The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Given this isn't a GIF of a confused Christian Bale, sure thing buddy!

    Poor narrative: Spiderman- wimpy teen gets super powers and uses it to fight bad guys while pursuing love interest
    Captain America-wimpy 20th century teen gets super powers and uses it to fight bad guys while pursuing love interest
    Thor- Let's rip off the Poetic Edda because nobody remembers it.
    Hulk- Let's rip off the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because only some people remember it.
    Iron man- Let's rip off bat man, because who cares? These idiots will eat up anything!
    Avengers- We've ran out of ideas for super heroes!

    Misogyny: Take a Marvel comic and press it against a feminist, if she goes red: test is positive.

    Theft of creative material: Ask yourself how many super heroes out of the ones Stan Lee takes credit for were originally his ideas. If your answer is all of them: you might want to check again.

    Laziness: In all honesty, I could be wrong. It might be incompetence, but I like to have faith in people.

    Blasphemy: That was a joke..........ha. ha. ha.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    That's some pretty big accusations. Care to elaborate? I'm not necessarily defending them, i'd just like to know more.

  • I'm still buried in work. Just had to take a little time off to check in with the TellTale family.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I figured you were just buried in senior class work. I guess they let you come up for air! Remember, only two months left to be a happylovelyperson in 2016!

  • I hope! I am super ready for s3!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Welcome back! You're just in time for TWD S3, which should/hopefully be releasing this month.

  • edited November 2016


  • But I have other games I want to play!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Why are you trying to resist? Don't fight it... Join it...

  • When I click 'view comment' on a reply someone made to one of my comments but it just redirects me to the latest page of the thread.

  • Memes- And I thought sarcasm was the lowest form.

  • edited November 2016

    Great comment friend, added a lot to the thread.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Memes- And I thought sarcasm was the lowest form.

  • What?

    crutchwork posted: »

    Memes- And I thought sarcasm was the lowest form.

  • Try tracking it to the date it was posted.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    When I click 'view comment' on a reply someone made to one of my comments but it just redirects me to the latest page of the thread.

  • Went to see it this afternoon! Agreed about the visuals-- terrific in 3D IMAX. Cumberbatch delivered to expectations, and I always love Tilda Swinton.

    I was also thinking during the movie how well Disney/Marvel is pacing all this lead up to Infinity War. I think that the ideas of Doctor Strange might have been a little too...heh...strange for your average moviegoer if this movie had come out even a couple of years ago. But prior movies have laid a groundwork for this one to have the best chance of succeeding. I'd shake my fist at Disney for taking so much of my damn money, but I really can't be mad when, like you said, they've been so expertly delivering

    Also was worth the trip to see the new Triple-X trailer on the big screen. Hilarious.

    I just saw Doctor Strange last night. People weren't kidding when they said the visuals were crazy trippy. Marvel continues to really knock it out of the park, especially with more obscure characters like Ant Man, Guardians, Doctor Strange, etc.

  • edited November 2016

    You know what "guy with Lutece picture", you are absolutely right. I have not been pulling my weight in this thread.
    So from now on I am going to start contributing.
    Can I join the internet now?

  • edited November 2016

    EDIT: NVM, it's just a picture of a cat.

    crutchwork posted: »

    You know what "guy with Lutece picture", you are absolutely right. I have not been pulling my weight in this thread. So from now on I am

  • Yeah, I kind of don't know how to post pictures on forums. I don't know if that's something I should be ashamed of or.....

    EDIT: NVM, it's just a picture of a cat.

  • Lowest form of comedy?

    crutchwork posted: »

    Memes- And I thought sarcasm was the lowest form.

  • Right-click on a picture and chose "copy image location" and paste that when you have clicked on the "Image" tab.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Yeah, I kind of don't know how to post pictures on forums. I don't know if that's something I should be ashamed of or.....

  • Oh, thanks. Hold on....

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Right-click on a picture and chose "copy image location" and paste that when you have clicked on the "Image" tab.

  • Ok.....does it only work with certain images?

    crutchwork posted: »

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2016

    When making a new post, you will see buttons above the text box for different options such as Bold, Italic, etc. Find and click the image button. Then, copy and paste the link to the image.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Ok.....does it only work with certain images?

  • got it!


    When making a new post, you will see buttons above the text box for different options such as Bold, Italic, etc. Find and click the image button. Then, copy and paste the link to the image.

  • I did. My comment or the reply was either deleted, or it's somewhere much further back.

    Try tracking it to the date it was posted.

  • Trust me, resisting the urge to play TFTBL again never ends well...

    I'm just kidding, I've never even played the full game.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    But I have other games I want to play!

  • edited November 2016

    My face is so red right now.

    It got really itchy and then I scratched it until it stopped. But then I started feeling warm, and then I looked in the mirror...

    Stupid me.

  • Memes - god's gift


    crutchwork posted: »

    Memes- And I thought sarcasm was the lowest form.

  • So happy my hockey team isn't sucking shit for once.

  • Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • AYY!

    Memes - god's gift fixed

  • Happy two years on the forum Ingen!

    Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • Happy last day of No Trump Or Clinton As Presidents?

    Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • Happy Election Eve! It's like Christmas Eve, if Christmas were the day you've been dreading for a year.

  • Happy Anniversary.

    Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • Oh god, that's today?

    joins prayer circle

    Happy Election Eve! It's like Christmas Eve, if Christmas were the day you've been dreading for a year.

  • I hope Trump wins...

    Happy Election Eve! It's like Christmas Eve, if Christmas were the day you've been dreading for a year.

  • Happy two year anniversary InGen.

    Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • Remember watching this masterpiece when it came out. With skyrim remastered out everyone needs to see this

  • edited November 2016

    So... Xmas in Futurama?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Happy Election Eve! It's like Christmas Eve, if Christmas were the day you've been dreading for a year.

  • I would say I don't care who wins the election cos I'm from England ( and no I'm not posh cos I'm from the north ) but if Trump wins then he will blow up the world with nuclear bombs, just my opinion

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