The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Its pre america Halloween is based on samhain it can arguably be traced back to neolithic times and it comes from the uk just like the easter bunny

    I hate halloween and genuinely dont get it. Why do we do it in England. You just get chavs knocking at the door demanding sweet cos it's "ha

  • Use an emulator on PC.

    I wish I still had a PS2.

  • That's the first time I've gotten more then one group of trick or treater's at my door in one night.

  • N64 Mario Kart absolutely killed my eyes, one giant pixel

    Isn't it a shitty quality because of the tv screen you use? I wondered the same lately when playing Battlefront 2 with my bro.

    Spent my saturday night playing, Golden eye, mario kart n64, star wars battlefront 2, worms 4, wii mario kart. When you go back and play

  • Played them on an HD TV or an old CRT TV?

    Spent my saturday night playing, Golden eye, mario kart n64, star wars battlefront 2, worms 4, wii mario kart. When you go back and play

  • On both, both hurt my eyes

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Played them on an HD TV or an old CRT TV?

  • I may be late but...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I figure you guys should know, it's my birthday!

  • edited October 2016

    I almost never get any every year. lol The street I live in is always a ghost town since there's streets that's far more active with the décor and all. If no one comes to the door, we eat the treats we bought for ourselves. xD

    Anyway, Happy Halloween folks.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's the first time I've gotten more then one group of trick or treater's at my door in one night.

  • edited October 2016

    I see. This is honestly why nowadays I plug a 360 controller to my PC and replay older games via emulators like Project 64, PCSX and Dolphin. At least gaming on the PS2 and Wii becomes a bit more bearable with component cables. Unfortunately for us pal users, we got screwed with the N64, unless you mod it. If not, it's composite cables + 25 to 15 FPS, because in pal regions we were stuck with 50Hz. So a game like Ocarina Of Time, which displayed at 60Hz and ran at 20fps in Japan and the US/NTSC regions, while in Europe it got cut to 50Hz and so it ran at 15fps.

    On both, both hurt my eyes

  • Halloween is a degenerate shitshow, but I quite like it.

    I hate halloween and genuinely dont get it. Why do we do it in England. You just get chavs knocking at the door demanding sweet cos it's "ha

  • If I eat anything, I get horrible nausea.

    Maybe Halloween actually is a good day to get that. I won't be tempted to eat much, if anything. Happy Halloween, y'all.

  • Haha, remember me bitching about this?

    enter image description here

    Well guess what, now it's 2.

    enter image description here

  • New Metallica song, released on Halloween.

  • Still could be a lot worse.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Haha, remember me bitching about this? Well guess what, now it's 2.

  • I just got the candy bowl ready for the Trick-Or-Treaters this year. As is custom, I tried one of each kind of candy first, to make sure it isn't poisoned or anything. I apparently got too many varieties of candy this year, as my tummy is now expressing. Resist! :)

    If I eat anything, I get horrible nausea. Maybe Halloween actually is a good day to get that. I won't be tempted to eat much, if anything. Happy Halloween, y'all.

  • It still might be, just wait.

    Still could be a lot worse.

  • Can't login on mobile, signin area is out of the screen.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2016

    One thing in particular I like about Halloween is getting to eat the extra/leftover candy that wasn't handed out. I'm currently eating some Kits Kats AND OHMYGGGGOOOODDDD IT'S SO AMAZING.

  • edited October 2016

    Mine is stuck at 16.

    I think that means that you haven't seen one of your notifications yet, so it keeps the number there...

    So if you want to fix it, you need to check through your entire feed until you find it.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Haha, remember me bitching about this? Well guess what, now it's 2.

  • Happy Halloween everyone!

    I had a great time, I hope you did too!

  • Haha, perfect avatar!

    Happy Halloween everyone! I had a great time, I hope you did too!

  • I just finished watching the first 2 volumes of Superman: TAS. I just need to finish volume 3 and I'll be done. This series does a fucking awesome job with Superman and his rogues gallery: Lex Luthor, Metallo, Brainiac, etc.

    Can't wait to see some more of Darkseid. And I also hope I see General Zod or Doomsday.

  • it comes from the uk just like the easter bunny

    I knew he had a British accent!

    Take that, incredulous aunt!

    Its pre america Halloween is based on samhain it can arguably be traced back to neolithic times and it comes from the uk just like the easter bunny

  • edited October 2016

    If I eat anything, I get horrible nausea.

    Not the best survival strategy, is it! :joy:

    Edited section

    I don't want to come across as rude. Did you mean that you'll get nausea if you eat right now because you have eaten a lot of candy already?

    If I eat anything, I get horrible nausea. Maybe Halloween actually is a good day to get that. I won't be tempted to eat much, if anything. Happy Halloween, y'all.

  • edited October 2016

    I just want to know, from a secondary source: A few months ago I made a thread in June about the current Hitman game of this year. ( I liked it (was my first Hitman game ever), and figured to spread the news, and get to know other people here who might have enjoyed it too. So, it was created, and was regularly updated over the course of many months with news about the new episode releases, dev. posts and current and upcoming events (to this day).
    The problem? There hasn't been any activity on the thread since it's creation, apart from about a hundred views. I enjoyed making this thread and editing it with new things that were released, it was fun to organise and update its content based on recent developments about the game.
    But was it right? Should I have kept putting effort into it, knowing that no one payed any attention to it at all, and it was only ever seen by my eyes? I wanted to bring this up for a while now, but never got around to posting this. (Maybe I'm doing this to revitalize it, maybe it's because I want to see if I should shut it down, maybe both. But to be honest, I don't really know why it took me so long to get to this point.) Anyway, I just want your guys' opinion on the matter because it seemed like a hobby that needed an outsider's point of view. I think I'll keep updating it either way (even if nothing changes about this situation), because it's just a thing I've gotten used to. And I'm ok with that.
    P.S: Probably don't need to say this but; Don't just start posting there for pity, please I don't want that.

  • I'm guessing you haven't eaten those in a while?

    One thing in particular I like about Halloween is getting to eat the extra/leftover candy that wasn't handed out. I'm currently eating some Kits Kats AND OHMYGGGGOOOODDDD IT'S SO AMAZING.

  • It looks like all you did was edit the top post. That doesn't bump the thread, so it's unlikely to be noticed. When you have new news on a thread you're maintaining, it will get more attention if you add a message to it, which will bump it up to the top again.

    I don't know the game myself, so I'm not a good judge of if it's the sort of game that's worth keeping the Telltale community informed. You could have written a non-spoilery mini-review of what it's about and what you liked and hated about it for people like me who are out of the loop and too lazy to look it up.

    AChicken posted: »

    I just want to know, from a secondary source: A few months ago I made a thread in June about the current Hitman game of this year. (https://

  • To add onto what WarpSpeed said, you might have made the thread during a period of downtime. You can have a free pass to bump your thread anytime you add something new to discuss.

    AChicken posted: »

    I just want to know, from a secondary source: A few months ago I made a thread in June about the current Hitman game of this year. (https://

  • Hahahahahahaa...

    enter image description here

    ...hahahha... haha...

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Haha, remember me bitching about this? Well guess what, now it's 2.

  • edited November 2016

  • Hiyaaa!! I'm new to this stuff so pleaseee be friendly. I loveee the walking dead and stuff so I like talkin bout that

  • Why I love skyrim

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Oh, you're not rude at all!

    When I posted that, I had eaten a small lunch, got horrible nausea, and had to get picked up from school. Then after the nausea wore off, I got hungry, so I ate some oatmeal. Nausea came back. Hours later, mom told me to eat something, so I ate 5 crackers. Nausea came back and is so bad I'm staying home from school. Halloween was last night and I still haven't eaten a bite of my candy, unfortunately.

    I haven't had anything to eat at all today because I'm nauseous. It's kind of annoying.

    If I eat anything, I get horrible nausea. Not the best survival strategy, is it! Edited section I don't want to come across

  • See, my parents just bought mini rice krispy treats to keep my dad from doing exactly that.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I just got the candy bowl ready for the Trick-Or-Treaters this year. As is custom, I tried one of each kind of candy first, to make sure it

  • Yuppers, same here. Again. :/

    It's down more than a zombie's pants.

    papai46 posted: »

    Can't login on mobile, signin area is out of the screen.


    "The latest recruit."

    Why I love skyrim

  • Hai.

    Hiyaaa!! I'm new to this stuff so pleaseee be friendly. I loveee the walking dead and stuff so I like talkin bout that

  • Well Halloween was completely traumatizing and drove me back into a depressive state, but at least The Walking Dead will be out this month!

  • So? PS2 is still one of the greatest consoles of all time and some people prefer the OG.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    What for? Most (good) PS2 games can be purchased and downloaded onto a newer console.

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