The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Okay, first off Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are factually bad. They are broken movies that don't work on quite a few levels, and the least they do is have a coherent plot.

    These are my main complaints with the prequels: everything looks way too high-tech and smooth even though the Republic is the precursor to the Empire, the prequels have too much political shit, and the really cringe-worthy love story. At least everything in the Force Awakens had that weathered look to it like it did in the original films.

    Okay, first off Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are factually bad. They are broken movies that don't work on quite a few levels, and

  • It was meant to be done in colaboration with Blind and he agreed that his alternate account, @NotSoBlindGuy, could be used to publish it. But, after a handful of users expressed their skepticism—what they're doubtful about, I have no idea—Blind is wary about the potential thread.

    I've conducted several polls to track the users' stance on the thread but they have sunk and have had little votes; thirty, at most.

    I don't want to create it because I don't want my feed to stop working.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Can't you just make one? I made one for TFTB a while back, or will it get too many posts for the moderators to keep up?

  • I guess he could create the thread, and then people will either post in it or not. But it could cause confusion, is what you've been talking about, right? Stuff like "Should I post it here or in the 'episode X waiting thread'". But if it's called "Whatever's On Your Mind: The Walking Dead edition" it should be pretty straight forward.

    It was meant to be done in colaboration with Blind and he agreed that his alternate account, @NotSoBlindGuy, could be used to publish it. Bu

  • But if it's called "Whatever's On Your Mind: The Walking Dead edition" it should be pretty straight forward.

    That is exactly what I had in mind!

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I guess he could create the thread, and then people will either post in it or not. But it could cause confusion, is what you've been talking

  • "This is were you can post anything regarding The Walking Dead that you don't find fitting for any other thread, and you also don't want to make an entire new thread for it either." Or something like that could be added to the original post.

    But if it's called "Whatever's On Your Mind: The Walking Dead edition" it should be pretty straight forward. That is exactly what I had in mind!

  • Oh no, I really do love CinemaWins. Started watching them a couple weeks ago and I think they're great. I'm just saying that the prequels don't really deserve such a luxury. And I do think he's a bit too soft on most movies. He makes it sound like every movie is magical and amazing, which is not the case.

    J-Master posted: »

    I don't mind it, unlike Cinema Sins the author has a decent little summary of his own thoughts at the end of the video and I feel he does tr

  • I think that's the first time I've ever seen you use the word "hate" in a comment. But it's incredibly valid to use it when talking about ACT.

    I hate ACT so much

  • edited December 2016

    Hey, do you like me? Probably not. But I bet you like to shitpost seeing as you're in an online forum. I'm here to shamelessly self advertise since I'm bored and I deserve to die. I run a discord chat with my buds Jonny, Nick and William. And I'm making it public. It's a place where peeps can just chit chat and have a good time. There's a tab to discuss TV shows, a tab to post art, a tag for vidya games and in case you're down in the dumps, a tab for emotional support whether you need to vent or need a digital hug. There are also various voice chats. Currently the rules are outdated which I'm working on fixing right now, but the server is pretty much set up at this point. If you want you can come by and join. It's public and open to everyone. Unless you're a dick like Steve. Not calling out any Steve in general, but Steve knows who he Steves. Anywho, here's the link.

    (note: it can get a bit raunchy and inappropriate in here, so if you're uncomfortable with that, contact an admin and we'll see if we can fix it so you don't feel as uncomfortable)

  • I don't know if anyone else feels this way but 2016 kind of feels like it flew by relatively quickly.

  • I feel that way, How is 2017 gonna get us?

    J-Master posted: »

    I don't know if anyone else feels this way but 2016 kind of feels like it flew by relatively quickly.

  • As you get older, years go by faster and faster. 1/10 of your life turns into 1/20, into 1/30...

    J-Master posted: »

    I don't know if anyone else feels this way but 2016 kind of feels like it flew by relatively quickly.

  • I'm just saying that the prequels don't really deserve such a luxury.

    What we always heard is negativity on the prequels. Do you know how annoying this is? They may be badly executed, but they are NOT bad movies.

    Oh no, I really do love CinemaWins. Started watching them a couple weeks ago and I think they're great. I'm just saying that the prequels do

  • but they are NOT bad movies.

    I... no comment.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm just saying that the prequels don't really deserve such a luxury. What we always heard is negativity on the prequels. Do you know how annoying this is? They may be badly executed, but they are NOT bad movies.

  • Had a lovely chat with my bud Chris tonight as he continuously kicked my ass in TF2. We had some good laughs, supported each other with our recent struggles and for once... just once, for the first time during December in the past 7 years of my life, all is right in the world. I feel happy and calm and I had a good time. Tonight is a good night.

  • Blind has already written an official description—that is reminiscent of that of this thread—explaining the multiple usages that the thread would have, including what you suggest above.

    Strangely enough, the publication of that thread description in the A New Frotier Waiting Thread is what caused "uproar" in the first place.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    "This is were you can post anything regarding The Walking Dead that you don't find fitting for any other thread, and you also don't want to make an entire new thread for it either." Or something like that could be added to the original post.

  • wow life sucks

    Johro posted: »

    As you get older, years go by faster and faster. 1/10 of your life turns into 1/20, into 1/30...

  • I forgot to say but I'm real saddened by John Glenn's death. Godspeed man. An American hero.

    Anyway, one something lighter and related to space, the world premiere of Rogue One in Los Angeles has gotten fantastic praise. I'm very excited. I've been waiting for this movie for a while, so yeah. I hope Director Krennic and the Death Troopers are badass. It seems that Donnie Yen's Chirrut Imwe and Alan Tudyk as K-2SO are magnificent and new favorite characters. And the ending, that apparently is great with lots of twists.

    Vader is totally going to murder people. It's going to be awesome. I can already see force chokes, decapitations, skewerings. Krennic and a couple of the Rogue squad are probably going to be getting it.

  • edited December 2016

    I finished watching all 52 episodes of Justice League and so far, I'm impressed. I'll be starting Unlimited tomorrow.

    The characters are memorable, the animation is top-notch, and I like that it has some callbacks to the 40s. If Unlimited is just as good, this series will become one of my top 5 Marvel/DC cartoons.

  • I just wanna see most if not all (probably just most though), get annihilated by Vader at the end. That would be awesome to see.

    I forgot to say but I'm real saddened by John Glenn's death. Godspeed man. An American hero. Anyway, one something lighter and related to

  • Sounds great! Looking forward to it

    I forgot to say but I'm real saddened by John Glenn's death. Godspeed man. An American hero. Anyway, one something lighter and related to

  • Can't wait for fucking idiots to tear down the movie for being "SJW Propaganda" or "Not as good as the prequels" again. Gonna be a fun time.

    I forgot to say but I'm real saddened by John Glenn's death. Godspeed man. An American hero. Anyway, one something lighter and related to

  • I think something like that is entirely possible. I can imagine Jyn transmitting the tapes, and then they all celebrate. Then the camera goes to the ground and we see a black boot. Then a red lightsaber. Krennic would probably be wounded nearby.

    Anyway, Vader kills them all. Unless the TIE Fighter in front of Jyn where she has the tapes gets her after she transmits them. He probably force chokes at least one, definitely cuts off a head and some limbs, impales others. Krennic, maybe relieved that Vader is there and saved him, is force choked.

    That's something I think would happen. I do hope the Death Troopers kill some people, those guys look badass.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just wanna see most if not all (probably just most though), get annihilated by Vader at the end. That would be awesome to see.

  • Is there still interest in having the thread? It seems like whenever I ask, people treat it as something that will be "super confusing," since they evidently think it is another version of a waiting thread no matter how many times I say that is not the case.

    Blind has already written an official description—that is reminiscent of that of this thread—explaining the multiple usages that the thread

  • I love A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. :) That was the only Freddy film my parents owned on VHS, so I watched it constantly when I was growing up. :3 And, like Johro said, you should check out Wes Craven's New Nightmare if you're a fan of Nancy. She plays a big role in that film.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, I liked it and it was better than A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. HOWEVER, this movie made me refuse to watch the next sequels. If you're a fan of this movie franchise, you'll understand why.

  • I feel that way too, but I'm not complaining since 2016 was a pretty shitty year in terms of big events.

    J-Master posted: »

    I don't know if anyone else feels this way but 2016 kind of feels like it flew by relatively quickly.

  • By the end I want the movie to feel like a horror movie with Vader cutting down the crew one by one.

    And yeah the Death Troopers look cool as hell.

    I think something like that is entirely possible. I can imagine Jyn transmitting the tapes, and then they all celebrate. Then the camera goe

  • This is something I came up with a few weeks or so back:

    Walking Dead Community Hub

    Whatever's On Your Mind - Walking Dead Community Chat

    Welcome to the Whatever's On Your Mind - Walking Dead Community Chat thread. Here, you can use this thread to make off topic general chat with other fans about all things Walking Dead (comics, tv, other video games, etc). You can also use this thread to introduce yourself, get to know other fans, make off topic small chat, etc.

    For previous Telltale series, users would make larger general chat threads for things like Character Shipping or off topic fan fiction chat. This time around, we want to make a collective Community Chat thread similar to Whatever's On Your Mind Megathread. what all can you do here?

    • General Chat about Walking Dead beyond the Telltale series - Discuss other things related to Walking Dead outside of Telltale's game with other TWD fans here!
    • Introduce Yourself - If you are new to the forums, you can use this thread to introduce yourself to other fans of the game.
    • Talk about smaller things related to Telltale's Walking Dead that do not deserve a full thread - If you wanted to talk about something smaller, you can do so here.
    • Post Walking Dead Fan Art/memes/etc (in moderate amounts) - We have other threads for posting Fan Art, memes, etc, but you can also post them here in smaller amounts.
    • Organize online Multiplayer Meetups/other ways to hang out off site/etc - Be careful and do not share personal information with other users. Please be respectful to other forum users off site on Steam groups/multiplayer meet ups.
    • Advertise Fan Fiction/other fan content here - If you write a fan fiction about this game/franchise, you can use this thread to link to your fan fiction.

    Stick around and check out the broader Telltale Community!

    Looking for a place for off topic general chat on the forums? Check out Telltale Talk!

    Off topic chat is okay here as long as you are getting to know other fans, but if you want to have larger and more in-depth discussions about off topic things, please use the off topic Telltale Talk section instead. This thread is for general chat about Walking Dead and getting to hang out with other Walking Dead fans. We don't want this thread to be used as a substitute off topic board - this is just for hanging out and being social with other Walking Dead fans in a more relaxed environment.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I guess he could create the thread, and then people will either post in it or not. But it could cause confusion, is what you've been talking

  • So I don't know which one of you goes by the name of Mr. Sweet, nor do I know why you joined my discord server with the intent of using 2 different racial slurs and then insulting me, but I'd like it if you would kindly refrain from doing that from now on.

  • I wouldn't mind having a Whatever's On Your Mind - Walking Dead Community Chat thread. Sometimes I want to discuss something Walking Dead related that I don't feel warrants a brand new thread, but I can't find an appropriate place to talk about what's on my mind. Having a place on the forums where fans of the franchise can talk about everything Walking Dead whether it be the game, comic, or tv show would be awesome in my opinion.

    Is there still interest in having the thread? It seems like whenever I ask, people treat it as something that will be "super confusing," sin

  • Yeah, I'd like you to refrain from doing that as well.

    So I don't know which one of you goes by the name of Mr. Sweet, nor do I know why you joined my discord server with the intent of using 2 di

  • Yeah, basically both Jonny and I would be appreciative if you, how to say, knocked it the fuck off.

    Jonny_Lee posted: »

    Yeah, I'd like you to refrain from doing that as well.

  • Is there not anyway that you could kick or ban the person from the chat? I'm not familiar with Discord so I don't know if that's a thing you can do.

    So I don't know which one of you goes by the name of Mr. Sweet, nor do I know why you joined my discord server with the intent of using 2 di

  • I gave him/her a 24 hour ban to get their shit together, but if they come back and do the same it'll be a permaban.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Is there not anyway that you could kick or ban the person from the chat? I'm not familiar with Discord so I don't know if that's a thing you can do.

  • I just had a very long and painful Charley horse. It lasted for, like, 5 minutes.

  • I thought I heard it's not really Nancy

    I love A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. That was the only Freddy film my parents owned on VHS, so I watched it constantly when

  • edited December 2016

    I can already see the hour long videos outlining overexxagerated nitpicks as objective problems with the film as well as some die hard apologist schlock for how much of a "genius" Lucas was in making the prequels.

    Still boggles my mind how anyone can prefer an objectively bad movie like ATOTC over anything.

    Can't wait for fucking idiots to tear down the movie for being "SJW Propaganda" or "Not as good as the prequels" again. Gonna be a fun time.

  • FUCK anyone who think weed should be illegal.

  • Sitting in class being thirsty and hungry with an headache and getting irritated by the snowfall outside. Great day!

  • I did not see that coming, these Fairy Tail chapters are getting deeper into more timeline fuckery. But I love it. Can't wait for the next one!

  • edited December 2016

    I feel like I'm the only person here who REALLY hates Mafia 3.

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