The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2016

    Trying to think of what to change my xbox gamertag to.

    Which of these are better?




    All I know is I want it to incorporate Undead because of hollywood undead and I'd rather keep J3T so friends know it's me.

  • Yeah, could be worse though. Haiti really got it bad.

    Good luck mate!

    Thanks, I appreciate it.

    Euron posted: »

    It's crazy how America is hit by natural cataclysms. Good luck mate!

  • xUndeadArmyJ3T

    Trying to think of what to change my xbox gamertag to. Which of these are better? xUndeadArmyJ3Tx Or UndeadSceneJ3T All I kno

  • I just finished watching X-Men: Apocalypse. I'm pretty fucking disappointed. It's not as bad as the Last Stand or Origins: Wolverine, but still bad. I mean, Apocalypse is the most powerful mutant in the world!!! And he just seemed like a classic would-be conqueror with a Malekith from Thor 2 vibe.

    My score for the film is a 4/10.

  • UndeadScene. X's in names give me OCD, they are just filler.

    Trying to think of what to change my xbox gamertag to. Which of these are better? xUndeadArmyJ3Tx Or UndeadSceneJ3T All I kno

  • And people say PS4 is a shitty console. That's one hella good lineup. I know PlayStation would do something worthwhile with the PS4 eventually, they always pull through in the end!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Gravity Rush 2 delayed until January 2017.:( In July, we announced a release

  • Honestly the only thing saving that movie for me is the Quicksilver scene.

    I just finished watching X-Men: Apocalypse. I'm pretty fucking disappointed. It's not as bad as the Last Stand or Origins: Wolverine, but st

  • edited October 2016

    Yeah, Quicksilver rocked in that movie. But, you know, if I ever wanted to see Quicksilver, I could just watch Days of Future Past.

    Hey, ever watched the 90s X-Men cartoon?

    Honestly the only thing saving that movie for me is the Quicksilver scene.

  • edited October 2016

    And this is without counting any western titles. NieR Automata is honestly a GOTY contender for me. Platinum Games handling the combat + Yoko Taro directing and writing + Keiichi Okabe and Emi Evans for the soundtrack? I need this shit in my veins.

    enter image description here

    It just looks so good, all while running @ 1080p60fps on the OG PS4 (it oughta be glorious on the PS4 Pro and PC).

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    And people say PS4 is a shitty console. That's one hella good lineup. I know PlayStation would do something worthwhile with the PS4 eventually, they always pull through in the end!

  • Yeah but Quicksilver's scene in Days of Future Past didn't kick NEARLY as much ass as his big scene in this one. It's probably one of my favorite scenes in cinematic history.

    I have actually! When I was younger Disney XD had Jetix on at midnight, which was a collection of superhero cartoons and stuff like Kim Possible. In that lineup was X-Men Evolution, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and of course the 90s X-Men cartoon. I liked it a lot actually. Don't remember very much from it though.

    Yeah, Quicksilver rocked in that movie. But, you know, if I ever wanted to see Quicksilver, I could just watch Days of Future Past. Hey, ever watched the 90s X-Men cartoon?

  • Yeah, but it still kicked ass. And it's one of mine as well. :D

    And awesome! It's honestly one of the best superhero cartoons (and one of the best cartoons period) ever.

    THIS is the treatment Apocalypse deserved! Bryan Singer insults the character.

    Yeah but Quicksilver's scene in Days of Future Past didn't kick NEARLY as much ass as his big scene in this one. It's probably one of my fav

  • I like that you remembered booze

    Good luck I hope everything goes as well as it can

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm at a hotel, but I'll post a couple in a bit. Yep, we got coolers with ice, food, tons of water, booze and portable power packs. It

  • I dont have a cat sorry :(

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I need your help, guys! Thank YOU all for advance!


  • edited October 2016

    I'd give my left nut or both my legs for this game to be completed and released by the same team that was working on it. Makes me depressed that this will never come out....ever.

  • Well, it looks like they'll cut power before storm hits to save the grid. I'll probably be offline for anywhere between a couple days and a couple weeks. I appreciated the reassurance folks. :)

    Good luck, @Menofthe214 and @Dont_Look_Back.

    See you on the other side!

  • Haiti always gets it really bad. Poor fuckers. That island just needs to be abandoned :\

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, could be worse though. Haiti really got it bad. Good luck mate! Thanks, I appreciate it.

  • Good luck mate.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like they'll cut power before storm hits to save the grid. I'll probably be offline for anywhere between a couple days and a

  • Well I just wanted UndeadArmyJ3T but it was taken

    Chilled posted: »

    UndeadScene. X's in names give me OCD, they are just filler.

  • To be fair, I can't get too angry at Bryan Singer for ruining Apocalypse. Days of Future Past and First Class were just too amazing that I can't get mad at him over one mistake. Everyone in the industry makes bad movies from time to time. I mean, look at Pixar. They made Cars, Cars 2, Sanjay's Super Team AND The Good Dinosaur, and yet we forgave them.

    Yeah, but it still kicked ass. And it's one of mine as well. And awesome! It's honestly one of the best superhero cartoons (and one of t

  • What was bad about Sanjay's Super Team? I thought people liked it?

    To be fair, I can't get too angry at Bryan Singer for ruining Apocalypse. Days of Future Past and First Class were just too amazing that I c

  • Whoop! Passed all my courses for this trimester with straight B's! :D

  • I hope you all stay safe.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like they'll cut power before storm hits to save the grid. I'll probably be offline for anywhere between a couple days and a

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider for PS4 comes out in 4 days over here...

    ...Wish I had a PS4...

  • Other than the fact it was horribly offensive, touched on sensitive subjects that not even Disney should touch on and completely biased? Sanjay's nose is too big. I don't like big noses on cartoon characters. That's my only issue with it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    What was bad about Sanjay's Super Team? I thought people liked it?

  • How was it offensive at all? The director based the short off of his own experiences growing as a Hindu. From what I can tell the only people angry about it are SJW's, and even that's an incredibly small minority compared to the people who loved it.

    Other than the fact it was horribly offensive, touched on sensitive subjects that not even Disney should touch on and completely biased? Sanjay's nose is too big. I don't like big noses on cartoon characters. That's my only issue with it.

  • edited October 2016

    I know I've said it before but...

    I just wanted to wish @Dont_Look_Back, @BigBlidMax, @Menofthe214 and everyone else in that area the best of luck with this hurricane.
    I really hope you all come out unscathed.

  • J3TsUndeadScene

    Trying to think of what to change my xbox gamertag to. Which of these are better? xUndeadArmyJ3Tx Or UndeadSceneJ3T All I kno

  • I agree with you there. Also I did like the gory Wolverine scene.

    Honestly the only thing saving that movie for me is the Quicksilver scene.

  • Are you kidding me, it's happening there too? Someone is gonna get hurt doing this.

    Oh fuck...

  • So excited for Blue Exorcist season 2 in 2017 :D

  • What was that about? The link is broken/not working for me.

    Oh fuck...

  • I've been looking forward to that game for a year, finally!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Rise of the Tomb Raider for PS4 comes out in 4 days over here... ...Wish I had a PS4...

  • Have you played the last TR game, the reboot?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I've been looking forward to that game for a year, finally!

  • Chapter 3 of MGSV leaked:


  • It's from the Facebook page for the Victoria Police (the state where I live). There are clown sightings in Australia now too. I even heard that a group of clowns were heckling students at a high school in the town I live in today.

    hemfbg posted: »

    What was that about? The link is broken/not working for me.

  • What the hell is up with these people, dressing up as clowns and showing up at schools. My school had a clown sighting the other night as well, someone took a picture and posted it to Facebook. Someone is going to get killed eventually by doing this, let's see if this is funny then.

    Oh fuck...

  • I never win Giveaways :/

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