The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • PC, free

    Telltaleman posted: »

    a code to play on xbox 360 or p.c.? and will you give it to me for free?

  • a free code ok ill take it, thanks.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    PC, free

  • (Don't worry, you can eat one of those bansai trees).

    enter image description here

    I really hope that movie blows.

  • That looks like a beautiful tree.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    (Don't worry, you can eat one of those bansai trees).

  • So how do we determine if it is a cinematic masterpiece? What do we use as a scale?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Nice doing business with you. See you in a year!

  • How do you think they came up with that "Moth Into Flame" song title?

    Fuck me Metallicas new album is mad, they're playing tracks on the radio. It's setting the damn radio on fire

  • Ever seen a little movie called, "A Clockwork Orange"?

    It's based on a novel, but I didn't read the novel.

    What's the most painful and distubing way to "cure" homosexuality (those two words together make me sick) Now, before you kill me, I'm co

  • Even though I've only played episode one of each.

    I would definitely recommend The Wolf Among Us over Back to the Future.

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • In case you need another useless datapoint, I own BTTF but got disenchanted with it midway through the first episode and never completed it. Meanwhile, I don't own TWAU but have heard good things about it, so I want to try it some time, but I haven't really had the time for it.

    So my uninformed recommendation is to go with TWAU.

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • ok thanks for your comment.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    In case you need another useless datapoint, I own BTTF but got disenchanted with it midway through the first episode and never completed it.

  • enter image description here

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    How do you think they came up with that "Moth Into Flame" song title?

  • I say just use RottenTomatoes, if it gets 90% or higher, then Clemy is eating a fucking tree.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So how do we determine if it is a cinematic masterpiece? What do we use as a scale?

  • If you fail to meet the conditions of this legally binding contract, you will be permanently banned! Muhahahaha!~

    Signed. cough context behind reference at 18:20 cough

  • Huh, never been permabanned from anything before. Sounds not good.

    If you fail to meet the conditions of this legally binding contract, you will be permanently banned! Muhahahaha!~

  • It seems so.

    I say just use RottenTomatoes, if it gets 90% or higher, then Clemy is eating a fucking tree.

  • I'd say take I Hate Everything or Cinemasins words for it. They're the biggest hardasses on movies in the universe, so if either of them say a movie was genuinely enjoyable, I find that most of the time they're pretty much right.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So how do we determine if it is a cinematic masterpiece? What do we use as a scale?

  • Critics or audience?

    I say just use RottenTomatoes, if it gets 90% or higher, then Clemy is eating a fucking tree.

  • Sorry but you aren't getting off that easy.

    I'd say take I Hate Everything or Cinemasins words for it. They're the biggest hardasses on movies in the universe, so if either of them say a movie was genuinely enjoyable, I find that most of the time they're pretty much right.

  • Both

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Critics or audience?

  • Lol no.

    I'd say take I Hate Everything or Cinemasins words for it. They're the biggest hardasses on movies in the universe, so if either of them say a movie was genuinely enjoyable, I find that most of the time they're pretty much right.

  • So I shifted dorms for the summer and my new room looks like a jail cell.

    Also there doesn't seem to be a bathroom in the building...


  • I feel you, lupin.

    One year for this camp I went to, we had to stay in college dorms for a week in the worst hall on campus, which were the domestic equivalent to Alcatraz. But for an extended period of time? You're tough as hell, lol

    As for the bathroom, look REALLY REALLY hard for them. There's gotta be one down there.

    If not? Ahh...well...these are your best friend.

    enter image description here

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So I shifted dorms for the summer and my new room looks like a jail cell. Also there doesn't seem to be a bathroom in the building... Halp.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm gonna have to stay there until February before I can move back into my old room :(

    I looked everywhere in the building and I couldn't find anything. There was a kitchen but that was it. Unless the bathrooms have no sign and the doors look exactly like the others.


    Good news! I have discovered the elusive bathroom. It did not have a sign and the door looked like all the others.

    I feel you, lupin. One year for this camp I went to, we had to stay in college dorms for a week in the worst hall on campus, which were

  • Anyone here want a free Steam key for Sid Meieres Pirates?

  • Moth wanted to see how lit it was, but it was too lit for him to handle

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    How do you think they came up with that "Moth Into Flame" song title?

  • Link?

    My tweet about my art is at 1,500 retweets and 2,300 hearts with 480,000 impressions. I am happy. My others have an average of 100 retweets. I am really happy.

  • Well I left my form room and I left my phone with my friend cos she were listening to music on it then when I go on this thread I saw she posted, not my fault

    It's against the rules¿

  • You're joking, right?

    Have you even played it?

    Don't believe them! Back to the Future is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any Dog among Crap porn and cheap story!

  • whoa. There's porn? Why haven't I played it yet?!?!

    Don't believe them! Back to the Future is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any Dog among Crap porn and cheap story!

  • Why? I find them to be very reliable sources of info, both of which also genuinely hate the Cars series, so if they considered Cars 3 good then I would assume that somehow it isn't shit and I have to eat a tree.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lol no.

  • The problem is they've both grown to be incredibly cynical about everything. I have nothing against them but you know this to be true.

    You can predict right now that there is no way in hell that either of them are going to give the movie anything close to an 8 or 9. It'd be safer (for us not for you ;)) to judge the movie based on the collection of the general public opinions and other review outlets with the use of RT.

    Why? I find them to be very reliable sources of info, both of which also genuinely hate the Cars series, so if they considered Cars 3 good then I would assume that somehow it isn't shit and I have to eat a tree.

  • edited November 2016

    If the character still insists on being lesbian after that, there could be hormonal suppression (effectively rendering the libido non-existant, thus eliminating sexual desire), genital mutilation following for good measure, to render physical attempts to stimulate arousal painful.

    If after that, she is still insistent on being lesbian, they can move onto electroconvulsive therapy.

    If after that, she has still not been "corrected", lobotomies are also an option.

    If by the end of it she is still alive and still identifying as lesbian or reduced to a babbling, trauma-stricken, brain-damaged creature (the latter of which she almost certainly is), they would likely "euthanise" her.

    Hope this helps. The fact that I could think up such a disturbing process of trial and error is unsettling.

    That's fucking insane and immoral! I love it!

  • Not sure if I want to put my personal Twitter on here.


  • Dm it :) Id like to see the art and RT it

    Not sure if I want to put my personal Twitter on here.

  • That's great, man!

    Better get rid of this, then. :)

    enter image description here

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm gonna have to stay there until February before I can move back into my old room I looked everywhere in the building and I couldn't f

  • Love is an act of blood and I'm bleeding a pool in the shape of a heart ♪

  • edited November 2016



  • Okay... whoever said that 'letting your friends use your account is against the rules' should loosen up. I mean okay... if you want to obey the rules with almost religious precision then fine but we don't have to. We are just having a bit of fun and in no way mean to cause offence. Anyway whoever you are please don't feel offended by any of this and I hope you have a lovely day.


    From my friend (this was not me)

  • Did a quick edit, I enjoy doing simple things like this

    enter image description here

  • I wish I had the ability to just instantly put myself asleep without waiting 15 minutes. And then I lucid dream as soon as I fall asleep.

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