Because they make games based on comics and video games I doubt this will ever happen but ...
I would fucking LOVE for Sim Dating Game with the style of TellTale in its roleplaying factor.
The next best thing is those bad sim dating adult sex games. Or actually good games like ... The Sims franchisr or Japanese Visual Novels.
But it's just that ... with something like a Life Is Strange or TellTale Games style ... (sorry I'm not sure how to call it. RPG or Role Playing Games?) ... A Sim Dating Game can be so much more. Visual Novels are fucking great for that but ...
The potential a role playing video game to make a sim dating game with your own avatar, voices, at least 10 kinds of voices with around 10 heroines ... would be amazing!
Because they make games based on comics and video games I doubt this will ever happen but ...
I would fucking LOVE for Sim Dating Game wi… moreth the style of TellTale in its roleplaying factor.
The next best thing is those bad sim dating adult sex games. Or actually good games like ... The Sims franchisr or Japanese Visual Novels.
But it's just that ... with something like a Life Is Strange or TellTale Games style ... (sorry I'm not sure how to call it. RPG or Role Playing Games?) ... A Sim Dating Game can be so much more. Visual Novels are fucking great for that but ...
The potential a role playing video game to make a sim dating game with your own avatar, voices, at least 10 kinds of voices with around 10 heroines ... would be amazing!
Kind of an oddball suggestion, but Supernatural: The Telltale Series has a cool ring to it! :P
With the way Telltale is able to create stories, I'm sure there could be a really cool paranormal story they could pull out.
This may sound weird but, Bionicle. Anyone here remember that game you could play on the lego Bionicle website where you explored metru nui in first person? Its not like its an impossible idea, they made a minecraft game and Bionicle has a pre-existing storyline that you could work with.
Not sure if it's been suggested before, but I think it would be a great idea if they made a Star Wars series. There's just SO much to explore, and so many different interesting stories they could make. Add excellent dialogue and intense choices to that, and you've got a great experience. Kotor and Kotor 2 are great games, but I think a TellTale game could be even better, with even bigger emphasis on story and character development.
Telltales success derives from good narrative. This in turn stems from an already interesting world with complex characters.
Star Wars is not in this category.
Not sure if it's been suggested before, but I think it would be a great idea if they made a Star Wars series. There's just SO much to explor… moree, and so many different interesting stories they could make. Add excellent dialogue and intense choices to that, and you've got a great experience. Kotor and Kotor 2 are great games, but I think a TellTale game could be even better, with even bigger emphasis on story and character development.
Because I absolutely know telltale devs will read these comments,
I would love to see Telltale dip its feet into the Japanese story telling world. Anime has a rich story and character tradition (ignoring the crowd pleasing garbage of course) that one rarely sees in such large quantities among such a popular medium.
Were I in charge of the next game, I would investigate into making a telltale of Tokyo Ghoul.
Tokyo Ghoul is already a popular Anime (though not up there with Dragon Ball or Naruto probably because the characters don't flash their tits every second episode) that also happens to build a rich world centered around a clandestine minority.
Tokyo ghoul already thrives on its interesting characters and its moral ambiguity to the point that a choice based narrative game could easily be implemented.
Were I in charge, I would experiment with the concept of life as a ghoul and how their day to day routine is fraught with constant moral dilemmas, more so as Aogiri rises in the background.
Logistically, the project would need nothing more than to modify their art style to suit the manga image. Due to basing it off the Anime, the team could hire original voice actors for any cameo characters, not having to waste resources hunting down specific actors.
It may be an unusual undertaking but it would allow them to dip into the Anime audience whilst not having to suffer the constant glaring judgment that would come from fans of more popular Anime.
......or they could always make a super man game. Because WEEEEE! superheroes!
Telltales success derives from good narrative. This in turn stems from an already interesting world with complex characters.
Star Wars is not in this category.
I updated the title to where the second "for" is now "about." Over the time, we had to keep editing the thread title to be more blunt as people would over look it.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Have you character that is present through the 4 films, and who serves with Jack Sparrow and Barbossa.
He is a young man, who grew up on the streets of London, and who escapes to sea to become a sailor, who then becomes a Pirate, after his Captain betrays him and leaves him to die.
Over the course of the first Season, the question lingers is who will he become? Will he become a benevolent Pirate like Jack Sparrow, a ruthless survivor like Barbossa, or an all out murderous villain like Davy Jones, or Cutler Beckettt?
Another series that I think would be cool is a Wolverine series, based on the first Wolverine Origins film.
A game about Legend of Zelda. There's so many possibilities: you can set the main character as Zelda, Link or another new character, use a new universe and/or storyline, since all games of LoZ are unrelated to each other...
The only problem is that you have to get the rights from Nintendo first...
A game about Legend of Zelda. There's so many possibilities: you can set the main character as Zelda, Link or another new character, use a n… moreew universe and/or storyline, since all games of LoZ are unrelated to each other...
The only problem is that you have to get the rights from Nintendo first...
I updated the title to where the second "for" is now "about." Over the time, we had to keep editing the thread title to be more blunt as people would over look it.
blade runner
the witcher
a game like life is strange , because i liked the high school theme
from dusk till dawn or natural born killers - because i liked the road movie theme
kill bill
Sorry, but I don't think that you could relate, for example, "LoZ: Spirit Tracks" and "LoZ: Skyward Sword". There's just no way. It is a classic story, in both cases, but in different universe.
Sorry, but I don't think that you could relate, for example, "LoZ: Spirit Tracks" and "LoZ: Skyward Sword". There's just no way. It is a classic story, in both cases, but in different universe.
Nope. Spirit Tracks is only related to Phantom Hourglass. Others games, like "A Link to the Past", "Ocarina of Time" and "Twilight Princess", are relating different versions of the same story (Link VS Ganondorf), with some major differences between each version (like time travel in Ocarina of Time).
But you don't have enough proofs to place them in the same universe.
I'm pretty sure they are all connected. They are just all in different time periods or something like that.
I'm pretty sure Skyward Sword takes place the earliest in the timeline.
I would actually love to them do something in the Warcraft-universe, maybe some of the lesser known stories and what happened prior to what's told/shown in the quest lines. Maybe something from the original alliance (Alterac, Dalaran, Gilneas, Kul'Tiras, Lordaeron, Stormwind and Stromgarde) or, better yet, What happened in Gnomeregan! (I Gnomes)
I also feel like they should make another Monkey Island-game, man that was great!
Their engine can't handle the speed. The same with Superman.
A TellTalegames based on the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill...imagine the possibilities.
Because they make games based on comics and video games I doubt this will ever happen but ...
I would fucking LOVE for Sim Dating Game with the style of TellTale in its roleplaying factor.
The next best thing is those bad sim dating adult sex games. Or actually good games like ... The Sims franchisr or Japanese Visual Novels.
But it's just that ... with something like a Life Is Strange or TellTale Games style ... (sorry I'm not sure how to call it. RPG or Role Playing Games?) ... A Sim Dating Game can be so much more. Visual Novels are fucking great for that but ...
The potential a role playing video game to make a sim dating game with your own avatar, voices, at least 10 kinds of voices with around 10 heroines ... would be amazing!
No... Please no...
Breaking Bad and Dexter. That would complete my holy quadrinity of TV shows.
Kind of an oddball suggestion, but Supernatural: The Telltale Series has a cool ring to it! :P
With the way Telltale is able to create stories, I'm sure there could be a really cool paranormal story they could pull out.
This may sound weird but, Bionicle. Anyone here remember that game you could play on the lego Bionicle website where you explored metru nui in first person? Its not like its an impossible idea, they made a minecraft game and Bionicle has a pre-existing storyline that you could work with.
Aw come on. Why not? Have you played Batman x Catwoman? Tell me you don't like that.
No I haven't played that.
And I'm fine with a bit of romance.
But I'd rather them keep sex out of their games.
Thinking about super hero's... Spiderman would be awesome to have as a TellTale Game one day!
It's possible (but unlikely) that their new MARVEL game is a Spiderman one.
But I doubt it.
I wonder, if Chris was still here, if he wished he could alter the title of this thread.
I know it bothers me every time I read it.
What's wrong with the title?
And who's Chris?
Double "for"s always bug me. Chris is the OP's name.
I definitely would like them to consider making a franchise for the Star Trek universe! That would be very interesting as well as fun to play.
Now, I'm not talking about the reboot Star Trek, I'm talking about The Original Series Star Trek!
Dark souls would be nice, maybe a story about Artorias if possible. Maybe
Not sure if it's been suggested before, but I think it would be a great idea if they made a Star Wars series. There's just SO much to explore, and so many different interesting stories they could make. Add excellent dialogue and intense choices to that, and you've got a great experience. Kotor and Kotor 2 are great games, but I think a TellTale game could be even better, with even bigger emphasis on story and character development.
Telltales success derives from good narrative. This in turn stems from an already interesting world with complex characters.
Star Wars is not in this category.
Because I absolutely know telltale devs will read these comments,
I would love to see Telltale dip its feet into the Japanese story telling world. Anime has a rich story and character tradition (ignoring the crowd pleasing garbage of course) that one rarely sees in such large quantities among such a popular medium.
Were I in charge of the next game, I would investigate into making a telltale of Tokyo Ghoul.
Tokyo Ghoul is already a popular Anime (though not up there with Dragon Ball or Naruto probably because the characters don't flash their tits every second episode) that also happens to build a rich world centered around a clandestine minority.
Tokyo ghoul already thrives on its interesting characters and its moral ambiguity to the point that a choice based narrative game could easily be implemented.
Were I in charge, I would experiment with the concept of life as a ghoul and how their day to day routine is fraught with constant moral dilemmas, more so as Aogiri rises in the background.
Logistically, the project would need nothing more than to modify their art style to suit the manga image. Due to basing it off the Anime, the team could hire original voice actors for any cameo characters, not having to waste resources hunting down specific actors.
It may be an unusual undertaking but it would allow them to dip into the Anime audience whilst not having to suffer the constant glaring judgment that would come from fans of more popular Anime.
......or they could always make a super man game. Because WEEEEE! superheroes!
Minecraft has no characters and doesn't really have an interesting world but they still managed to make a great game out of it.
I think they should make an Assassin's Creed game.
I updated the title to where the second "for" is now "about." Over the time, we had to keep editing the thread title to be more blunt as people would over look it.
I agree. The story they could make with AC's universe would be masterful.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Have you character that is present through the 4 films, and who serves with Jack Sparrow and Barbossa.
He is a young man, who grew up on the streets of London, and who escapes to sea to become a sailor, who then becomes a Pirate, after his Captain betrays him and leaves him to die.
Over the course of the first Season, the question lingers is who will he become? Will he become a benevolent Pirate like Jack Sparrow, a ruthless survivor like Barbossa, or an all out murderous villain like Davy Jones, or Cutler Beckettt?
Another series that I think would be cool is a Wolverine series, based on the first Wolverine Origins film.
A game about Legend of Zelda. There's so many possibilities: you can set the main character as Zelda, Link or another new character, use a new universe and/or storyline, since all games of LoZ are unrelated to each other...
The only problem is that you have to get the rights from Nintendo first...
Or Telltale's Marvel game could be Deadpool.
Infamous: the Telltale Series.
It could work...
Actually, they do all connect... I just can't remember how.
I wasn't too serious about it, but thank you.
id like:
blade runner
the witcher
a game like life is strange , because i liked the high school theme
from dusk till dawn or natural born killers - because i liked the road movie theme
kill bill
and every type of police quest (old sierra adventures) or other investigation game
or some space exploration game like mark wattney movie
I'll go ahead and make a list right now.
The Wire
Breaking Bad
True Blood
The Butterfly Effect
Sorry, but I don't think that you could relate, for example, "LoZ: Spirit Tracks" and "LoZ: Skyward Sword". There's just no way. It is a classic story, in both cases, but in different universe.
I'm pretty sure they are all connected. They are just all in different time periods or something like that.
I'm pretty sure Skyward Sword takes place the earliest in the timeline.
Nope. Spirit Tracks is only related to Phantom Hourglass. Others games, like "A Link to the Past", "Ocarina of Time" and "Twilight Princess", are relating different versions of the same story (Link VS Ganondorf), with some major differences between each version (like time travel in Ocarina of Time).
But you don't have enough proofs to place them in the same universe.
I would actually love to them do something in the Warcraft-universe, maybe some of the lesser known stories and what happened prior to what's told/shown in the quest lines. Maybe something from the original alliance (Alterac, Dalaran, Gilneas, Kul'Tiras, Lordaeron, Stormwind and Stromgarde) or, better yet, What happened in Gnomeregan! (I
Gnomes) 
I also feel like they should make another Monkey Island-game, man that was great!
I love the first 2 games. Don't like Second Son, though.
A series for telltale would be good to do true blood. It would be a long series because there were 7 seasons
I haven't played Second Son or New Light yet.
A Spider-man serie ?
Maybe a little similar than Batman but it could be great !