The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm happy I'm not American. I couldn't bring myself to vote for either

    Of course. When you're forced between an unstable psychopath with serious health issues and a meme... oh who am I kidding even if the other candidate was awesome we still would have elected the meme. I'm ashamed to be an american.

  • edited November 2016

    Less than 10 minutes into the second season of Ash vs Evil Dead and all the main characters are already covered head to toe in blood.


  • Now someone just needs to make radioactive spiders, and then everyone can be like Spider-Man!!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    This 17 year old managed to create a working web shooter. It actually looks like real spider webbing. Sure the range is only a couple feet b

  • edited November 2016


    is that sarcasm, or do you like gore? I can't tell...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Less than 10 minutes into the second season of Ash vs Evil Dead and all the main characters are already covered head to toe in blood. PERFECT.

  • Oh boy, Final Fantasy XV is confirmed to have at least 2 modes on the PS4 Pro. 4K(hopefully 1800p using the checkerboard rendering technique since they say it's not native)@30fps, and they are aiming for 1080p@60fps. Hoping for a 1080p@30fps mode in the future, which dials the graphics up a notch. Like Rise Of The Tomb Raider on the Pro, which has has the 2 former modes plus the latter one, using the PC version's max settings. Anyway, thank you based Tabata.

    enter image description here

  • More like it continued the massive amounts of gore trend from the previous season. So yeah, I like it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    PERFECT. is that sarcasm, or do you like gore? I can't tell...

  • Noctis: Where am I?
    Doctor: You have been in coma for 10 years
    Noctis: 0_0

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Oh boy, Final Fantasy XV is confirmed to have at least 2 modes on the PS4 Pro. 4K(hopefully 1800p using the checkerboard rendering technique

  • Prologue: Awakening


    Punished "Venom" Noctis Lucis Caellum
    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret-Caellum
    Ravus "The Man On Fire" Nox Fleuret
    The Third Archean
    Prompto "Quick Silver" Argentum
    And the Magitek Parasite Unit

    joshua007 posted: »

    Noctis: Where am I? Doctor: You have been in coma for 10 years Noctis: 0_0

  • edited November 2016

    There's this girl I've met last month back in this place where I hang out with other people, a café. Thing is... she has a crush on me. Not the first time, I've turned down 12 other date offers and one had a crush on me during high school. I know crazy, I'm just not interested in dating. I only see her as a friend way. ...She offered me to hang out for coffee but I think she's thinking it's more than that. I didn't want to disappoint her so I said we can have coffee but then it feels like I'm baiting and damn it... Sigh... I'm gonna explain to her how I feel about her, explaining I only see her as a friend. Wish I said it sooner, but shyness gotten in my way. This is gonna suck. :weary:

    Anyway, on a more positive note I've joined Tapastic and getting the feel of it. It's a pretty good place so far and I had good time for my first actual visit. May stick around there as well. : 3

    EDIT: NVM about the first paragraph. It got taken care of.

  • I've turned down 12 other date offers

    Erm... WHAT?! 12 You player

    enter image description here

    There's this girl I've met last month back in this place where I hang out with other people, a café. Thing is... she has a crush on me. Not

  • The PS4 will be the last console that I'll ever buy.

    Seems like the Xbox and PSX are being slowly integrated into PC anyways, so I'll just upgrade my rig. :relieved:

  • edited November 2016

    I love how my news feed on Facebook is filled with Trump supporters asking Democrats to be rational and polite while posting extremely mean spirited posts towards Liberals at the same time as an attempt to cut them down. Perhaps these Republicans should practice what they preach & start showing a little more maturity as well? Just a thought. :)

    Edit: I'm sorry if this post comes off as catty. This whole election has me feeling pretty stressed, and constantly seeing Republicans being nasty towards the Democratic party on social media has started to get under my skin some. I've tried to be kind and polite towards those who support Trump even though I strongly disagree with their point of view, but it makes it more and more difficult when all I see is nonstop posts of nothing but hatred towards me for being a Democrat.

  • Today is my birthday and thank you! :)

    Is it your birthday tomorrow or something or just an Ice Cream social? If the former, happy birthday! If the latter, I wish I was part of an ice cream social group thing... only with allergen friendly ice cream.

  • edited November 2016

    Two videos I made enjoy:)

  • Hey guys - just a heads up, the other volunteer moderators and I made some revision to the Forum Guidelines that have been approved by staff, and we also added a new Guideline Section - Expected Posting Etiquette. It is a new category, but placed second on the list so the other stuff has been shifted down.

    NEW GUIDELINES CATEGORY: Expected Posting Etiquette

    We've also added and updated rules in other sections as well.

    UPDATED 1.6: If you want to discuss things like Character Shipping or Character Appreciation, do so in a thread that already focuses on actual story discussion. Do not just create General Chat threads for these individual topics. Threads dedicated solely to statements of the "Yeah, [insert character name/ship here] is pretty cool" nature just do not make great community discussion material.

    NEW 1.11:Do not post personal information about a user without their permission, including names, pictures, etc. If knowingly done so, this can lead to a very severe punishment.

    NEW 3.3: When advertising Let's Plays or Live Streams for a Telltale Series/Miniseries, you get one (1) collective thread to post all of your Let's Plays/Streams in for that entire Series. Please consult the Let's Play Sharing rules written by Volunteer Moderators for more information.

    NEW 4.3: Use special text formatting features like Large Text only for special situations that benefit specifically from that formatting. Try not to just casually use large text for emphasis when bold text will do. (Typing any character before a hashtag, including a space, will display normal text.)

    UPDATED 5.4: Do not instigate drama, extensively derail threads, or talk negatively about users behind their backs during a ban. If you have concerns, send a Private Discussion to a Moderator. Moderators reserve the right to not comment on particular User Bans for reasons including user privacy.

  • No Uncharted 5 for you, then.

    The PS4 will be the last console that I'll ever buy. Seems like the Xbox and PSX are being slowly integrated into PC anyways, so I'll just upgrade my rig.

  • I feel your pain. There are will always be idiots on both sides acting like they never matured while swearing or saying the most stupidest things I've ever seen.

    I love how my news feed on Facebook is filled with Trump supporters asking Democrats to be rational and polite while posting extremely mean

  • Rest In Peace to all our fallen soldiers today, and Rest In Peace Leonard Cohen.

  • edited November 2016


  • Uncharted 4 was the last game.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    No Uncharted 5 for you, then.

  • edited November 2016

    Just got my books for VCE next year.

    enter image description here

  • Well, the last one that Naughty Dog would make, anyway.

    Uncharted 4 was the last game.

  • Crash 3 was the "last" Crash game and we saw how that turned out.

    Uncharted 4 was the last game.

  • I burnt my wieners.

  • I rushed it. I always want to colour but I never get it right. Why I try to stick too black lines and shading

    enter image description here


    Forgetting it is the worst which could ever happen.

  • It's an "Ode of remembrance". Also taken from a poem by Kipling. It's regarding the dangers of failing to remember. Lest we forget our fallen soldiers. May we never forget

    Euron posted: »

    Forgetting it is the worst which could ever happen.

  • edited November 2016

    So... uhh, TheRPGMinx is considering a face reveal and is running a strawpoll for her fans on the subject. I'm personally indifferent on the matter, as I really enjoy her content (as well as Cry's) without knowing what she looks like, and seeing what she looks like would slightly ruin the illusion and mystique of her identity and probably affect how much enjoyment I find in the content, but then again to finally hear people stop bitching about a face reveal would be nice, and I am a bit curious. Plus I'm sure she wouldn't make a big deal out of it so content would stay the same. So I'm indifferent.

    Any Minx fans in here? If so, you guys have an opinion on the matter? And while we're on the case, what do you think about the idea of other YouTubers with just as much mystery finally doing a face reveal?

  • If any of you are interest, Dirt 3 Complete Edition is free on the Humble Bundle store for a little over a day. Just add it to cart and you'll get a Steam key for it!

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

  • Guys, I need a dumb profile picture. gimme some suggestions.

  • edited November 2016

    Here you go:

    enter image description here

    You like Tales form the Borderlands, right?

    Guys, I need a dumb profile picture. gimme some suggestions.

  • Thanks for posting this. I'm sure a lot of people really needed a video like this right about now.

  • I have a question, how do you play Dishonored 2 on high chaos? I ask this because I am new to the Dishonored franchise.

  • I'll be attempting to add colour. Most likely will fuck it up. Colouring is one thing I struggle with

  • I think your colored pictures look great! And so does this picture! I'll be attempting to add colour. Most likely will fuck it up. Colouring is one thing I struggle with

  • edited November 2016

    Well it's quite simple. Just follow the video below's instructions and it's easy.

    (Trigger Warning: Intense Blood, Inappropriate Language)

    EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, kill everything and everyone. No subtly. Literally slaughter thousands.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I have a question, how do you play Dishonored 2 on high chaos? I ask this because I am new to the Dishonored franchise.

  • enter image description here

    Guys, I need a dumb profile picture. gimme some suggestions.

  • I'm in love with it, yes.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Here you go: You like Tales form the Borderlands, right?

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