The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Tales from the Borderlands or... Vaughn?

    I'm in love with it, yes.

  • Ooooh, I'm tempted to get Tales and Wolf...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The Humble Bundle store is having a build you bundle with Telltale games!

  • I thought it meant you loved comic books?

    enter image description here

    It means I love Disney movies!

  • Finally getting around to playing The Phantom Pain.

  • I love both of them.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Tales from the Borderlands or... Vaughn?

  • Deciding to snack while watching Ash vs Evil Dead was a horrible mistake...

  • I mainly just draw for myself. Post stuff on my Instagram and Twitter mainly.

    KeemaMia posted: »

    Great work! Do you have a Devart or tumblr or something?

  • edited November 2016

    Oops, I was meant to reply to Clemy, sorry.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Ooooh, I'm tempted to get Tales and Wolf...

  • Isn't he just the cutest sidekick ever?

    enter image description here

    Finally getting around to playing The Phantom Pain.

  • What's "funny" is the fact that this video was actually in the thread "I hope America is bloody happy".

    It looked like those who commented on both threads (here and on the previous thread quoted) didn't even watch what these violences were about.

    Let's avoid using this thread to post YouTube videos of violence and/or protests related to the US election. We have other threads focused on the election's outcome, and this thread is just meant for casual chat.

  • I haven't gotten that far yet, but wolf with an eyepatch is ALWAYS a reason to go further.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Isn't he just the cutest sidekick ever?

  • I'd honestly jump back in if the Anti-Nuclear movememnt in TPP went anywhere. But players will likely keep holding on to their nukes. That or Konami will create bot accounts so that the players who desperately want the last ending will buy their ficking microtransactions.

    Finally getting around to playing The Phantom Pain.

  • Excuse me Fables fans, I have a question.

    At what point in the Fables comics does the Wolf Among Us take place? And also, will reading the comics spoil anything from the game? (If so, then please don't say what it spoils)

    Thank you.

  • TWAU is set around 20 years before the Fables comics I think. Most of the comics were made before TWAU was released so any spoilers are unlikely.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Excuse me Fables fans, I have a question. At what point in the Fables comics does the Wolf Among Us take place? And also, will reading the comics spoil anything from the game? (If so, then please don't say what it spoils) Thank you.

  • Well reading the comics will ruin the outcome of a plot twist since it's established knowledge in the comics.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Excuse me Fables fans, I have a question. At what point in the Fables comics does the Wolf Among Us take place? And also, will reading the comics spoil anything from the game? (If so, then please don't say what it spoils) Thank you.

  • I wish I still had quails.

  • That's a very specific wish ahaha

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I wish I still had quails.

  • My last ones were killed by rats, they added some life to my bland garden.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That's a very specific wish ahaha

  • edited November 2016

    That sucks. My dream is to have a duck pond for my daughters to enjoy, though we can't afford to move to the country just yet.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My last ones were killed by rats, they added some life to my bland garden.

  • My life is unbelievably boring and I need to broadcast that to the world.

  • Okay, thank you @dojo32161 and @TheFurryOne.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Excuse me Fables fans, I have a question. At what point in the Fables comics does the Wolf Among Us take place? And also, will reading the comics spoil anything from the game? (If so, then please don't say what it spoils) Thank you.

  • Desperately seeking drama?

    My life is unbelievably boring and I need to broadcast that to the world.

  • I can't believe I forgot about here for a while :(

  • enter image description here

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a couch or anything soft, eating curly kale, grass [and sometimes some banana] and loved her head being stroked. She never was much of a adventurous rabbit, that you could open her hutch and she wouldn't hop out unless you picked her up. She would've lived her life on the couch if she could've.

    I want to get drunk.

  • I am sorry :( She looks so cute thoughhh

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

  • edited November 2016

    Finished. Looks better in person. Photos don't capture it very well. I use STRQROW for most things where i post my stuff

  • edited November 2016

    A deleted scene from my Unity rant series lol I found it on my computer when I was looking through files

  • It turned out fine. It's about equal to the sketch. Colour didn't make it worse anyway. Good job.

    Finished. Looks better in person. Photos don't capture it very well. I use STRQROW for most things where i post my stuff


    Finished. Looks better in person. Photos don't capture it very well. I use STRQROW for most things where i post my stuff

  • Light the curtains on fire. It'll give you something to do.

    My life is unbelievably boring and I need to broadcast that to the world.

  • enter image description here

    I was at Hallmark today, and I saw this Christmas card with bunnies on it. It reminded me of a user on the Telltale Forums who was really a fan of rabbits. She's not here anymore - she left when the forum format changed. Then I came home and found out your rabbit passed away. So I'll send this to you instead. Sorry for your loss.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

  • I couldn't imagine that happening. They'd have to be sitting here 20hrs a day each to handle that.

  • Go get involved with some YouTube drama. It'll make you feel like shit but at least you won't be bored.

    My life is unbelievably boring and I need to broadcast that to the world.

  • I'm trying to sleep with Game Grumps playing as white noise on my PS3 since I can't deal with silence and I need noise to be able to sleep. Luckily for me PSN is fucking me over and won't sign in for some fucking reason. Yay.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be to lose a pet.

    May she rest in peace.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

  • Do comments containing links need to be verified by mods now before they can be published or something?

  • Thanks guys.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

  • I'm sorry for your loss, Lilacsbloom.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

  • I'm sorry dude, I know what it's like to lose a pet. I hope you're doing okay.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My rabbit Snuffles passed away today. She was 8 years old and I've had her since she was little. Her favorite things were chilling out on a

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