The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I used to love oranges when I was a kid I would eat blood oranges and grapefruit I cant eat oranges anymore its like a assult on my senses its too orangey and sour and makes me gag and my face screws up what happened

  • Mate I've never liked oranges, and never will

    I used to love oranges when I was a kid I would eat blood oranges and grapefruit I cant eat oranges anymore its like a assult on my senses its too orangey and sour and makes me gag and my face screws up what happened

  • Is it because you want the US to become Bedrock IRL? ;)

    papai46 posted: »

    I hope Trump wins...

  • Well, tomorrow is the day where I indirectly kill America.

    I am so sorry America and everyone who lives in America.

  • Though the thing about Clinton shit talking disabled people is a thing Trump is guilty of. Going by Blind's pkst in another thread, he has mocked disabled people, autisticpeople, african americans, muslims, war vets, etc.

    Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering o

  • This, I am aware of. I'm not defending Trump you know, the guy's a cunt and has done some fuckin' awful stuff. But Hillary does just enough to make her worse than he will ever be. But that's just my view on the matter.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Though the thing about Clinton shit talking disabled people is a thing Trump is guilty of. Going by Blind's pkst in another thread, he has mocked disabled people, autisticpeople, african americans, muslims, war vets, etc.

  • How are you doing said indirectly killing of America??

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, tomorrow is the day where I indirectly kill America. I am so sorry America and everyone who lives in America.

  • Yep, from both mine and my older sister's (who is far better at keeping track of the shit they do) outisders' POV, both of them are shit. You just have to pray the shitbag who gets elected will be kept on a tight leash so they don't do as they damn please.

    This, I am aware of. I'm not defending Trump you know, the guy's a cunt and has done some fuckin' awful stuff. But Hillary does just enough to make her worse than he will ever be. But that's just my view on the matter.

  • Well considering there are some people who are higher up than the POTUS, and Hillary and Trump are... well... Hillary and Trump, I'm damn sure whoever gets elected will be under close watch. Not that it'll make too much of a difference but it helps to think with optimism.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, from both mine and my older sister's (who is far better at keeping track of the shit they do) outisders' POV, both of them are shit. Yo

  • Right? I mean there's just no way they'd, for example, allow Trump to build his precious Wall? Right? I mean, the fucking thing is estimated to cost between 8 to 12 billion dollars. It'd just add to the US' already massive debt (at the end of FY 2017 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $19.5 trillion!). At least this is all close to ending.

    I still think this is a fair comparison:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    President Hillary Clannister?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Or President Donald Trumpgaryen? It doesn't really matter 'cause they're both shit, who'll just say whatever they're paid to/what they believe their supporters want to hear.

    Well considering there are some people who are higher up than the POTUS, and Hillary and Trump are... well... Hillary and Trump, I'm damn su

  • By voting for who is the best of all "not suitable for president."

    How are you doing said indirectly killing of America??

  • Right? I mean there's just no way they'd, for example, allow Trump to build his precious Wall? Right?

    Honestly, I believe that all of the stupid shit Trump says like this is to pander to his audience, most of which are stupid enough to believe it. Rednecks who hate anybody that isn't a white straight male. Trump is a large employer of mexican immigrants across the country and has also donated millions to the LGBT cause if you look deep enough into his history, so he's obviously pandering.

    Just like Hillary, who has stated a lot of things, and miraculously she thinks the polar opposite of all of them during the election, and pandering to her audience which are SJW's, feminist extremists and people who get offended by Trump's pandering. All of what she's saying is what her supporters want to hear, and all of what he's saying is what his supporters want to hear. This entire election is based off of pandering bullshit and colossal lies.

    Also, that is a fucking brilliant comparison.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Right? I mean there's just no way they'd, for example, allow Trump to build his precious Wall? Right? I mean, the fucking thing is estimated

  • "Make America Great Again" - Trump 2016.

    Except that in my opinion America wasn't really great to begin with but it's far better now. It isn't great for everyone, but for most people now when compared to before. Hey let's go back before America was colonized to live like the Native Americans. Oh wait no let's go back in time when they had the slave trade. See my point? Let's go further. Hey America was great back in the 20's and 30's especially because of the Great Depression. Oh yeah and the 40s were really good. We had World War 2 and we dropped an atomic bomb. Or the 50s and 60s where African Americans and women didn't have full rights. Or maybe in the 70's and 80's where they didn't have a cure for AIDS. And the 90s where the crime rate increased. But now as of 2016, all those problems I mentioned have fixed or been reduced. Honestly I think America is at it's greatest especially with new technology being introduced. Yes there are problems with the government but is it really that bad compared to before? I really wish someone would ask Donald Trump when America was great. When someone says "Make America Great Again", ask them when it was great, for who it was great, and why it was great. As for Trump I think that it's stupid to build a wall for 12 million dollars just to keep some Illegal Mexicans out. Sure some or most of them are criminals but what about the good illegal Mexicans that come in. They come to America to have better jobs and opportunities. I still don't know why some of Trump's supporters were defending him about what he said about women. They were saying things like "who cares what he says about women, normal guys talk like this." Normal guys don't talk like this at all. I don't even know anyone at Trump's age who talks like this. Trump acts like a spoiled brat. If things don't go his way he has a tantrum.

    Just to be clear, I'm not a Hillary supporter nor Trump supporter.

  • Yep, that pretty much sums up this entire ellection. A contest of who can pander to the majority of voters.

    Yeah, I think so too. You could probably also apply some of Cersei's and Aerys' quotes (well... he only has one... "BURN THEM ALL!") and it'd fit.

    Right? I mean there's just no way they'd, for example, allow Trump to build his precious Wall? Right? Honestly, I believe that all o

  • There are plenty of other countries with the problems you listed (other than dropping the atomic bomb). But think about this; wasn't America great because it solved many of those problems throughout its existence? There was the abolishing of slavery, then the civil rights movement. No country is on the whole perfect, but that doesn't mean it can't do great things. America was a country that continued to improve itself over the years, like many other countries have done. America had a lot of problems, but so did every other country on earth.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    "Make America Great Again" - Trump 2016. Except that in my opinion America wasn't really great to begin with but it's far better now. It

  • I was interested in keeping an eye on the election, but the majority of the voting seems like it will be overnight for Australia. Hopefully the world won't implode while I'm asleep.

  • edited November 2016

    wasn't America great because it solved many of those problems throughout its existence? There was the abolishing of slavery, then the civil rights movement.

    America is a really good country when it comes to equality (for most people at least).

    No country is on the whole perfect, but that doesn't mean it can't do great things. America was a country that continued to improve itself over the years, like many other countries have done. America had a lot of problems, but so did every other country on earth.

    It's not that bad compared to what some people say. It's still better off then some other countries. I can't understand why people are feeling sorry for America. America will still continue to be good. Not perfect but good.

    There are plenty of other countries with the problems you listed (other than dropping the atomic bomb). But think about this; wasn't America

  • Just out of curiosity, what countries--if any--would you say are greater than America?

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    wasn't America great because it solved many of those problems throughout its existence? There was the abolishing of slavery, then the civil

  • I've never even played the full game

    Do I need to post the "Just do it!" gif now?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Trust me, resisting the urge to play TFTBL again never ends well... I'm just kidding, I've never even played the full game.

  • Canada?
    DillonDex posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, what countries--if any--would you say are greater than America?

  • I always wanted to see a crater in real life.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Is it because you want the US to become Bedrock IRL?

  • Great Britain.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, what countries--if any--would you say are greater than America?

  • but if Trump wins then he will blow up the world with nuclear bombs, just my opinion

    That's not an opinion, that's a 6 year old's view of politics. It's never gonna be that extreme and Hillary is just as awful as Donnie Boy is.

    I would say I don't care who wins the election cos I'm from England ( and no I'm not posh cos I'm from the north ) but if Trump wins then he will blow up the world with nuclear bombs, just my opinion

  • Is happy N7 day one of the right answers? :P

    Hey there's something special about this day, November 7. I wonder what it is (there is one answer I'm looking for, but I see a few other potential 'right' answers).

  • edited November 2016

    I disagree that 'it's never gonna be that extreme' - there's a lot of conflict in the world, and hasn't Trump said he'd be perfectly willing to launch nukes?

    but if Trump wins then he will blow up the world with nuclear bombs, just my opinion That's not an opinion, that's a 6 year old's view of politics. It's never gonna be that extreme and Hillary is just as awful as Donnie Boy is.

  • Results should start coming in in your morning, I think, depending on when in AUS you live.

    I was interested in keeping an eye on the election, but the majority of the voting seems like it will be overnight for Australia. Hopefully the world won't implode while I'm asleep.

  • The new president won't be sworn in until January 20th next year, so there's a little more time before the world implodes.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Happy last day of No Trump Or Clinton As Presidents?

  • edited November 2016

    Yes, he has. But there are people in higher power than the POTUS who would literally never let him go nuke crazy unless he gave each of them a small loan of a billion dollars or some shit.

    EDIT: Besides, if the time came where he DID launch one, I severely doubt "blowing up the world with nukes" would happen, as Trump... hang on, one second, I have to swallow my vomit from saying this... Trump is a business man and a smart guy, and he knows "nuking the world" would mean we're all fucked.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I disagree that 'it's never gonna be that extreme' - there's a lot of conflict in the world, and hasn't Trump said he'd be perfectly willing to launch nukes?

  • edited November 2016

    Hey, are there any people on these forums who genuinely hate me? Yeah I know it's a weird thing to ask but I'm asking for a semi-good reason. If so could you DM me so I can speak to you? I'm not gonna say anything horrible, I promise. I'm not in the mood to be a snarky cunt.

  • The article I read said that the result should come in around the afternoon over here. Polls will start closing at around 11:30 PM in Australian time, with polls closing gradually during what will be Wednesday for us.

    Here's an article from ABC Australia on how it'll go down apparently:

    On the bright side, the new president won't be sworn in until January 20th 2017, so America gets to keep Obama around for a while longer.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Results should start coming in in your morning, I think, depending on when in AUS you live.

  • I've always liked oranges and always will.

    I used to love oranges when I was a kid I would eat blood oranges and grapefruit I cant eat oranges anymore its like a assult on my senses its too orangey and sour and makes me gag and my face screws up what happened

  • Do you mean PM?

    Hey, are there any people on these forums who genuinely hate me? Yeah I know it's a weird thing to ask but I'm asking for a semi-good reason

  • No, I mean DM. Direct Messaging.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Do you mean PM?

  • So, is that the same as starting a Private Discussion with someone?

    No, I mean DM. Direct Messaging.

  • Yes.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    So, is that the same as starting a Private Discussion with someone?

  • Haha!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Great Britain.

  • Yesss my country is greater than all yous Americans!!


  • Like on Instagram but on telltale instead


  • That's a bit rude. We were all just having a bit of a giggle and you had to be all like "Lol fuck you americans we're way better". I was just laughing about the joke TheFurryOne said man.

    Yesss my country is greater than all yous Americans!!

  • Yeh and I was being sarcastic, I wouldn't say smth like that

    That's a bit rude. We were all just having a bit of a giggle and you had to be all like "Lol fuck you americans we're way better". I was just laughing about the joke TheFurryOne said man.

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