The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Kinda hard to tell on the internet :p

    I was joking around you know.

  • The ambulance and firefighters will be there when the assassin's come and burn the place down :P

  • Again. :p

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The ambulance and firefighters will be there when the assassin's come and burn the place down :P

  • That's completely fair.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Kinda hard to tell on the internet

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2016

    Good on ya.

    EDIT: ya autocorrected to Twitter lol.

    Realized today that with about 5-7 weeks left in the semester that I have over 700 meal points left and bought two bags worth of unhealthy s

  • Your welcome! :)

    I feel similarly.

    This year has been very up and down for me, and recently I feel like things are becoming too much for me. I just want to thank everyone on h

  • I cant stop eating these crispy m&m's, damn they're tasty

  • Thanks! Luckily I'm not bad with needles.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Thats pretty bad, sorry. I don't think I could've done that, I'd be out the door the second they asked for a third. I hope all goes well.

  • edited October 2016

    Based on the way you wrote that and the Bio in your profile, it looks like you've decided to take off. Good luck out there, and you're always welcome back! :)

    This year has been very up and down for me, and recently I feel like things are becoming too much for me. I just want to thank everyone on h

  • Nope.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I remember reading somewhere that Telltale was making a Back to the Future Season 2, is this true?

  • A comparison between the PS4 if the system quality firmware update is instaled and if it isn't installed.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2016

    This idea has been done to death already, but...I'll bite.

    EDIT: Is the video working, guys?

  • The video is not working. This idea has been done to death already, but...I'll bite. EDIT: Is the video working, guys?

  • Damn.

    Well, it was supposed to be a trailer for the upcoming movie "Shut In".

    I'm using a computer at school, so that probably explains why it ain't working. :/

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    The video is not working.

  • Jesus christ, Bethesda's live action commercials are fucking brilliant.

  • edited October 2016

    Beyond Good and Evil Review by Joshua007


    enter image description here


    I am not used to do reviews for games btw.
    Beyond Good and Evil is a great adventure game with a few mistakes!
    The game was a commercial failure while being sold on:
    The game is Remastered on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
    The game got it's own little group of fans:)

    The game starts with telling what the story is about.
    The world Hillys a small peacefull planet in war with the violent Aliens named the Domz who abduct the citizens from Hillys and the camera switches to the main protagonist Jade, Jade is a human reporter and works for a living and takes care of a orphanage with her Uncle who is a talking pig XD.

    Jade and her talking pig uncle Pey'J go on a simple and easy to follow adventure that got me hooked until the very end of the game with some nice twists.

    The gameplay is split between three parts: Action combat, stealth and puzzles.
    For the first half of the game which is in my expierence 5 hours there is a lot of strategic combat involved with your companions like Pey'J and that will continue through the hole game but the other half of the game stealth is the priority.
    When the game feels repetitive the game switches from strategic action to brain working stealth and puzzles at the right times.
    Jades martial art combat flows amazingly well after it's release in 2003 and the enemy AI does it part really well but your companions could use a little bit more help sometimes.

    The graphics and art style are cartoony and with or without the HD remaster still looks great today and the facial animations look good even after more than 10 years after it's release.
    Through out the hole game you have to earn money and pearls to get all the stuff you need and want, this is made clear in the beginning of the game in the first 15 minutes and I wish you could just do want you want at times.

    There is a lot to explore in the open world of Hillys but most of these things are in caves and houses but still give you a nice challenge and finding the way reminds me of Resident Evil 2.
    Why RE? Beyond Good and Evil wants you to look around and learn the way. There are no way points only a compass, a map to look at and your companions sometimes telling you where you need to go without pointing out most of the time.
    You have to learn how to get in and get out and there but sometimes I just had to go to youtube because it was to difficult sometimes and really difficult if you have memory issues like me.

    There are side missions like following robbers and races to hold which are a fun challenge and you get pearls and money out of it to.

    Your camera is the most important weapon because it reveals the conspiracy this game has... And you can make pictures of your surrounding and animals and get money.
    The soundtrack is amazing and in your first battle in the game you get this amazing soundtrack called

    The first encounter



    The voice acting is excellent done and makes the game more immersive.


    Well done platforming.

    Now the negative:

    • The camera of the game is bad in closed corners and sometimes in stealth, worst part about it is that the later part of the game after 5 hours like I mentioned is more stealth IN CORNERS! I got killed a few times because of this and it was frustratingly bad! You learn also the game became linear at choiceing your way at stealth and you have to do one way or two or you die!

    • Companions hardly play different from each other.

    • Something important happens in the story but there isn't enough development later with the characters you are surrounded with.

    • Had to go to youtube a few times because it's very hard to find the way. Second time will be better

    -The race annoucers voice gets annoying

    -Some obvious plot holes that could save you 5 minutes in every level it's called deus ex machina after you play the ending

    -I can't describe the plot without sounding like a retard which btw I'm gonna make a parody post soon.

    -Rushed ending but beatiful
    -Item menu is confusing a few times

    -END BOSS BATTLE DESIGN, warn me next time for such a awfull design please so I can prepare myself with health I WARN YOU PEOPLE A HEAD SAVE THE GAME! GET AS MUCH HEALTH AS POSSIBLE
    -Jade should ask things more


    I see where they were going with the ending because it was going to be a big revelation and it was in a way and it makes me want a sequel. It explains a few things and make you look different at the world and characters. They obvious planned the hole story from beginning to the end but it feels like they run out of time.
    The surrounding is so pretty and goes in my book for best final looking stages. Ever. I'm not kidding you.
    The games positives over shadows the bad things really good and the game came close to perfection and it bothers me that people think that those negatives are big because they aren't!

    But why was this game a commercial failure I mean in the beginning Jade gets caught by a hentai monster at her legs and mind fucked by a japanese monster and a big fat pig saves her. Throws a gigantic stick out of his pants to her HOW DOES THIS SELL BAD? I think I might have the awnser so we might all move on from that question.

    From someone who pays attention to game trailers, preview marketing I did my research on the trailers for the game this are my thoughts:

    Ubisoft department had no idea how to marked this game:
    The game is really dark in core. I think. I am confused what the core was at moments but the game looks so nice from the outside. They had to show spoilery action parts in the trailers or else it would like really boring people.

    Even the PEGI rating department doesn't know what to give this game. In america it has a T rating for 13 year and older and in my country it has a PEGI 7. I don't know where this game belongs personally in the two and this game is really hard for a 7 year old.
    The cover of the game gave me a bad interest in the game. I thought ''it looks like a random girl with a camera surrounded by green light and a pig on the background with stealth, than I started the game and it starts with a really different opening I expected and goes to a nice kids friendly department the moment later.

    The only people I can say that probably like this game are Rayman fans, Kingdom Hearts fans, Disney fans, Final Fantasy fans and Zelda fans.


    Director of the game: Michel ancel (Creator of Rayman)

    Release date: 2003 November

  • Either my internet connection's just having a seriously bad day or it's ever so slowly trying to drive me to suicide...Hopefully, it's the fuckin' former.

  • edited October 2016

    Thread: Ps4 wutangray add me let's play

    Add me on ps4 guys so we can get a game start a new world wutangray is my gamer tag.

  • Welcome to my world, mate.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Either my internet connection's just having a seriously bad day or it's ever so slowly trying to drive me to suicide...Hopefully, it's the fuckin' former.

  • I can't even play overwatch for ten minutes, it's fucking stupid.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Either my internet connection's just having a seriously bad day or it's ever so slowly trying to drive me to suicide...Hopefully, it's the fuckin' former.

  • Don't worry, I wrote that ages ago in the heat of the moment and haven't bothered to change it. Given how crappy my situation in real life is, I wouldn't be able to stay away from here :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Based on the way you wrote that and the Bio in your profile, it looks like you've decided to take off. Good luck out there, and you're always welcome back!

  • It's like a silly/stupid way to say spooky. Or is it 2spoopy4you

    Acheive250 posted: »


  • Wow, ice cream really does help me with my sore throat.

  • Have you tried grinding some ginger root and put that in a cup of hot water?(the water shouldn't be too hot, just slightly warmer than lukewarm) Also add a tablespoon of honey to the cup, I tried drinking that the last time my throat was sore, and it felt like it helped a lot.

    Wow, ice cream really does help me with my sore throat.

  • edited October 2016

    just slightly warmer than lukewarm

    What do you mean? Luke isn't warm at all; he's freezing!

    enter image description here

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Have you tried grinding some ginger root and put that in a cup of hot water?(the water shouldn't be too hot, just slightly warmer than lukew

  • Slightly warmer than him and you should be fine.
    Also, if you drown, at least your throat wouldn't be sore anymore :p

  • Slightly warmer than him and you should be fine.

    Too bad I don't have any materials for a fire. Or a fireplace. :/

    Also, if you drown, at least your throat wouldn't be sore anymore :p

    Yeah, because I'll be too dead to care. :p

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Slightly warmer than him and you should be fine. Also, if you drown, at least your throat wouldn't be sore anymore

  • Yeah... Every night it haunts my dreams.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    It's like a silly/stupid way to say spooky. Or is it 2spoopy4you

  • I've never appreciated music more than when listening to the Bojack Horseman OST.

  • edited October 2016

    You really put a lot into that.

  • I never appreciate music more than when I'm listening to styrofoam squeaking.

    O.O I can not handle that. I'd rather listen to the worst song ever.

  • That sounds like it'd make you not appreciate any sounds.

    Johro posted: »

    I never appreciate music more than when I'm listening to styrofoam squeaking. O.O I can not handle that. I'd rather listen to the worst song ever.

  • Or appreciate anything more.

    That sounds like it'd make you not appreciate any sounds.

  • Just thought I'd let you all know...

    Episode one of Telltale's Batman game is free on Steam until the 2nd of November.

  • What a beautiful cover :)

  • Suddenly I'm starting to find bats cute.. Well now.

  • edited October 2016

    I'm suddenly remembering this game. I first saw it back when video game magazines were freaking massive and covered basically every video game coming out, this was on an ad page actually. Talk about going back in time. ._.

    Anyway, good review.

  • I've always found them cute, even vampire bats.

    Suddenly I'm starting to find bats cute.. Well now.

  • jon sudano is a god

    lupinb0y posted: »

    What a beautiful cover

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