Game of Thrones was alot better than I expected. What are your thoughts on it one year later?

GT has received very mixed reception from critics and players, a few saying its one of the worst telltale games ever, so i didn't have not much of an expectation going in, but man was i impressed. I thought the writing of this season was for the most part great, and I came to get attached to the foresters and the conflict. My only real gripe is that the ending felt very much sequel bait instead of a proper season conclusion. Still I am looking forward to season 2.
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I finished playing some weeks ago and it was really better than expected, especially with all those negative reviews. I liked it very much and, deapite its flaws its a good game, and for me it felt more like an introduction to a bigger story.
The writing and voice acting was amazing but now how will TellTale bring up all these determinant points to season 2 I don't know unless they get help in development by BioWare or other Roleplaying Games company or TellTale delays the release to 2+ years. I am hopeful they will do an amazing job on Season 2.
As someone who isn't a fan of the TV show and as someone who, after watching trailers and clips, still didn't think it looked all that good, I must say that I enjoyed far more than I thought I ever would. There were some parts or aspects I wasn't particularly fond of, but for the most part, I have to say it was a well executed and written game with some difficult and impactful choices. It will definitely be interesting to see how Telltale handles the numerous determinant characters in Season 2, hopefully they won't disappoint.
Really enjoyed it despite not caring for the TV show or having read the books. Still a pretty damn good Telltale game in my eyes.
this game, and the franchise in general.
Overall, I'd rank the franchise like this:
Game > Show > Books
But they're all good.
It is one of the best I played I place it just below Walking Dead and Batman because I have more knowledge about them and grew up watching them.
Still love it, even almost after a year later. Honestly, it's the most underrated Telltale game so far, in my opinion, but I understand why many people didn't like it much.
This game has the most varieties in choices and outcomes than any of the other games. exp Roderick/ Asher storyline in one episode. That was clever. I like this game. I want season 2!
Apart from A Nest Of Vipers, I loved it.
How so? Was it the lack of scale or because it all revolved around basically 2 houses? Because honestly I can see where TellTale's coming from with both of them. The scale has to be toned down because there's no way there's going to be a major conflict in the spin-off game that's just glossed over in the show (and books I suppose). Geographically they manage to do as well as they pretty much could with Gared at and beyond the Wall, Essos scenes of Asher and King's Landing scenes of Mira (which covered the espionage and political side of the ASOIAF world very well in my opinion). As for the 2 families, well in A Game Of Thrones it's all focusing on the Starks, Lanisters and barely 2 Baratheons (with the occasional Dany adventure). The entire first book was essentially a set up to the utter expletive-storm that arises later. Maybe we'll get a POV character in House Glenmore or Gwyn Whitehill. One other problem is whereas you can see all sides in the show and books, you can't really make that work for the game as due to the choice mechanics you'd just try and sabotage your enemies when playing as them or you'd have a 20 minute unskippable cutscene.
So yeah, not everything transfers but not everything can so those things that don't I can easily forgive.
Oh the pre-fanile episodes are always the worst for TellTale, but damn if the finale don't deliver!
I think the game was okay. I never quite fell in love with the characters as much as with the characters from the books and the show, but the story was still engaging, even if there were certain aspects that I really disliked (cough the traitor twist cough). Overall though, just by reading the comments, I can see that not being familiar with GoT (or even outright disliking it) before playing the game might have made it more appealing. I can totally understand that, I'd say it's the exact same thing with the show - people who watch it without reading the books first are more likely to enjoy it as it is.
That's one of the few TellTale games I haven't played, so....
But it holds true for most everything else I've played. Around Every Corner, Amid The Ruins, In Sheep's Clothing, A Nest Of Vipers. All low points of their season. The finales that followed though...
I didn't think episode 4 for tftbl was the strongest of the bunch. That said it was infinitely better than most of their other penultimate episodes.
I wasn't saying it was the strongest, I was just saying that it wasn't the worst of the series, despite it being the penultimate episode.
That was pre-Walking Dead choice/story driven, yada yada yada.
I was pleasantly surprised! I'd heard bad things but when I actually played it, it was really good!