The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • To be fair though, if one person can remake entire areas from Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 4 that still have functioning mechanics, which both games were on vastly different game engines, I really don't see how a team of 1,000+ people can't do the same with a full game.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Unfortunately, a game like Oblivion doesn't make sense. Remasters are intended to be less demanding in time and resources than making a who

  • That was pretty edgy there chap, and it didn't get your point across. May I ask what you're rolling your eyes at?

    joshua007 posted: »

    (rolls eyes)

  • Wooooooo! Got my copy of Pokemon Sun today :D

    Can't wait to sink my teeth in it!

  • It's finally here

    enter image description here

  • That feeling when you're playing Dark Souls III and find the Astora Greatsword and have enough titanite to level it up to +3

    enter image description here

  • They can. It just doesn't make sense as a business decision.

    To be fair though, if one person can remake entire areas from Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 4 that still have functioning mechanics, whic

  • Personally I think it makes quite a bit of sense considering a ton of people consider Oblivion their favorite Elder Scrolls game. People would be going nuts for an Oblivion remaster and that's a lot of money they'd be making for just a year's worth of work at worst.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    They can. It just doesn't make sense as a business decision.

  • this new layout gives me a headache

  • I played lords of the fallen recently as i got the game for free on ps plus after dying for the 12th time on the first boss i deleted the game

  • This current design isn't final; they hinted that they are eventually going to change the design of the forums, and that this current design is a sort of placeholder.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    this new layout gives me a headache

  • When mods and staff has been saying this for months and you have a pounding headache so you already know there's no hope

    enter image description here

    This current design isn't final; they hinted that they are eventually going to change the design of the forums, and that this current design is a sort of placeholder.

  • I know it's fucking horrible!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    this new layout gives me a headache

  • edited November 2016

    I am replaying AC1 untill 3 again (one of my favorite sagas ever and I crew up with it it was my star wars if you know what I mean) for the AC movie I AM THE HYPE
    I defeated AC1 and the story is still good. Most people I know in real life who say AC1 has a bad story never got past the first three sequences because I agree with to much tutorials

    Can't wait for delicious hate comments
    enter image description here

  • I'm wondering what I should get for this new Xbox One sale. Glad they're giving many good games on sale.

  • I never found anything about the first game's story to be particularly bad. In my opinion, it's outshined by pretty much every other entry in the series, but it was fun and kept my attention reasonably well. The sequences did become somewhat repetitious as it went on. It's a flawed game, but not certainly not a bad one. I thought it was alright, overall.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I am replaying AC1 untill 3 again (one of my favorite sagas ever and I crew up with it it was my star wars if you know what I mean) for the

  • Can't wait for delicious hate comments

    Hate comments because you love a game that most people also love because it outshines most of it's sequels? Okay then.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I am replaying AC1 untill 3 again (one of my favorite sagas ever and I crew up with it it was my star wars if you know what I mean) for the

  • People mostly disliked the first game because it wasn't like 2, after the sequel skyrocketed the now franchise. After playing a couple of the sequels, I think the series would have benefited from having more game less like 2. I bailed on the franchise after getting tired of playing the same game over and over.

    Here's some hate for you: I really don't understand how anybody could play the sequels back to back. It felt extremely tiresome to me half-way through the second sequel(Revelation? Brotherhood? one of those). I don't think the franchise compares to Star Wars at all... and I'm not a Star Wars guy. Then again, I am a 100% guy. So that could have been what killed it for me. Too much filler.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I am replaying AC1 untill 3 again (one of my favorite sagas ever and I crew up with it it was my star wars if you know what I mean) for the

  • Bro, there's too much game in my game, bro.

    Johro posted: »

    People mostly disliked the first game because it wasn't like 2, after the sequel skyrocketed the now franchise. After playing a couple of t

  • I don't think the franchise compares to Star Wars at all

    I crew with this up more than Star Wars it was my big universe

    Johro posted: »

    People mostly disliked the first game because it wasn't like 2, after the sequel skyrocketed the now franchise. After playing a couple of t

  • Ýeah this series has way to much filler

    Johro posted: »

    Bro, there's too much game in my game, bro.

  • I never seen people loving it, yeah after a while when somebodies says what is your favorite game but whenever I put open my mounth they dislike the story because it isn't funny. I don't really think it outshines most of it sequels in gameplay, open world and tutorials though and more though.

    Can't wait for delicious hate comments Hate comments because you love a game that most people also love because it outshines most of it's sequels? Okay then.

  • edited November 2016

    have benefited from having more game less like 2.

    I have been saying for years ''move on from AC2! it's getting repetitive'' I remember Ubisoft trying to copy Ezio in Unity but failling on every level and Syndicate main characters are Ezio getting ripped in two pieces and Edward and Shay the idiot also get close to Ezio MOVE ON.
    I kinda blame the fans and AC2 for this.

    Johro posted: »

    People mostly disliked the first game because it wasn't like 2, after the sequel skyrocketed the now franchise. After playing a couple of t

  • I miss spoiler tags.

  • Why? They still work.

    I miss spoiler tags.

  • Yeah, but they don't show you what exactly it's gonna spoil if you click it.

    That's why I miss them.

  • Wait, even though we select what it might spoil, it still doesn't say it?

    Well, that kind of sucks.

    Yeah, but they don't show you what exactly it's gonna spoil if you click it. That's why I miss them.

  • Yeah, it dosen't say it.

    And yeah, it does. :/

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Wait, even though we select what it might spoil, it still doesn't say it? Well, that kind of sucks.

  • When u have to read 200+ pages by Tuesday but you're 1) tired 2) in pain 3) excited for a big game tomorrow............

    enter image description here

  • When a company makes a game and hits the sales jackpot, it's REALLY hard for them to move on.

    Right, Telltale?

    joshua007 posted: »

    have benefited from having more game less like 2. I have been saying for years ''move on from AC2! it's getting repetitive'' I remem

  • Just watched the premier of The Grand Tour. Fucking brilliant, and that opening gave me goosebumps. Awesome to finally see Clarkson, Hammond and May back together.

  • edited November 2016

    Well then you clearly don't talk to enough people because I've heard nothing but people singing it's praises. As for me? I was never really a fan of Assassin's Creed. I think it was kinda dumb from the very getgo and I'll always view it as the stealth franchise that killed Splinter Cell (which is imo a far superior series).

    But it's an incredibly cool concept that's executed pretty well, and the gameplay has always been fun as hell. It's just not my cup of tea, yaknow? But I can see why people love it. A majority of the games are pretty good, minus the story which to me personally has always been a bit too over the top. But again, I can see why people love it.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I never seen people loving it, yeah after a while when somebodies says what is your favorite game but whenever I put open my mounth they dis

  • I just heard that Young Justice season 3 just got announced. I'm excited!

  • I kind of wish I was a basketball fan. It seems like a rather exciting time for them. I've heard of 2 league records and another 2 of Michael Jordan's personal records being broken so far this year. It must be fun times for you folks.
    The extent of my B-ball knowledge is 2pts, 3pts, and the last 5 minutes taking half an hour. That's about it.

  • What's the subject of your reading?

    When u have to read 200+ pages by Tuesday but you're 1) tired 2) in pain 3) excited for a big game tomorrow............

  • So NeoGAF user, Verendus, has posted a pretty in-depht review of Final Fantasy. Seing as it is divided into 2 posts, and both are really, really long, I'll instead post the links to the posts:

    It goes a bit into spoiler territory, but they aren't anything too huge. And here's a tl;dr:

    That day comes November 29th, 2016.

    Favourite game since Metal Gear Solid 3.
    Second favourite Finale Fantasy of all time.
    Game of the year.
    Game of the generation.

    Tabata era. Bahamut represent. Balee dat.

  • About to finally try overwatch on PC. I'm ready to play shit haha

  • I'm lowkey hyped for L4D3 (even if the possibilities of it being a publicly playable game is pretty slim).

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Valve pls.

  • For my sociology class, I have to read about parental attitudes towards adolescent sexuality in the US vs the Netherlands and also about narrative in social movements and the sit-in movements. For my poli sci class, I have to read about terrorism and American power and rising powers. Lol it's a fun time

    Euron posted: »

    What's the subject of your reading?

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