Amen to that. That's why Days of Future Past is my favorite X-Men film: It passed where pretty much any bad X-Men movie failed, and it had a nice ending. I also enjoyed the Rogue Cut; I love Rogue!
Agreed. That is one of many things on a long, long, LONG list of grievances I have with the third X-Men movie.
Bless Singer and Days of Future Past, for the cosmic retcon.
For the MCU, it was a good venture. My brother got me into the first Iron Man, and the later films were good, but I've called quits after Captain America: Civil War. I can't explain it. Either it's me getting old, or my anger towards Disney becoming a unstoppable corporation controlling both LucasArts and Marvel.
For me, I've always had a passion for all things X-Men. Loved the first two movies, plus the Beginnings Trilogy (FC; DOFP; A), but the upcoming Logan will be my final comic book film.
Over the years, since the appalling and wasteful third film, I've spent many years angry at the bureaucrats at Fox who had the patience of gnats, not waiting for Bryan Singer. After the ending of X2, I was SUPER PUMPED, whatever would come next would be full of potential, then again it is the Phoenix. God I was so happy after seeing the raptor bird in Apocalypse. I cheered in theater upon seeing it.
All in all, I'm glad for the tales I have seen. But I'm beginning to be fed up of Marvel and DC. Why can't more independent titles be given a chance?
I fear with the upcoming Infinity War and the next Star Wars films, Disney will be unstoppable. They'll be able to buy anything on the planet. It worries me.
And I'm sad, James Marsden and Anna Paquin didn't get to do more with their characters, really develop them.
Well, a guy can dream. To whatever future X-Men movies hold, keep telling good stories and keep the characters interesting.
Thanks. Days of Future Past will forever be remembered as the one where all was forgiving. Bless Bryan Singer. It's alright you don't like Apocalypse, I feel it was a worthy tale. And I'm glad Xavier and Eric parted on good terms. I hope Magneto will find peace, somehow.
PS I liked Rogue as well. And in the Rogue cut, I was glad it was released. Paquin's character needed some love.
Amen to that. That's why Days of Future Past is my favorite X-Men film: It passed where pretty much any bad X-Men movie failed, and it had a nice ending. I also enjoyed the Rogue Cut; I love Rogue!
I didn't like X-Men: Apocalypse, though.
I fear with the upcoming Infinity War and the next Star Wars films, Disney will be unstoppable. They'll be able to buy anything on the planet. It worries me.
I mean, they're still quality movies whether Disney has bought certain companies out or not. Only difference is a heightened budget.
Yeah, it's just the company that owns the film earns millions upon millions, and I fear it will make Disney a future Buy N Large
(From WALL-E). Consumerism unbound. Do we really need items with any characters on them? I just view them (movies) for the stories and a good book or two describing their universes.
I fear with the upcoming Infinity War and the next Star Wars films, Disney will be unstoppable. They'll be able to buy anything on the plane… moret. It worries me.
I mean, they're still quality movies whether Disney has bought certain companies out or not. Only difference is a heightened budget.
And thanks. Even though Apocalypse is my second favorite X-Men villain (Magneto is my first favorite), I just didn't like the movie. The villain just seemed so...un-intimidating. He didn't seem remember-able in any good way. His actor was a perfect casting choice, though. Let's hope Mr. Sinister will rock in the upcoming movie Logan.
I love Apocalypse in the animated series, though. RIP John Colicos; he'll be the one true Apocalypse in my eyes:
Thanks. Days of Future Past will forever be remembered as the one where all was forgiving. Bless Bryan Singer. It's alright you don't lik… moree Apocalypse, I feel it was a worthy tale. And I'm glad Xavier and Eric parted on good terms. I hope Magneto will find peace, somehow.
PS I liked Rogue as well. And in the Rogue cut, I was glad it was released. Paquin's character needed some love.
Indeed it will.
And thanks. Even though Apocalypse is my second favorite X-Men villain (Magneto is my first favorite), I just didn't lik… moree the movie. The villain just seemed so...un-intimidating. He didn't seem remember-able in any good way. His actor was a perfect casting choice, though. Let's hope Mr. Sinister will rock in the upcoming movie Logan.
I love Apocalypse in the animated series, though. RIP John Colicos; he'll be the one true Apocalypse in my eyes:
That's fair I guess. A bit paranoid but a valid fear in a few aspects. I don't think it'll go THAT far, but it definitely seems like Disney's power will kill some of the creative ideas through smaller budget companies, and when creativity dies a lot of other things do. Which is worrying for the future of media and the world in most aspects. I see where you're coming from I suppose.
Yeah, it's just the company that owns the film earns millions upon millions, and I fear it will make Disney a future Buy N Large
(From WAL… moreL-E). Consumerism unbound. Do we really need items with any characters on them? I just view them (movies) for the stories and a good book or two describing their universes.
He definitely did his damnest before the end. Just like Michael Ansara did in Batman TAS and Batman Beyond as Mr. Freeze.
RIP John Colicos and Michael Ansara, the dead legends of the 90s.
Wow, thanks for pointing that out. I value creativity, it's the fuel for ideas and stories. Creativity should not be squandered. And I too worry for the future of media.
That's fair I guess. A bit paranoid but a valid fear in a few aspects. I don't think it'll go THAT far, but it definitely seems like Disney'… mores power will kill some of the creative ideas through smaller budget companies, and when creativity dies a lot of other things do. Which is worrying for the future of media and the world in most aspects. I see where you're coming from I suppose.
Wow, thanks for pointing that out. I value creativity, it's the fuel for ideas and stories. Creativity should not be squandered. And I too worry for the future of media.
Another thing about Doctor Strange. Just like with Ant-Man I can suggest that you see it in 3D. The visual must certainly benefit from it and thus add a better experience.
I just saw Doctor Strange a few days ago, and I might I say I think it is truly spectacular!!! The visuals were amazing, I loved the characters, I genuinely laughed at the jokes and I've never expressed such shock in a movie before (oddly enough, despite watching films like Final Destination) and the feels ;-; I know that allot of people are saying that the story wasn't very good but I disagree, I thought the story was good from a character development point of view and the message the movie conveyed truly hit me ;-;
I don't think Telltale are going to do a game based off of characters that Marvel don't own the movie rights to. I would not count on a game about X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, etc. That being said, I would have otherwise loved a Deadpool game.
I don't think Telltale are going to do a game based off of characters that Marvel don't own the movie rights to. I would not count on a game about X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, etc. That being said, I would have otherwise loved a Deadpool game.
I just read somewhere that there was a leaked document that said that Telltale was working on a Guardians of the Galaxy game aka Blue Harvest. Not sure how much of it is true ofcourse, but that could seriously be true. I would probably love a game with Groot, Rocket etc. Who else would be up for that one?
When they announced Inhumans for Phase 3, I always thought it was the odd one of the bunch. Granted, I thought so too with Guardians of the Galaxy, so the Inhuman movie might have been good.
Looking more into it, it seems that Inhuman was Marvel president Ike's idea and attempt to replicate the X-men movies. Ike has been known to be constantly meddling and interfering, getting into arguments with Feige, Whedon and the actors such as Chris Evans. When Disney separated the Marvel studio from Ike and his Committee, it probably made sense to push the Inhumans movie out of Phase 3 and replace it with Spider-Man: Homecoming and Ant-man and The Wasp.
I do love the irony of learning that the reason Doctor Strange (and all MCU movies going forwards) have a new Marvel Logo sequence is because of a fallout between Marvel Comics (run by the very interfering and FF/X-Men hating Ike Perlmutter) and Marvel Studios (which thanks to a successful bid by Kevin Feige he no longer has to report to Ike and refers directly to Disney, with Marvel Studios now an entirely separate entity). Hence why the logo has live action characters appear in place of the comic flip, they're trying to distance themselves from the comics they're based on.
However Marvel TV is STILL covered by Marvel Comics, which means a greater separation of all future ABC and Netflix shows from the MCU movies outside vague references (boo) but a new relationship with Marvel Studios rival Fox on co-projects, hence why Legion and another X-Men based show is being made, and why Fox were able to use Negasonic Teenage Warhead radically differently in Deadpool, despite being nothing like her comic counterpart. Marvel Comics were the ones pushing the Inhumans too (which led to them being focused on and replacing the X-Men in the comics, basically) hence the tv show and use in AOS. And as a result of the feal with Fox there's a relaxation on downplaying the X-Men in the comics, hence the forthcoming Inhumans vs X-Men event leading to a revived and increasingly significant 'X-Men Rebirth' line with comics for Weapon X, X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue, Iceman, Jean Grey and Cable.
A new Spiderman: Homecoming trailer should be arriving shortly tonight on Jimmy Kimmel live.
Also, do you guys want this thread in Telltale Talk or in the Guardians of the Galaxy subforum?
A Spiderman game would be pretty cool from Telltale, but I have a good feeling about GOTG too. It feels like it has strong potential to be the next Tales from the Borderlands.
Uh, I'm not sure about this movie... If I'm honest, I'm still salty about TASM's cancellation (I enjoyed it) and I'm not feeling this new reboot. I'm not liking the suit and the new stuff they added. I'll still go watch it of course since I love Spidey.
Amen to that. That's why Days of Future Past is my favorite X-Men film: It passed where pretty much any bad X-Men movie failed, and it had a nice ending. I also enjoyed the Rogue Cut; I love Rogue!
I didn't like X-Men: Apocalypse, though.
Hey guys, I just changed the title.
Since everyone is talking about X-Men on this thread, I thought "why not?"
You guys can talk about anything Marvel related on this thread; Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc.
With love, theAutisticGamer.
For the MCU, it was a good venture. My brother got me into the first Iron Man, and the later films were good, but I've called quits after Captain America: Civil War. I can't explain it. Either it's me getting old, or my anger towards Disney becoming a unstoppable corporation controlling both LucasArts and Marvel.
For me, I've always had a passion for all things X-Men. Loved the first two movies, plus the Beginnings Trilogy (FC; DOFP; A), but the upcoming Logan will be my final comic book film.
Over the years, since the appalling and wasteful third film, I've spent many years angry at the bureaucrats at Fox who had the patience of gnats, not waiting for Bryan Singer. After the ending of X2, I was SUPER PUMPED, whatever would come next would be full of potential, then again it is the Phoenix. God I was so happy after seeing the raptor bird in Apocalypse. I cheered in theater upon seeing it.
All in all, I'm glad for the tales I have seen. But I'm beginning to be fed up of Marvel and DC. Why can't more independent titles be given a chance?
I fear with the upcoming Infinity War and the next Star Wars films, Disney will be unstoppable. They'll be able to buy anything on the planet. It worries me.
And I'm sad, James Marsden and Anna Paquin didn't get to do more with their characters, really develop them.
Well, a guy can dream. To whatever future X-Men movies hold, keep telling good stories and keep the characters interesting.
Thanks. Days of Future Past will forever be remembered as the one where all was forgiving. Bless Bryan Singer. It's alright you don't like Apocalypse, I feel it was a worthy tale. And I'm glad Xavier and Eric parted on good terms. I hope Magneto will find peace, somehow.
PS I liked Rogue as well. And in the Rogue cut, I was glad it was released. Paquin's character needed some love.
I mean, they're still quality movies whether Disney has bought certain companies out or not. Only difference is a heightened budget.
Yeah, it's just the company that owns the film earns millions upon millions, and I fear it will make Disney a future Buy N Large
(From WALL-E). Consumerism unbound. Do we really need items with any characters on them? I just view them (movies) for the stories and a good book or two describing their universes.
Indeed it will.
And thanks. Even though Apocalypse is my second favorite X-Men villain (Magneto is my first favorite), I just didn't like the movie. The villain just seemed so...un-intimidating. He didn't seem remember-able in any good way. His actor was a perfect casting choice, though. Let's hope Mr. Sinister will rock in the upcoming movie Logan.
I love Apocalypse in the animated series, though. RIP John Colicos; he'll be the one true Apocalypse in my eyes:
Yeah, John Colicos, definitely had the voice pegged.
And I hope Logan and X-23 carve Sinister apart for what he's done to the mutant race.
That's fair I guess. A bit paranoid but a valid fear in a few aspects. I don't think it'll go THAT far, but it definitely seems like Disney's power will kill some of the creative ideas through smaller budget companies, and when creativity dies a lot of other things do. Which is worrying for the future of media and the world in most aspects. I see where you're coming from I suppose.
He definitely did his damnest before the end. Just like Michael Ansara did in Batman TAS and Batman Beyond as Mr. Freeze.
RIP John Colicos and Michael Ansara, the dead legends of the 90s.
To them (in respect)

Wow, thanks for pointing that out. I value creativity, it's the fuel for ideas and stories. Creativity should not be squandered. And I too worry for the future of media.
Fitting as fuck!
There are a few gems out there that are massively creative of course, sadly they get shoved on the backburner most times.
I know. Never given a chance. All because of some bureaucrats who are too narrow minded.
YEEESSS!!! Johnny Blaze has entered the MCU!
EDIT: NVM, this is from Agents of SHIELD.
Another thing about Doctor Strange. Just like with Ant-Man I can suggest that you see it in 3D. The visual must certainly benefit from it and thus add a better experience.
logan will be hugh jackman's last x men movie as wolverine so they will probably bring wolverine to the mcu?
I doubt it. They don't take place in the same universe.
You're right Fox owns the rights to x men Fantastic four and Deadpool. so They are independent to the mcu.
I just saw Doctor Strange a few days ago, and I might I say I think it is truly spectacular!!! The visuals were amazing, I loved the characters, I genuinely laughed at the jokes and I've never expressed such shock in a movie before (oddly enough, despite watching films like Final Destination) and the feels ;-; I know that allot of people are saying that the story wasn't very good but I disagree, I thought the story was good from a character development point of view and the message the movie conveyed truly hit me ;-;
telltale should do a x men gane For 2017 I hope it would be announced at the game awards 2016.
That'd be really cool. Who do you think should be the character(s)?
The characters you should play in telltale's x men a new mutant who discovered powers.
I don't think Telltale are going to do a game based off of characters that Marvel don't own the movie rights to. I would not count on a game about X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, etc. That being said, I would have otherwise loved a Deadpool game.
how about a telltale daredevil or blade game and deadpool would nice telltale should go back to doing humorfull games.
I just had this awesome dream where I saw the Defenders fighting together in a Restaurant.
Daredevil and Iron Fist fought multiple ninjas together.
Luke Cage fought the Hand Master alone with none of his enemies sword strikes effecting him at all.
Jessica Jones grabs every ninjas and throwing them away.
It was also pretty nice to see each Defender interacting with one another, with Danny being the most lighthearted of the bunch.
Really can't wait to see The Defenders.
I just read somewhere that there was a leaked document that said that Telltale was working on a Guardians of the Galaxy game aka Blue Harvest. Not sure how much of it is true ofcourse, but that could seriously be true. I would probably love a game with Groot, Rocket etc. Who else would be up for that one?
The Inhumans TV show was announced. It'll air on ABC in 2017 (first 2 episodes also coming to IMAX).
I guess that means the Inhumans movie is RIP.
When they announced Inhumans for Phase 3, I always thought it was the odd one of the bunch. Granted, I thought so too with Guardians of the Galaxy, so the Inhuman movie might have been good.
Looking more into it, it seems that Inhuman was Marvel president Ike's idea and attempt to replicate the X-men movies. Ike has been known to be constantly meddling and interfering, getting into arguments with Feige, Whedon and the actors such as Chris Evans. When Disney separated the Marvel studio from Ike and his Committee, it probably made sense to push the Inhumans movie out of Phase 3 and replace it with Spider-Man: Homecoming and Ant-man and The Wasp.
I do love the irony of learning that the reason Doctor Strange (and all MCU movies going forwards) have a new Marvel Logo sequence is because of a fallout between Marvel Comics (run by the very interfering and FF/X-Men hating Ike Perlmutter) and Marvel Studios (which thanks to a successful bid by Kevin Feige he no longer has to report to Ike and refers directly to Disney, with Marvel Studios now an entirely separate entity). Hence why the logo has live action characters appear in place of the comic flip, they're trying to distance themselves from the comics they're based on.
However Marvel TV is STILL covered by Marvel Comics, which means a greater separation of all future ABC and Netflix shows from the MCU movies outside vague references (boo) but a new relationship with Marvel Studios rival Fox on co-projects, hence why Legion and another X-Men based show is being made, and why Fox were able to use Negasonic Teenage Warhead radically differently in Deadpool, despite being nothing like her comic counterpart. Marvel Comics were the ones pushing the Inhumans too (which led to them being focused on and replacing the X-Men in the comics, basically) hence the tv show and use in AOS. And as a result of the feal with Fox there's a relaxation on downplaying the X-Men in the comics, hence the forthcoming Inhumans vs X-Men event leading to a revived and increasingly significant 'X-Men Rebirth' line with comics for Weapon X, X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue, Iceman, Jean Grey and Cable.
Politics, am I right?
A new Spiderman: Homecoming trailer should be arriving shortly tonight on Jimmy Kimmel live.
Also, do you guys want this thread in Telltale Talk or in the Guardians of the Galaxy subforum?
Telltale Talk
Thinking about it, Telltale could do a great Spider-Man game, I guess. But it's not gonna happen since they're already doing GotG.
A Spiderman game would be pretty cool from Telltale, but I have a good feeling about GOTG too. It feels like it has strong potential to be the next Tales from the Borderlands.
Uh, I'm not sure about this movie... If I'm honest, I'm still salty about TASM's cancellation (I enjoyed it) and I'm not feeling this new reboot. I'm not liking the suit and the new stuff they added. I'll still go watch it of course since I love Spidey.