I don't know how much traffic this thread gets but I think it would be fun to do something one day where we pick a topic and we all have to … moredraw or make something for it (maybe weekly or even monthly for time?). It would be a cool way to get more people involved with the thread and to give all the artists among us some practice.
I think it could turn out to be rather fun.
Plus i'm wanting to get back into the swing of being active again on here so it would be a nice way to do that. Anyone up for this?
Wow! I really like your colors! They pop beautifully in each picture. I wish anime style was strong with me. You did some fantastic work here! My fav is the second, although your use of purple in the bottom makes this a close first as well.
Wow! I really like your colors! They pop beautifully in each picture. I wish anime style was strong with me. You did some fantastic work here! My fav is the second, although your use of purple in the bottom makes this a close first as well.
Whoa, I love how they're all so equally distinct and phenomenal - and the colours for each one work perfectly. It's professional level stuff, and then some. I especially like the last one, there's something about it.
Now it's my time to contribute to the thread. Here's some sketches of Dragon Ball Z that I did last night. Excuse the quality, I took these pictures with the PS Vita lol
I always considered colouring to be the worst part of my drawings, so I'm glad you like it. And I absolutely adore your drawings ^^ (I feel like I'm saying that to everyone on here, but it's true. You're all so talented.)
Whoa, I love how they're all so equally distinct and phenomenal - and the colours for each one work perfectly. It's professional level stuff, and then some. I especially like the last one, there's something about it.
Great job!
Oh I love how atmospheric this is! Snow looks so nice on the rocks and overall color scheme is very delicious c: Especially the combination of toxic-ish (in a delectable way) water flow and trees.
Now it's my time to contribute to the thread. Here's some sketches of Dragon Ball Z that I did last night. Excuse the quality, I took these pictures with the PS Vita lol
Psh, my Ruby drawing isn't anything great. It's pretty bad honestly, but I appreciate it. Your work is so colorful and creative though! And the anatomy and head shapes are both great! I can't ever achieve that.
Oh I love how atmospheric this is! Snow looks so nice on the rocks and overall color scheme is very delicious c: Especially the combination of toxic-ish (in a delectable way) water flow and trees.
Trying out that walking dead concept art style.
I also can't stress this enough.
Trying out that walking dead concept art style.
I also can't stress this enough.
Trying out that walking dead concept art style.
I also can't stress this enough.
I'd be down for something like this! Very neat idea!
My art is pretty shit, but I thought I'd share anyway, 'cause why not.

Wow! I really like your colors! They pop beautifully in each picture. I wish anime style was strong with me. You did some fantastic work here! My fav is the second, although your use of purple in the bottom makes this a close first as well.
Bloody Hell, I love these! Brilliant lines, perfect colouring. The purple hair colouring is some of the best i've seen, I'm jealous of your talent
Ha! That Mccree is amazing! ITS HIGH NOON
Great drawings, and your colouring is FANTASTIC!
Aww, thanks. You're very talented too. ^^
Thanks. It's awesome to hear that from someone, who is way more talented than me.
I feel like I said thanks too many times today, but I really appreciate all the compliments. It's really motivating. Your drawings are great too.
Whoa, I love how they're all so equally distinct and phenomenal - and the colours for each one work perfectly. It's professional level stuff, and then some. I especially like the last one, there's something about it.
Great job!
These look amazing!
Goku! : D
I say these are the opposite of shit, I see lots of potential here. Good drawings, especially on the colouring,!
Now it's my time to contribute to the thread. Here's some sketches of Dragon Ball Z that I did last night. Excuse the quality, I took these pictures with the PS Vita lol
Goku is best gril. And he's not even a gril.
But he sounds like one.
Edit: all four done.
Thanks! I just wanted to say, I love your drawing of Ruby. I don't know how you managed to draw something that good in Paint.
I always considered colouring to be the worst part of my drawings, so I'm glad you like it. And I absolutely adore your drawings ^^ (I feel like I'm saying that to everyone on here, but it's true. You're all so talented.)
Thank you so much. I wouldn't say my art is at "professional level", but thanks again for the kind words. ^^
Oh I love how atmospheric this is! Snow looks so nice on the rocks and overall color scheme is very delicious c: Especially the combination of toxic-ish (in a delectable way) water flow and trees.
Hey these are pretty good! They look like they're ripped straight out of the anime!
Thanks, it's only a simple line and colour from a screenshot. Nothing fancy, just a quick bit of fun
Those are amazing! I could only dream of drawing as well as you do.
Psh, my Ruby drawing isn't anything great. It's pretty bad honestly, but I appreciate it. Your work is so colorful and creative though! And the anatomy and head shapes are both great! I can't ever achieve that.
Im so sorry for always spamming my stuff in here!
But I've just put the final touches on Touka.
Touka @ABigBadWolf
I'm glad to hear that. I really tried to make these colors to work well together.
This looks stunning, great job!
You did her justice.
double post woes
boop, here's a lil zer0

also, here's a lil salarian from mass effect. he stares into your sooooooul~

[i only use mouse and keyboard rip]
This is my drawing of Apocalypse from 90s X-Men. I did the best I could to show everything.
And here's a closeup of his face.
Trying out that walking dead concept art style.
I also can't stress this enough.
Wow, four hours really does make a difference. Maybe I should try not to rush my drawings...
Also... An Evil Hag...?
I couldn't think of a name so I went with that.
See Dont Look Back has commented
opens thread
Fucking hell that painting is amazing.
Aww haha, thanks. That made me smile.
Thank you! I'm surprised actually as it's the first painting I've ever done. I think I'll paint more.