The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sam & Max are awesome. OK, that's enough to get the cheap applause.

    Hello. Okay that's enough socializing with people I hardly know for the day.

  • edited October 2016

    Someone actually interacted with me without me having to make a fool of myself!

    enter image description here

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Sam & Max are awesome. OK, that's enough to get the cheap applause.

  • I just wrote a 169 line response to someone on Youtube. God, what the fuck am I doing with my life?

  • enter image description here

    Sooo....I don't know what happened but apparently I can't sign in on my PSN account on my PS4 and apparently lots of folks are having the same issue for the past couple of days. This sucks cause I'm not sure if this is a problem I have that I can fix or if it's another Sony gets hacked scenario where I'm just having to wait on them fixing the issue.

  • A few things.

    This is the first thing I've posted on this forum in over 2 years. Time flies, y'all! Great to be back just in time for TWDG season 3 - oh, excuse me, the New Frontier (oh Telltale, I love them) - tho. It's gonna be lit.

    Second, I have a Poli Sci midterm on Tuesday that I have not even started studying for and a Soc paper (on Luke Cage! Sweet Christmas!) due in a couple of weeks. </3

    Third, don't you just love when you receive financial aid refunds? Financial aid in general is gr8, sometimes it pays to be poor af.

    Fourth, I'm so excited for TWD s7 to premier tomorrow and give me an excuse to further procrastinate in studying for my midterm. I'm gonna be so mad when they do the thing that we all know they're gonna do by now lolololol breathes into paper bag

  • This is a settlement I built in Fallout 4 with a ton of mods installed, and it'll be the focus of a fanfic I'm currently writing. I'm really proud of how it turned out, so I figured I'd show it around.

  • Supposedly they've been DDOSed.

    J-Master posted: »

    Sooo....I don't know what happened but apparently I can't sign in on my PSN account on my PS4 and apparently lots of folks are having the sa

  • 5 days 7 hours till I go into hiding and won't be seen for a while. I'm ready to go back to skyrim :D

  • I finished 2. I didn't finish 3. 3 felt a bit off to me. The story, the jokes, the way everything is crammed together, was just enough to not keep me going. Maybe I was just bored of it by then. I like DC more than Marvel, but Marvel Superheroes is a WAY better game. In fact, it's my favourite Lego game of the voiceover era.

    Hey guys, I need your help. Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better? EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • Welcome back.

    A few things. This is the first thing I've posted on this forum in over 2 years. Time flies, y'all! Great to be back just in time for TWD

  • Thank you! It's good to be back and see a lotta the same people freaking out over any hints Telltale gives haha

    Johro posted: »

    Welcome back.

  • Welcome back!

    I can't wait for TWD S3 either!

    A few things. This is the first thing I've posted on this forum in over 2 years. Time flies, y'all! Great to be back just in time for TWD

  • Just remembered I've been on here for over a year!

  • I'm tempted to buy again, then I can complete it all again. I got every achievement on 360!

    5 days 7 hours till I go into hiding and won't be seen for a while. I'm ready to go back to skyrim

  • Aaaaannd I shall just sit here and weep about Sony and the misfortune involving Fallout 4 mods, forevermore contemplating the possibilities otherwise available.

    Joking aside, that looks to be a well crafted and organised settlement. Very nicely done indeed!

    This is a settlement I built in Fallout 4 with a ton of mods installed, and it'll be the focus of a fanfic I'm currently writing. I'm really proud of how it turned out, so I figured I'd show it around.

  • I think im addicted...
    enter image description here

  • Lego Marvel is pretty awesome but it only shines when you unlock the open world stuff. Lego Batman 2 is much better than Lego Batman 1, but I haven't played LB3, so I don't have a valid opinion there.

    Hey guys, I need your help. Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better? EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • Hehehe, Playstation peasant.

    But thanks. It took an entire day of work, and most of the buildings aren't even furnished yet.

    Aaaaannd I shall just sit here and weep about Sony and the misfortune involving Fallout 4 mods, forevermore contemplating the possibilities

  • My soul is ready!

    5 days 7 hours till I go into hiding and won't be seen for a while. I'm ready to go back to skyrim

  • Like you have the right to call him a peasant!

    Hehehe, Playstation peasant. But thanks. It took an entire day of work, and most of the buildings aren't even furnished yet.

  • I've been on this forum for 2 years now.

  • Hey guys. Been wanting to give a bit of an update about what I've been doing for the past few months. Dunno how I am explain all this so I might get a little messy with this message. Okay so I've been actually busy, damn busy. Even though some would see me play Overwatch for like, 4 hours or so. heh But for real, I've been doing some work nearly every night for a couple of months now, I've been working on an original manga that I've been quite serious about. Okay, so if you've been following the art and stories I've done, specifically TWD Forum Comic, you'd know that I've put it on the side and announced earlier this year I'm gonna start a manga with a patreon account.

    The manga I've been working has been absolutely hard to figure out, it's pretty much the most complicated story I've ever done honestly. Back in highschool I've only managed two story arcs and was stuck, now that I revised it things are looking better and I've been able to figure things out due to becoming more experienced. I have a lot shit figured out, lots of world building (for the first time I'm treating the world as a character), I'm on the third arc with 93 chapters planned out and scripted (summarized format) and I got like 3-4 other arcs to work on afterwards. So yeah it's a lot. This is basically gonna be my life job and I'm the only one doing it so yeah. Starting it sometime fresh next year as I mentioned in another post from before, I will be working on it 5 days a week with the weekend as a bit of a chillout time like it was in school. Gotta open patreon to earn money off of it, most likely gonna create a tumblr and maybe a facebook or twitter account (YOU SELL OUT). I want to do this for a living, so gotta build a fanbase and earn money to keep doing what I love for a living. Pursue that dream I wanted since I was a teenager (originally wanted to join Shonen Jump but yeah that's not happening, I like to be the boss of my own work. Still the goal to be a big time manga artist is the same, it's just the route may be different). Anyway, might transfer all my DeviantArt stuff to a new account because I like to go under one name with all the accounts, I'll still be Tobi but I can't use the quote as the name, so it'll be Tobi.... er, something anyhow. The western manga I'm doing is pretty different, rather mature, but I hope to bring a lot of the fans I have from TWD Forum Comic into this one as well so you folks don't get left behind. I'll stil be coming here, cuz there's no way I'm ever leaving this place. To me THIS IS HOME.

    And now speaking about TWD Forum Comic. Hoo... boy, where do I start?... Okay, so I know I mentioned in "Describe a User" thread that I put it on the side, and I meant that. I know I didn't add anything new for a while(I mean come on, no way I'd forget after working on it for two years). But now that I look at what's ahead of me, I gotta be real, I dunno how I can draw two stories at the same time and still expect profit. I know, it DOES sound like what I'm saying. The 'c' word. Am I thinking of cancelling it? Quite honestly, I hate the idea of abandoning this comic after so much effort and making so many people happy with it. I'll always give damn about it and the fans who followed me for so long and being supportive. I never wanted this thing to go down but unfortunately I gotta starting moving forward. I'm hoping to take you guys with me on this journey. I wish I can keep on drawing it, but the reality is I need to make money for a living. Right now money is damn tight for me and my family, so I gotta start doing something to earn money. And not just any random job like Tim Hortons would cut it, I need to earn money (as much as I hate money) but I also want to earn money by doing something I enjoy, in a way I don't feel like I'm a damn slave to the world's system. I know Patreon is a donation thing and some say I can still work on the TWD Forum Comic but I can't. I want to do it with my own design not from others as there are characters in there from different third parties. If I make a profit out of something that already exists, I wouldn't feel right, I would feel like I'm taking someone else's money. Shit there's a guy who has Madara Uchiha's powers and is Dante from DMC. That's basically copyright. There's another factor that I have considered, if were to use Patreon to work on TWD Forum Comic people outside of Telltale forums wouldn't get a lot of the references and most likely a lot will complain that I'm just doing it for portion of a group and using the rest for money. So there's a lot of things I've considered. When more people support me with this manga, they'll also become a part of my fanbase, so I gotta look out to make everyone happy while making myself happy, not only that the time and effort between both stories will be too much. Shit, this is real hard to explain but I'm hoping you guys get what I mean. Now I said I would no longer be drawing it, but I didn't say I was gonna leave my fanbase hanging(even though it's small as fuck but hey, I give a damn about my fans). I'm hoping a lot would happen to come over and read the new story I am making however I know the stress of having to be left not knowing what happens to a story upon cancellation so here's what I'm gonna do. Next year when I'm on the original manga I'll be writing down the rest of the story that I still have in the back of my head and maybe draw a few pictures here and there, then as the final update to TWD Forum Comic's thread I will release everything I had planned for you guys to discover. I want to make you guys happy as I possibly can. I know a lot may be upset to here about this part of the news right now, you have every right to be, I just hope you guys understand my circumstance and the choices I have to make. This is pretty hard for me to do, and it's been something I've been so passionate about it for so long. It's been such a blast, so I hope the last update will atleast let my fans enjoy the story I wanted to draw for them and I hope they also come with me to the next story I must make for a living.

    So yeah, some awesome news and some shit news. Either way, I hope to bring the fans I have with me on my journey still and add in the new. Cause without the people who supported me, I wouldn't have had the friends and the experience I would have today. So that's why I would like to still bring what fans I have with me while I still giving them something while I can also thinking of the rest and for myself as well. This pretty darn stressful for me, so damn difficult after everything. I've done a lot of thinking, and I feel like this the path must take.

    (PS Sorry for walls of text but I feel like there's two subjects I would categorize as such)

  • Happy Anniversary!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I've been on this forum for 2 years now.

  • Thanks Tobi.

    Happy Anniversary!

  • I'm gonna buy 2.

    Hey guys, I need your help. Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better? EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • TL:DR.

    Hey guys. Been wanting to give a bit of an update about what I've been doing for the past few months. Dunno how I am explain all this so I m

  • Basically, "I've been hard at work creating my own manga. Got a whole bunch of it scripted out. Unfortunately, I may not be able to finish that TWD comic that alot of you guys seemed to like. Might draw something for it every now and then, but that'll be it."

    papai46 posted: »


  • It'll become especially clear that you wasted your time when they reply…

    no your wrong lol

    I just wrote a 169 line response to someone on Youtube. God, what the fuck am I doing with my life?

  • I hate it when some scammer texts me in the middle of the night pretending to be the FBI threatening to arrest me if I don't buy them gift cards, because the FBI likes iTunes or something, and they're just texting me before they storm the house as a courtesy. Don't these lowlifes have any concept of time zones?

    Anyway, they tried to impress me by sending me all kinds of information about myself, which failed because it was all wrong. Now I'm imagining some lady I don't know being raided by the FBI because she wouldn't give them gift cards.

  • Actually they replied back with a 115 line response, I'm debating whether or not to give it the time of day because this guy is just an idiot.

    It'll become especially clear that you wasted your time when they reply… no your wrong lol

  • I recommend you to call it off. If you say that this guy is an idiot, it's probable that he will not listen to your arguments no matter what you say.

    Actually they replied back with a 115 line response, I'm debating whether or not to give it the time of day because this guy is just an idiot.

  • Probably some fucking greedy 8 year old.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I hate it when some scammer texts me in the middle of the night pretending to be the FBI threatening to arrest me if I don't buy them gift c

  • Who in their sane mind would play a game like Nekopara?

  • I just did. XBOX MASTER RACE!

    papai46 posted: »

    Like you have the right to call him a peasant!

  • Weebs and people who appreciate japanese art styles.

    papai46 posted: »

    Who in their sane mind would play a game like Nekopara?

  • Every single one of these insults is amazing.

  • Off topic: I like that Lutece avatar.

    papai46 posted: »

    Like you have the right to call him a peasant!

  • Pfftt, snobby Xbox bourgeois.

    Your welcome. With the number of buildings to furnish, you look to have quite the task.

    Hehehe, Playstation peasant. But thanks. It took an entire day of work, and most of the buildings aren't even furnished yet.

  • It's not as much as it looks. The problem is that the Workshop placement sucks. For the undercover section between the cabins, the power connectors for the lights cause devices inside the cabins to stay on, even though I want all the. cabins to have their own power supply.

    Pfftt, snobby Xbox bourgeois. Your welcome. With the number of buildings to furnish, you look to have quite the task.

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