The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm so sick right now, I feel like garbage and I can hardly breathe. I'm talking gibberish and these meds are making me go fucking crazy. But what's up with you bomb ass super bitches eh? You peeps doin' well?

  • After I saw this

    I'm just sad now

  • What meds are you on and how long have you been on them? You sound manic

    I'm so sick right now, I feel like garbage and I can hardly breathe. I'm talking gibberish and these meds are making me go fucking crazy. But what's up with you bomb ass super bitches eh? You peeps doin' well?

  • edited October 2016

    A falcon holding a grenade in its talons (just hope the artist understood what I meant and draws it up right.) Reason I'm going with this tattoo is because it is a combination of two things I love.

    Hollywood undead's dove and grenade symbol and I've always loved falcons and my favorite nfl team is the Atlanta falcons.

    What are you getting a tattoo of?

  • God damn I am having an awful time trying to unlock Mercy's witch outfit in overwatch. Save up 10-15 lootboxes and still didn't get it.

  • edited October 2016

    So yeah... (if you didn't know, AussieNicholas is me)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • So yeah... (if you didn't know, AussieNicholas is me)

  • First one?

    Getting a tattoo on Thursday. Hope I don't cry like a baby xD

  • Got it in my 3rd halloween box ;)

    God damn I am having an awful time trying to unlock Mercy's witch outfit in overwatch. Save up 10-15 lootboxes and still didn't get it.

  • I like how the guy in that pic is kinda giving the bird :D

  • Haha, didn't even notice that!

    I like how the guy in that pic is kinda giving the bird

  • Yeaah, it's a common case of a great trailer but not a good episode.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I just watched this: and I've gotta say... I'm impressed, it's a pretty good trailer. And I love the music. Now I'm even more excited to play episode 4!

  • I seem to be getting everything but the thing I actually want lol. Been marathoning overwatch the last few days trying to get it, but no luck so far. Though I have found a new love for Mei, McCree and Soldier 76.

    Got it in my 3rd halloween box

  • Oh... When has this happened before?

    In my opinion episode 3's trailer wasn't that great, but I thought episode 2's was alright, and I really enjoyed both episodes.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeaah, it's a common case of a great trailer but not a good episode.

  • Oh, it wasn't aimed only at Telltale. I meant that it happens pretty often that a game/movie/whatever in general has an amazing trailer, but the finished thing is not as good as the trailer suggested. Probably should've written "product" instead of "episode", come to think of it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh... When has this happened before? In my opinion episode 3's trailer wasn't that great, but I thought episode 2's was alright, and I really enjoyed both episodes.

  • I've been sweating it with Tracer and Pharah on competitive, went 65-15 last night in one game with Tracer. Also went 70-14 with Pharah on ilios

    I seem to be getting everything but the thing I actually want lol. Been marathoning overwatch the last few days trying to get it, but no luck so far. Though I have found a new love for Mei, McCree and Soldier 76.

  • The first snow has landed where I am and it's back with a vengeance.

  • edited October 2016

    I have manic depression and bipolar disorder, and I've been on my new meds for said issues for around 5 weeks. However that's mostly irrelevant because the meds in question making me act like a dumbass are actually cold and flu meds.

    What meds are you on and how long have you been on them? You sound manic

  • Sounds like a certain PC bitch got hyper triggered.

    So yeah... (if you didn't know, AussieNicholas is me)

  • I just found another health bar video.

  • I hope you get better, mate.

    I'm so sick right now, I feel like garbage and I can hardly breathe. I'm talking gibberish and these meds are making me go fucking crazy. But what's up with you bomb ass super bitches eh? You peeps doin' well?

  • Passed my first theory test, and will be planning to get my practical test started soon.

    Won't be long before I'm officially driving.

  • PC bitch. I like that term.

    Sounds like a certain PC bitch got hyper triggered.

  • So interesting.

    I just found another health bar video.

  • You totally didn't get the scene did you?

    Superman won tho.

  • Haha, you're funny.

    So interesting.

  • So a voice actors strike may be a thing just in time for S3 TTG Walking is not fair! I ranted about this last year! The guild they belong to gave permission to strike last Oct. Talks with major publishers have stalled yet again, so a strike may happen at any moment. Youtube channel The Know is my source on this. They tempered their report by saying "games have long dev cycles no need to worry." With Troy Baker as Batman,Twd S3 looming,and countless rumors swerling its hard for me not to "worry". I support the strike,mo cap alone deserves the same hazzard pay as a movie preformer would recieve. But if this delays Batman TTG will suffer. Troy Baker I implore you to delay the strike till the spring of 2017. Strikeing now won't affect this years games for the big boys clubs your really going after. But it could hurt TTG at a time it could least afford any delay! For better or worse the strike has been approved for a year. A little more time seems like something easily done. Make the right thing happen Batman!

  • edited October 2016

    I just used that term because I've used the phrase "SJW cunt" or "Triggered feminazi" way too much. PC bitch seems like the next step.

    PC bitch. I like that term.

  • Thanks man, I probably will soon as I've had quite a few colds in my time, but since I have such shit asthma and allergies and my immune system is awful enough as is, a little cold is a bit overwhelming for me sometimes, especially when it comes outta nowhere.

    I hope you get better, mate.

  • You do know that Troy doesn't decide if the strike happens or not, also they're supposed to strike if they're working for one of the companies on the list.

    So a voice actors strike may be a thing just in time for S3 TTG Walking is not fair! I ranted about this last year! The gui

  • These movies are so bad, can only imagine this will follow the trend

  • edited October 2016

    The article I came across on the matter mentioned that a strike is unlikely to affect projects slated to release during the holiday season. Telltale is also not specifically mentioned in the current strike notice (edit: added links).

    I don't have any direct experience in this industry, so I can't comment on the validity of the complaints. But I'm willing to wait if it means a fair compromise.

    So a voice actors strike may be a thing just in time for S3 TTG Walking is not fair! I ranted about this last year! The gui

  • I quit my job quite unexpectedly and even though I don't have another job lined up, the look on my Captain's face when I politely put him in his place made it all worth it.
    enter image description here

  • It's funny because RDR is probably one of the least racist/sexist games that Rockstar has made.

    • Female characters who are very well developed.

    • Late game subplot about the idiocy and racism of white intellectuals of that time period.

    • Allusions to how settler-colonialism stripped Native Americans of their culture/land/livelihood and drove them to banditry out of desperation.

    Oh, a terrible racist game indeed!

    Admittedly, the Mexico part wasn't terribly flattering, but it reflected the times. It's a send up of government and romantic revolutionaries, not of the Mexican people.

    So yeah... (if you didn't know, AussieNicholas is me)

  • edited October 2016

    The same thing happens to me.

    My most common problem is pollen allergies. Fuck runny noses.

    EDIT: Apparently there's no "facepalm" emoji.

    Thanks man, I probably will soon as I've had quite a few colds in my time, but since I have such shit asthma and allergies and my immune sys

  • What, the fact that he actually faked his death? Yes, I do.

    papai46 posted: »

    You totally didn't get the scene did you?

  • I sure am.

    papai46 posted: »

    Haha, you're funny.

  • edited October 2016

    Analysis and spoilers

    • In the beginning we see Callum in prison with drawings and symbols on the wall like AC1 and AC2 with Subject 16 and I believe this scene takes before his execution
    • Callum is a bird btw I say this because almost every main Assassin name has been related towards a bird/eagle.
    • Some people pointed out their was a historian name on the wall on the left side of Callum but I can't find it maybe you.
    • At 0:18 we see Present Day scene outside Abstergo CAPTAIN OBVIOUS HERE XD

    enter image description here

    • 0:22 We see Jeremy Irons playing Alan Rikken and Alan is the CEO of Abstergo I believe and also if you look close you see a Abstergo symbole on his suit

    • Again 0:22 we see Callum again using his left hand first to hit the Abstergo guard in the face When I play AC1, 2, Brotherhood my character always slaps first with his left hand when he is ready for a battle lol ALSO THE FIRST TIME A FEMALE GUARD NO MORE SEXISM AGAINST MAN IN ABSTERGO

    • 0:24 What a bitch- I mean they use their Abstergo weapons well
    • 0:27 Smoke/explosion bombs from AC2/Revelations, guns from AC4 Blag Flag, some knifes and the one on the table appears in Syndicate I believe from Jacobs cane (correct me please)
    • 0:28 Templar shield and sword CAPTAIN OBVIOUS and is their a head on the sword? I am colour blind.
    • 0:28 AGAIN something gets forced and a meeting of Assassin's I believe and also the line ''To the Assassin's Creed'' doesn't duit me and I don't really like IMHO the music and editing sometimes feels of.
    • On 0:38 in the year 1759 An Assassin named Hope died and Callum gets executed.
    • 0:41 That's Sopha Rikken (Sophia means wisdom and she works for Abstergo) the daughter of Alan Rikken.
    • 0:47 If you look closely you see a bird fly away and Callum wants to get out.... Oké maybe looking way to much into it lol
    • 0:49 I believe this is the descendant from Shao Jun. Shao Jun is a chinese Assassin that made her first appearance in AC Embers. I believe it was stated in a interview she was the descendant but I can't finf the link.
    • 0:49 He is a descendant from AC Liberation I forgot his ancestors name but it's confirmed I might update this later.
    • 0:50 We see a shot from Abstergo.
    • 0:52 Guards switch and this takes place I believe after the female Abstergo guard hit him.
    • 0:55 We see above in the class closet a knife from AC1 which I believe got used to stab Altair with or it's his knife I'm colour blind btw.
    • 0:55 Hidden blades
    • 0:55 Below the hidden blades we see a knife that gets used in AC2 I believe or Syndicate

    enter image description here

    • Behind Sophia we see the Animus from AC2 I guess it's a easter egg and gets used if Callums Animus stops working but I like the new Animus way more and I believe it works better on screen than the game version IMHO.
    • ''Your past'' she says that on a different tone in the first trailer

    • 1:09 The lights are red now instead of blue like in the first trailer interesting maybe this scene takes place in the last hour of the movie... Only time can tell...

    • 1:17 Eagles always appear around towers in the games.
    • 1:19 We see a shot of Michaels ancestors ass (his name is Aguilar which is a bird I believe in Spanish correct me I looked it up myself and got a bird) and his companion Maria (Maria has alot of meaning, like a beatiful face, Jesus mom, rebellion I believe and maybe more)
    • 1:22 we saw this scene in the first trailer but now extended nothing special
    • 1:23 THIS IS NEW! We see Callum moving, fighting and seeing things in the Animus (Animus means I believe man and woman) Is he fighting a Abstergo guard or is he seeing things? Only time will tell but IMHO I think this is great! It lets the past and future become one single entity and not seperate things but why let him move... Well the of screen idea was that it will be boring watching a guy in a chair. The movie well I don't know... Maybe they don't explain but it makes it more believable that Callum can fight in the game we can feel things changed because of the controls.

    • 1:24 I believe this scene is mirrored if you watched the first trailer.

    • 1:24 You can see the Spanish Assassin logo fully on his hood!
    • 1:25 That is Spain- CAPTAIN OBVIOUS HERE XD
    • 1:29 This scene was from behind the scenes with green screenes NOTE: Their isn't alot of green screen most jumps are done with real people and surrounding.
    • 1:30 Dubble hidden blade action OBVIOUS.
    • 1:32 Eh dude I hope those guys on the horses are good or else your death.
    • 1:34 Sophias hair is different obvious time skip.
    • 1:34 ''It was'' No damned oké this made me worried about the script It wasn't real it's virtuel reality, reconstructed from your DNA!
    • 1:35 Callums bleeding effect (bleeding effect is over exposure to the Animus, if the hallucination takes longer than 30 seconds it's dangerous) It looks spooky like Desmond but more dark and mature in my view. Maybe Callum attacks someone/something or he gets attacked in his head.

    • 1:37 Scene from previous trailer but extended

    • 1:41 We see I believe Yusufs grand grand grand grand son (Yusuf appeared in AC Revelations) Yusuf loves bombs.... Wait I'm no expert on bombs but eh if he is making a bomb right now and Abstergo doesn't notice well they deserve to get their ass kicked.
    • 1:42 Interesting fight style never done in the games
    • 1:45 PAUSE Aguilar is after a guy with possible with the Apple of Eden in possession. He appeared in behind the scenes with a old man using the Apple, he also appeared in the premiere trailer for a short time.
    • 1:46 Since Syndicate horses can die...
    • 1:47 PAUSE FAST! He uses the grapple hook thing from AC Syndicate and holds something in his hand that is probably the Apple of Eden.
    • 1:51 something stuck in Callums head? he talks towards someone not Alan.
    • 1:52 These small details are freaking great! Callum uses Connor Kenways bow, the chinese woman uses a rope dart which got invented by Shao Jun according towards Achilles in AC3. The guy on the right stands like someone from AC4 and probably more easter eggs their!
    • 1:56 Kanye West kills someone- I mean new Assasin with a knife I have seen before
    • 1:57 Callum climbing in the Animus CAPTAIN OBVIOUS
    • 1:58 Throwing knives!
    • 2:01 Ooh thank you!
    • 2:03 Callums tells about the Creed


      You see? no look at the background...

    • 2:12 THE NEW TRAILER: I wonder if he synchronize?

    • 2:13 He jumps not from the tower like in the original trailer and CG has improved.
    • 2:21 Left beside Sophia the Assassin insignia and maybe more but I can't see it maybe you
    • 2:21 Callum starts liking this... 1: The Animus or 2 Possible romance?
    • 2:25 The release date is a easter egg to AC3


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