I agree. Still, it's rather annoying. I've struggled with weight problems for a long time, but I never used my hypoglycemia as the reason I was! People still thought the hypoglycemia happened because I was fat, but it wasn't too big of a deal past middle school.
The joke is uneducated fatties use it as a excuse for their greed and think other people believe them "im not fat its water retention! " while eating a bucket of chicken, the person making the statement is the joke not the condition.
Meh. The Last Airbender is terrible in the same way SH Revelations is terrible. It's got a Michael Bay style script and it betrays fans of the source material. This film is a whole new kind of awful.
That awkward moment when your friend makes you watch "Paul Blart: Map Cop 2"... And that very awkward moment when you get overly frustrated … moreat all the hypoglycemia jokes.
I'm a reactive hypoglycemic and it's really frustrating when it's made fun of as nothing more than something that overweight people have because they're overweight... like no man, I could die if my blood sugar gets too low. It's not funny to have to carry around food with you everywhere because at any moment your blood sugar could plummet and you could pass out, die, have a seizure, etc. It's actually really legitimately frustrating.
I want to change my own username because now I find it really cringey. I was 13 and didn't think I was gonna be on the forums for long when I made it. Now I'm annoyed because I've got a list of all these cool usernames I wish I'd used.
Welcome to life, pal. I get made fun of 24/7. I receive quite a few strongly worded emails that all end in a basic "Kill yourself" message everyday. You just gotta forget about it and move on. People who make fun of you for a mental disorder are cunts, and you shouldn't feel bad about yourself for what they say or want to change your ideals. There's nothing shameful about having a mental ailment.
Now, as for the comment chain above, nobody is "making fun" of the fact that you have autism in that chain. People are pointing it out because sometimes you make it difficult not to notice. The only reason I don't point it out is because I know how it feels as I have the same issues, and more. But you gotta pull it together man. A few people calling you out for ridiculous behavior isn't anything serious or upsetting unless you let it get to you. And you're too good to be the kind of guy who just lets it get to you.
That's a heavy metal band called Betty White Tit Fuck. I think somebody already beat you to the punch on the out of the ordinary metal band name honestly.
That's a heavy metal band called Betty White Tit Fuck. I think somebody already beat you to the punch on the out of the ordinary metal band name honestly.
I want to change my own username because now I find it really cringey. I was 13 and didn't think I was gonna be on the forums for long when I made it. Now I'm annoyed because I've got a list of all these cool usernames I wish I'd used.
I'm assuming my joke.
But no, I didn't think anyone bought it lol. My jokes are way too shitty for anyone to catch.
That explains why I couldn't access multiplayer and see my friends list.
What? You racist against autistic people?
Um, autism isn't a race.
Yes it is.
No, it isn't.
It isn't?
You proved my point masterfully.
Thank you.
I can see your edits :P
I know.
Like I said, masterfully.
I agree. Still, it's rather annoying. I've struggled with weight problems for a long time, but I never used my hypoglycemia as the reason I was! People still thought the hypoglycemia happened because I was fat, but it wasn't too big of a deal past middle school.
It's a terrible movie, no doubt, but it's not the worst. I have to give that to The Last Airbender.
Meh. The Last Airbender is terrible in the same way SH Revelations is terrible. It's got a Michael Bay style script and it betrays fans of the source material. This film is a whole new kind of awful.
Boy, i can see your ban from here.
How dare you call me boy!
Is there a way I can change my username?
I wish.
Fuck my life.
I chose this username because I have no shame in having autism, and all people do is make fun of me with it.
I want to start a hardcore heavy metal band and name it "Basket of Kittens".
I said I chose my name because I have no shame in having autism, and people on the forums won't stop making fun of me.
I want to change my own username because now I find it really cringey. I was 13 and didn't think I was gonna be on the forums for long when I made it. Now I'm annoyed because I've got a list of all these cool usernames I wish I'd used.
Welcome to life, pal. I get made fun of 24/7. I receive quite a few strongly worded emails that all end in a basic "Kill yourself" message everyday. You just gotta forget about it and move on. People who make fun of you for a mental disorder are cunts, and you shouldn't feel bad about yourself for what they say or want to change your ideals. There's nothing shameful about having a mental ailment.
Now, as for the comment chain above, nobody is "making fun" of the fact that you have autism in that chain. People are pointing it out because sometimes you make it difficult not to notice. The only reason I don't point it out is because I know how it feels as I have the same issues, and more. But you gotta pull it together man. A few people calling you out for ridiculous behavior isn't anything serious or upsetting unless you let it get to you. And you're too good to be the kind of guy who just lets it get to you.
Most of us don't make fun of you because of your autism, we make fun of you because you act extremely dumb sometimes.
That's a heavy metal band called Betty White Tit Fuck. I think somebody already beat you to the punch on the out of the ordinary metal band name honestly.
Damn it.
Thanks, man. So do you.
Christ, that's relatable.
I sure am glad I got stuck with ClemyClooAndBabyBoo for the rest of my life!
There's always Casket of Kittens, which only yields 2 results in Google.
Those two things are not exactly unrelated though, are they?
Holy FUCK.