At the End
with season 2 of game of thrones telltale. I've been wondering. this is a depending on who's in charge of ironrath, Rodrick or Asher. what will happened to Gared Tuttle in the end?? (this is for if you pick to march south at the end of season 6) I've looked at half of what has happened at ironrath to figure it's pretty hard to say.
If Duncan doesn't betray the house then that's fine. but when all is said and done, I think ethier Gared or Beska will take Roylands place as captain of the guards.
even more so if Gared learns of his uncles(beytral) death at the hands of rodrick and it was Talia who asked for Rodrick to kill him off. so Gared may leave ironrath in general.
or he may die (not the path i hope they go down with him) he may die in battle but also he is still wanted by the watch of the wall. maybe at the end he goes willingly to meet his fate or he goes back into hiding
speaking of hiding plus remembering sylvi is now sticking to Gared's side like glue now. who knows how she's gonna play a part in his life. (I really hope she becomes his adopted sister)
what do you guys think, what will happen to Gared at end of the series
I hope he dies
He is the only Tuttle alive (in my playthrough atleast).
I only kidding he deserves a chance
Gared will inherit his father's farm and became a pig farmer once again but this time with Sylvi(or not) depending on your choices.
I wonder if Gared falls in love with sylvi or elsera
"Depending on your choices"
Do you think Talia has a crush on Gared
Could be but the choices you can made as Rodrik(killing Duncan if he is the traitor,requested by Talia) would make difficult any kind of romance between them.Not mentioning that Gared is lowborn and Talia is highborn so(I know it sucks) in mediaeval society would be impossible
In my playthrough Duncan was traitor I spared him and I made Rodrik stay behind
Yeah I know the possible endings so I should give you the same answer:"Depending on your choices".

He should try to ensure that the North Grove won't be lost.
What other option does he have? If he arrives at Ironrath and sees that all are dead, he can either stay and try to fight and retake it or go back to the North Grove and be like "ok, nothing to get here, North Grove>Ironrath/Ironwood atm". But I don't really think, there'd be an option to just go back to the North Grove without doing anything there or at least finding survivors (Asher/Rodrick etc.).
They'd have to secure Ironrath at one point again, either before they get back to the North Grove, which is of so much importance, or afterwards with more manpower. There are other threads about which houses could help the Forresters. Also, I am not sure, what Daenerys will do next. She wants to claim the throne and she could do that with help of the North Grove.. Rodrick/Asher will definitely get in contact with Malcolm again, to ally with Daenerys. Only the question, if she will betray House Forrester.
I don't think, The Night's Watch will go after Gared and search the North Grove since it's so dangerous in tales to get there. Also, they don't even know, where Gared is, if you didn't tell Jon Snow about it.
But I have a feeling, those men there will have an appearance again, can't be, that characters like Frostfinger or at least Jon Snow will just be freezing their asses off at The Wall.