The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I love and value that sword more than my own life.

    One of the first things I wanted to do was get one of my favourite all time skyrim swords back as quick as I could There she is - 'DAWNBREAKER'. Now to do Meridia's bidding

  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here
    Fuck my school

  • Thank you sooo much xx

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Welcome to the forums! There is a special forum where lots of people are talking about The Walking Dead. If you go out to the main Communi

  • Sometimes it can take several ingame days for the event to trigger. Also try sleeping in different holds until you're kidnapped or just keep playing until a courier comes up to you to deliver the note then go to sleep.

    Yes. Multiple times.

  • Looks interesting, the first train car made me think this could work well as a puzzle game.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cartoon Network has released a new animated pilot on their YouTube channel called Infinity Train and it stars Tulip, who is voiced by none o

  • Since I killed Grelod I have:

    • Built a mansion outside of Falkreath.
    • Adopted 2 Children
    • Married Sylgia of Shor's Stone
    • Took over Whiterun with the Stormcloaks
    • Went through most of the Thieve's Guild questline
    • Wandered aimlessly through different towns buying things and waiting for the courier.
    • Became a werewolf in the Companions questline
    • Slept multiple different times in multiple different cities
    • Went to Morrowind/Raven Rock to try and play through the Dragonborn questline and got my ass handed to me.
    • Wandered around aimlessly in cities some more
    • Discovered 65 locations
    • Slayed 13 dragons
    • Found 5 shouts
    • and Visited Aventus Arentino like 30 more times to see if he was bugged or some shit.

    I feel like I would have been kidnapped by Astrid by now.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Sometimes it can take several ingame days for the event to trigger. Also try sleeping in different holds until you're kidnapped or just keep playing until a courier comes up to you to deliver the note then go to sleep.

  • I have just finished watching all of the episodes of Superman: TAS!

    God damn, this series blew my expectations out of the fuckin' water. All of the villains in that show rocked: Lex Luthor, Darkseid, Brainiac, and even the minor villains like Metallo, the Parasite and Toyman. And this version of Superman dosen't feel dumbed down or overpowered, or anything like that. They made him just like he needs to be.

    I'd rank this series a solid 10/10. A definite must-watch for any Superman fan, or just anyone who wants to be into Superman in general.

  • I love how one robot-half has a Gortys level of positivity.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cartoon Network has released a new animated pilot on their YouTube channel called Infinity Train and it stars Tulip, who is voiced by none o

  • So I ate a piece of Halloween candy, finally.

    Aaaaaand, there's the guilt setting in, just as I expected it to.

    Why do I do this to myself

  • Can't stop watching this it's hilarious. xDD

  • You've got nothing to feel guilty over. As long as you have a balanced diet and get enough exercise, there's nothing wrong with having a bit of junk food every now and then.

    So I ate a piece of Halloween candy, finally. Aaaaaand, there's the guilt setting in, just as I expected it to. Why do I do this to myself

  • Can't stop watching this it's hilarious. xDD
    it's hilarious. xDD

    enter image description here

    Can't stop watching this it's hilarious. xDD

  • My friend Jonny posted on Twitter publicly saying he shipped me and a girl I liked, gonna have fun explaining this to her.

  • Chew it and spit it out that way you get the taste but not the calories.

    So I ate a piece of Halloween candy, finally. Aaaaaand, there's the guilt setting in, just as I expected it to. Why do I do this to myself

  • Isn't that the self conscious high school girl way of eating?

    Chew it and spit it out that way you get the taste but not the calories.

  • You have any better ideas?

    Isn't that the self conscious high school girl way of eating?

  • No, I was just making a joke. Your idea is fine.

    You have any better ideas?

  • Well shit.

    You playing on PC or console?

    If you're on PC you can just type "setstage dbEntranceQuest 20" in the console commands. Doing this will have a courier come up to you with the warning note and you can just sleep at a local inn to get kidnapped.

    But if you're on console... RIP your Skyrim hopes and dreams I guess.

    Since I killed Grelod I have: * Built a mansion outside of Falkreath. * Adopted 2 Children * Married Sylgia of Shor's Stone * Took o

  • I'm confused on why you bothered to say this. He clearly said that whoever wants it should PM him for the code. Why would he randomly decide to give it to you?

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Edit: Decided to remove this comment.

  • "You see what he actually meant was that he likes to picture us as boats. He draws us like one of his French boats all the time he's not insinuating a possible romance. That'd be silly. Heh, heh...ha."

    My friend Jonny posted on Twitter publicly saying he shipped me and a girl I liked, gonna have fun explaining this to her.

  • edited November 2016

    Well it's the best way I can respond at this point.


    enter image description here


    dojo32161 posted: »

    "You see what he actually meant was that he likes to picture us as boats. He draws us like one of his French boats all the time he's not insinuating a possible romance. That'd be silly. Heh, heh...ha."

  • I'm thankfully on PC.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well shit. You playing on PC or console? If you're on PC you can just type "setstage dbEntranceQuest 20" in the console commands. Doin


    Can't stop watching this it's hilarious. xDD it's hilarious. xDD xDD

  • Then just type in that command without the quotations and everything should be hunky dory!

    I'm thankfully on PC.

  • He's monitoring you, sorry to say but you're a doomed sailor. The only thing you can hope for is that she likes you back as either a good friend, enough to tolerate you, or, dare I say, loves you back?

    Well it's the best way I can respond at this point. UPDATE: Fuck.

  • edited November 2016

    Because were friends on Xbox. I said this because I thought that he might give it to someone random. But I guess I should remove my comment since everyone thinks it's pointless.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm confused on why you bothered to say this. He clearly said that whoever wants it should PM him for the code. Why would he randomly decide to give it to you?

  • Oh well that explains it. I apologise if I sounded like an ass :P

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Because were friends on Xbox. I said this because I thought that he might give it to someone random. But I guess I should remove my comment since everyone thinks it's pointless.

  • No it's fine. You didn't need to apologize but I actually really appreciate it since I barely ever get apologies.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh well that explains it. I apologise if I sounded like an ass :P

  • I'm sure you'll feel less guilty if you eat more at a faster rate.

    So I ate a piece of Halloween candy, finally. Aaaaaand, there's the guilt setting in, just as I expected it to. Why do I do this to myself

  • edited November 2016

    or, dare I say, loves you back?


    She would never.

    Seriously though, she's perfect in nearly every way and way better than me, like hell she'd feel the same.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    He's monitoring you, sorry to say but you're a doomed sailor. The only thing you can hope for is that she likes you back as either a good friend, enough to tolerate you, or, dare I say, loves you back?

  • edited November 2016

    We're friends on Xbox? When did this happen? XD

    Wait I remember, it's just your user is different I got confused

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Because were friends on Xbox. I said this because I thought that he might give it to someone random. But I guess I should remove my comment since everyone thinks it's pointless.

  • edited November 2016

    Well I am officially bored.... Can't play Skyrim till bethesda patches it. All my npc's are slowly disappearing. I can't even do the companions or the thieves guild at this point and thieves guild is my favorite quest line lol. So safe to say I won't be able to play it for atleast a few days because god knows when the patch will hit consoles.

    I don't have any other game I'm really into playing right now except maybe for Resident evil since I picked it and RE zero up during the halloween sale on xbox.

  • edited November 2016

    I watch them occasionally. I'm still waiting for Ross and Dan to continue playing the new Kings Quest.

    I don't know if any of you guys watch Game Grumps, but they have a series going on right now where Arin had to record alone and he's playing

  • Let's play rock paper scissors...

    ... It's something to do...

    Well I am officially bored.... Can't play Skyrim till bethesda patches it. All my npc's are slowly disappearing. I can't even do the compani

  • That sucks.

    Since i've had zero problems

    Well I am officially bored.... Can't play Skyrim till bethesda patches it. All my npc's are slowly disappearing. I can't even do the compani

  • I still have a xbox code for GEARS OF WAR 3 to give away. PM me if you're interested.

  • edited November 2016

    (my video)

    (community video)

  • So they're uploading vines to Youtube now? That's great...

    Can't stop watching this it's hilarious. xDD

  • She'll like you out of pity.

    or, dare I say, loves you back? Gasp. She would never. Seriously though, she's perfect in nearly every way and way better than me, like hell she'd feel the same.

  • So cold. Now wonder it'll be snowing next week.

    papai46 posted: »

    She'll like you out of pity.

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