Nope. Spirit Tracks is only related to Phantom Hourglass. Others games, like "A Link to the Past", "Ocarina of Time" and "Twilight Princess"… more, are relating different versions of the same story (Link VS Ganondorf), with some major differences between each version (like time travel in Ocarina of Time).
But you don't have enough proofs to place them in the same universe.
Well, since you seems to know it better than me, I will say that you're right. Just one question: since the hero is always a blonde elf named Link, and the princess is always (except in Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker) named Zelda, nobody in this universe remarked that Hyrule had at least ten princess named Zelda, each of them was kidnapped by someone, and was saved by a random guy named Link, who was looking exactly like all the others guys named Link?
Trust me, they're all related.
Skyward Sword takes place in the sky/spirit (or something like that) era.
Wind Waker and Phantom Hourgl… moreass takes place in the flooded era. Spirit Tracks takes place around 200 years afterward.
I can't really remember them all, but they're all connected.
Twilight Princess was when Ganondorf returned after being defeated in Ocarina of Time. Its the same Ganon, but a different Link (I think).
And if your wondering how I know this, it says so in the Hyrule Historia. It's real.
Trust me, they're all related.
Skyward Sword takes place in the sky/spirit (or something like that) era.
Wind Waker and Phantom Hourgl… moreass takes place in the flooded era. Spirit Tracks takes place around 200 years afterward.
I can't really remember them all, but they're all connected.
Twilight Princess was when Ganondorf returned after being defeated in Ocarina of Time. Its the same Ganon, but a different Link (I think).
And if your wondering how I know this, it says so in the Hyrule Historia. It's real.
First off let me say there are some great ideas on here.With a game like telltale the possibilities are endless with the games that can be made.Any tv show that has a good plot would be a good idea for a telltale game here are a few ideas that came to mind:
Teen Wolf
Miami Vice
True Blood
Breaking Bad
Austin Powers
The Tudors
The Wire
The Punisher
James Bond
Jason Bourne
Sherlock Holmes
Batman Beyond - future season of the batman series
Knight Rider
Any marvel one will do or DC
My ideas are based off of good story lines,I also like the other ideas such as Doctor Who, Kill Bill and Boardwalk empire.
That would be great it would be similar to batman because you can either approach a situation as Peter Parker or Spiderman.I think that any super hero movie would be great because the game play would be similar to batman but with different Plots.Telltale has laid the blueprints for future similar games such as any wolf or werewolf game,any zombie game any super hero games and any games with cars or gadgets.
Well, since you seems to know it better than me, I will say that you're right. Just one question: since the hero is always a blonde elf name… mored Link, and the princess is always (except in Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker) named Zelda, nobody in this universe remarked that Hyrule had at least ten princess named Zelda, each of them was kidnapped by someone, and was saved by a random guy named Link, who was looking exactly like all the others guys named Link?
This question was just to show you why I can't belive that everything is related in "The Legend of Zelda" ^^
Nintendo can set up all the b*llshit they want to relate their games, as long as there's nobody who can give me a proper answer to this question, I wont believe it.
Totally agree with most of your comment and I think it's well typed except for two things.
(though not up there with Dragon Ball or Naruto probably because the characters don't flash their tits every second episode)
This is severely incorrect. Yes, sexualization is sometimes used but it is never, ever that frequent. If you actually watched the series they spent an entire 12 episodes in DBZ describing Gohan's struggles with his training and it was written very well, no sexualization anywhere. In DBZ specifically the male characters are far more sexualized than the females up until the Buu Saga. I mean Reccoome's ass is out for 2 fucking episodes while he's fighting Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Krillin.
Now, I cannot speak too much for Naruto, since I'm only a little bit of the way through it, but so far it's focused more on his ambition to become a ninja than tits. Now, if you had said "Heaven's Lost Property", "Sword Art Online", "Girls Bravo" or "Gurren Lagan" then I'd completely see your point as nearly every episode in each of those shows has over sexualization of female characters. But on the case of the shows you mentioned I think you just made up criticisms for it instead of listing off actual major problems with the shows.
......or they could always make a super man game. Because WEEEEE! superheroes!
You seem to be very negative against the idea of superheroes. Yes, they are very, very overused these days, but you seem to forget that a lot of people look up to these fictional heroes, they see them as the people they want to be. I looked up to Spider-Man growing up because he's exactly who I want to be as a person, I want to help people and be smart and funny and always get the girl, and that's a completely rational thing to think. You don't have to be so critical about everything man, the world is filled with genuine garbage and unoriginal slop, but not all of it is that. Super heroes are just dumb fun and idols for people with shitty lives to look up to, no sense in trying to ruin that fun or berate it for existing.
Other than that I totally agree, your idea of how a TG game would be made sounds excellent and I'm sure if you were put in charge of your own dev team you'd make something really great.
Because I absolutely know telltale devs will read these comments,
I would love to see Telltale dip its feet into the Japanese story telli… moreng world. Anime has a rich story and character tradition (ignoring the crowd pleasing garbage of course) that one rarely sees in such large quantities among such a popular medium.
Were I in charge of the next game, I would investigate into making a telltale of Tokyo Ghoul.
Tokyo Ghoul is already a popular Anime (though not up there with Dragon Ball or Naruto probably because the characters don't flash their tits every second episode) that also happens to build a rich world centered around a clandestine minority.
Tokyo ghoul already thrives on its interesting characters and its moral ambiguity to the point that a choice based narrative game could easily be implemented.
Were I in charge, I would experiment with the concept of life as a ghoul and how their day to day routine is fraught with constan… [view original content]
This may have already been mentioned by someone else, but I would love to see Telltale do a Catwoman mini-series, ala Michonne, between future seasons of Batman.
Telltale's take on Selina has been such a strong, dynamic, and complex character played so amazingly by Laura Bailey that I feel like she deserves to lead her own series.
As far as plot, something reminiscent of Selina's Big Score would be really cool.
As I write this i'm watching the World Series and I thought, what about a sports game where you have to opportunity for dialogue. What game would be good for that.
So even though i'm not a huge Golf fan, I do play Disc Golf.. Even a member of the PDGA and played in one tournament (worse round i ever played LOL)!
But it's all about hanging with a few friends, walking thorough a park throwing disc's. So the 'game' could be or involve a little aiming trying to hit the chains and the 'story' could be anything.
Telltale already did something like this with the Poker, I was just thinking of a easy going fun game that could even be multi player. 2-4 players all take a character and choose their own story lines while playing Disc Golf.
Now being in N.Cali (I'm from Napa) I know someone at Telltale HAS to know what Disc Golf is and they are clever enough to come up with a story.
Or make it a post apocalyptic setting where you have to avoid mines, throw a disc at mutants whatever.
My idea probably may of been posted already I don't know but I would LOVE to see telltalegames work magic and make a Doctor Who series. I LOVE Doctor Who. Doubt it though. Another idea I have is have a solving crime series like a Psych(USA Network) or a Law and Order(NBC) series for instance. Really though, I want The Wolf Among Us Season 2. Maybe someday. (First post ever as part of the telltalegames community)
The Idea is good but the film is already a known classic by many and I've seen the film, and a TellTale would be "what would be the point?" I mean I do like to hear if Quentin Tarantino makes a video game be it with it Telltale or otherwise.
I was just thinking about this recently and think that many of Quentin Tarantino's films would work as a Telltale game. I have decided to try … moreand flesh out some of these ideas; here is the first:
The game is designed to be one episode and would be set before the events of 'Reservoir Dogs' and focus on the gangster, Joe Cabot, selecting members for the heist crew. He lays out 6 photographs, each featuring a member of the team: : Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown.
The player then decides which picture to choose and what order to play each segment - much like Walking Dead: 400 Days.
Each segment showcases a previous crime in which the pictured crew member was a part of - except for Mr.Orange's segment (no pun intended) which is exaggerated as it is completely fabricated - he is a cop after all. The game ends once all of the pictures have been selected and shows Joe leaving his building to meet the crew at a diner.
I think a Telltale Game of Rooster Teeth's RWBY would be awesome!
Although if not that, I would love a Telltale Games take on John Carpenter's The Thing, like maybe set after the events of the film or maybe a different crew of expedition to check on the US Site 31 like a group of Russians?
Well, I might be being a bit harsh about Dragon ball I mean It most certainly doesn't have any misogynistic or over sexualised concepts of women.
And come to think of it, I can't imagine where I got the idea that Naruto takes a farcical approach to female sexuality.
Superheroes are not "dumb fun" if they are providing a standard for young people. If what you say stands, and superheroes are role models, then my hope for humanity has finally fell to the same standards as my hope for the polar bear.
People shouldn't look up to spider man or super man. People should look up to Tyrion Lannister and Kaneki Ken. People shouldn't reach towards feckless ideals of men, men who can achieve everything without any sacrifice. People should look for themselves within characters who are human just like themselves. One of the reasons why the world is so shit is because nobody understands this simple concept and so they constantly suffer trying to become these unobtainable personas that are vastly inferior to characters of greater works.
Your words are proof of what a man can become when he follows these foolish idols that are little more than money traps for amoral business men.
And in regards to your complement "OH SHUCKS! YOU'RE MAKIN' ME BLUSH."
Dev team?
i fuckin wish
Totally agree with most of your comment and I think it's well typed except for two things.
(though not up there with Dragon Ball or Na… moreruto probably because the characters don't flash their tits every second episode)
This is severely incorrect. Yes, sexualization is sometimes used but it is never, ever that frequent. If you actually watched the series they spent an entire 12 episodes in DBZ describing Gohan's struggles with his training and it was written very well, no sexualization anywhere. In DBZ specifically the male characters are far more sexualized than the females up until the Buu Saga. I mean Reccoome's ass is out for 2 fucking episodes while he's fighting Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Krillin.
Now, I cannot speak too much for Naruto, since I'm only a little bit of the way through it, but so far it's focused more on his ambition to become a ninja than tits. Now, if you had said "Heaven's Lost Property", "Sword Art Online", … [view original content]
Seen here a sugestion about Sin City.
It would be great.
Hevent seen but I'm sure that thing was there - Star Wars Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, and not based on that great book, but own tales (short stories about bounty hounters, smugglers, Twi'lek dancers . Ohhh - that EA thing...
More uncommon - tale based on book by Huberath - Nest of Worlds
And that what have been suggested so many times - The X-files
Well, it's possible, since they're working on a MARVEL game at the moment.
I think I'd prefer Spiderman, but that's unlikely, since he's already getting a game sometime next year.
If Telltale doesn't ever make a Y: The Last Man video game then they have failed as a company. it's one of the best series ever period & also quite the emotional roller coaster. It's about fighting for the future for the human race, while some people try and destroy it. It's a brilliant mixture of sanity and craziness. The chaos popping up around these characters only adds to the excitement of the overall goal of fixing the planet.
Y: The Last Man is the story of a young man, named Yorick Brown and his monkey Ampersand, both males in a world where every single male has died. That's right, every male on the planet, not just human males, has died in the world, and this story doesn't go the way you think it would. Yorick and Ampersand are off on a journey to find Yorick's fiance, Beth DeVille, in Australia, which is hard when you're the last of your kind and you end up on the run from Amazons, who think that God killed all the men on Earth for a reason and go around eradicating all traces of males.
What caused all the men in the world to die? Well, that's something that's explored most of this series. It's always a question in the back of the reader's mind: Is it mystical? Is it biological? The world teeters between normalcy and chaos as some of the women left in the world try to go on with their lives, while others just go all "Mad Max."
It's not about the quality of the series, it's more about whether or not it would work as an episodic game. And I don't think Y: The Last Man would because you'd have to do the whole story (and Telltale hasn't really been doing too good on continuing series aside from TWD). You can't really do stories in the same world but with different characters like they did with TWD because the whole point of the series is that you follow the story of the last man alive
If Telltale doesn't ever make a Y: The Last Man video game then they have failed as a company. it's one of the best series ever period &… more also quite the emotional roller coaster. It's about fighting for the future for the human race, while some people try and destroy it. It's a brilliant mixture of sanity and craziness. The chaos popping up around these characters only adds to the excitement of the overall goal of fixing the planet.
Y: The Last Man is the story of a young man, named Yorick Brown and his monkey Ampersand, both males in a world where every single male has died. That's right, every male on the planet, not just human males, has died in the world, and this story doesn't go the way you think it would. Yorick and Ampersand are off on a journey to find Yorick's fiance, Beth DeVille, in Australia, which is hard when you're the last of your kind and you end up on the run from Amazons, who think that God killed all the men on Ear… [view original content]
Seen here a sugestion about Sin City.
It would be great.
Hevent seen but I'm sure that thing was there - Star Wars Tales from the Mos Ei… moresley Cantina, and not based on that great book, but own tales (short stories about bounty hounters, smugglers, Twi'lek dancers . Ohhh - that EA thing...
More uncommon - tale based on book by Huberath - Nest of Worlds
And that what have been suggested so many times - The X-files
I think Telltale would do great with an Archer series. They've proven they can still do comedy with TFTB and their Bruce Wayne is basically Archer so...
Maybe just maybe they should make a game of the great classic movie THE GODFATHER... I would have so much potential and creativity if made in the Telltale format!!!!
I am really happy with Batman: The Telltale Series so far. But how about some extra episodes about Catwoman ? Being able to play as her before and after she came to Gotham and make some crucial decisions. Episodes 4 and 5 have not been released yet, though... What do you guys think? Do you like Batman: The Telltale Series so far?
* Jak and Daxter: A Telltale Game Series (Set after Jak 3 and before Jak X, play as Jak)
* Aldnoah.Zero: A Telltale Game Series (Set in bet… moreween season 1 and season 2, play as Inaho or a new character)
* Sonic the Hedgehog: A Telltale Game Series (Possibly Archie Comics, play as Sonic or a new character)
* Season 2 for Back to the Future: The Game (Set after the 1st season, play as Marty McFly)
* The Hunger Games: A Telltale Game Series (Set in between The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, play as Katniss)
* Scream: A Telltale Game Series (Either take place after Scream 4 or in between season 1 or season 2 of the TV show, play as Sidney or Emma)
* Mighty Magiswords: A Telltale Game Series (Play as Prohyas and Vambre)
* Season 2 for Tales from the Borderlands (Set after the 1st season, play as Rhys and Fiona)
* Shadow Pokemon Saga: A Telltale Game Series (Set after Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, play as a new character)
* Pretty Little Li… [view original content]
Even then they could just make their own villain.
Trust me, they're all related.
Skyward Sword takes place in the sky/spirit (or something like that) era.
Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass takes place in the flooded era. Spirit Tracks takes place around 200 years afterward.
I can't really remember them all, but they're all connected.
Twilight Princess was when Ganondorf returned after being defeated in Ocarina of Time. Its the same Ganon, but a different Link (I think).
And if your wondering how I know this, it says so in the Hyrule Historia. It's real.
Well, since you seems to know it better than me, I will say that you're right. Just one question: since the hero is always a blonde elf named Link, and the princess is always (except in Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker) named Zelda, nobody in this universe remarked that Hyrule had at least ten princess named Zelda, each of them was kidnapped by someone, and was saved by a random guy named Link, who was looking exactly like all the others guys named Link?
I believe this is the timeline, correct?
First off let me say there are some great ideas on here.With a game like telltale the possibilities are endless with the games that can be made.Any tv show that has a good plot would be a good idea for a telltale game here are a few ideas that came to mind:
Teen Wolf
Miami Vice
True Blood
Breaking Bad
Austin Powers
The Tudors
The Wire
The Punisher
James Bond
Jason Bourne
Sherlock Holmes
Batman Beyond - future season of the batman series
Knight Rider
Any marvel one will do or DC
My ideas are based off of good story lines,I also like the other ideas such as Doctor Who, Kill Bill and Boardwalk empire.
That would be great it would be similar to batman because you can either approach a situation as Peter Parker or Spiderman.I think that any super hero movie would be great because the game play would be similar to batman but with different Plots.Telltale has laid the blueprints for future similar games such as any wolf or werewolf game,any zombie game any super hero games and any games with cars or gadgets.
Yes it is, thank you.
I... Actually don't know the answer to that one, sorry.
This question was just to show you why I can't belive that everything is related in "The Legend of Zelda" ^^
Nintendo can set up all the b*llshit they want to relate their games, as long as there's nobody who can give me a proper answer to this question, I wont believe it.
But the timeline is interesting ^^
They should do a series based on the British series Luthor. Idris Elba is amazing.
Totally agree with most of your comment and I think it's well typed except for two things.
This is severely incorrect. Yes, sexualization is sometimes used but it is never, ever that frequent. If you actually watched the series they spent an entire 12 episodes in DBZ describing Gohan's struggles with his training and it was written very well, no sexualization anywhere. In DBZ specifically the male characters are far more sexualized than the females up until the Buu Saga. I mean Reccoome's ass is out for 2 fucking episodes while he's fighting Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Krillin.
Now, I cannot speak too much for Naruto, since I'm only a little bit of the way through it, but so far it's focused more on his ambition to become a ninja than tits. Now, if you had said "Heaven's Lost Property", "Sword Art Online", "Girls Bravo" or "Gurren Lagan" then I'd completely see your point as nearly every episode in each of those shows has over sexualization of female characters. But on the case of the shows you mentioned I think you just made up criticisms for it instead of listing off actual major problems with the shows.
You seem to be very negative against the idea of superheroes. Yes, they are very, very overused these days, but you seem to forget that a lot of people look up to these fictional heroes, they see them as the people they want to be. I looked up to Spider-Man growing up because he's exactly who I want to be as a person, I want to help people and be smart and funny and always get the girl, and that's a completely rational thing to think. You don't have to be so critical about everything man, the world is filled with genuine garbage and unoriginal slop, but not all of it is that. Super heroes are just dumb fun and idols for people with shitty lives to look up to, no sense in trying to ruin that fun or berate it for existing.
Other than that I totally agree, your idea of how a TG game would be made sounds excellent and I'm sure if you were put in charge of your own dev team you'd make something really great.
This may have already been mentioned by someone else, but I would love to see Telltale do a Catwoman mini-series, ala Michonne, between future seasons of Batman.
Telltale's take on Selina has been such a strong, dynamic, and complex character played so amazingly by Laura Bailey that I feel like she deserves to lead her own series.
As far as plot, something reminiscent of Selina's Big Score would be really cool.
How about a sports game.
As I write this i'm watching the World Series and I thought, what about a sports game where you have to opportunity for dialogue. What game would be good for that.
So even though i'm not a huge Golf fan, I do play Disc Golf.. Even a member of the PDGA and played in one tournament (worse round i ever played LOL)!
But it's all about hanging with a few friends, walking thorough a park throwing disc's. So the 'game' could be or involve a little aiming trying to hit the chains and the 'story' could be anything.
Telltale already did something like this with the Poker, I was just thinking of a easy going fun game that could even be multi player. 2-4 players all take a character and choose their own story lines while playing Disc Golf.
Now being in N.Cali (I'm from Napa) I know someone at Telltale HAS to know what Disc Golf is and they are clever enough to come up with a story.
Or make it a post apocalyptic setting where you have to avoid mines, throw a disc at mutants whatever.
My idea probably may of been posted already I don't know but I would LOVE to see telltalegames work magic and make a Doctor Who series. I LOVE Doctor Who. Doubt it though. Another idea I have is have a solving crime series like a Psych(USA Network) or a Law and Order(NBC) series for instance. Really though, I want The Wolf Among Us Season 2. Maybe someday. (First post ever as part of the telltalegames community)
Glad you agree!
Indiana Jones.
Elder scrolls, bioshock, or maybe a judge dredd series
i want to see that
The Idea is good but the film is already a known classic by many and I've seen the film, and a TellTale would be "what would be the point?" I mean I do like to hear if Quentin Tarantino makes a video game be it with it Telltale or otherwise.
I think a Telltale Game of Rooster Teeth's RWBY would be awesome!
Although if not that, I would love a Telltale Games take on John Carpenter's The Thing, like maybe set after the events of the film or maybe a different crew of expedition to check on the US Site 31 like a group of Russians?
Well, I might be being a bit harsh about Dragon ball I mean
It most certainly doesn't have any misogynistic or over sexualised concepts of women.
that Naruto takes a farcical approach to female sexuality.
And come to think of it, I can't imagine where I got the idea
Superheroes are not "dumb fun" if they are providing a standard for young people. If what you say stands, and superheroes are role models, then my hope for humanity has finally fell to the same standards as my hope for the polar bear.
People shouldn't look up to spider man or super man. People should look up to Tyrion Lannister and Kaneki Ken. People shouldn't reach towards feckless ideals of men, men who can achieve everything without any sacrifice. People should look for themselves within characters who are human just like themselves. One of the reasons why the world is so shit is because nobody understands this simple concept and so they constantly suffer trying to become these unobtainable personas that are vastly inferior to characters of greater works.
Your words are proof of what a man can become when he follows these foolish idols that are little more than money traps for amoral business men.
And in regards to your complement "OH SHUCKS! YOU'RE MAKIN' ME BLUSH."
Dev team?
i fuckin wish
Thanks for the dialougue
A Telltale Metro game, perhaps?
I think Deadpool would be AWESOME
Well, it's possible, since they're working on a MARVEL game at the moment.
I think I'd prefer Spiderman, but that's unlikely, since he's already getting a game sometime next year.
Seen here a sugestion about Sin City.
It would be great.
Hevent seen but I'm sure that thing was there - Star Wars Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, and not based on that great book, but own tales (short stories about bounty hounters, smugglers, Twi'lek dancers
. Ohhh - that EA thing...
More uncommon - tale based on book by Huberath - Nest of Worlds
And that what have been suggested so many times - The X-files
Yeah what if it was Iron man or captain America civil war?
Star Wars Old Republic, New Republic, Future Republic, Modern Republic, Republic Republic.
If Telltale doesn't ever make a Y: The Last Man video game then they have failed as a company. it's one of the best series ever period & also quite the emotional roller coaster. It's about fighting for the future for the human race, while some people try and destroy it. It's a brilliant mixture of sanity and craziness. The chaos popping up around these characters only adds to the excitement of the overall goal of fixing the planet.
Y: The Last Man is the story of a young man, named Yorick Brown and his monkey Ampersand, both males in a world where every single male has died. That's right, every male on the planet, not just human males, has died in the world, and this story doesn't go the way you think it would. Yorick and Ampersand are off on a journey to find Yorick's fiance, Beth DeVille, in Australia, which is hard when you're the last of your kind and you end up on the run from Amazons, who think that God killed all the men on Earth for a reason and go around eradicating all traces of males.
What caused all the men in the world to die? Well, that's something that's explored most of this series. It's always a question in the back of the reader's mind: Is it mystical? Is it biological? The world teeters between normalcy and chaos as some of the women left in the world try to go on with their lives, while others just go all "Mad Max."
Only fools and horses.
Holy shit I would kill for a Telltale Dredd series...
It's not about the quality of the series, it's more about whether or not it would work as an episodic game. And I don't think Y: The Last Man would because you'd have to do the whole story (and Telltale hasn't really been doing too good on continuing series aside from TWD). You can't really do stories in the same world but with different characters like they did with TWD because the whole point of the series is that you follow the story of the last man alive
I could totally see them nailing a Sin City series. Star Wars would be a dream come true but that's not happening any time soon...
I think Telltale would do great with an Archer series. They've proven they can still do comedy with TFTB and their Bruce Wayne is basically Archer so...
Maybe just maybe they should make a game of the great classic movie THE GODFATHER... I would have so much potential and creativity if made in the Telltale format!!!!
I am really happy with Batman: The Telltale Series so far. But how about some extra episodes about Catwoman ? Being able to play as her before and after she came to Gotham and make some crucial decisions. Episodes 4 and 5 have not been released yet, though...
What do you guys think? Do you like Batman: The Telltale Series so far?
RE: Zero
Five of those sound amazing to me.