The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You mean like this?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    do you mean like this? In that case, put an asterisk * at the beginning and end of the text you want to look like that.

  • edited October 2016

    Eyy, I can log in on the vita again. : D

  • 5 weeks is not long with those kinds of meds as for cold and flu stuff I never take it could it maybe have alcohol thats affecting the other stuff it might be a good idea to stop when I have a cold or flu I have a tea made from fresh ginger, lemon and good honey all brewed in the cup nice and strong and take a couple of paracetamol with it nice and witchy-poo

    Let your family and those close to you know you feel weird so they can keep an eye on you. get well soon

    I have manic depression and bipolar disorder, and I've been on my new meds for said issues for around 5 weeks. However that's mostly irrelevant because the meds in question making me act like a dumbass are actually cold and flu meds.

  • So work has cut my hours from 32 to 16 next week how the hell am i supposed to move out next year if my hours keep getting changed

  • edited October 2016

    Damned I have that with PSN

    EDIT: Ooh I thought you said I can't log in LOL

    Eyy, I can log in on the vita again. : D

  • It could be that your ip is banned just reset your router

    joshua007 posted: »

    Damned I have that with PSN EDIT: Ooh I thought you said I can't log in LOL

  • Thanks:)

    It could be that your ip is banned just reset your router

  • Yeah, because once wasn't enough...

  • edited October 2016


    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You mean like this?

  • Just tell yourself that Christmas shopping season is almost here....

    So work has cut my hours from 32 to 16 next week how the hell am i supposed to move out next year if my hours keep getting changed

  • Eating a great cheeseburger while listening to "Cheeseburger in Paradise" is a thing of glory.

  • Heh... And your avatar is Mr. Crabs...

    Eating a great cheeseburger while listening to "Cheeseburger in Paradise" is a thing of glory.

  • I read this in Mr. Krabs' voice lol.

    Eating a great cheeseburger while listening to "Cheeseburger in Paradise" is a thing of glory.

  • Canada's baseball team was eliminated and league investors shed a sigh of relief. It isn't profitable for Canada to win. I'm not one of those conspiracy folks, so I don't think it was fixed. With that though, I can say that if anything were stacked, it wouldn't be in their favour. We got that going for us. Every win is pure.

  • Was standing under a tree waiting for the tram back to my campus, when I felt something hit my left shoulder. I reach to feel what it is to find a ball of bloody poop. I looked up to see that a pigeon had strategically placed itself above me.


  • Tomorrow: Battlefield 1
    Saturday: RWBY Vol 4 Chapter 1, Tokyo Ghoul 9
    Monday: The Walking Dead S7 Ep1

    Yayyyyyyyyyy, happy Jordan

  • NX reveal in just a few hours:

    enter image description here

    Be among the first to discover #NX. Watch the Preview Trailer at 7am PT/10am ET!

  • edited October 2016

    That image tho...

    Totally not a creeper.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    NX reveal in just a few hours: Be among the first to discover #NX. Watch the Preview Trailer at 7am PT/10am ET!

  • enter image description here

    It's already a meme.

    That image tho... Totally not a creeper.

  • Holy hell that was fast.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's already a meme.

  • Yep, didn't even take a day.

    enter image description here

    Holy hell that was fast.

  • Yes! I'm excited about this! Especially with the leaks/rumors about it being a home and handheld console hybrid.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    NX reveal in just a few hours: Be among the first to discover #NX. Watch the Preview Trailer at 7am PT/10am ET!

  • Finally finished Mafia 3 after putting it off for a few days.

    It's a good game with a really interesting story. But, it's so incredibly repetitive to the point where I just didn't feel like playing it anymore and put it off to do other things. Cutscenes are incredibly well done and are fantastic to look at. The game itself is decent looking. It's all around an average game that's marred by being very generic in terms of gameplay and its repetitiveness.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I was playing Battlefield 1 today and i got killed by the crashing airship, i guess that teaches me for not looking up when i hear a weird noise :D.

  • Just an hour to go, until we find out if the rumos/leaks were true. :)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yes! I'm excited about this! Especially with the leaks/rumors about it being a home and handheld console hybrid.

  • 0:06

    It was at this moment when OzzyUK knew... he fucked up.

    Just.. dayum. O_O

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I was playing Battlefield 1 today and i got killed by the crashing airship, i guess that teaches me for not looking up when i hear a weird noise .

  • Pretty sad how Rockstar was so proud that they were finally gonna release a trailer for Red Dead 2, and the exact same day Nintendo completely steals their thunder.

  • I wonder if that docking station boosts the power.

  • In Fallout 4 if you avoid meeting Dogmeat at the Red Rocket place you'll get this scene later in the game.

  • Maybe it'll come to the Switch.. eventually... Maybe not, but at Take-Two is on board, so there's always a chance... I guess. Though the PS4 and PS4 Pro versions will likely have some (timed?) ex clusive content, seeing as they already have a deal with Sony.

    Pretty sad how Rockstar was so proud that they were finally gonna release a trailer for Red Dead 2, and the exact same day Nintendo completely steals their thunder.

  • Why do I feel the sudden urge to put myself into a coma?

  • ...So that you wake up in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

    Why do I feel the sudden urge to put myself into a coma?

  • Hey, I have a question...

    If I wanted to post a picture on this forum, can I upload it directly from my computer, or do I have to first upload it to some image hosting site?

    Thank you.

  • You have to upload it to another site first.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, I have a question... If I wanted to post a picture on this forum, can I upload it directly from my computer, or do I have to first upload it to some image hosting site? Thank you.

  • Darn... Well, thank you.

    Do you have any recommendations?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    You have to upload it to another site first.

  • [removed]

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Darn... Well, thank you. Do you have any recommendations?

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