So, I just finished Season 1, and I wonder...
Why does this game receive so much hate? I think it was amazing, and personally I'm not a huge GoT fan (I've watched the show as well). It had many decision branches and outcomes, and it had really good moments. A Season 2 is absolutely needed since the story is nowhere near finished, and now I wonder how are they gonna make it work with those many outcomes. The fall of Ironrath deeply reminded me of the fall of the Starks and Winterfell in the main show, and I seriously hope the Forresters rise again just like the Starks did.
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Glad to hear someone love this game! I personally deeply love this game too. I think the game receive some hate due to not getting used to the water-painting art as well as seeing how their choices didn't matter. And because people dislike that no matter what they did, they can't prevent Ironrath's fall, which probably pisses off the players because you are basically losing no matter what.
I personally deeply enjoyed this game. It was brave of Telltale to have the Forresters lose in the finale and spiral the story into unpredictable direction. I love playing as Rodrik, Asher, Ethan, Mira and Gared. And I hope that they return as playable characters in Season 2.
I think the fall of Ironrath is necessary and will be an important plot point for Season 2. Like Lee's death was for TWD and its consequences in its S2. It'll be the catalyst for the events to happen, and I'm really hoping for a Forrester comeback. This is probably the Telltale game in which decisions matter the most, since it has so many playable characters and outcomes for them. The Forresters losing in the end does GoT justice; realism. In the end, the good guys don't always win. There can't be such a thing as a happy ending in a war, and this game still has a lot of story to tell, there's been a lot of loose ends.
Aye. It would have been very unrealistic if the Forrester won the battle. No matter how much spirit you have and how good you are fighting, two skilled fighter, a small force of inexperienced soldiers and some dozens of wild pit fighters can't win against an overwhelming army of well equipped and prepared soldiers.
You are awesome. Enough said.
I'm convinced that it's because the Forresters are losing. People outright make crap up to make the game look bad. Game of Thrones is really underrated.
I wonder why some people complained about the game in game of thrones anybody can die and is very unpredictable who thought Robb stark will die and other characters such as joeffry,tommen and tywin lannister.To me the finale was the best episode because it was unpredictable
I wonder why some people complained about the game in game of thrones anybody can die and is very unpredictable who thought Robb stark will die and other characters such as joeffry,tommen and tywin lannister.To me the finale was the best episode because it was unpredictable
Glad you enjoyed it man!
I personally put it in my top 5 TelllTale Games!
The game or the franchise?
The game.
Every time someone here asks, why GoT got so much "hate", something dies inside of me. The People, who "hates" The game have made their points clear and explained everything in detail several times now. If you cant accept it, then it's on you.
If you're new and you actually dont know why: it's because of the Performance, the overall story structure, the pacing, the characters, some of the outcomes of our choices and the ending. It differs from member to member and we dont hate everything about the game. We just like other things more.
But if you like it, than it's awesome for you.
Oh man. I think, i've just saved you about 2 years of forum Research.
Ok I agree with you but only two things bother me.
What's wrong with the characters? I think they are well developed.
Those were actually better choice outcomes then some of Telltale's other games. The ending though is understandable.
Woah, okay, I didn't mean to sound harsh or anything. I just wondered why it got so much hate, generally, not only in the forum. I've been a member for 4 years now, but I'm new to the GoT fandom.
I didnt meant to be harsh or something. Sorry if i came over like that. ^^
Mostly it's Ramsay. I just find Gared for example not really compelling or interesting as a character. The same with Mira.
Some of them, yes. But in my First playthrough, it made absolutly no sense, who the traitor was. I chose one as the sentinel, but i liked the options from the other one better, while i'm playing. so i sided mostly with the one, who's not the sentinel and he still ends up as the traitor.
It's alright.
I think the biggest problem with the game is it's too similar to house Stark. Plus there is some narrative and pacing problems here and there but overall it's a good game but not telltale's best.
I wouldn't put him in the characters part but I would blame the plot for that. And yea I was disappointed that bringing Arthur to Highpoint didn't keep him alive.
Gared didn't have much of a character to begin with because they wanted you to control his personality just like in TWD S2 with Clementine. Mira on the other hand is more like Sansa Stark from the show. Yes I thought she was boring at first but she's got my interest from Ep 2. Still disappointed that they killed her off.
Ok while yes the plot for the traitor made absolutely no sense, isn't it cool thought that we get to decide who becomes traitor. It's a better plot then the stranger scene from TWD. But yeah the traitor thing was stupid. Here's what I think should have happened. If you choose one person as sentinel and do things his way for once but then everything else you do for the other person should have either made the maester(I don't know if I spelled it right) becomes the traitor or that no one is the traitor.
But I will say this, if our choices mattered to the full extent, I think House Forrester could have won the battle at Ironrath (not the whole war though). And that's where the second season comes in.
I ve been wondering the same i enjoyed the game quite a lot. ((Canon save Rodrik alive ,Mira dead ,Gared s marching to ironrath s rubble)) ((2nd Save Asher alive with Gwynn and Possibly Royland since the codex says he s still alive ,Mira s alive with Margaery s trust due to hiding the truth about Serah and Gared s also marching down south here))
I will be honest, I completly loved the Minecraft Story Mode by TellTale!! It is one the same level as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Also this game seemed to remind me of one TellTale's oldest game Sam and Max. I wouldn't be mad if they worked on another Sam and Max game. Only thing was it was a little weak in the ending I thought one of the characters might die. But still regardless of that an amazing 10/10 game!
Oops I posted in the wrong thread lol!!! I thought this was for minecraft!!! Lol
You have an edit and a flag button, you know.
I knew that
lol jk thanks