If you or @JonDee013 make a new thread, I can merge the two threads and keep the appropriate posts with intelligent discussion up. I was already strongly contemplating on doing that anyways, and if one of you guys can make a new thread for me to merge the comments into, that will expedite the process.
EDIT 2: This offer also goes to anyone else interested in continuing such discussion.
First, I'd like to mention I wasn't calling out you in particular. It's a bunch of issues I have with all the mods, which unfortunately incl… moreudes you. But I'm not attacking you and you alone. Second, one guideline I have a HUGE issue with is that a post is supposed to be worthy and have a reason to exist? You're moderating an online forum, not some Golf Lodge or something. Shitposts are unavoidable, and it's unfair to make it a rule that a post has to be "worthy". It's just stupid. I get it, you want to tighten up rules since the backlash from Season Two, whatever, but I really hope you and the other mods realize that for a lot of people on here including me, that these new guidelines and stricter punishments for petty things are both killing the site for us.
And I also want to mention what JonDee said below which I thought was an excellent point.
It should have still been given the benefit of the doubt, in my opinion. It was a pretty… [view original content]
I'm cool with @ClemyClooAndBabyboo doing that, but on the Trump thread, I had basically said everything I personally wanted to say, so I don't see a need. I was mainly annoyed about the Milo one. I appreciate the effort you're making to resolve this, though.
If you or @JonDee013 make a new thread, I can merge the two threads and keep the appropriate posts with intelligent discussion up. I was alr… moreeady strongly contemplating on doing that anyways, and if one of you guys can make a new thread for me to merge the comments into, that will expedite the process.
EDIT 2: This offer also goes to anyone else interested in continuing such discussion.
Admittedly, things may be kind of bumpy at times as I am trying to learn the ropes on better articulating what I would like for people to aim for (as well as finding consistent and reasonable ways to enforce that), but yeah, please take my word when I say that I understand and agree with the importance of being exposed to other opinions. The other moderators and I are in the middle of trying to find out what could work better in some cases. That doesn't necessarily always mean that we will go back on something because people don't like it, but I personally try to be open to feedback.
I'm cool with @ClemyClooAndBabyboo doing that, but on the Trump thread, I had basically said everything I personally wanted to say, so I don… more't see a need. I was mainly annoyed about the Milo one. I appreciate the effort you're making to resolve this, though.
I just read some of my old criticisms from when the forum changed softwares and I still agree with myself for the most part. I'm still not a fan of threaded discussion. It just doesn't work when more than two people are involved unless the odd one out is sitting there watching the next reply. There have been a few times where I've consciously thought of checking a post and seen that someone has replied to someone else directly, but has referred to me within it because I started the line of dialogue. A solution is to tag everyone in every reply, but that's just stupid.
We may have overblown it in hindsight, but really, when the company has the stance of "we're changing the entire site and forum and don't care what anybody has to say about it", it's hard not to take it personally. You young'n mods don't know what tough modding is.
I just read some of my old criticisms from when the forum changed softwares and I still agree with myself for the most part. I'm still not … morea fan of threaded discussion. It just doesn't work when more than two people are involved unless the odd one out is sitting there watching the next reply. There have been a few times where I've consciously thought of checking a post and seen that someone has replied to someone else directly, but has referred to me within it because I started the line of dialogue. A solution is to tag everyone in every reply, but that's just stupid.
Can you give a source that the threads were closed because 'special snowflakes got offended'? That seems to be something of a misdirection away from the actual reasoning, though you engage with that in later comments :P just seemed like an easy irrelevant jab at people.
Definitely gonna get banned for this but I don't give a solitary fuck anymore. This website is fucking ridiculous now. Gotta love the tons o… moref threads being closed down recently on political topics. People having genuine discussions, level headed arguments and very few instances of super bullying. But I guess the mods don't care huh. Anything offensive absolutely NEEDS to be taken down so none of the special snowflakes get offended. So now we have a fuckload of new guidelines and rules which, while I absolutely despise using this term, it's pretty accurate. A lot of these new rules and recent thread take-downs are fucking with freedom of speech. None of what I've seen said is hate speech. Go ahead and ban me, permaban me in fact. But if no one's gonna have the fucking cojones to call this, and a ton of other things like it out, might as well be someone who really doesn't care anymore either way.
Can you give a source that the threads were closed because 'special snowflakes got offended'? That seems to be something of a misdirection a… moreway from the actual reasoning, though you engage with that in later comments :P just seemed like an easy irrelevant jab at people.
Well, you should probably direct your anger at me because I have made the majority of the push towards the new Forum Guidelines and I closed both of the threads. That is not a passive aggressive comment, but rather, I say that because I don't want other mods getting caught in the cross fire.
That's incredibly thoughtful of you and a respectable choice, and I thank you for being that... I guess the word is noble? But I've noticed a few issues with other mods as well. Such as certain ones being absent, certain others flagging my comment with no reason beyond "trolling" when I very rarely genuinely troll, etc. But it's incredibly nice of you to try and direct all of that negative attention on yourself.
I was already considering a thread merge. Unfortunately, we can not split posts from one thread into another without doing a whole merge.
That's fair I guess. But as I also mentioned, you could have just worked your moderator magic and edited it into a different kind post so the comments would match the subject.
However, you or JonDee are welcome to make a new "Wage Gap/Feminism thread" and I will merge the old posts/flag the post with the video so that the intelligent discussion can resume, and people can focus on that instead of Trump's comments.
The thing was, I wasn't even involved in the conversation. I was reading it and I was genuinely engaged. This whole chain started because I was super pissed off that you removed the thread without any real notice and cut all of their conversations and voices short. It felt super douchey considering, as I said, there were genuine discussions going on. However now that you've explained it a bit better, while I do still think it's absolute horseshit that it even happened at all, I do see where you're coming from and why you did what you did.
Unfortunately, we do sometimes close threads because of expected backlash. It's just something we judge using our intuition and experience as mods.
But as I said, backlash is unavoidable. No matter what you post on the internet and no matter who you are, there will be backlash. The threads you closed, despite their ridiculous base subjects, turned into important conversations, and I honestly saw the Milo discussion heading the same way. These are subjects that need to be discussed. Will you get backlash? Absolutely. Whenever I fucking post anything anywhere, people tell me to commit suicide and shit talk me.
But it doesn't mean I'm not gonna do or say what I feel needs to be done or said. Backlash is inevitable, and closing a thread because of it is borderline pathetic because it shows you, or any of the other mods, don't want to handle the backlash. That may not be what it is, but it's what it looks like. You're willing to throw away entire discussions that possibly needed to be had because one fucking person is gonna talk shit, instead of punishing that person who talks shit WHEN they do it, And, to quote a mad man with a mean bat, that's not cool, that's really fucking not cool and you have no idea how fuckin' not cool that shit is.
...and that varies by each forum and its culture. On average, yes, forums may typically have lots of shitposts and the likes. However, some forums do have a culture where the collective expectation is a higher posting standard.
So it's alright to force the forum users here who've never been in this community to answer to those higher standards? Papai has made shitposts more times than I've been useful in my entire life, and yet he's actually a cool dude. You gonna ban him for not making high quality posts? Dont Look Back, Johro, BetterToSleep, etc, etc. They've all done shit trying their best to help out forums and calm people down. They sometimes make "low quality" posts, but that doesn't disregard their importance as members of this community. So why force them to change and adapt to a higher posting standard when they're just fine as is?
In fact, let me take a second away from my huge self deprication train and stop hating myself for a second, and let's talk about what I try to do. I constantly try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, if someone is going through serious mental shit, I try as hard as I can to gather some kind of fucking words or sentences to try and help them out considering I go through a lot of the same mental trauma. I've hardly ever "bullied" or "shit talked" anyone directly unlike other users on this site, and when I do it's either a COMPLETE JOKE or I'm in a really shitty mood. In fact I'd like to think I've been a somewhat respectable user ever since my cringe-worthy, disgusting and awful introduction on this forum with the "Omid caused lee's death" shitstorm and I've tried my damn best to fix myself and actually become a well functioning, active user. Does that mean I'm anything special? Absolutely fucking not. But I try. And yet a TOOOON of my posts are either shitposts or low quality.
It makes absolutely no sense to force users who have been just fine to a stricter posting regiment because you want us to be like other sites. But I don't know, I'm probably talkin' out my ass here.
I know I am being vague, but even if you disagree with my choices, I at least hope that you can trust me in that there is more going on with this than what you can see from the outside, at surface value.
Oh I do trust you, I absolutely trust you. I've been a moderator/admin on a website before and I've seen exactly how bad it is behind the scenes, and it's shit that nobody sees from the outside. So of course I understand something is happening behind closed doors, but here's the issue, a lot of the choices you're making, in my opinion, don't really have any meaning. I'm pretty sure the quality of overall posts do not affect anyone beneath the surface. Maybe some posts offend Telltale staff members, maybe some posts offend mods overall, maybe you guys just cringe every time one of us says something 'randem XDDDD lol' or tells one another to kill themselves jokingly, but whatever it is, completely reformatting the way all of us use the site is pretty stupid.
At the end of this rant I just wanna say, I don't hate any of you guys as people or as mods. Blind, I know it's stressful as shit running this and I get it's a handful, so of course I don't despise you for that, and I don't hate any of the other mods either, I think they can all be cool dudes and dudets, and plus, the moderation of this site isn't even the worst thing about it right now, nor is it the most frustrating thing about Telltale. But when I feel that you guys should be called out, I'm gonna call you out. It's just in my nature. I can be a completely nice person and agreeable, but if I need to call someone out I do. And unfortunately this time, it was you guys. And I apologize for that, but in my personal eye and opinion, things need to change. And the not the changes you've been adding, a different change. A compromise between both sides of the argument. I don't know what the compromise is, but I think it needs to happen soon.
Well, you should probably direct your anger at me because I have made the majority of the push towards the new Forum Guidelines and I closed… more both of the threads. That is not a passive aggressive comment, but rather, I say that because I don't want other mods getting caught in the cross fire.
EDIT: I have read the rest of the post. I was already considering a thread merge. Unfortunately, we can not split posts from one thread into another without doing a whole merge.
However, you or JonDee are welcome to make a new "Wage Gap/Feminism thread" and I will merge the old posts/flag the post with the video so that the intelligent discussion can resume, and people can focus on that instead of Trump's comments. Please read my newest response to JonDee for more context behind my recent change of heart in regard to moderation choices.
EDIT 2: (Apologies for all of the edits; I know these show up in your profile feed so I try not to do it so muc… [view original content]
So this mass of candidates began the grim death march that is the modern American presidential campaign — trudging around Iowa pretending to care about agriculture, performing in an endless series of televised debates like suit-wearing seals trained to bark out talking points, going to barbecue after barbecue and smiling relentlessly through mouthfuls of dripping meat, giving the same speech over and over and over, shaking millions of hands, posing for billions of selfies and just generally humiliating themselves in the marathon group grovel that America insists on putting its presidential candidates through.
I'm in a restaurant with my mom, we paid quite a lot of money to arrange a party here but I'm enjoying it at all. I'm in no mood for having fun, all I want to do is just go home and sleep.
Resident Evil 5 is super fun. It doesn't take itself seriously and it's like a dumb action movie, but it's better with a friend. Resident Evil 6 is what would happen if you put AIDs, Cancer and Ebola in a jar, shook it up, and poured it on Jared Leto's Joker performance.
I'm watching a benefit show of The Wall live and it is the most horrendous piece of shit I have ever seen in my entire life, and I've had the unfortunate fate of being in Shrek the Musical once I shit you not.The singer sounds like a cat being thrown into a wood chipper. My ears are gonna need decades of therapy...
No joke, a high school Theatre I class could do better than this.
I'm watching my all time favorite album get absolutely shat on, but its so bad that I can't look away.
Really? You only found 2 games worthy of being your favorites? What about Stardew Valley, or DOOM, or Dark Souls III, or Overwatch, or Resident Evil 0 HD, or Firewatch, or any of the other games worth at least a tiny mention and at most a huge shout out?
Holy hecrom would y'all get a room before this devolves into an orgy? Think of the children that are pretending to be 20 year olds! Their poor little eyes!
Well... at least with what little valuable treasures he has plundered over the years, it might be enough for an apartment. Of course... as soon as he gives me the keys to the place, it'd be set on fire.
I've been watching The Two Towers for hours now after watching the first two Hobbit movies in full yesterday.
So close to the Battle of Helm's Deep. I love it.
I am also debating if I should watch Return of the King in full too. It starts at 8 so it wouldn't end till 12:30. I'm not sure if I want to start watching a movie that long that literally begins in 2016 and ends in 2017.
Happy New Year! How's 2017 feel so far?
It's the morning of the eve where I am. Plan on raising a glass at one of my favorite holes in the wall later on. Stay safe, Eve-ers
Thoroughly enjoyed Dave Barry's Year in Review.
So this mass of candidates began the grim death march that is the modern American pres… moreidential campaign — trudging around Iowa pretending to care about agriculture, performing in an endless series of televised debates like suit-wearing seals trained to bark out talking points, going to barbecue after barbecue and smiling relentlessly through mouthfuls of dripping meat, giving the same speech over and over and over, shaking millions of hands, posing for billions of selfies and just generally humiliating themselves in the marathon group grovel that America insists on putting its presidential candidates through.
Wait, wait. Why would that be the case if you posted your comment at the 58 minute mark? Not the actual 00 start of the year in whatever time zone you are in (the new year for me is in 4 minutes).
Wait, wait. Why would that be the case if you posted your comment at the 58 minute mark? Not the actual 00 start of the year in whatever time zone you are in (the new year for me is in 4 minutes).
If you or @JonDee013 make a new thread, I can merge the two threads and keep the appropriate posts with intelligent discussion up. I was already strongly contemplating on doing that anyways, and if one of you guys can make a new thread for me to merge the comments into, that will expedite the process.
EDIT 2: This offer also goes to anyone else interested in continuing such discussion.
I'm cool with @ClemyClooAndBabyboo doing that, but on the Trump thread, I had basically said everything I personally wanted to say, so I don't see a need. I was mainly annoyed about the Milo one. I appreciate the effort you're making to resolve this, though.
Admittedly, things may be kind of bumpy at times as I am trying to learn the ropes on better articulating what I would like for people to aim for (as well as finding consistent and reasonable ways to enforce that), but yeah, please take my word when I say that I understand and agree with the importance of being exposed to other opinions. The other moderators and I are in the middle of trying to find out what could work better in some cases. That doesn't necessarily always mean that we will go back on something because people don't like it, but I personally try to be open to feedback.
Well, we already have a politics megathread.
Which it could have been merged with, instead of closed. Anyway it's resolved now.
I just read some of my old criticisms from when the forum changed softwares and I still agree with myself for the most part. I'm still not a fan of threaded discussion. It just doesn't work when more than two people are involved unless the odd one out is sitting there watching the next reply. There have been a few times where I've consciously thought of checking a post and seen that someone has replied to someone else directly, but has referred to me within it because I started the line of dialogue. A solution is to tag everyone in every reply, but that's just stupid.
We may have overblown it in hindsight, but really, when the company has the stance of "we're changing the entire site and forum and don't care what anybody has to say about it", it's hard not to take it personally. You young'n mods don't know what tough modding is.
Fanbase Holocaust.
Posted September 2013"
To quote myself.
Can you give a source that the threads were closed because 'special snowflakes got offended'? That seems to be something of a misdirection away from the actual reasoning, though you engage with that in later comments :P just seemed like an easy irrelevant jab at people.
Actually, I said that the threads were closed before or just in case somebody got offended. Which I assumed was the case.
Happy New Year from Australia everyone!
enter link description here
That's incredibly thoughtful of you and a respectable choice, and I thank you for being that... I guess the word is noble? But I've noticed a few issues with other mods as well. Such as certain ones being absent, certain others flagging my comment with no reason beyond "trolling" when I very rarely genuinely troll, etc. But it's incredibly nice of you to try and direct all of that negative attention on yourself.
That's fair I guess. But as I also mentioned, you could have just worked your moderator magic and edited it into a different kind post so the comments would match the subject.
The thing was, I wasn't even involved in the conversation. I was reading it and I was genuinely engaged. This whole chain started because I was super pissed off that you removed the thread without any real notice and cut all of their conversations and voices short. It felt super douchey considering, as I said, there were genuine discussions going on. However now that you've explained it a bit better, while I do still think it's absolute horseshit that it even happened at all, I do see where you're coming from and why you did what you did.
But as I said, backlash is unavoidable. No matter what you post on the internet and no matter who you are, there will be backlash. The threads you closed, despite their ridiculous base subjects, turned into important conversations, and I honestly saw the Milo discussion heading the same way. These are subjects that need to be discussed. Will you get backlash? Absolutely. Whenever I fucking post anything anywhere, people tell me to commit suicide and shit talk me.
But it doesn't mean I'm not gonna do or say what I feel needs to be done or said. Backlash is inevitable, and closing a thread because of it is borderline pathetic because it shows you, or any of the other mods, don't want to handle the backlash. That may not be what it is, but it's what it looks like. You're willing to throw away entire discussions that possibly needed to be had because one fucking person is gonna talk shit, instead of punishing that person who talks shit WHEN they do it, And, to quote a mad man with a mean bat, that's not cool, that's really fucking not cool and you have no idea how fuckin' not cool that shit is.
So it's alright to force the forum users here who've never been in this community to answer to those higher standards? Papai has made shitposts more times than I've been useful in my entire life, and yet he's actually a cool dude. You gonna ban him for not making high quality posts? Dont Look Back, Johro, BetterToSleep, etc, etc. They've all done shit trying their best to help out forums and calm people down. They sometimes make "low quality" posts, but that doesn't disregard their importance as members of this community. So why force them to change and adapt to a higher posting standard when they're just fine as is?
In fact, let me take a second away from my huge self deprication train and stop hating myself for a second, and let's talk about what I try to do. I constantly try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, if someone is going through serious mental shit, I try as hard as I can to gather some kind of fucking words or sentences to try and help them out considering I go through a lot of the same mental trauma. I've hardly ever "bullied" or "shit talked" anyone directly unlike other users on this site, and when I do it's either a COMPLETE JOKE or I'm in a really shitty mood. In fact I'd like to think I've been a somewhat respectable user ever since my cringe-worthy, disgusting and awful introduction on this forum with the "Omid caused lee's death" shitstorm and I've tried my damn best to fix myself and actually become a well functioning, active user. Does that mean I'm anything special? Absolutely fucking not. But I try. And yet a TOOOON of my posts are either shitposts or low quality.
It makes absolutely no sense to force users who have been just fine to a stricter posting regiment because you want us to be like other sites. But I don't know, I'm probably talkin' out my ass here.
Oh I do trust you, I absolutely trust you. I've been a moderator/admin on a website before and I've seen exactly how bad it is behind the scenes, and it's shit that nobody sees from the outside. So of course I understand something is happening behind closed doors, but here's the issue, a lot of the choices you're making, in my opinion, don't really have any meaning. I'm pretty sure the quality of overall posts do not affect anyone beneath the surface. Maybe some posts offend Telltale staff members, maybe some posts offend mods overall, maybe you guys just cringe every time one of us says something 'randem XDDDD lol' or tells one another to kill themselves jokingly, but whatever it is, completely reformatting the way all of us use the site is pretty stupid.
At the end of this rant I just wanna say, I don't hate any of you guys as people or as mods. Blind, I know it's stressful as shit running this and I get it's a handful, so of course I don't despise you for that, and I don't hate any of the other mods either, I think they can all be cool dudes and dudets, and plus, the moderation of this site isn't even the worst thing about it right now, nor is it the most frustrating thing about Telltale. But when I feel that you guys should be called out, I'm gonna call you out. It's just in my nature. I can be a completely nice person and agreeable, but if I need to call someone out I do. And unfortunately this time, it was you guys. And I apologize for that, but in my personal eye and opinion, things need to change. And the not the changes you've been adding, a different change. A compromise between both sides of the argument. I don't know what the compromise is, but I think it needs to happen soon.
Thoroughly enjoyed Dave Barry's Year in Review.
Happy New Year! How's 2017 feel so far?
It's the morning of the eve where I am. Plan on raising a glass at one of my favorite holes in the wall later on. Stay safe, Eve-ers
Happy New Years Eve uglies! Hope you have a fanf****ingtastic day!
But seriously Happy New Years Eve to everyone! Hope 2017 will be a great year!
I'm in a restaurant with my mom, we paid quite a lot of money to arrange a party here but I'm enjoying it at all. I'm in no mood for having fun, all I want to do is just go home and sleep.
The new year is in 12 minutes. I hate my life.
Resident Evil 5 is super fun. It doesn't take itself seriously and it's like a dumb action movie, but it's better with a friend. Resident Evil 6 is what would happen if you put AIDs, Cancer and Ebola in a jar, shook it up, and poured it on Jared Leto's Joker performance.
This is quality content.
I'm watching a benefit show of The Wall live and it is the most horrendous piece of shit I have ever seen in my entire life, and I've had the unfortunate fate of being in Shrek the Musical once I shit you not.The singer sounds like a cat being thrown into a wood chipper. My ears are gonna need decades of therapy...
No joke, a high school Theatre I class could do better than this.
I'm watching my all time favorite album get absolutely shat on, but its so bad that I can't look away.
Somehow I feel like Doughnut Drake is canon Drake.
Honestly would not invite Nate to my house. As soon as he stepped in it would suddenly collapse.
"Uh, that... I didn't expect."
Really? You only found 2 games worthy of being your favorites? What about Stardew Valley, or DOOM, or Dark Souls III, or Overwatch, or Resident Evil 0 HD, or Firewatch, or any of the other games worth at least a tiny mention and at most a huge shout out?
Holy hecrom would y'all get a room before this devolves into an orgy? Think of the children that are pretending to be 20 year olds! Their poor little eyes!
I bet he'd have this look on his face too.
Well... at least with what little valuable treasures he has plundered over the years, it might be enough for an apartment. Of course... as soon as he gives me the keys to the place, it'd be set on fire.
Screw Sonic Adventure 3, we need Tails Adventure 2, with more of homicidal/sociopath Tails.
Happy 2017 and may it be a good year for everyone

Happy New Year from Germany
I've been watching The Two Towers for hours now after watching the first two Hobbit movies in full yesterday.
So close to the Battle of Helm's Deep. I love it.
I am also debating if I should watch Return of the King in full too. It starts at 8 so it wouldn't end till 12:30. I'm not sure if I want to start watching a movie that long that literally begins in 2016 and ends in 2017.
Not bad. I had alcohol for the first time, and my mum and I watched The Empire Strikes Back because there was nothing else to do.
Hey, I had no idea Dave Barry was still writing those year-in-review articles! Thanks for the pointer!
First comment of the year, it is.
I hope that we will all have an outstanding 2017!
Wait, wait. Why would that be the case if you posted your comment at the 58 minute mark? Not the actual 00 start of the year in whatever time zone you are in (the new year for me is in 4 minutes).
Posted early, hit button by accident, darn it.
First comment of 2017!!!!
Happy New Year! Welcome 2017! Goodbye 2016! You will be missed (by me at least). Sweet 12:00 A.M. EST.
I'm starting this song in one year and finishing in another!
Happy 2017!
I actually meant my first comment of the year!