The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hilarious.

    papai46 posted: »

    She'll like you out of pity.

  • I know right? I miss the Ross and Dan pairings on Steam Train, especially the Kings Quest episodes. Who knows, maybe Dan is bitter towards Ross after Mario Maker.

    I watch them occasionally. I'm still waiting for Ross and Dan to continue playing the new Kings Quest.

  • They had to bring their cancer somewhere after Vine closed, might as well bring it to the dying shithole that is YouTube.

    papai46 posted: »

    So they're uploading vines to Youtube now? That's great...

  • Yo, it looked like in your video you had the second shout in the Fire Breath thing. Where did you get that? I've been looking all over.

    (my video) (community video)

  • Now that's some karmic justice, right there.

    (my video) (community video)

  • I strongly recommend playing Resident Evil HD. It's a damn fine game and a necessary remaster.

    Well I am officially bored.... Can't play Skyrim till bethesda patches it. All my npc's are slowly disappearing. I can't even do the compani

  • Yeah. It affects some people more than others. Just keep an eye out for you citizens. You never know when they could disappear

    That sucks. Since i've had zero problems

  • Cool. Sombra's been revealed. I like her design.

  • I can't remember :joy: sorry mate

    Yo, it looked like in your video you had the second shout in the Fire Breath thing. Where did you get that? I've been looking all over.

  • You're definitely right. I have a ton of Halloween candy, and I was trying to pace myself... I get tons of exercise and eat pretty well. I don't even know why I feel guilty lmao

    You've got nothing to feel guilty over. As long as you have a balanced diet and get enough exercise, there's nothing wrong with having a bit of junk food every now and then.

  • Damn.

    I can't remember sorry mate

  • Wish it had an "Original Voice Acting" option though.

    I strongly recommend playing Resident Evil HD. It's a damn fine game and a necessary remaster.

  • I enjoy watching tennis.

  • FUCK Papa Johns! No one ever order from them EVER! I pre-order at 3:30 for them to get here at 7 and it's almost an hour later and still NOTHING! I've called and they don't give a shit but I want some pizza and I'm gonna get it, but this is the absolute last time I'll ever order from them again.

  • I never liked their pizza to begin with.

    BroKenny posted: »

    FUCK Papa Johns! No one ever order from them EVER! I pre-order at 3:30 for them to get here at 7 and it's almost an hour later and still NOT

  • Same here. I can't believe they took out the OG Jill Sandwich line, as well as Wesker's "WHAT A MANSION!" line. Other than that it's a perfect remaster, it just should have followed in the MC Collection's footsteps.

    Johro posted: »

    Wish it had an "Original Voice Acting" option though.

  • Whoa dude, no need to get so triggered over a pizza place. I've ordered from places before and they've brought food with cheese on it even though I specifically ordered without cheese (Allergies), and I wasn't too pissed about it. You seem to have some really deep rooted anger issues to be this pissed over some piss-poor service.

    BroKenny posted: »

    FUCK Papa Johns! No one ever order from them EVER! I pre-order at 3:30 for them to get here at 7 and it's almost an hour later and still NOT

  • Just try to distract yourself if you can. Whenever I always feel guilty about small things, I just try to keep myself busy with gaming or writing.

    You're definitely right. I have a ton of Halloween candy, and I was trying to pace myself... I get tons of exercise and eat pretty well. I don't even know why I feel guilty lmao

  • edited November 2016

    George R. R. Martin weighs in on the election (now get back to writing Winds of Winter George, I wanna read it sometime this decade)

    In my lifetime, there has never been a presidential candidate more unfit to lead this nation.

    You don't need to like Hillary. You don't need to listen to what Hillary says about Trump, or what I say about Trump. You just need to listen to Trump. If you can do that, and still consider voting for him... well...

    Pappy Bush lost an election by looking at his watch. Michael Dukakis lost an election by riding around in a tank. Howard Dean lost an election by giving a yeeeehah scream. Trivial things. Insignificant things. Trump, on the other hand, has said the vilest things any presidential candidate has said since George Wallace, and he's rising in the polls.

    He has boasted that he could shoot someone dead on Fifth Avenue and still not lose any votes. I am beginning to think he was right.

  • You're a saint. ❤️❤️

    Just try to distract yourself if you can. Whenever I always feel guilty about small things, I just try to keep myself busy with gaming or writing.

  • is a self conscious high school girl

    Isn't that the self conscious high school girl way of eating?

  • I bought new pants today - a size down (US 10 to US 8). My waist is 29ish inches and I'm very happy about it!

  • I meant no offense to you (or any others like you) of course, I was just making a dumb joke about a stereotype. Don't take what I say personally or seriously please, I really have no intention of hurting anybody's feelings on these forums and most of what I say is just dumb jokes anyway.

    is a self conscious high school girl


    enter image description here


  • Well tbf I had a really long work day and was looking forward to it for 3 days lol. I'm just tired of getting duped by them lol. I did overreact though.

    Whoa dude, no need to get so triggered over a pizza place. I've ordered from places before and they've brought food with cheese on it even t

  • Nah man, I'm just playing! I'm a self conscious teen girl, but the thought of me doing that is laughable. I'd rather just not eat the treat than taunt myself like that lol

    I meant no offense to you (or any others like you) of course, I was just making a dumb joke about a stereotype. Don't take what I say person

  • Yeah, the long work day definitely probably played into it. It's always a super small thing after a shitstorm of bad stuff that sets someone off, I know that from experience.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Well tbf I had a really long work day and was looking forward to it for 3 days lol. I'm just tired of getting duped by them lol. I did overreact though.

  • Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering opponents, supporting ISIS and getting a rapist off scott-free. And this time from an author I happen to respect. Why can one person out there just say "They're both shit, Hillary is kind of worse and we're all fucked" and have that be the end of it? Christ. I would like ONCE to see a Hillary supporter come up with valid reasons for why Trump is the worst thing ever WHILE not discounting the horrid bullshit Hillary has done. Just once!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    George R. R. Martin weighs in on the election (now get back to writing Winds of Winter George, I wanna read it sometime this decade) http

  • Sea of Dreams, Parade, Stars and Advant Gardener are all fucking amazing songs and I'll fight you if you think otherwise m8.


  • I've never heard of them, but I'm willing to play devil's advocate.

    The songs aren't amazing. They suck.


    Sea of Dreams, Parade, Stars and Advant Gardener are all fucking amazing songs and I'll fight you if you think otherwise m8. (ง'̀-'́)ง

  • Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • ....context?

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • Somebody's been watching Bojack, I see. What did you think of the semi final episode (episode 11) of Season 2?

    Sea of Dreams, Parade, Stars and Advant Gardener are all fucking amazing songs and I'll fight you if you think otherwise m8. (ง'̀-'́)ง

  • Papa Bless

    BroKenny posted: »

    FUCK Papa Johns! No one ever order from them EVER! I pre-order at 3:30 for them to get here at 7 and it's almost an hour later and still NOT

  • [Removes Moderator Badge]

    "Fight! Fight Fight!"

    DillonDex posted: »

    I've never heard of them, but I'm willing to play devil's advocate. The songs aren't amazing. They suck. (ง'̀-'́)ง

  • enter image description here

    [Removes Moderator Badge] "Fight! Fight Fight!"

  • You almost sound like Kenny himself.

    BroKenny posted: »

    FUCK Papa Johns! No one ever order from them EVER! I pre-order at 3:30 for them to get here at 7 and it's almost an hour later and still NOT

  • edited November 2016

    I actually finished the whole series (so far). Episode 11 of Season 2 fucking wrecked me emotionally, but it was still as fantastic and beautiful as the rest of the series. It wasn't until Episode 10 of Season 3 when the series got me to cry or give a standing ovation (in my bedroom at 4 AM while my family was asleep...). The only exception being the intro to the Season 1 finale. That was too fucking much.

    EDIT: I also love the very subtle running joke about how Bojack says "What are you doing here?" every now and again after the beginning few episodes of Season 2. Oh who the fuck am I kidding I love every running joke this series is one of the best, most clever and most well written things I've ever seen.

    Somebody's been watching Bojack, I see. What did you think of the semi final episode (episode 11) of Season 2?

  • It wasn't until Episode 10 of Season 3 when the series got me to cry or give a standing ovation (in my bedroom at 4 AM while my family was asleep...).

    I think I know what moment you're talking about. It was a good speech.

    Fun fact if you didn't know, the creators only use the F word once per season (the one that happened between episodes doesn't count) and I believe it's only used whenever someone's cutting ties with Bojack.

    I actually finished the whole series (so far). Episode 11 of Season 2 fucking wrecked me emotionally, but it was still as fantastic and beau

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