim will have these features when it launches on October 28. The new power of the PlayStation 4 Pro has allowed us to make Skyrim render in native 4k, and it looks better than ever. Here are some screens to show you just how great it looks.

    Mod support will come to Skyrim first. We and Sony have worked hard to make this possible. Mods on PlayStation 4 will allow you to modify and create your own content by using our Creation Kit available here. You will not be able to upload external assets with your PlayStation 4 mods, but you will be able to use any assets that come with the game, as most mods do. By creating a account, you’ll be able to browse and try mods right from within the game. We are excited finally to get modding to our PlayStation fans who have supported us for so long. Modding has been an important part of our games for over 10 years, and we hope to do even more in the coming year for all our players, regardless of platform.

    After the work is complete on Skyrim, we’ll be updating Fallout 4 for both mods and PS4 Pro. We expect Fallout 4 to take advantage of the PS4 Pro in 4k along with enhanced lighting and graphics features.

    Thanks again for all your support. We can’t wait to hear about your new adventures.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2016

    Good idea. We're at a hotel in Daytons and doing the same thing.

    Electric people from all over are coming down here, so hopefully any outage will be temporary.

    Good luck!

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Because I live in Orlando Florida I have decided to charge all my things (just in case my power goes out) before hurricane Matthew hits. As I said earlier it won't affect us that much but give us alot of rain and strong winds.

  • Just thought I'd leave this here for anyone who loves superhero cartoons.

  • Thanks. And yeah it's a good idea to be in a hotel when a hurricane hits. I used to do that too. btw do you mean Daytona Beach when you said Daytons?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Good idea. We're at a hotel in Daytons and doing the same thing. Electric people from all over are coming down here, so hopefully any outage will be temporary. Good luck!

  • My condolences, I had to have one of my cats put down back in 2014 who I'd had since childhood.

    And yeah I have a knack for remembering random things except for the important stuff.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Was. Yep. You have a good memory!

  • Damn, the MCSM section was deserted a lot faster than expected.

  • Whoever is in Florida, I wish you safety. And I would like to keep Haiti in my thoughts because they were also affected by Hurricane Matthew.

  • Yup, I live beachside. The bridges closed tomorrow so we got out this afternoon.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Thanks. And yeah it's a good idea to be in a hotel when a hurricane hits. I used to do that too. btw do you mean Daytona Beach when you said Daytons?

  • Thanks!

    Poor Haiti can't catch a break. :(

    Whoever is in Florida, I wish you safety. And I would like to keep Haiti in my thoughts because they were also affected by Hurricane Matthew.

  • I just got yelled at for asking for ice cream (Halo Top) for Christmas... because "normal people don't ask for ice cream for Christmas"... okay dad.

  • New Legend of Korra comics announced. This is great, I was wondering when the hell they were going to start making them, considering the success of TLA comics. And unlike TLA comics, they're going to be written by co-creator and series writer Michael Dante Dimartino.

  • Scott Cawthon can go fuck himself. I've had it up to here with his massive amounts of bullshit. I hope Sister Location bombs.

  • edited October 2016


    As of now, everything that was outside is now inside. Can't see outside cause all the windows are covered by metal. Sirens go off every now and then. Thinking about driving out west to avoid it.

    Whoever is in Florida, I wish you safety. And I would like to keep Haiti in my thoughts because they were also affected by Hurricane Matthew.

  • Maybe they have a tool collection in their body parts shed as well.

    I know it wouldn't surprise me.

    papai46 posted: »

    They probably have a body parts collection in their tool shed.

  • How close are you to the shore?

    We didn't board our windows. Hoping hurricane glass will do it. Scary stuff.

    Thanks! As of now, everything that was outside is now inside. Can't see outside cause all the windows are covered by metal. Sirens go off every now and then. Thinking about driving out west to avoid it.

  • I had the opportunity to voice Douglas Monroe in a smaller YouTube series that narrates The Walking Dead comics!

    Check it out if you want :)

  • Keep in mind that in widespread power outages, those places (towers) the charged things try to communicate with tend to go out after a while, too.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Because I live in Orlando Florida I have decided to charge all my things (just in case my power goes out) before hurricane Matthew hits. As I said earlier it won't affect us that much but give us alot of rain and strong winds.

  • His dilemma is that he can't wrap it up and hide it in the closet.

    I just got yelled at for asking for ice cream (Halo Top) for Christmas... because "normal people don't ask for ice cream for Christmas"... okay dad.

  • edited October 2016

    Lol what happened?


    I'm assuming you're talking about the delay announcement to make it kid friendly. It was a joke.

    Scott Cawthon can go fuck himself. I've had it up to here with his massive amounts of bullshit. I hope Sister Location bombs.

  • I'm very close to the shore. But now all of Florida is on watch so I might have to go North.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    How close are you to the shore? We didn't board our windows. Hoping hurricane glass will do it. Scary stuff.

  • Yes, I'm aware. But it's everything surrounding that. Of course I didn't think Sister Location was gonna be good, but not only did he say something completely stupid about the game that sounded serious, but then he trolled and belittled all of his fans who genuinely cared about him close to the game's launch. His fans who are the whole reason he's where he is today. So not only is he making a mockery of the horror genre in 3 different ways, which is a genuinely fucking scummy thing to do, but he's ALSO being a giant prick to his loving fanbase.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lol what happened? EDIT* I'm assuming you're talking about the delay announcement to make it kid friendly. It was a joke.

  • Hey you did a pretty good job!

    I had the opportunity to voice Douglas Monroe in a smaller YouTube series that narrates The Walking Dead comics! Check it out if you want

  • edited October 2016

    You're overreacting WAYYY too much over this. The fanbase itself as found it pretty funny. Especially since the "mature"version of the game he put up was just his old game Sit n Survive.

    Again I've gotta say, you're way too passionate for someone who hates the games.

    Also how exactly did he belittle his fanbase?

    Yes, I'm aware. But it's everything surrounding that. Of course I didn't think Sister Location was gonna be good, but not only did he say so

  • I'm passionate because despite my hate for the game, I admire Scott himself. And seeing him consistently fuck up so bad pisses me off.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You're overreacting WAYYY too much over this. The fanbase itself as found it pretty funny. Especially since the "mature"version of the game

  • Okay, I'm getting real sick of getting notifications from people editing their comments.

    It really needs to go.

  • Thanks, man! I really appreciate it!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hey you did a pretty good job!

  • I'll keep that in mind thanks.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Keep in mind that in widespread power outages, those places (towers) the charged things try to communicate with tend to go out after a while, too.

  • How is he consistently fucking up? Because you don't like the direction he went with? To continue making games and supporting a franchise you dislike? Because every once in a while he likes to troll people?

    I'm passionate because despite my hate for the game, I admire Scott himself. And seeing him consistently fuck up so bad pisses me off.

  • Thanks.

    Whoever is in Florida, I wish you safety. And I would like to keep Haiti in my thoughts because they were also affected by Hurricane Matthew.

  • edited October 2016

    But what if they forget something really important?

    EDIT: I forgot to say that I agree with you, it can get annoying.

    EDIT: Also, I thought you said you were leaving?

    EDIT: There's nothing wrong with it, just saying.

    Okay, I'm getting real sick of getting notifications from people editing their comments. It really needs to go.

  • edited October 2016

    Because he made some great games Pre-FNAF. Because the FNAF series keeps pumping out bad content despite how good his ideas are for it. Because he isn't trying with FNAF, and because to lie to his fans about a game he's hyped for, for joking purposes or not, is a dick move.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    How is he consistently fucking up? Because you don't like the direction he went with? To continue making games and supporting a franchise you dislike? Because every once in a while he likes to troll people?

  • Also, I thought you were leaving?

    I did say that. Never said how long I'd be gone though. I was gone for a day and a half.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    But what if they forget something really important? EDIT: I forgot to say that I agree with you, it can get annoying. EDIT: Also, I thought you said you were leaving? EDIT: There's nothing wrong with it, just saying.

  • edited October 2016

    Haha, okay then, good point.

    EDIT: It's hard to stay away, I understand.

    Also, I thought you were leaving? I did say that. Never said how long I'd be gone though. I was gone for a day and a half.

  • You're not alone when it comes to his old games. Lots of people in the FNAF fanbase wish that he would develop another original game, horror or not. Even hoping that he'll make a sequel to Desolate Hope or Chipper and Sons. The problem is that those games were not successful, and the criticisms for those games lead to the creation of FNAF.

    The idea of him not trying with the series is kinda absurd honestly. It's obvious he does actually care (example being the FNAF: World thing. Where after reactions were pretty negative, he offered everyone refunds, made the game free to play and continued to polish and support it). And with Sister Location he's spent the most time on it with almost a year. Getting voice actors, making it more story oriented, etc. Plus everyone seems to forget the time he donated a quarter of a million dollars last year during a FNAF stream.

    Again, you are overreacting way too much with him trolling people. It's not a dick move, there have been far worse things that have happened similar to this situation, and the fanbase is taking it well and laughing it off.

    Because he made some great games Pre-FNAF. Because the FNAF series keeps pumping out bad content despite how good his ideas are for it. Beca

  • You overestimated him @papai46

    Also, I thought you were leaving? I did say that. Never said how long I'd be gone though. I was gone for a day and a half.

  • I meant not trying as in he keeps getting these amazing ideas but executes them incredibly poorly. It's clear he cares of course, but he isn't giving his all. So many ideas in the FNAF games would be fucking brilliant if executed correctly. Jordan Underneath made a video explaining out I feel about it perfectly actually.

    As for overreacting, yeah, I am just a bit. But it's still a dick move to that out of nowhere with no prompting. He had an excuse with FNAF 3 because people were shit talking it a ton and some people were trying to hack his account and leak the game. But with this, a lot of people who shit on the series prior are now talking about how neat it looks. He had no prompting to do this.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You're not alone when it comes to his old games. Lots of people in the FNAF fanbase wish that he would develop another original game, horror

  • edited October 2016

    I meant not trying as in he keeps getting these amazing ideas but executes them incredibly poorly. It's clear he cares of course, but he isn't giving his all. So many ideas in the FNAF games would be fucking brilliant if executed correctly. Jordan Underneath made a video explaining out I feel about it perfectly actually.

    As for overreacting, yeah, I am just a bit. But it's still a dick move to that out of nowhere with no prompting. He had an excuse with FNAF 3 because people were shit talking it a ton and some people were trying to hack his account and leak the game. But with this, a lot of people who shit on the series prior are now talking about how neat it looks. He had no prompting to do this.

    EDIT: D-D-D-D-Double Post babeyyyyy. It had to happen at some point I guess.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You're not alone when it comes to his old games. Lots of people in the FNAF fanbase wish that he would develop another original game, horror

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