Yes, but I have trouble getting up if I haven't had enough sleep.
Would you rather eat glass, or have your eye beaten to death?
(If you know what this is from you get a free slice of cake)
I say Zanzarah. Its folklor-ish music and story is simple, but there are hidden lore I'd like to add! Kids would love a calming, relaxing game focusing on fairies and myths.
Either Yato from Noragami, Mira Forrester from Telltale's Game of Thrones or Daenerys Stormborn from Game of Thrones. Hard to pick between those three.
I was being sarcastic. SR4 isn't an episode of TWD show.
But yes, I have.
There is one I know of...
Yeah, me.
Hmm I guess I'll ask the next question.
Favorite fictional character?
Marvel or DC?
Chocolate cake. Yay or nay?
Are you HYPED for Pokemon Sun and Moon????
Fuck no. I hate Pokemon.
Would you rather have telepathy or telekinesis?
Do you like waking up early?
I'm sorry if I sounded rude lol. I just don't, and never did, like Pokemon in general.
Yes, but I have trouble getting up if I haven't had enough sleep.
Would you rather eat glass, or have your eye beaten to death?
(If you know what this is from you get a free slice of cake)
Have my eye beaten, because I could die from eating glass.
Vanilla or chocolate?
... You could die from having your eye beaten to death, too.
TWD Season 2.
The eye beating part happened in episode 3, and the eating glass part is a reference to episode 5.
Sandwiches or cereal?
No, I'd just be half blind.
If Kenny can survive that, why can't I?
Because... He got luck, real lucky.
Anyway, here's the cake I promised.

Well, you get twice the cake.

Sandwiches, but they're both good.
Would you rather wanna be loved as a hero or feared as a villain?
Loved as a hero.
If you could make one sequel to a videogame, which videogame would it be?
I say Zanzarah. Its folklor-ish music and story is simple, but there are hidden lore I'd like to add! Kids would love a calming, relaxing game focusing on fairies and myths.
Hamburger or cheeseburger?
Hamburger. I hate cheese.
If you could change just one thing in your appearance, what would it be?
My nose.
Do you consider yourself ugly,average, or beautiful?
Well, I'd like to think I'm average, but I don't know.
I'm thinking of a Telltale game that came after Back to the Future, but before The Wolf Among Us... What is it?
Jurassic Park?
If you could find out when you're going to die, would you?
So, how's your day going?
(I answered while someone typed theirs)
Answer for JonDee013 - Nah, not sure why anyone would. I'll just wait for the inevitable.
Answer for TheAutisticGamer - Okay so far, very bored at work.
Next Question - If you could be any fictional character from anything. Movies/TV Shows/Books/Comics/Manga/Games etc.. Who would you be?
It's The Walking Dead... But you already knew that, didn't you?
I thought that was too obvious
Either Yato from Noragami, Mira Forrester from Telltale's Game of Thrones or Daenerys Stormborn from Game of Thrones. Hard to pick between those three.
Which show do you despise the most?
The Big Bang Theory.
What's your favourite Netflix original series?
I... Completely forgot about Jurassic Park...
Stranger Things.
Are you excited for Telltale's Game of Thrones Season 2?
Hell yeah!
If the zombie apocalypse started,would you mind riding a horse as a mount?
I wouldn't mind riding a horse at all.
Favorite TFTBL character?
EDIT: sorry, didn't mean to reply.
Yes I am very excited for that but i think we will have to wait a long time.
What do you think of Nintendo Switch so far?
It looks alright
If you were a mage, would you rather be able to cast fire spells, or ice spells?
Ice spells . Do you like Chinese food ?