The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thanks!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Looks great! Nice to see you improvimg each time/day.

  • Holy fucking shit. That's fucking amazing dude.

  • Cheers buddy. I drew Gray and thought I could so some kind of edit with it. Added some relevant images and you get this! Pretty happy with how it looks tbh :D

    Holy fucking shit. That's fucking amazing dude.

  • shieeeet that's amazing

  • Reporter in a conversation on Aleppo bombardment with Hala Gorani for CNN.

    “Winter Is Coming.”


    AC Unity nominated for a writing award in 2015? What's wrong with people

  • It was so accurate with History that it deserved it, you know..

    joshua007 posted: » AC Unity nominated for a writing award in 2015? What's wrong with people

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff


    I guess you could say I am at a loss of words.

  • I'm assuming the fact that my last comment required mod approval means it's true.

  • The thing that's on my mind right now is when will Spider-Man PS4 and telltales marvel series come out
    I have been waiting for ages and I'm so ready to play!

  • My mom made teriyaki chicken for dinner... I ended up mixing the chicken she gave me with two huge bowls of spinach and kale. It was so good I wanna cry. And super filling.

    8 year old me would be screaming at the possibility of kale, but me now wants all the spinach and kale.

  • If you guys want to discuss recent rumors about Marvel, please keep all discussion inside this thread made by another user:

    As volunteer Moderators, we do not know the legitimacy of rumors and speculation, but I have decided to designate a user's thread for rumor discussion. Posts no longer require Moderator approval, but please be courteous and keep speculation in the one thread in case it does turn out to be legitimate as we would prefer that users not have the surprise ruined in case it is indeed real.

  • Yeah, the new Spiderman PS4 game looks amazing.

    And it's being made by the developers behind the Ratchet & Clank series, so it has to be amazing.

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    The thing that's on my mind right now is when will Spider-Man PS4 and telltales marvel series come out I have been waiting for ages and I'm so ready to play!

  • Well, yeah. It's almost December.

    Reporter in a conversation on Aleppo bombardment with Hala Gorani for CNN. “Winter Is Coming.”

  • Hmm, Summer is coming for me.

    Reporter in a conversation on Aleppo bombardment with Hala Gorani for CNN. “Winter Is Coming.”

  • So I happened to be up in Princeton NJ this weekend, and visited the cemetery there. Let me first stop you there to say that no, this was not a Pokemon hunting expedition (this time).

    I was actually hunting the final resting places of some notable individuals-- including Aaron Burr, and the 22nd and 24th President Grover Cleveland. The former's placard is adorned with dozens of coins people have placed on it, which I could not decide whether that was supposed to be the joke. I left a Louisiana quarter, gambling on whether or not this could be a curseworthy offense.

    Anyway, they didn't interest me quite as much as another, perhaps controversial figure among the dead: John von Neumann. He was a contemporary of Albert Einstein, and one of the key scientists who contributed to the development of the first atomic bombs used in WWII.

    But putting aside that horror connected to his resume, he also made myriad contributions to mathematics. And in pop culture, he's the guy responsible for laying out the theoretical possibility of self-replicating, spacefaring machines referred to as von Neumann machines.

    So for this reason, I was pretty intrigued to have the opportunity to visit his grave. The Reapers in Mass Effect, for example, clearly take inspiration from the ideas and questions surrounding von Neumann machines. But that's just one possible form. What if self-replicating machines are advancing out there? Doesn't it make more sense that first contact may not occur directly between intelligent races, but through these kinds of probes? If they exist? And if we even advance that far as a species? Imagine if something like the Mars Rover could build a copy of itself...

    His grave wasn't marked by a grand tomb nor obelisk-- just a modest slab, with lovely bushes of (I think) holly about. I know it's a random thing to have on your mind, but with the Moon at perigee, it seemed like an appropriate time to contemplate some of these questions.

  • [removed]

  • From what I saw of the trailer last E3, the production qualities looked really great!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Yeah, the new Spiderman PS4 game looks amazing. And it's being made by the developers behind the Ratchet & Clank series, so it has to be amazing.

  • So accurate that French people had English accents.

    Euron posted: »

    It was so accurate with History that it deserved it, you know..

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    burgers. chicken. french fries. pickles. sandwiches. chips. brownies.

    food food food

    enter image description here

  • For those who haven't seen it:

    I think the part at 0:34 where he's running through the cafe, jumping off the walls then smashing out the window is my favorite.

    This is going to be the best Spider-Man game ever.

    From what I saw of the trailer last E3, the production qualities looked really great!

  • FOOD! :D Everyone loves food. If someone says they don't like food, they're lying.

    burgers. chicken. french fries. pickles. sandwiches. chips. brownies. food food food

  • I don't like food

    FOOD! Everyone loves food. If someone says they don't like food, they're lying.

  • Goodness, right when November 1st started, Christmas commercials and decorations just popped up everywhere. I swear Christmas preparation gets earlier and earlier.

  • You're lying, obviously.

    I don't like food

  • Hmm, now I'm hungry...

    burgers. chicken. french fries. pickles. sandwiches. chips. brownies. food food food

  • edited November 2016

    Honestly if I could change my username I'd probably make it something stupid like "Zooboo" or "SuperSandLesbian" so I don't know why I always complain like my current UN is the worst thing ever.

    EDIT: This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.

    enter image description here

  • oh Achieve didn't see your comment yeah apparently there will be a hole new world of marvel games I certainly cant wait

    Acheive250 posted: »

    For those who haven't seen it: I think the part at 0:34 where he's running through the cafe, jumping off the walls then smashing out the window is my favorite. This is going to be the best Spider-Man game ever.

  • Not entirely, I don't like most food, I'm a very picky eater. It's probably easier for me to list the food I do like then food I hate.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    You're lying, obviously.

  • Did someone say Zooboo

    Honestly if I could change my username I'd probably make it something stupid like "Zooboo" or "SuperSandLesbian" so I don't know why I always complain like my current UN is the worst thing ever. EDIT: This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.

  • Really? When did they say that?

    Did they say what other games are in development, or who's making them? (Besides Telltale's and Insomniac Game's)

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    oh Achieve didn't see your comment yeah apparently there will be a hole new world of marvel games I certainly cant wait

  • Oh, sorry. I thought you were joking, so I was too.

    Not entirely, I don't like most food, I'm a very picky eater. It's probably easier for me to list the food I do like then food I hate.

  • ...

    You should probably be grateful that you picked ClemyClooAndBabyBoo then...

    Honestly if I could change my username I'd probably make it something stupid like "Zooboo" or "SuperSandLesbian" so I don't know why I always complain like my current UN is the worst thing ever. EDIT: This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.

  • ZOOBOO!!

    Did someone say Zooboo

  • Ye

    Acheive250 posted: »

    ... You should probably be grateful that you picked ClemyClooAndBabyBoo then...

  • well probably after is say this your going to say "And you believed them" but ill tell you anyway so on YouTube soo many fans are saying from tweets or info
    from marvel that they will be making other games in the future and when they say the future they mean some time after spiderman PS4 the company that's making them might be insomniac or marvel I think its marvel cause insomniac will probably just be doing spiderman and marvel might be doing the rest or something like that.

    This means we are getting a new age of marvel games woohoo!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Really? When did they say that? Did they say what other games are in development, or who's making them? (Besides Telltale's and Insomniac Game's)

  • Just to be sure: I was sarcastic :D

    They totally screwed our history concerning the revolution.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    So accurate that French people had English accents.

  • I must follow this NOW!

    Honestly if I could change my username I'd probably make it something stupid like "Zooboo" or "SuperSandLesbian" so I don't know why I always complain like my current UN is the worst thing ever. EDIT: This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.

  • Welcome to the walking shitposting waste of space that is my twitter.

    I must follow this NOW!

  • It's about time. I hate summer.

    Reporter in a conversation on Aleppo bombardment with Hala Gorani for CNN. “Winter Is Coming.”

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